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Participation in and adding content to social tagging tools is important for these tools to achieve their purpose of classifying and organizing information. Users of social tagging tools are driven to participate and add tags by extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is dominating research as a main predictor of why users use information systems. Social tagging tools, as a subset of social media tools, are distinguished by their unique social aspect that makes intrinsic motivation a potential driver for users to add tags to content. Intrinsic motivation, when applied to social tagging tools, could entail many shades that represent different users’ motives for using such tools. In this paper, we add a rich concept of intrinsic motivation to include hedonism as a main predictor of users’ behavior on social tagging tools. We empirically validate a previously proposed theoretical model of three dimensional concepts of hedonism with three components describing individuals’ hedonic state when interacting with social tagging tools: explorability, curiosity, and enjoyment. After a robust and thorough data analysis using structured equation modeling, the results confirm our theoretical model and suggest using a richer concept of enjoyment to reflect a hedonic dimension when investigating intrinsic motivation with interactive social media tools. Our validated model could be the spark of new factors that have the potential to influence user acceptance of information systems in general and in social media tools. This research contributes to the development of attitude-behavior theories that could explain users’ acceptance of dynamic web  相似文献   

屠兴勇  张琪  王泽英  赵紫薇  何欣 《科研管理》2017,38(10):111-118
本文围绕“寻求推动知识型员工提升创造力的有效路径”这一基本研究问题,以41家银行的197名员工为调查对象,在对相关文献进行回顾和分析的基础上,依托社会认知理论构建并运用层次回归分析方法检验了一个包括中介环节的调节效应模型。研究结果表明知识工作者的内生动机对创造力具有显著正向影响;知识共享意愿在知识工作者内生动机与创造力之间起部分中介作用;自我效能感调节了知识共享意愿对知识工作者内生动机与创造力关系的部分中介作用。这些结论丰富了内生动机与创造力关系理论,同时有助于企业深入理解知识型员工内生动机的重要性及其如何通过知识共享意愿对员工创造力发挥作用。  相似文献   

Legal researchers, recruitment professionals, healthcare information professionals, and patent analysts all undertake work tasks where search forms a core part of their duties. In these instances, the search task is often complex and time-consuming and requires specialist expertise to identify relevant documents and insights within large domain-specific repositories and collections. Several studies have been made investigating the search practices of professionals such as these, but few have attempted to directly compare their professional practices and so it remains unclear to what extent insights and approaches from one domain can be applied to another. In this paper we describe the results of a survey of a purposive sample of 108 legal researchers, 64 recruitment professionals and 107 healthcare information professionals. Their responses are compared with results from a previous survey of 81 patent analysts. The survey investigated their search practices and preferences, the types of functionality they value, and their requirements for future information retrieval systems. The results reveal that these professions share many fundamental needs and face similar challenges. In particular a continuing preference to formulate queries as Boolean expressions, the need to manage, organise and re-use search strategies and results and an ambivalence toward the use of relevance ranking. The results stress the importance of recall and coverage for the healthcare and patent professionals, while precision and recency were more important to the legal and recruitment professionals. The results also highlight the need to ensure that search systems give confidence to the professional searcher and so trust, explainability and accountability remains a significant challenge when developing such systems. The findings suggest that translational research between the different areas could benefit professionals across domains.  相似文献   

创业动机、机会开发与资源整合关系实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王旭  朱秀梅 《科研管理》2010,31(5):54-60
摘要:创业动机、机会与资源是创业的重要因素,但对三者之间作用关系的研究尚不多见。本文将创业动机分为主动的创业动机和被动的创业动机;创业机会分为创新型创业机会与均衡型创业机会;并定义了三种资源整合方式:技术驱动型、资金驱动型和人力资本驱动型。构建了创业动机、机会开发与资源整合方式相互关系的理论模型,并通过对长春371家科技型企业创业者进行问卷调查,利用AMOS软件对数据进行分析,研究结果显示创业动机、机会开发与资源整合方式之间具有密切联系。  相似文献   


This paper documents the growth and gender composition of New Zealand's information work force over the period 1976‐96. By 1996, about 55% of the female work force was employed in information occupations, compared to 40% of the male work force. The share of high-skilled information workers increased substantially over time, and faster for females than males. This suggests faster upskilling of the female information work force. The paper also briefly comments on some related, but much narrower, 'knowledge worker' concepts, and on some of the problems encountered if one wants to relate the work force measures to endogenous growth theory. The concluding comments provide a wish list of further research.  相似文献   

The prevalence of social media has provided consumers with many opportunities to post online reviews on a wide range of products on the Internet. In this study, we attempt to investigate the moderating effect of inconsistent reviews (i.e., a mix of positive and negative reviews) on consumers’ purchase decision. We further examine whether the effect will differ from female to male consumers.  相似文献   

The frequent occurrence of security incidents in ride-sharing is a challenge for the survival of IT-enabled ride-sharing platforms. Passengers’ protective behavior is an effective means to alleviate this issue, with benefits to both the passengers and the platforms. This study explores the mechanisms of passengers’ protective behavior in the ride-sharing context by combining protection motivation theory (PMT) and usage situation theory. We test our hypotheses using data (n = 346) collected from a field survey based on a real scenario. The findings reveal that PMT and usage situation theory work well to explain passengers’ protective behavior during ride-sharing. This study explains the motivation behind passengers’ protective behavior in the ride-sharing context, extends the contents of PMT by exploring its antecedents, and extends the contents of usage situation theory by introducing a new dimension. Our findings can help ride-sharing platforms take appropriate strategies to improve passengers’ protective behavior.  相似文献   

The implementation of digital contact tracing applications around the world to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic represents one of the most ambitious uses of massive-scale citizen data ever attempted. There is major divergence among nations, however, between a “privacy-first” approach which protects citizens’ data at the cost of extremely limited access for public health authorities and researchers, and a “data-first” approach which stores large amounts of data which, while of immeasurable value to epidemiologists and other researchers, may significantly intrude upon citizens’ privacy. The lack of a consensus on privacy protection in the contact tracing process creates risks of non-compliance or deliberate obfuscation from citizens who fear revealing private aspects of their lives – a factor greatly exacerbated by recent major scandals over online privacy and the illicit use of citizens’ digital information, which have heightened public consciousness of these issues and created significant new challenges for any collection of large-scale public data. While digital contact tracing for COVID-19 remains in its infancy, the lack of consensus around best practices for its implementation and for reassuring citizens of the protection of their privacy may already have impeded its capacity to contribute to the pandemic response.  相似文献   

王士红 《科研管理》2012,33(1):56-63
知识共享是当前理论界和实践界研究的热点。本研究基于文献研究在理性行动理论以及社会交换理论基础上,探讨员工组织动机感知、损失感知与知识共享意愿的关系以及面子的调节作用。通过对580份调查问卷进行实证研究发现,组织动机感知与知识共享意愿正相关,损失感知与知识共享意愿负相关;面子负向调节损失感知与知识共享意愿的关系;面子正向调节组织动机感知与知识共享意愿的关系。研究结论对于企业促进员工知识共享意愿提升企业创新能力有重要的理论与实践指导意义。  相似文献   

浅析我国信息价格政策及信息产品计价模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张成武 《情报科学》1999,17(4):438-440
本文讨论了我国信息价格政策发展过程中应遵循的原则,并在此基础上描述了几个实际工作中可操作的信息产品价格的计价模型。  相似文献   

社会信息化过程中的信息分化与信息扶贫   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
谢俊贵 《情报科学》2003,21(11):1138-1141
在当代社会信息化发展的过程中,信息分化已经形成信息社会一种明显的技术区隔系统,无情地区隔着信息的富有者和信息的贫乏者,信息贫乏者是当代社会中的最大弱者。面对社会信息化过程中出现的信息贫乏者,政府和社会必须采取相应的扶贫措施来实现减困,尤其是要通过开展信息扶贫来实现减困。当前,我国信息扶贫工作的主要任务是:加强贫困地区的信息基础设施建设,为信息进入乡村创造条件;加强扶贫帮困数据库建设,有效地为用户提供信息服务;发展农村教育和信息培训,提高信息贫困者的信息素质;加强国际问的合作,争取联合国和信息富国的大力支持。  相似文献   

企业参与科普的动因分析及引导措施探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科普事业的发展需要企业的大力支持与参与。分析了企业参与科普的含义,调查了企业参与科普活动的态度和需求的概况.阐明了企业参与科普的动因。在此基础上提出了政府引导企业参与科普活动应采取的相关措施。  相似文献   

 根据文献回顾,建立相关研究假设和理论框架,提出了科技园区运行机制整合模型,探讨了科技园管理创新、企业入园的战略动机以及园内企业创新绩效之间的逻辑关系,认为科技园管理创新包括两个理论维度:一是科技园管理机构的相关政策;二是科技园管理机构的企业导入服务。企业入驻科技园的战略动机则分成两个维度进行讨论:一是企业入园的外在动机(利益性动机);二是企业入园的内在动机(主观评估)。而园内企业的创新绩效则有技术研发、人才储备、市场开拓、研发资金等几个层面,本研究通过利用已有的成熟量表,测量相关潜变量,利用结构方程模型验证了假设并提出相关的政策性建议。  相似文献   

姜宁  顾锋 《科技管理研究》2021,41(1):160-165
基于企业非授权信息使用在手机购物APP情境下对消费者的影响,根据收集的269份消费者问卷,对提出的概念模型与研究假设进行检验.研究结果显示,非授权信息使用会增加消费者感知的信息脆弱性,而信息脆弱性则会促进消费者的转换行为;另外,信息设置有效性和信息政策有效性都可以减弱信息脆弱性与转换行为之间的正向关系.研究不仅促进相关...  相似文献   

Drawing on the stressor-strain-outcome framework, this study investigates how information irrelevance and overload induce social network fatigue, and the relationship of these variables to users’ information avoidance behavior. It also examines the conditions under which social network fatigue is more likely to be translated into information avoidance behavior. The analysis of data collected from 341 users of WeChat Moments suggests that information irrelevance directly leads to information avoidance behavior, and social media fatigue as a mediator partially mediates the impact of information overload on information avoidance behavior and fully mediates the impact of social overload on information avoidance behavior. Furthermore, time pressure strengthens the effect of social network fatigue on information avoidance behavior. This study fulfills the identified need for an in-depth investigation of actual discontinuous behavior in social network services (SNSs) by investigating information avoidance behavior and its antecedents. The findings provide SNSs providers with guidelines on how to manage users’ behavior so that they remain active users of the SNSs.  相似文献   

本文详细阐述了广西信息产业的发展现状:分行业看,信息产品制造业发展迅速,初具规模;而软件业和服务业尚处于起步阶段,且发展中遇到的问题突出。针对广西经济和信息产业现状,结合广西的区位优势和面对的历史机遇,给出了若干促进信息产业的对策和建议。  相似文献   

The nature of the information-rich environment of the 21st century has affected the ways in which students’ access information. Students no longer have to seek information; they acquire it passively through their everyday use of the Internet. This paper presents findings of a study involving the information encountering experiences of undergraduate students and the potential role of personal information collection, management, and retrieval in information literacy instruction. Undergraduate students enrolled in an information literacy course were surveyed regarding their experiences online with information encountering and personal information management. Survey questions were adopted from the information encountering scale developed by Wise & Erdelez (2012) and consisted of twelve questions focused on the noticing, stopping, examining, and capturing steps of the Information encountering model (Erdelez, 2004). The study indicates that the vast majority of the undergraduate students responding to the survey were frequently encountering unexpected information while online, but were not capturing this information for future use using built-in, web-based tools. While information literacy courses teach students to identify, seek, analyze, and use needed information, they do not prepare them to manage and retrieve unexpected information encountered while using the Internet.  相似文献   

试析内容分析法在社科情报学中的应用   总被引:48,自引:1,他引:48  
马文峰 《情报科学》2000,18(4):346-349
本文概要介绍了内容分析法,阐述了内容分析法的一般步骤和基本特征,并对内容分析法在社科情报研究中的应用以及将其移植改造为社科情报学特殊方法的可能性和必要性进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

Because of rapid developments in information technology, abuses of sovereignty by authoritarian governments have received much publicity in recent years, raising public consciousness of massive human rights violations to new levels. Contributing to the dialogue on the influence of information technology on social systems, this article explores (1) the contested role of information in disaster relief efforts, (2) the clash of political and social values emerging from the use of information within the international community's involvement in high-profile crises, such as those in Somalia, Bosnia, and Rwanda, and (3) the resultant rethinking of government's power within national borders, sovereignty. With life-anddeath stakes, international affirmation of a free flow of information during disasters is emerging as a global human rights mandate.  相似文献   

Because of rapid developments in information technology, abuses of sovereignty by authoritarian governments have received much publicity in recent years, raising public consciousness of massive human rights violations to new levels. Contributing to the dialogue on the influence of information technology on social systems, this article explores (1) the contested role of information in disaster relief efforts, (2) the clash of political and social values emerging from the use of information within the international community's involvement in high-profile crises, such as those in Somalia, Bosnia, and Rwanda, and (3) the resultant rethinking of government's power within national borders, sovereignty. With life-anddeath stakes, international affirmation of a free flow of information during disasters is emerging as a global human rights mandate.  相似文献   

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