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<正>The Six Principles of Chinese Painting was established by Xie He, an art historian and critic in 6th-century China. The six points to consider when judging a...  相似文献   

March 5, 2008 marked the 110th anniversary of late Premier Zhou Enlai's 110th birth anniversary. Zhou Enlai was a great Marxist and outstanding revolutionary. As a major member of the first generation of the leadership of Chinese Communist Party and the People's Republic of China, he devoted all his life to his beloved motherland and people. He enjoyed widespread respect among Chinese people of all ethnic groups and his lofty spirit and personality have been considered valuable assets in the history of Chinese nation. On the occasion of his 110th birth anniversary commemorative events were launched nationwide.  相似文献   

<正>Judged by the artist’s painting technique, The Young Couple is far from being the best of hundreds of oil paintings selected from across the country. However, to the surprise of many, The Young Couple  相似文献   

<正>Liu Haisu was born in 1896 in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province of southeast China. He learned Western painting in Shanghai in 1909 and went back to teach painting in his hometown in the next year. In 1912, he founded a private fine arts school  相似文献   

宋歌 《寻根》2010,(4):48-51
郎世宁(Giuseppe Castiglione,1688~1766),原名朱塞佩·伽斯底里奥,1688年生于意大利米兰市,1707年加入天主教耶稣会。在郎世宁生活的年代,中国是耶稣会传教的一个重要目标。由于中国人对基督教的敌视及康熙皇帝喜爱西方技艺,耶稣会±来中国传教时都以技术人员的身份作掩护。  相似文献   

刘加洪 《寻根》2010,(2):11-14
<正>河洛地区文化积淀厚重,历代名家辈出。河洛地区先民们创造的河洛文化是以中原文化为代表的黄河文明的核心和发祥地,河洛文化是中华文明的摇篮文化,是数千年来的中国传统文化的主体。客家人来源于中原汉民族,深受河洛文化的影响,北方粗犷豪爽的性格特征,锻造出客家人乐生迈进、刚强弘毅、勇敢  相似文献   

Love stories are important tools for building cultural communities. Paying attention to the culturally established process by which new members are initiated in a group is a way of keeping loyalty to and satisfaction with the group. The recent movie Southside with You depicts the beginning of the love story of Michelle and Barack Obama. It differs from the usual movie biographies of important people. Their future importance is not emphasized, and the usual devices of serious conflict, exciting action, and sentimental love scenes are absent. The happy couple do not even end up together in love. But the themes alluded to and the audience attitudes aroused are cultural achievements that are useful to cultural communities.  相似文献   

The exhibition includes a total of 60 contemporary Chinese design works,coming from different field of contemporary Chinese society and showing the latest devel...  相似文献   

五粮液文化是五粮液发展过程中产生的思想观念、制度规范、建筑雕塑、产品广告等的综合体。其核心是中国儒家的中庸文化,但也恰当地吸收了道家、墨家、法家等文化中的先进成分,它是五粮液不断走向成功的反映。中庸文化应当与时俱进,在全球化时代进行现代转型,使文化成为五粮液强大的软实力。  相似文献   

This study examines Mehrabian's claim concerning the cross-cultural generality of implicit metaphors that underlie a set of coding rules for the interpretation of nonverbal behaviors. Responses of Japanese and American school teachers were used to discover whether observers from two different cultures interpret nonverbal behaviors during interpersonal communication according to the three-dimensional metaphorical scheme proposed by Mehrabian and to assess the degree of intercultural consensus about dimensions and interpretations. Factor analysis, factor structure comparisons, and multiple discriminant analysis yielded evidence of significant differences between groups both in the dimensions used and in the interpretations of nonverbal cues along those dimensions.  相似文献   

王春瑜 《中国文化》2006,(2):164-165
2004年,我在京中一次文友的聚會上,與武漢作家、以出版長篇歷史小說《張居正》享譽文壇、近日更榮獲茅盾長篇小說獎榜首的熊召政先生聊明史。甚投機,便脫口而出:“我要寫一部明朝的書,書名就叫《看了明朝就明白》。”素以捷才见稱的熊先生立即說:“好啊!我也要寫一部書,書名叫《看了明朝不明白》。”我倆不禁哈哈大笑。  相似文献   

阎合作 《寻根》2003,(6):25-28
谈孔子的义利观,得先说说孔子的行学。行学,是规范人们行为的学说。荀子说:“行也者,行礼之谓也。”行学,就是礼仪学。先说什么是礼。千百年来,人们对礼的认识,只是很浅层次的。因而,中国虽号称礼仪之邦,道德水准却不敢使人恭维。很大原因是人们对礼认识有误。礼的出现和发展,不是一蹴而就的,是在漫长的社会发展中逐渐规范形成的。礼不是能随意制定出的,而是在世世代代传下来的文明的传统里面。不管是朝代的更替,还是社会政治制度的根本转变,都不可能异想天开地另创一套礼。奴隶制向封建制转换时如此,封建制向社会主义或资本主义体制转换时…  相似文献   

Renowned American geneticist and physician Walter Sutton compares truth [science], kindness [religion] and , beauty [art] to the three sides of a pyramid, He notes that when a person stands on the bottom of different sides of a pyramid, he will find the distance between either sides is quite long, Many people have made lifelong pursuit but they have only ended up learning about a Small part of Sclence.  相似文献   

人力车发明史   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文茵  姚平 《寻根》2001,(4):93-99
人力车在许多西方人的眼里,和斗笠、舢板、梯田等一样属于东方的特有物品,但事实上早在17、18世纪,巴黎街头就出现过一种被称为“vinaigrette”——“香料盒”的人拉的二轮“马车”。法国画家兼雕刻家Claude Gillot(1673年-1722年)的画里,曾经描绘过两辆“香料盒”的相遇:在他的画中,一辆“香料盒”在街道的拐角,遇上迎面而来的另一辆,两个车夫面对面,拉着豪华车的做着手势,让另一辆车让路。  相似文献   

发展和繁荣地方史学研究 ,不仅是社会发展与进步对中国历史学提出的要求 ,而且也是中国历史学自身发展的需要。发展与繁荣地方史学研究 ,应当注意八个方面的问题 :锐意创新 ;紧贴现实 ;突出特色 ;百花齐放 ;放眼世界 ;联合攻关 ;造就名家 ;走向网络  相似文献   

(火)公盨·遂国·燧人氏解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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