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为应对日益严峻的大学生自杀问题,理论与实践界进行了积极探索。心理咨询致力于矫正、治疗可能导致自杀行为的心理问题,生命教育以珍爱生命、提升生命品质为宗旨,在预防大学生自杀中彰显出独特优势和显著成效,但同时也各有其局限与难为之困境。大学生自杀之根源与对其施以制约和影响的社会情境密不可分。在心理咨询、生命教育预防基础上拓展与深化,增强大学生在风险社会中的平等体验与积极的自我建构,是有效预防大学生自杀的"治本"之举。为此,政府和社会应促进高等教育资源配置公平,推进大学生公平就业,完善与改进贫困大学生资助体系;大学生要努力提升自身专业素质,提升体悟生命的内在教养,追寻"自我同一性"。  相似文献   

This article reviews the topic of college student suicide. Empirical and theoretical studies are reviewed. The research is presented in distinct sections. First, we present background information on college student suicide emphasized in a select number of cited literature reviews, followed by a review of a select number of key quantitative studies aimed at investigating risk factors and predictors of suicide among the college student population. Next, we discuss a select number of articles offering suggestions for the treatment and prevention of suicide based on the literature, including those articles that specifically explain developed prevention programs. Finally, obstacles to prevention are examined. Recommendations and future directions for research and practice are examined, which are particularly significant in light of tragic events on many different college campuses in recent years.  相似文献   

The relationship between self–injury (SI) and suicide is largely unclear. However, researchers have suggested that clients who self–injure are at a heightened risk of suicide (Chapman & Dixon–Gordon, 2007 ; Toprak, Cetin, Guven, Can, & Demircan, 2011 ). Thus, it is important that college counselors be knowledgeable about both SI and suicide. In this article, the authors provide an overview of SI and suicide, as well as practical information for college counselors.  相似文献   

大学生自杀的归因分析与防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生自杀是家庭、社会的极大损失,大学生自杀现象已引起社会的广泛关注.大学生自杀行为的发生,有其个体心理、学校教育、社会、家庭各个层面的原因,是多种因素共同作用的结果.对大学自杀行为进行归因分析,并采取具体的防范对策,是当前我国高等院校应该高度重视的问题.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of and clinical experience with college students who make suicide attempts converge upon a glaring conclusion: that suicidal students are now paying a high price for experimentation with alcohol and other intoxicating substances. A significant proportion of suicidal students are abusers of psychoactive substances. Their numbers may be small in terms of total college and university populations, but their personal sacrifice and group impact is great. The first section of this chapter reviews the epidemiology of college student suicide and substance use disorder. One objective of the review is to help college clinicians and administrators examine the suicide-substance use relationship from multiple frames of reference. Data from a new survey of the relationship between substance use and suicidality in students are presented. The second section introduces selected issues on the important topic of substance use and suicide prevention. The third section deals with specific clinical aspects of the student with suicidal thinking and the therapy of the post-suicide attempter who uses or has intoxicating substances.  相似文献   

自杀是指个体蓄意或自愿采取各种手段结束自己生命的行为。目前,大学生自杀已成为较为突出的问题。大学生自杀一般要经过自杀动机形成、心理矛盾冲突、自杀者平静三个阶段。大学生的自杀主要与自身人格缺陷、压力、挫折等心理因素有关。针对大学生的自杀,我们应采取加强大学生心理健康教育、加强精神文明建设、对大学生进行挫折承受力的培养和设立心理咨询机构等策略进行预防。  相似文献   

文章着重以心理学的角度来剖析大学生自杀的原因,同时,提出要把大学生的生命教育和心理辅导作为校本课程来研究,从而真正建立预防和干预大学生自杀的长效机制。  相似文献   

大学生,尤其是研究生,是自杀的高危人群。高校研究生自杀,学校是否承担法律责任,目前,很多高校都避开这个问题,致使问题不能妥善解决。文章从对研究生自杀的原因分析入手,通过对高校和学生法律关系的梳理,进而对高校在研究生自杀案件中的责任认定问题进行分析,进一步提出要建立高校学生自杀事故归责体系,进而规范高校学生自杀案件的处理。  相似文献   

近年来,在校大学生自杀现象正呈逐年上升趋势。大学生自杀在给家庭带来无尽伤痛的同时,也对高校的学生管理工作提出了新的挑战。大学生自杀法律责任的认定,一直是社会争论的焦点问题之一。本文在对大学生自杀的原因进行逐一分析的基础上,列出了不同情形下高校应承担的法律责任,提出高校对大学生自杀的预防和处理的原则和措施。  相似文献   

通过对河南科技学院765名学生进行问卷调查表明,自杀态度和心理健康、人格特征具有较为密切的关系。在预防学生自杀和对学生进行自杀态度教育时,应当将这些因素考虑在内,重点对倔强、适应性差、情绪不稳定、易焦虑、紧张、内向及表现出抑郁、偏执、精神病性特征的心理健康水平较低者进行自杀态度教育,并采取措施重点关注这类学生,成功预防这类学生自杀。  相似文献   


Institutions of higher education and their counseling centers are under intense pressure to prevent student suicide. This article proposes that routinely using threat assessment and management teams in working with suicidal students would add value to existing suicide prevention efforts. The unique features of threat assessment and management provide several advantages over traditional clinical intervention. First and foremost, the majority of students who die of suicide do not seek services from campus counseling centers. These students may, nonetheless, come to the attention of campus constituents in a number of ways and may readily be referred to a threat assessment and management team. For students who are clients of the counseling center, a campus should still activate a threat assessment and management process. In this way, threat assessment and management may be useful for students who refuse to seek help as well as in providing assistance when students are engaged in treatment. Nonetheless, higher education in general and counseling centers in particular have not engaged in a standard practice of involving threat assessment and management teams with students who present at risk for suicide. Limitations to clinical approaches for suicide prevention are reviewed in contrast with the complementary advantages of threat assessment and management as applied to suicidal students. Regularly including threat assessment and management in working with suicidal students in higher education may provide synergy in improving the likelihood of desirable outcomes in preventing suicides.  相似文献   

大学生自杀率呈现出不断上升的趋势,已开始对平安校园、社会主义和谐社会建设构成了严重的威胁。构建有效的大学生自杀防控机制,已成为当代的迫切需要。辅导员作为高校专职学生工作人员,应充分发挥其在学生工作中的特殊作用。依据大学生自杀的特点和原因,确定辅导员在大学生自杀防控中的关键角色及其功能,有利于最大限度地降低大学生自杀行为的发生。  相似文献   

Research indicates an increasing number of college students are experiencing severe psychological problems that are impacting their academic performance. However, many colleges and universities operate with constrained budgets that limit their ability to provide adequate counseling services for their student population. Moreover, accessing off-campus mental health services can be difficult for college students, in particular community college students, for a variety of reasons. This article describes a partnership between a community college and university that utilizes a graduate training program to provide on-campus counseling to both student populations enabling both institutions to maximize their resources.  相似文献   

Adolescent suicide is escalating, especially among White male teenagers who use drugs and/or alcohol, are depressed or cognitively rigid, have maladaptive families, have experienced recent loss, misunderstand death, and know a suicide victim. Teachers can foster suicide resistance by developing teens' cognitive deterrents and encouraging adaptive coping strategies. Recommended assessment tools for potentially suicidal children and teens include the Reasons for Living Inventory and the Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire. For teachers, intervention strategies include listening empathically, asking directly about potential suicide, and breaking confidentiality in cases of an actively suicidal child or teenager. Administratively, helpful strategies are hot lines, suicide prevention training modules, and publicity of popular students' adaptive responses to stress such as drug rehabilitation or therapy. After suicide, administrators should work to diminish survivor guilt, minimize scapegoating, and prevent contagion.  相似文献   

With the high prevalence of college students experiencing psychological distress, it is becoming increasingly important to provide prevention and early intervention programs in addition to traditional psychological counseling services. This study examined the effectiveness of a suicide prevention program led by peer educators/trainers on a diverse college campus. Twenty-five suicide prevention workshops were conducted with 479 attendees. Preworkshop and postworkshop assessments revealed significant improvements in participants’ knowledge of suicide and resources. Recommendations for campus-wide suicide prevention efforts using diverse peer educators that reflect the students’ demographic and cultural background, recruitment strategies, and utilization of outreach programming in suicide prevention.  相似文献   

Because of a dearth of experience in preventing suicide in diverse student populations, Pace University developed a multicultural suicide prevention kit. This article details the process used to develop the kit. The rationale for approaching suicide prevention in a culturally competent manner is presented, and methods used to gain culture-specific phenomena that impact the mental health of diverse students are discussed. It is hoped this kit will encourage other colleges and universities to enhance their own suicide prevention efforts.  相似文献   

Student drop-out remains a critical issue facing educational professionals. For higher education, the vast research in the past 40 years has been influenced by the work of Tinto and his model of student persistence. In this model are several elements that have proven to sharpen the focus of student drop-out research such as the concept of integration. The philosophical foundation for these concepts stems from Durkheim’s work on suicide. Specifically, Tinto’s employs Durkheim’s “egotistical” suicide type as an analogy for student departure while attributing students’ departure as a decision to separate themselves from the academic community. However; assigning causation of student departure to students’ decisions stands in stark contrast to the theoretical underpinnings of Durkheim’s work. Durkheim believed that certain social tendencies cause suicides. If student drop-out is to be typified by a certain Durkheimian suicide “type,” then specific social facts must exist in those societies. In this article, student departure in higher education will be examined using Durkheim’s theory of suicide complemented with Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic violence. Egotistical suicide will then be re-examined as an analogy for student departure and the Durkheimian suicide “fatalistic” will be presented as suitable analogy for student departure.  相似文献   

As more students identify as transgender and genderqueer, it is essential that staff at college counseling centers are knowledgeable about gender diversity. This article provides a template for intake and initial assessment with transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, and gender nonconforming students. It familiarizes clinicians with gender-affirming language and offers a list of questions to ask. Topics covered include: gender history, coming out, self-injury, suicide, sexual orientation, binding, transition trajectories, options for gender expression, issues with diagnosis and recordkeeping, and interdisciplinary approaches to treatment. The intake is an opportunity to provide comfort and support for students of all genders.  相似文献   

As the second leading cause of death for adolescents, suicide is a major concern for school personnel. School psychologists' training in mental health makes them well-positioned to lead in suicide prevention efforts; however, studies have shown a lack of preparedness in crisis intervention and, more specifically, suicide risk assessment. This study surveyed practicing school psychologists (N = 92) to explore their perception of both their role and competency in suicide risk assessment. Suicide risk assessment was defined as a broad term pertaining to any measures taken in suicide prevention, intervention, or postvention. The majority of school psychologists reported having a primary role at the tertiary level (i.e., intervening with a student identified as needing help). Participants indicated lacking adequate graduate preparation; however, most participants were confident in their knowledge of suicide and suicide risk assessment and were comfortable identifying and intervening with a student who is suicidal. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

对人际心理理论、希望理论和“痛苦呐喊”模型等三种自杀理论的分析以及对BASIC ID评估模式和全面自杀风险评估等两种自杀综合评估模式的梳理和探讨发现,当前自杀理论和评估模式研究有突出之处,但不够完善,需进一步广泛验证或对自杀进行分类研究,从而完善自杀理论和评估模式.  相似文献   

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