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Popcorn C upcakes玉米花纸托蛋糕See your favorite m oviw ith these fun popcorcupcakes吃着这些有趣的爆米花去看你最喜欢的电影。佳佳W ith a catchy nam elike K aka,this w as,vorfitsperhaps one of thebest-selling snacks back then.W ho can forget this fam oussnack w ith bright red packaging,yellow snack balls and som e-tim es,a sm allhidden toy?一个好记的名字“佳佳”,可能是当时新加坡卖得最好的零食了。有谁会忘记这种鲜红色包装,黄色小食球,有时还藏个小玩具的大名鼎鼎的零食呢?The B ee Bee Snackpacks in a…  相似文献   

Will Power     
Tramp:I haven’t had more than one meal this week,lady.Fat lady:How I wish I had your will power.  相似文献   

I’m a novelist.My work is humannature.Real life is all I know.Don't everconfuse the two, your life and yourwork.You will walk out of here this af-ternoon with only one thing that no oneelse has.There will be hundreds of peopleout there with your same degree;therewill be thousands of people doing whatyou want to do for a living.But you willbe the only person alive who has sole  相似文献   

1.W e leave to your judgm ent you should do it. A .this;that B .it;that C.it;w hether D .that;if 2.The old m an always thinks of he can do m ore for the people. A .what B .how C .if D .w hatever 3.I don tdoubt the scientists will soon find a way to get ri…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和首字母提示,写出单词。1.I often write articles and s themto m agazines and new spapers.2.The teacher is funny.H e often m akesus l in class.3.A re there any d between thetwo pictures?4.Y ou can’t m oil w ith water.5.If you a2to98,you will get100.6.—H ow was your school t?—It was great.W e visited som ebeautiful places.7.Liu M ei w the first prize inyesterday’s singing com petition.8.—W hat did you do yesterday?—I helped G randpa W ang l nextdoor to m e.9.—W hy…  相似文献   

正第二节书面表达Dear Sir/Madam.I looked your ad when I'm tool thinking about going to the UK to learn English this summer.It is interesting for me to learn about your School is language centre and college of arts university of lancaster.If you let me know more situations,I will be interested.First and formost,I am plan to the UK about six weekends.So I want to know when the course will start?And what the class size?On the other hand,I also long  相似文献   

1.—I have to getto the airportat10:00,butits 9:20now. — !I can send you there by car. A .Thats a deal B .H urry up C.D on tworry D .Try your best 2.— —Thanks.I will. A .W ish you a happy journey. B.G ive m y bestwishes to your parents. C.Thank you for your help. D .Y ou gotthe firstprize.C ongratulations! 3.—ShallI take this chair to your room ? — .III do itm yself. A .Y es,please B .G ood idea C.N o,thanks D .N ever m ind 4.—E xcuse m e,could you help m e carry the heavy bo…  相似文献   

我喜欢你的衣服,你发挥想象力用马铃薯袋做的东西真让人惊奇。I like your dress. It's am azing w hat you can do w ith a littleim agination and a potato sack.  相似文献   

1.W e adm ire those are loyal their nation.A.who;w ith B.w ho;toC.whom;to D.that;to2.I don t care in his com pany.A.to see B.to be seenC.seeing D.being seen3.M ike often argues angrily his friend sm all things,w hichsom etim es m akes us very unhappy.ool den lish A .with;for B .w ith;about C.to;for D .to;about 4.—W ho, ,is the bestfootball player in China today? —I think it is Sun Jihai A .as a result B .in your opinion C.m ore or less D .in all 5.She w as scared the yard because she…  相似文献   

●With best wishes for a happy New Year!祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福!●I hope you have a m ost happy and prosperous N ew Year郾谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。●W ith the com plim ents of the season郾祝贺佳节。●M ay the season’s joy fillyou all the year round郾愿节日的愉快伴你一生。●Season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year郾祝福您新年快乐。●Please acceptm y season’s greetings郾请接受我节日的祝贺。●To wish you joy at this holy season郾W ish every happiness will alwayse with you…  相似文献   

"Who's calling?"was the answer to the telephone.“Watt.” “What is your name,please?” “Watt’s m y nam e.” “That’s w hat I asked you.W hat’s your nam e?” A long pause, and then, from W att, “Is this Jam es B row n?” “N o,this is K nott.” “Please tell m e your nam e.” “W ill K nott.” Then they both hung up and got puzzled.N otes: 1.W ho’s calling?你 是谁?(打电 话用 语) 2.W att’s m y nam e.我叫 瓦特。 对方 理解 为:W hat’s m y nam e? 3.a long pause 停了很 长时 间 4.N o,…  相似文献   

Mr. Johnson:Are you using your mower this afternoon?Mr Smith:Yes.Mr. Johnson:Fine.Then can I borrow your tennis racket,since you won't be needing it? 约翰逊先生:今天下午你准备用割草机吗? 史密斯先生:是的。约翰逊先生:太好了。既然你不用网球拍,那我可  相似文献   

Summer Vacation     
It's very hot in summer. Let's go swimming in the swimming pool! What will you do for your summer vacation (假期)?I will go to the swimming pool to play! What will you do for your summer vacation? I will go swimming every day! In the month of June and in July and August, Each day I will play in the swimming pool!  相似文献   

原文:SELF-CONFIDENCE Shakespear once said: Self-condence is the first step heading for the success, while lacking it is the main reason for failure! Yes, that is ture! when you trust youself, you will face the setbacks and difficulties calmly; when you trust youself, you will have enogh courage to overcome the hardships; when you trust youself, you will have have a lot of chances to show youself and to display your talent! OK, at this moment, I want to tell you a story about myself! Last month, I took part in the double lauguege class entrance  相似文献   

A woman phoned her daughter,who lived with a roommate.Instead of connecting with either of the young women,she got this recorded message: "Katy and I are not in at the moment.If you are a man,leave your name and number and we will promptly return your call.If you are a parent,everything is fine,and we will call you soon.If you are a bill collector, we have already paid the bill."译文:一个妇女给她的女儿打电话,她女儿有一位室友。然而,这位母亲没有和两个年青姑娘联系上,却听到了下面的留言:“我和凯蒂现在不在。如果是位  相似文献   

1.M iss G reen goes to the doctors M onday m ornings. A .on B.in C.at (2005年武汉市) 2.Y ueyang is the north of H unan. A .at B.on C.to D .in (2005年岳阳市) 3. your help,I can tget the inform ation about H awaii. A .W ith B.W ithout C.U nder D .Below (2005年吉林省) 4.—W hats this called in English? —Its a teapot.Its used serving wine. A .to B.as C.by D .for (2005年漳州市) 5.H arbin is a beautiful city.Thousands people com e here to visit the Sun Island every year. A .off B.for C…  相似文献   

Hello, everyone! I am your science teacher, Dr. Know. Today, let’s talk about SLEEP! When we sleep, we will have dreams(梦).Dreams are bad for your health(健康).I hope you will have a good dream tonight(今晚).No, I don’t like dreams.If I have a dream,I can’t sleep well!The answ er is:  相似文献   

“这次假面舞会我戴哪种面具好?”“很简单,你不用戴假发,不要擦脸,不要画眉毛,不要涂唇膏……别人一定认不出你。”"Which kind of mask that I should wear on this fancy dress ball?""I t's very simple,don't wear your wig,don't make up your face,don't draw your eyeb  相似文献   

When you're weary, feeling smallWhen tears are in your eyes, I will dry them allI'm on your sideWhen times get roughAnd friends just can't be found  相似文献   

Have you thought about your life in ten years? What will it be like? I think I will be an artist in ten years,because I love painting very much.I will be famous and rich.I will sell my paintings and make good use of the money to build a big house for poor families and the children without parents.I will give the money to people who need help.I will try my best to help people all over the world.  相似文献   

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