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In 2003 the World Summit on Information Society made a call for measuring the state of Information Society (IS) building between countries. The purpose of the measuring was to assess and compare IS practices around the globe as well as share best practices. A number of measurement tools have since been developed, and a number of previously constructed tools have been employed to fulfil this goal. Even though many variations in terms of indicators have been employed, the construction of measurement tools is subject to certain limitations. One limitation is that they do not incorporate these indicators on the actual levels of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) usage off the country's stakeholders. This paper analyses the most currently used indices for measuring the state of Information Society building from the perspective of their constituent indicators. Based on the analysis, an alternative framework for IS measurement, addressing the important aspects of ICT usage quality, is developed based on data from the EU member states. By applying the framework on measuring of ICT usage quality at Romania, Cyprus and Estonia, the usefulness is tested positive, and the need to evaluate the actual levels of ICT usage for the purpose of better policy-making, while establishing an information society, is accentuated.  相似文献   

The article outlines a set of visionary scenarios on how the European society could develop by 2030 by using advanced ICT tools and modelling techniques and integrating them into governance processes and policy making mechanisms. These scenarios have been designed through a foresight exercise conducted by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) as part of the CROSSROAD Project, a support action of the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme. After presenting the conceptual framework and methodological approach followed, the scenario design framework developed and the resulting views of what the European Information Society might be by 2030 are presented. The article follows with a discussion of the implications of the scenarios design in terms of key areas of expected change and grand challenges to be addressed. It concludes by identifying policy challenges and proposing possible future research directions in the domain of ICT for governance and policy modelling needed to build a truly open Digital Europe twenty years from now.  相似文献   

James Lowry is the Deputy Director of the International Records Management Trust (IRMT). He was the lead researcher on the Aligning Records Management with ICT/e-Government and Freedom of Information in East Africa project, conducted by the IRMT from 2009 to 2011, with funding from the International Development Research Centre.

Freedom of Information (FOI) regimes can only be effective if government records are managed well. This article sets out the findings of research conducted in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania to establish the level of alignment between those governments’ FOI aspirations and their records management readiness for FOI. The article sets out a high-level regulatory framework for the effective management of government records in the ICT/e-government and FOI environments to highlight areas that could be addressed, in order to prepare for FOI in the three countries.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 值此《图书情报工作》创刊60周年之际,分析和总结该刊所走过的学术历程,揭示其在业界的学术地位和影响。[方法/过程] 采用文献计量学方法对其在1956-2016年间刊发的全部学术论文数据进行统计,从发文视角的期刊载文量、核心作者群、核心机构群、核心主题群和引文视角的期刊影响因子、期刊被引率、即年指标等方面对该刊在学术影响力、学术创造力、知识吸纳和传播能力等方面的情况进行揭示和分析。[结果/结论] 在近60年里,《图书情报工作》的各项评价指标一直在稳步上升,有其产、学、研一条龙的学术链,其综合实力与水平快速发展,充分显示出创新性强的特点,是我国图书情报领域名符其实的一朵奇葩。  相似文献   

汇集若干有代表性的ICT测评系统,分别讨论其测评的方面(范畴)和具体的指标,分析各类测评系统在各范畴的评价深度,讨论指标构建模型:供给和需求模型,输入和输出模型,发展阶段模型,并对全球测度指标和测度模型的发展进行评论。  相似文献   

Information protection is of paramount importance in today's world. From information involving the highest level of government administration and national security, to information existing at the level of the private company in the form of trade secrets or personal data, all are under the constant threat of being compromised. In this study, the researchers attempt to evaluate the information security maturity level and provide clear thoughtful analysis of the information security landscapes of the Malaysian Public Service (MPS) organizations. This study uses convenience sampling and the required data collected from 970 targeted individuals through a self-administrated survey. In addition, a survey questionnaire is utilized to gauge the security landscape and to further understand the occurrence of incidents, the sources of attack, and the types of technical safeguard. Findings revealed that the highest security incidents experienced by the MPS were spamming (42%), followed by attacks of malicious codes (41%). Twenty-five percent of incidents originated from within the organizations, 15% originated from outside, and 11% were from a mixture of internal and external sources. Also, it shows that 49% of incidents were from sources unknown to the respondents. The top most deployed safeguards by the MPS were found to be firewalls (95%), followed by anti-virus software (92%), and access control to information system (89%). Findings on the maturity level show that 61% of respondents are at Level 3, followed by 21% at Level 2 where the information security processes are still considered an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) domain. At the higher end of the continuum lies 13% for Level 4 and 1% at Level 5.  相似文献   

Investigations of white collar crimes such as corruption are often hindered by the lack of information or physical evidence. Information and communication technologies (ICT), by virtue of their ability to monitor, track, record, analyze, and share vast amounts of information may help countries identify and prosecute criminals, and deter future corruption. While prior studies have demonstrated that ICT is an important tool in reducing corruption at the country level, they provide little explanation as to how ICT influences corruption and when does it work best. We explore these gaps in the literature using the hypothetico-deductive approach to research, by using general deterrence theory to postulate a series of main and moderating effects relating ICT use and corruption, and then testing those effects using secondary data analysis. Our analysis suggests that ICT use influences corruption by increasing the certainty and celerity of punishment related to corruption. Moreover, ICT laws moderate the effect of ICT use on corruption, suggesting that ICT investments may have limited effect on corruption, unless complemented with appropriate ICT laws. Implications of our findings for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

社会信息化之信息资源测度指标构建及发展水平测度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们正处在信息社会的发展历程中,信息化测度成为社会发展的研究热点。而信息资源是社会信息化的基础,文章通过“驱动力——响应——影响——状态表征”这样的逻辑结构,提出了一个包含9项指标的信息资源测度体系。并且用SPSS12.0统计工具对我国31个省市、自治区、直辖市2000-2005年的信息资源指标数据进行了主成分分析,在此基础之上,对测度结果进行了分析。数据表明测度结果基本反映我国信息化建设的现状,提出在未来的发展中更要重视信息资源的开发和利用,以推进地区的协调发展。  相似文献   

Since 1980s the rate of technological change has been phenomenal, creating an impact on the information-seeking behaviors of doctoral students and other researchers. When searching the three fields of Information Technology (IT), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and Educational Technology (EdTech), it is like opening a Pandora's Box; the variation in terminology is obvious. This makes searching, managing, and evaluating sources in these interdisciplinary fields challenging, and doctoral students trying to classify and analyze technology related studies can easily be overwhelmed. We offer a systematic, practical approach for reviewing and categorizing the literature by providing key search terms, a list of e-Journals, and an organizational structure for naming and framing studies. Doctoral students navigating their way through the literature review may find our resourcesa table-of-contents, an overview of the technology-related literature, and an annotated excerpt of an examined thesis—useful for writing a critical review.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 厘清转化研究测度与评估的基础理论和方法体系,推动我国转化医学评估体系的建立和基于证据的转化医学科技政策的制定以及转化医学项目、机构的科学管理。[方法/过程] 对Web of Science和PubMed收录的有关转化研究测度与评估的文献进行综述,对美国、英国提出的转化医学评估体系进行案例分析。[结果/结论] 国际上对转化研究的测度和评估主要包括两方面:一是微观层面的基于转化研究全谱段上不同属性的研究活动之间的引用网络分析或数据关联分析测度转化研究过程;二是宏观层面的转化研究影响力与绩效评估。目前转化研究的概念包括T模型和过程模型两种,前者强调转化研究的阶段和基本要素,适于从微观层面对转化研究过程进行测度;后者强调转化研究的关键步骤和里程碑式成就,适于从宏观层面对转化医学研究机构、相关专项计划或基金资助绩效进行评估。现阶段我国的转化医学应重视"在国际已有成果基础上开展转化研究"的模式,在我国重视发展转化医学的背景下,加强对具体医学领域转化研究过程的测度分析、对适合我国转化医学发展的科研成果评价体系以及转化医学研究中心绩效评估体系的研究。  相似文献   

网络科技论文影响力的评价效果取决于评价指标变量的选择。将网络科技论文影响力评价与论文排名相关联,以Web of Science数据库中数学类论文为样本,从6个不同的排名等级组,即排名前0.01%、0.01%-0.1%、0.1%-1%、1%-10%、10%-20%、20%-50%,分别抽取论文数十篇,用文献信息方法对单篇论文从内容、论文载体和论文作者三个层面初选28个特征变量,以324篇论文的排名等级与28个学术链接指标样本建立为"序回归"模型的研究问题。基于Lasso方法对28个学术链接指标进行变量选择和参数估计,获得9个学术链接特征指标作为评价网络科技论文学术影响力的基本特征指标;以418篇OA论文的排名等级对23个网络影响计量及其衍生变量进行变量选择,获得5个论文网络传播与利用影响力的评价指标。最终共获得14个网络科技论文学术影响力的评价指标。  相似文献   

Information Communication Technology (ICT) is on the lips of every nation of earth because it brings innovation into information seeking and knowledge acquisition. It is on this premise that this study is embarked upon to identify the roles ICT plays in information seeking and use amongst research officers in Research Institutes in Nigeria. The paper case studies the Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Lagos using questionnaires, interviews, personal observation and examining relevant records. One hundred and seventy two research officers of the institute were sampled upon. The study examines awareness, use, exposure to ICT; role of ICT and improvements on ICT tools among other things. Results show that ICT plays an immense role in information sourcing, generation, processing, storage/retrieval, dissemination and even entertainment. Also, it shows that for ICT to be used optimally and maximally, there is need to have steady/regular power supply, workable/stable infrastructure and provision of more ICT tools and centres. Recommendations were made to the Federal Government of Nigeria to provide reliable sources of electricity and infrastructure or adapt the technology to local conditions and requirements (e.g. current/planned infrastructure). Manufacturers of ICT tools are urged to use non-radioactive materials in the manufacture of the tools. Other stakeholders should check for security and provide for more African sites.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, governments have embarked on major Information and Communication Technology (ICT) investments in an attempt to take advantage of the benefits of the internet in extending the channels by which services are provided to their respective citizenries. With the increasing reliance on ICTs, one of the challenges facing public sector managers is how to evaluate the success or effectiveness of their ICT investments. Given the citizen-focused objectives of governments, service quality approaches offer a suitable frame for evaluating ICT effectiveness. This paper therefore extends current e-Service quality research into the e-Government domain. The paper reports on the development of a multi-item instrument for evaluating the e-Service quality constructs of an e-Government website in South Africa. The development of this instrument also takes into account the service delivery principles which have been adopted by the South African government viz. the Batho Pele program. The study shows that there are six service quality dimensions applicable in e-Government evaluation, viz. website design, navigation, communication, site aesthetics, information quality, and security. The generic instrument allows practitioners to modify and utilise it according to their needs.  相似文献   

This study looks at whether the information literacy self-efficacy of student teachers in departments of primary education in Turkish universities varies according to their Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) usage level, duration of ICT experience, gender, and grade. The survey was conducted with 1702 student teachers using the Information Literacy Self-Efficacy Scale. Results showed that student teachers' level and duration of ICT usage were determining factors for information literacy self-efficacy. Significant differences among grades show that training during university education has an important role in increasing information literacy self-efficacy.  相似文献   

This article critically analyses the views of a group of international experts on ISO 15489, the international records management standard, during the final phase of a project assessing its impact in the UK. It provides an overview of the entire research project and then focusses on the use of a modified Delphi study in gathering the views of experts. The Delphi technique is a research method not commonly used in records management and archival science research; relevant background to the technique is provided though the purpose of the article is not to provide a comprehensive review of it as a research method. A modified electronic version of the technique was used which was qualitative rather than quantitative and not focussed on the more usual consensus building. The article concludes that a Delphi study is a practical technique for conducting research which seeks to gather views from geographically dispersed participants in a timely, time-effective and convenient manner for all those involved. The use of a modified Delphi study proved to be extremely valuable in facilitating discussions of complex emergent issues about the role, value and nature of standards for records management, in particular ISO 15489, and about the future of ISO 15489, at a higher level of abstraction. The article makes a contribution in two areas: first in terms of the views of a group of leading international records management experts on the first international standard in records management; and second, in terms of the use of a research method which has previously been little used in the records management discipline.
Sue ChildsEmail:

Julie McLeod   is a Professor in Records Management in the School of Engineering, Computing and Information Sciences at Northumbria University, joining after a career in industry. She has worked on innovative work-based and distance learning training and education initiatives with the BBC, Deutsche Bank, The National Archives and the European Central Bank. A member of the BSI and ISO committees on records management standards work, she has conducted JISC and AHRC funded research in records management, has published widely and holds positions on the boards of several esteemed journals. In 2006 she became a member of the AHRC Peer Review Panel for Libraries, Museums and Archives and in 2007 was awarded a Personal Chair by Northumbria University. Sue Childs   is a Research Fellow within the Information Society Research and Consultancy Group at the School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences, Northumbria University. Her research interests include: records management; information society; health information; evidence-based practice particularly systematic reviews; user needs; ICT, information and critical/evaluative skills. She has worked on many research projects funded by a wide range of organisations. She has worked with Julie McLeod on records management projects funded by the AHRC and JISC; she also teaches on research methods courses. She edits the ‘Health Information on the Internet Journal’, published by the Royal Society of Medicine Press.  相似文献   

国内外信息素养评价标准比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
信息素养评价标准是信息素养教育评价的依据,也是准确判断人们信息素养程度与水平的标尺。国外信息素养评价标准的研究已经成为热点并出台了比较成熟的各种信息素养评价标准。本文在回顾国内外主要信息素养评价标准的基础上,对比分析得知,两者在信息素养评价标准的框架结构、核心内容,以及标准的可操作性都不强上具有相同点。但两者在研制主体、规范成熟程度、图书馆在其中的地位和作用以及标准的实施方式等方面存在明显的差别。最后,文章提出为加快我国信息素养评价标准的研制,应尽快成立国家层面的管理机构,出台国家性质的通用信息素养评价标准,确立图书馆专业协会在其中的作用,完善我国信息素养评价标准的指标体系和标准的实施方式。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 随着社交媒体和电子出版平台的兴起,利用期刊在Twitter上的关注度来评价期刊能够对传统的期刊评价方式进行补充,发现该指标与传统指标之间的相关性关系,并以期最终构建合理的期刊社交网络影响力评价指标。[方法/过程] 根据《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,JCR)的社会科学版,选取国际图书情报学领域影响因子前30位的期刊作为该领域的国际顶级期刊。为了研究altmetrics指标与传统的基于引文的评价指标间的相关关系,利用Spearman非参数相关性分析对期刊Twitter提及频次与8个传统指标(总被引数、影响因子、5年期影响因子、即年指标、论文数、引文半衰期、特征因子和论文影响分值)之间的相关性进行分析。[结果/结论] 统计结果显示,JASISTCollege & Research Libraries和Scientometrics是本领域中在Twitter上受关注度最高的期刊。期刊Twitter提及频次仅与期刊特征因子间存在中等的显著相关性,与其他指标间存在较弱的相关性。值得注意的是,相比其他期刊,在Twitter上设有官方账号的期刊明显得到更高的关注度。  相似文献   

Information policy is the set of strategies and actions defined at a geographical or institutional level in order to satisfy information needs expressed by people and assure development goals. With the development of information and communication technologies (ICT), new stakeholders appear, including both information producers and consumers, raising problems relative to authenticity, reliability, and evaluation of information, and also the problem of full and effective use of information technology. As information policy aims at providing access to timely information, it should attempt also to make people fluent with technology. Toward achieving this objective some challenges are faced which are related to access to technology, computer literacy, ability to read and write, and early childhood development.  相似文献   

泰达图书馆个性化信息服务系统的探索与实践   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了泰达图书馆在开展个性化信息服务方面的探索性成果,根据两个个性化信息服务系统:个性化信息推送系统和Mylibrary系统的实践,提出了个性化信息服务系统发展和完善的思路。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(72):195-206

Training, supervision, and evaluation of student assistants is not a topic covered in most library school curricula; it is a skill that it is assumed one will have or acquire through on-the-job experience. This article focuses on the hiring, supervision, training, and evaluation of student information assistants in the reference/electronic resource setting. Student Information Assistants are known by many names-reference assistants, peer counselors, research assistants, and database assistants, to name a few-but within this article I will use the name Student Information Assistants (SIAs).  相似文献   

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