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介绍了Malicious Email Tracking system(MET)的结构和功能。MET由服务器和客户机组成,能自动报告网上传播的恶意邮件行为的统计信息,帮助系统管理员检测恶意邮件的网络入口。抑制恶意软件(特别是自我复制病毒)的传播,把损失减少到最低限度。  相似文献   

网络恶意传播的个体心理探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
恶意传播是近年来在网络传播中出现的一个特殊现象,并泛滥成为一种网络诋毁文化,甚至形成具有杀伤性目的的网络战略.在这个过程中,网络编辑的刻意为之的作用是显见的.网络与现实环境最大的不同就在于行为主体的匿名性,在一个具有道德与伦理共同约定的接受氛围中,适当的或者与受众接受情感方向一致的恶意传播就易于被放大、再传播和完全接受.网络恶意传播一般刻意为之,以追求"尖叫效应".这类恶意传播,有时不尽是个体私媒体的传播,除了个人外,许多媒体(包括主流网站)也会根据自己的政治或商业目的,通过制造新闻热点议题,操纵公众眼球,达到恶意传播的目的.由此可见,网络的社交匿名性给网络使用者提供了不用顾忌后果而任意宣泄的途径,在这样的环境中,个体的心理呈现出明显的去个性化和去抑制性特点,这是网络恶意传播的重要原因.网络编辑应该注重对于恶意传播的管理,而不是参与再传播;网络编辑可以通过加强对网络传播者的道德教育、培养健康人格,规范网络传播的法律法规建设,提高网络管理水平,实行分众传播等办法来实施.  相似文献   

据CNCERT/CC监测,2009年1月我同被木马控制的主机数量较2008年12月增长4倍,报告的垃圾邮件事件数量增长亦十分迅速。与此同时.捕获的新恶意代码样本数量与2008年12月比大幅增长近8.5倍,恶意代码的传播主要有网页挂马、邮件等方式,广大用户应警惕网页和邮件附件中的恶意链接.以防黑客木马植入。  相似文献   

本刊讯 近日,有多所学校的邮件服务器被欺骗邮件所困扰。这类采取“社会工程学(social Engineering)”欺骗方式的恶意邮件,骗取内部人员的信任并绕过所有技术上的保护,旨在取得用户的用户名以及密码,从而实施进一步的欺骗行为。  相似文献   

网页挂马日益成为恶意木马传播的主要形式。计算机用户通过浏览恶意植入木马程序的网页,将恶意木马下载并执行侵害、控制个人计算机的恶意木马程序。此外,各种应用软件、操作系统的漏洞也成为恶意木马的传播的重要形式。感染恶意木马的计算机由此成为木马或僵尸网络的控制机或被控机。  相似文献   

网页挂马日益成为恶意木马传播的主要形式.计算机用户通过浏览恶意植入木马程序的网页,将恶意木马下载并执行侵害、控制个人计算机的恶意木马程序.此外,各种应用软件、操作系统的漏洞也成为恶意木马的传播的重要形式.感染恶意木马的计算机由此成为木马或僵尸网络的控制机或被控机.  相似文献   

1. (MET 1992,20) The doctor will be free.A. 10 minutes later B.after 10 minutesC. in 10 minutes D. 10 minutes after2. (MET 1992,35) Did you have trouble the postoffice?A. to have found B. with findingC. to find D. in finding3. (MET 1993, 14) If you keep on, you'll succeedA. in time B. at one timeC.at the same time D.on time4. (MET 1993, 39) We offered him our congratulationshis passing the college entrance exams.A.at B.on C.for D.of  相似文献   

测试平台的运行框架包括:攻击系统、评测系统以及检测系统。攻击系统由邮件样本服务器(MailSampleDatabase)和邮件发送服务器(Sender)组成,邮件样本服务器负责提供并更新邮件发送服务器的样本资源。评测系统包括邮件接收服务器(MailServer)以及监测管理系统(Monitor),监测管理系统目前在邮件接收服务器上运行,可以实时监测测试过程并提供评测结果。检测系统则将待测反垃圾邮件产品配置入内组成邮件过滤服务器(Filter)。  相似文献   

王乐乐  邢颖 《教育技术导刊》2012,11(10):160-162
目前恶意移动代码的传播严重威胁着Internet网络安全。介绍了常用网络监测技术,阐述了蜜罐技术概念、工作原理、交互级别,设计了基于蜜罐技术的恶意移动代码扫描监测模型,并对模型中各个模块进行了详细分析。实践证明,该模型能够及时、有效地监测网络中的恶意移动代码威胁,更好地保护网络和主机安全,减少网络恶意侵害行为。  相似文献   

1 .The salesman saw the girl caught_and lether off.(N MET92,19) A.to have stolen B.to be stealing C .to steal D.stealing2 .Little Jim should love_to the theat玲thisevening‘(MET92,11) A .to be taken B.tot砍e C·being taken D.t砍加g3.—1 usually gothe代by train. —Why not_by boat for a ehange?(MET92,14) A .to仰going B.trying to 90 C.to try and 90 D.try going4.1 would aPPreciate_baek this afternoon·(MET92,18) A.you to eallB.you all C .your ealling D.you’ree习ling5,_a rePly,he deei…  相似文献   

The paper explores how computer-mediated communication offers space for academics to think and make sense of their experiences in the qualitative research encounter. It draws on a research study that used email interviewing to generate online narratives to understand academic lives and identities through research encounters in virtual space. The paper discusses how email can provide a site where the self can be viewed reflexively and re-negotiated through a process of interaction. The paper demonstrates that the asynchronous nature of email helps to facilitate this, by allowing participants to contribute to research in their space and according to their own preference in time. However, it also argues for the construction of more collaborative approaches to research that acknowledge the right of participants to use the temporal nature of space and time that email offers to construct, reflect upon and learn from their stories of experience in their own manner, and not merely to the researcher's agenda. It concludes by recognizing the importance of email as a research tool for capturing the complexity of social interaction online.  相似文献   

The article explores how the Internet and email offer space for participants to think and make sense of their experiences in the qualitative research encounter. It draws on a research study that used email interviewing to generate online narratives to understand academic lives and identities through research encounters in virtual space. The article discusses how the asynchronous nature of email helps to facilitate this by allowing research participants to contribute to research in their space and according to their own preference in time, and engage in a process of reflection and interaction. However, it also argues for the construction of more collaborative approaches to research that acknowledge their right to use the temporal nature of space and time that email offers to construct, reflect upon, and learn from their stories of experience in their own manner, and not merely to the researcher’s agenda. It concludes by recognizing the importance of email as a research tool for capturing the complexity of social interaction online.  相似文献   

As new communication technologies enter the classroom, teachers must attend to how digital platforms impact the interpersonal practices of teaching and learning. In this article, I study email exchanges with three of my students – Jorge, Adriana, and Jason – over the course of one year in an 11th-grade English class at River High School, a struggling American school subject to intervention for failing to meet the federal No Child Left Behind requirements. I ask several questions: what role does email play in my relationships with students; what does email reveal about the ideological content of my communication with students; and how could I use email transformatively? When I studied these email exchanges, I found that while email has the potential to transform literacy instruction, it can also perpetuate a poor student/teacher relationship and reproduce neoliberal narratives that narrowly imagine students as test-takers, workers, and consumers.  相似文献   

Spring 框架在 JavaMail 的基础上对发送邮件进行了很好的支持,Spring mail 包中定义了 MailMessage 和MailSender 两个接口来描述了邮件消息和发送者。分析了 MailMessage 接口的具体实现类 SimpleMailMessage 和MimeMailMessage的应用特点,详细介绍了用MimeMessageHelper类进行邮件附件的消息设置过程。结合实例讨论了用JavaMailSenderImpl 类实现与邮件服务器的连接设置及邮件发送方法,最后,给出了发送各类邮件的实现方法。  相似文献   

电子邮件在远程教育中的作用主要表现在:学生提交作业并及时获得教师反馈,为学生提供向教师求疑解难的通道,建立师生间主动的信息推送服务关系,培养学生的质疑能力、书面表达能力以及师生间的沟通能力。教师在应用电子邮件时应注意与其他通讯方式配合,发挥引领、激励和组织作用,邮件内容应包含学生关注的一切。  相似文献   

This article opens with a review of current research on peer interventions and their capacity to impact on school climate and bystander behaviour, as well as to meet the aims of fostering altruism. The main focus of the article is a study of an email support group in an all-boys school in the United Kingdom. It was set up in response to an incident of physical bullying and after consultation it was found that email was the preferred mode of support. The article discusses the reasons for this and presents details of how the support system was set up and operated, and reports the outcomes. The authors conclude that email provides a good medium for peer support schemes in schools, as it increases anonymity, and reduces concerns about 'grassing'.  相似文献   

针对目前有一部分科技期刊不重视作者电子邮箱著录工作的情况,论述了电子邮箱在现代科技期刊编辑出版工作中的重要作用和意义,认为科技期刊应在编辑出版工作中著录每一篇论文作者的电子邮箱信息,并建议将其纳入相关的科技期刊编辑出版的标准和规范中,这有利于编辑出版工作的开展,有利于我国科技成果的迅速传播和资源共享。  相似文献   

论电子邮件证据证明力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
很多案件中涉及电子邮件证据.当电子邮件证据之间、电子邮件证据与其它证据在证明同一事实上发生冲突时,审查和判断电子邮件证据的证明力,对案件的及时和公正审理十分重要.构建电子邮件证据证明力认定规则,应综合考虑电子邮件依存环境的安全可靠性、当事人对证据的可控性以及验证电子邮件的可靠性措施等因素.  相似文献   

Nearly 700 US journalism and mass communication faculty (all teaching personnel) reported their perceptions of student email use via a web‐based survey. This nationwide study focused on the content of email sent by faculty to students, email’s effectiveness, and email’s effect on student learning. Comparisons were made based on faculty gender, rank, age, and ethnicity. Findings suggest that despite statistical differences, when gender, rank, age, or ethnicity are considered, faculty are not in the habit of sending course materials like syllabi, project instructions, and lecture notes to students personally via email. Moreover, faculty tend to find favor with email communication and its effectiveness as a tool of teaching. The results of this survey coupled with previous research by the authors and other scholars suggest faculty ought to embrace the technology and develop positive ways to incorporate email, as well as other technology, into the educational process.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of technologies, online learning, especially email dialogue journaling, has been playing an increasingly important role in foreign language learning and teaching in recent years. While many studies have examined the effect of email learning on student learning performance, few have looked into students’ attitudes towards email application and its impact on their learning outcomes. Positive user attitudes (high self‐efficacy) have been considered critical factors that contribute to the subsequent and successful academic performance. By integrating email for the reading learning process, this study developed an electronic‐based peer collaborative environment to explore students’ attitudes towards email application in reading classes. Specifically, the relationship between students’ self‐efficacy and their reading performance was examined. The results demonstrate that most students maintain positive attitudes towards the potential outcomes of email application on reading achievement. Furthermore, the feature of electronic discussion has a greater direct effect on the reading enhancement. Implications of certain designs of email tasks for an enhanced second language reading development are presented.  相似文献   

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