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A multivariate analysis of exceptional states in 384 children aged 6 years is presented. Predictors were six items of information in the domain of child development, four items were in the domain of social factors, and three items were maternal traits. Criteria were six of nine exceptional states on which there were enough cases for multivariate analysis. The AID-4 interaction regression method was the technique of analysis applied to data gathered by prospective longitudinal study. No consistent sets of predictors were found for the criteria. However, Coddington's Life Changes scores were frequently observed as prime sources of variance. Social class scores were also important influences on criteria of exceptionality.  相似文献   

The degree to which the concreteness of prose material presented in an auditory fashion would interact with learners' lateral preference under different right hemispheric presentation conditions was investigated with 96 normal adults. Forty-eight subjects with consistent right preference patterns and a like number of bilateral individuals were either instructed to image, given a visual-spatial interference task, or given no instructions before listening to passages which differed in abstractness. As predicted across conditions, learners recalled a significantly greater number of ideas when the passage was concrete. Importantly, the abstractness was found to interact with subjects' inferred cerebral dominance. Whereas instructions to image and visual interference had little significant effect on mixed dominant subjects, for more consistently lateralized subjects imagery instructions increased and right-hemispheric interference decreased concrete recall. The results were interpreted in terms of visual and verbal encoding concomitant with cerebral lateralization.  相似文献   

Ninety undergraduates of high and low prior knowledge of geology read a difficult prose passage concerning the formation of a meander. Two groups of learners were forced to process a map-like organizer either before or after they read the passage, while a control group was provided no pictorial support. The results showed that subjects with little prior knowledge who were provided with the organizer prior to reading recalled at a level similar to that of subjects with a good deal of background knowledge. The findings were interpreted as support for the use of map-like organizers in the primary position to aid comprehension.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of shifts in the modality on proactive interference in long-term memory. In Experiment 1 subjects learned a 40-word list presented in one of two forms of auditory/visual change—blocked or random. In the blocked conditions, learners were presented half the words in one modality followed by the remaining 20 words in the other modality. Subjects in random conditions also received 20 nouns in each modality, but the presentation was random. Following a delay, all subjects completed an 80-item recognition test. Analysis of these data showed a definite effect (p < .001) for the random change in modality when compared to the blocked presentation. As predicted, distinct reduction in serial position effects was found with the modality of presentation was random. In contrast, the blocked presentation produced two well-defined serial position curves. In Experiment 2 the effects of a shift in the modality of presentation on proactive interference were studied with high and low conceptual rigid subjects. Four similar prose passages were presented with a modality shift taking place in the last passage in a shift condition. Subjects in nonshift conditions were presented the passages exclusively in either the auditory or visual mode. The results showed that a shift in the modality of presentation of a prose passage provided a powerful releaser from proactive interference. The superior performance of rigid thinkers regardless of experimental group membership was explained in terms of organizational memory strategies.  相似文献   

巴黎的圣丹尼大教堂距离巴黎圣母院咫尺之遥,但是游人不多。巴黎圣母院傲居塞纳河中央的西岱岛上,因为雨果的小说而名满天下。圣丹尼大教堂则凝聚着法国的历史,以区区一个教堂的面积,接纳了法国12个世纪的皇家骨值;圣丹尼大教堂还是阿贝拉尔晚年的栖身之地。按说圣丹尼大教堂理应享有伦敦西敏寺和巴黎先贤祠那样在神圣和世俗空间中的崇高地位,它的相对寂寥,当有其地域和文化上的因由。  相似文献   

小亨利.路易斯.盖茨是最著名的当代美国黑人文学批评理论家之一,其专著《表意的猴子》是研究黑人文学的戏仿与互文不可或缺的文本。本文结合黑人作家伊什梅尔.里德的代表作《芒博琼博》,从"表意"的语言、"表意"的文本以及黑人文本间的"表意"与互文关系等对盖茨的理论进行梳理。本文认为,盖茨理论构建的偏颇之处,不在于其批评范式或政治性,而在于其对文本不确定性的过分强调。  相似文献   

金庸小说不仅塑造了众多人物形象,更巧妙的是写出了这些形象的不断发展与变化,使读者在故事情节的起伏跌宕中体会人物本身的感情变化。但金庸的小说创作道路并不是一蹴而就的,而是经历了很多探索和思考的过程,这些过程又分为了不同的发展阶段。每一个阶段,金庸小说中的人物都显现出了不同的人格类型与审美倾向。其总体特征表现在:理想和现实的冲突,并不断地朝现实人生与现实人格发展。通过对这些过程的分析,探究导致这种变化的原因,从而更好地了解金庸的创作之路和心理历程。  相似文献   

同仁医院是近代安庆惟一的教会医院。它不断壮大 ,声誉较好。与此同时 ,安庆的教会医护教育和医疗救济事业也迅速发展。教会的医疗活动对该地区医疗卫生事业的发展乃至社会观念的变迁起到了重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

西欧中世纪社会的人们所模仿的对象,常常是基督教伦理中某一个别方面的典范,这些典范以其身体力行地践履圣经的教诲而赢得广泛共鸣,他们的行为和思想在最初时大多不见容于正统学说和权力当局;不过,他们很快就被纳入了制度化的教会圣人的行列。耶稣会的创建人依纳爵·罗耀拉从一名卑微的破落骑士成长为一位基督教圣徒的过程,在西欧中世纪和早期近代的教会史上具有典型意义,他模仿过先前不少圣徒的所作所为,不断扬弃自身那些不合时宜的观念和做法,最终通过自己的努力,并借助社会环境所提供的条件,走上了成圣的道路。  相似文献   

从17世纪中叶到18世纪初,法王路易十四奉行“一个君主、一种法律、一种信仰”的政策。宗教统一政策是他绝对君主政策的一个重要组成部分,对法国的社会生活产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

曹园青 《海外英语》2016,(15):174-176
Louis Chu is a pioneer of the Asian American literature whose only novel,Eat A Bowl of Tea has taken an important position in and has even been reagrded as a literary landmark both in Chinese and in American literature.This paper aims to explore the fate of two female characters Lau Shee and Mei Oi in the patriarchal society and Louis Chu's ambivalence towards patriarchy reflected from his characterization of the female characters.The obedient Lau Shee embodies the patriarchal virtuous women.Mei Oi stands for the new-type women's immature rebellion against the patriarchal authority.They two are the representatives of the true Chinese women in the 1940 s.  相似文献   

人们经常把中国的七夕和西方情人节相提并论,通过对两个节日在中国的现状对比分析,我们可以发现中国的七夕比西方情人节更有文化底蕴,更浪漫,感情比之更持久,而西方情人节的节日氛围远胜七夕。作者针对中国的七夕在本土的冷清现状,分析原因,最终倡导大家应该重视具有几千年历史的传统节日,保留节日固有的习俗,恢复传统节日的地位,使我们自己的节日成为中国节日的主流。  相似文献   

19世纪欧洲自然科学的空前发展,使圣西门的社会历史观与18世纪资产阶级理性主义的社会历史观相比,无论从内容到形式都反映了内类从理性的唯心史观向辨证唯物史观过渡的种种特色,圣西门的社会历史观处处闪烁着辨证的火花,并为科学社会主义的诞生提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

法国路易.阿尔都塞以研究笔记的形式完成了《矛盾与多元决定》这篇名著,主要内容是阿尔都塞本人"对黑格尔的颠倒"的思辨和关于矛盾概念的新理解这两大问题。阿尔都塞通过对这些问题的阐释,得出了"矛盾多元决定论"这一创造性的理论,从而达到了保卫和发展马克思主义的目的。  相似文献   

阿根廷作家博尔赫斯在他的作品中擅长呈现一种非现实意义上的真实,他构建了众多的故事迷宫。在这些故事迷宫中,各种精神遭遇随时都会发生。这些精神遭遇又象是一个个隐喻,描述着常人难以企及的某种可能性,《莎士比亚的记忆》就是这些精神遭遇中的一个。  相似文献   

康熙和路易十四是同时代的封建君主、政治家和军事家。不同的历史文化背景形成不同的执政风格。分析、比较二人的执政风格,发现二者的差异,对于正确认识两位君主及其在各自国家发展中的地位是很有必要的,对于当今的中法文化交流和文化建设也很有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

法国大革命被神话的外衣下有极其丑陋的一面,路易十六--这位无辜地成为了法国大革命牺牲品的法国国王,曾经为化解国家财政危机而励精图治,为支持法国大革命而拥护君主立宪,最后用自己的生命换来了法国大革命的进一步发展,这样一位国王,我们应当重新认识和评价。  相似文献   

阿尔都塞的症候阅读法最为关注的是那些在文本中出现的“没有相应问题的回答”,这是对恩格斯在《资本论》第二版序言中的某些思想的承接。正是运用这种方法,他不仅从马克思那里读出了不同于古典经济学的总问题,而且还读出了他自己的“理论实践”和马克思寄予后人的殷切期望。这一方法不仅启示我们去直面经典作家的文本,而且还给后人解读文本提供了三个不同视角。  相似文献   

金庸武侠在武侠小说中占据重要地位,而《鹿鼎记》作为金庸的封笔之作在武侠小说中亦颇为重要。金庸武侠小说,目前已有三部译有英文全译版。《鹿鼎记》是由著名的英国汉学家闵福德译出,文中,译者运用了翻译明晰化的策略,将这一部经典的武侠小说展现在西方的读者面前,明晰化的翻译为武侠小说的英译提供了借鉴意义,推动中国文学进一步走出去。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,路易斯.盖茨结合对非裔美国民间传统的考察和对西方现代语言学分析方法的借用创建了喻指理论,非裔美国文学所具有的独特性和自我发展性在盖茨的喻指理论的分析下得到了完善的体现。喻指理论批判白人中心论对非裔美国文学的消极影响,提供了研究非裔美国文学的新视点。理解喻指就是打开了通向非裔美国文学意义的大门。  相似文献   

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