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作为反映高校学术水平窗口和教学科研重要组成部分的高校学报,发展的根本出路是坚持不断创新.分析了在高校学报发展中影响其创新的三个因素:对学报重要性认识不足,办刊宗旨僵化,办刊机制乏力.提出了学报发展创新思路:明确办刊宗旨,更新办刊理念,以特色办刊,建立创新机制,建造充满活力的编辑队伍,建立学习机制.  相似文献   

在伽达默尔的哲学阐释体系中,文本占据相当重要的位置。受海德格尔存在论观念的影响,伽氏认定,文本是被理解的给定之物,并把文学文本看作是“最高程度上的文本”。总体上看,伽达默尔文本观的主要贡献在于,依托海德格尔思想的巨大支点,将语言关注指向了文本,使语言之思得以具体化,文本也因此走向本体论的视域和存在之途,从而确立了文本和阐释的互参共存格局,获得了文本意义的方向性和无限性的统一。这些努力,不仅有力地影响了接受美学的生成,而且可以有效地帮助我们抵制后现代主义的虚无主义和绝对相对主义偏向。  相似文献   

Many studies have demonstrated the facilitating role of rhetorical devices in text comprehension, but there are also studies where rhetorical devices have not shown such effect. The present study sets out to explore whether readers’ knowledge of rhetorical devices (that is, rhetorical competence) moderates their effectiveness beyond general comprehension skills and, consequently, whether rhetorical competence may be considered a component skill of reading comprehension. 192 sixth- to seventh-grade students were assessed on rhetorical competence and were required to read a difficult marked text with specific rhetorical devices (a refutation, an objective, and four organizational signals) or the same text without them. After reading, students produced a summary in order to obtain three dependent variables: main ideas (as a measure of participants’ ability to select relevant information from the text), causal links between them (as an indicator of participants’ ability to grasp the logical structure of the text and to organize its ideas), and the combination of main ideas plus causal links (as an indicator of participants’ global comprehension of the text). Analyses controlling for general comprehension skills and other important variables (working memory, prior knowledge, decoding) demonstrated that: (a) readers of the marked text scored higher in terms of all dependent variables, and (b) rhetorical competence level moderated the effect of rhetorical devices on the composite measure (main ideas plus causal links) and on the organization of the summary by means of causal links.  相似文献   

The present study employed a think‐aloud method to explore the origin of centrality deficit (i.e., poor recall of central ideas) in individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Moreover, utilizing the diverse think‐aloud responses, we examined the overall quality of text processing employed by individuals with ADHD during reading, in order to shed more light on text‐level deficiencies underlying their poor comprehension after reading. To address these goals, adolescents with and without ADHD were asked to state aloud whatever comes to their minds during the reading of two expository texts. After reading, the participants freely recalled text ideas and answered multiple‐choice questions on the texts. Compared to controls, participants with ADHD generated fewer responses that reflect deep, efficient text processing, and reinstated fewer prior text ideas, particularly central ones, during reading. Moreover, the proportions of deep processing responses positively associated with participants’ performance on recall and comprehension tasks. These findings suggest that individuals with ADHD exhibit poor text comprehension and memory, particularly of central ideas, because they construct a low‐quality, less‐connected text representation during reading, and produce fewer, less‐elaborated retrieval cues for subsequent tasks after reading.  相似文献   

The dilemma confronting modern university development presents a challenge to the management ability of university presidents, hence a need to review how successful presidents of the past managed. Wu Yifang, the first Chinese woman president with remarkable achievements in education, has thus come to our attention. As President of Ginling College (GC), she was confronted with a preponderance of contradictions, including the conflicts between the ideas of Western universities and Chinese traditional culture, between Christian spirit and social responsibility, between educational logic and the political environment, between traditional inheritance and innovation, and between universal university governance experience and the unique needs of GC. She eventually succeeded in balancing these contradictions with her superb management wisdom, with the management ideas in China’s classical text, the Mean playing an important role in facilitating GC’s development. Wu Yifang’s management style demonstrated a remarkable balance in prioritizing both the pursuit of talent cultivation and social services, based on carefully catering to core principles pertaining to the development of universities and students. Wu Yifang’s management practices and philosophy can thus provide important inspiration for university presidents.  相似文献   

信息时代高校图书馆馆员素质要求之我见   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着信息时代的到来,高校图书馆正向自动化、网络化、数字化方向发展。图书馆从业人员必须提高思想道德、业务技能和身体素质。为此,要突破传统的发展思路,加强学习和培训,更新知识,充实自己。  相似文献   

长句的翻译是《新视野大学英语读写》教程尤其是第三、四册中的一个重难点,课文中频频出现的长句也时常令不少学习者感觉头疼。正确理解和翻译这些长句可以使学习者更好地理解和掌握课文内容。本文在常用翻译技巧的基础之上,探讨了《新视野大学英语读写》教程中长句的翻译,以期为该教材的诸多使用者提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to analyze the development of the relationship between conceptual and linguistic processes as regards idea ordering and structuring (linearizing), when composing a text. Participants (from 7th graders to University students) were required to compose a text using a list of eleven scrambled ideas. Conceptual rules allow to a priori determine an optimal ordering of these ideas. Results showed a significant increase, with grade level, in the establishment of the postulated conceptual order, and in the linguistic elaboration of the text structure. A large autonomy was observed between conceptual and linguistic processes. The discussion considers the following points: The relevance of the notion of text optimal order; the unequal development with grade level of the varied linguistic skills; the dissymmetry in conceptual-linguistic relationships; the usefulness of the experimental paradigm; some consequences for education.  相似文献   

对江苏2008年高考新方案的质疑和思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏省2008年高考新方案有诸多新意和亮点,但也有明显的缺陷和疏漏,对其进行认识与评价,并提出修改补救的建议,有利于讨论的深入、共识的形成,也供高层决策者参考。  相似文献   

接受理论首次提出并肯定读者的阅读主体地位,文本的意义依赖于读者和作者的共同创造;提出文本具有"空白"和"未定性"的特点,召唤读者开放式的解读;强调"期待视野",读者根据自己的前理解来实现文本意义的确定和具体化.这些理论对传统的英语阅读教学有着重要的启示:通过强化学生在阅读教学中的主体性地位,构建一个启发式、互动式、开放式的课堂环境,以此来实现人文主义的教学思想和因材施教的方略.  相似文献   

This research explores the impact of flashbacks and changes in settings and narrators on reader comprehension. Individually, 34 fourth graders (9 and 10 years of age), mostly with above average reading abilities (5.0), orally read the first chapter of a novel. Both publisher and readability formulae estimated the text to be at a fourth‐ grade level. A content analysis of the text indicated no ideas that would have been new or difficult for the students to comprehend. However, across the five story episodes, there was a change in time, place and narrator in the beginning of each new episode. Following the oral reading, retellings were elicited from the students, followed by researcher probes. All readings and retellings were audiotaped. Oral readings were analysed using miscue analysis and retelling ideas were matched, when possible, with ideas in the text. An examination of the miscues indicated that the vast majority of miscues did not change the meanings intended by the author. That is, processing behaviours reflected an understanding of the text. However, there were considerable gaps within the retellings, whether measured on the clause, event or story grammar element level. The constant change in time, place and narrator appeared significantly to impact the reading comprehension abilities of the students. The use of retellings for instructional and future research purposes is recommended.  相似文献   

高校学生党建工作新思路的探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着党的先进性教育活动的结束,积极探索高校学生党建工作的新思路更显得尤为重要.高校学生党建应把加强党的先进性教育贯穿大学期间党建工作的全过程.应以目标的提升来推动党建工作的创新,以角色的定位来加强学生党员的先进性教育,建立一套科学的制度和机制,整合各种优势资源形成合力和载体,不断创新大学生党建工作新思路.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the role ofteacher-student interaction, in the acquisitionof text comprehension and memory skills from asocio-cultural approach. In our view, one ofthe most important areas of neglect in cognitive research in this field is the interactional nature of that development. We intend to establish the way in which teacher-student interaction and, specially, the use of some specific semiotic means mayfacilitate the acquisition and internalizationof general strategies for understanding andremembering expository texts. The role ofreferential perspective (Wertsch, 1989) in theinternalization of complex text study actionsis analysed.The task was to study three expository textsthat were similar in their structure. Thecontent of the texts was analysed in terms ofidea-units (Meyer, 1984). Each text was formedby idea-units from three different levels: mainideas, secondary ideas and details. A categorysystem for the analysis of study and recall ofthe text is developed. In the study phase theanalysis proceeded in two steps: study actionsand text ideas. In the recall phase, two types ofindexes (number of ideas and degree ofclustering) were considered. For the analysisof instructional actions, both the nature ofinstruction and referential perspective wasrecorded.  相似文献   

文本解读,狭义上,也称批评性阅读,是读者联系时代、社会背景等因素,对文本作延伸性阅读,理解文本思想内涵,并对文本意蕴做出评价。社会观念作为意识形态的低级形态,更接近社会生活,与时代紧密相连,对读者的文本解读的影响也就更为直接,它的渗入原因主要有社会观念特性因素、文本自身特性因素和读者因素三方面。其渗入表现也主要体现为:一是影响解读者对文本意蕴的需求;二是影响解读者的文本理解。总之,在文学文本研究的重点开始转向考察文本与意识形态的关系,其研究主体转向读者的解读因素的今天,考察文本解读与社会观念的渗入问题对现代文学欣赏具有不可忽视的现实意义。  相似文献   

将语篇分析运用于综合英语教学,不仅教会学生词句知识,而且使学生掌握整个语篇的结构及其语篇意图,从而在语篇层面上提高其阅读和写作能力。从语篇角度出发,结合实例探讨如何将语篇分析应用在综合英语教学中。  相似文献   

大学英语是我国普通高校开设的一门公共基础课,尤其是在改革开放中,对于培养适应国内外需要的高素质人才具有特殊地位和重要作用。在全面推进素质教育中,提高大学英语教学质量和水平,应当转变思想观念,深化教学改革;应当加强师资队伍建设,打造精品课程;领导应当高度重视,优化政策措施。  相似文献   

随着工学结合模式在高职教育改革中的逐步深入,工学结合模式的内涵不断深化,特征日渐凸显,已成为目前高职教改的重要切入点。由于对高职教育的偏见造成的高职生源素质问题,导致高职公共英语教学在师生教学心态、教学内容设置和教学形式,这三个方面长期处于无法突破的瓶颈期。以海南软件职业技术学院为例,工学结合模式给以上问题的突破和进展带来了新的理念和启示,同时也提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

宋鉴是清代著名的考据学家,《尚书考辨》是宋鉴关于古文辨伪的重要著述。是书通过考论《尚书》篇数,明确以义理划分篇章的思想,在厘清古文《尚书》传授系统中彰显杜林学术地位,又提出在考辨中阙疑慎重的学术态度等,其考辨之目的是正古文之本、明伪书之源。这些真知灼见在清初《尚书》辨伪中有重要的学术价值,应为学界所重视。  相似文献   

阅读是语言学习的主要输入方式之一。主位理论是系统功能语言学的一个重要理论支柱,是语篇分析的一个常用手段。探索主位理论与语篇分析之间的关系,在语篇层面上实施教学是进行英语阅读教学的一种有效方法,能帮助读者把握篇章主题及有效地解读篇章,培养语篇能力。  相似文献   

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