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The Development of Message Evaluation Skills in Young Children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The goal of this research was to learn if young children overestimate message quality because they evaluate their knowledge or assumptions about the intended meaning of the message, rather than its literal meaning. 2 experiments were conducted with preschoolers (4 years) and kindergartners (5-6 years). Second graders (8 years) also participated in the first experiment. Children evaluated the communicative quality of informative, ambiguous, and ineffective picture messages in a simple communication game. In the first experiment, children knew the intended referent when they evaluated the message. The results showed that younger children overestimated the informativeness of the ambiguous and ineffective messages, while older children evaluated message quality accurately, even though they knew the intended meaning. In the second experiment, younger children detected more of the message ambiguities when they did not know the target referent than when they were informed of the intended interpretation. The results suggest that young children overestimate message quality because they evaluate their interpretation of the message rather than its literal meaning.  相似文献   

The present study is an attempt to examine the relation between false-belief understanding and referential communication skills. The ability of 76 children aged 5 years to attribute false beliefs to themselves and others was examined with three false-belief tasks. The referential communication skills of the same children were assessed with two tests: (a) the Listening Skills Test (Lloyd et al. 2001) and (b) the Test of Referential Communication (Lloyd et al. 1995), which were adjusted to Greek reality for this purpose. The results showed that there is a link between false-belief understanding and components of referential communication, namely, ability to identify a pictorial referent based on oral messages, ability to comprehend directions on a map, and ability to detect and resolve ambiguity in oral messages. They also revealed that comprehension of directions and ability to detect ambiguity in messages as listener may be good predictors of false-belief competence. The present findings support and expand previous evidence attesting to a link between false-belief understanding and other aspects of language such as syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.  相似文献   

In 5 investigations we examined a new procedure for assessing children's understanding that messages arise from speakers' internal representations. 3- and 4-year-olds watched the enactment of a message-desire discrepant story in which a speaker doll, who believed wrongly that bag A was in location 1 and that bag B was in location 2, gave a message referring to the bag in location 1. In a message-desire consistent control condition, the speaker had a correct belief about the bags' locations. Children frequently judged correctly in the discrepant story that the speaker (who specified location 1) wanted the bag in location 2, and judged correctly in the consistent story that the speaker wanted the bag in location 1. That is, young children attended to the speaker's internal representations, and not just the real-world referent of the message, when judging what the speaker wanted. In one of the investigations, children performed better on the message-desire discrepant task than on a false belief task. We discuss why they might find it particularly easy to take into account false belief when inferring desire on the basis of behavior.  相似文献   

Deaf children's referential messages to mother   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deaf children 6-10 years of age, from oral or bimodal educational programs, were tested in 2 tasks. In the first, they were required to describe a designated picture from a set of 4 pictures so that their mother could identify the intended referent from the 4 alternatives. In the second, they studied a single picture and were subsequently required to identify it from a set of 4 related pictures. Despite greater hearing loss, bimodally educated children provided more differentiated messages than did orally educated children. Bimodally educated children also provided better reformulations of messages that were initially inadequate. Although mothers of orally educated children received inferior messages, they were as successful at selecting the correct referent as were mothers of bimodally educated children. Both groups of deaf children performed at near perfect levels on the picture recognition task, suggesting that performance differences were attributable to differential message formulation skill as opposed to differential visual processing of the referential array.  相似文献   

We examined children’s spontaneous information seeking in response to referential ambiguity. Children ages 2–5 (n = 160) identified the referents of familiar and novel labels. We manipulated ambiguity by changing the number of objects present and their familiarity (Experiments 1 and 2), and the availability of referential gaze (Experiment 2). In both experiments, children looked to the face of the experimenter more often while responding, specifically when the referent was ambiguous. In Experiment 2, 3- to 4-year olds also demonstrated sensitivity to graded referential evidence. These results suggest that social information seeking is an active learning behavior that could contribute to language acquisition in early childhood.  相似文献   

人们在交际中往往不是直接表达思想,而是采用婉转的方式,将真正的意图隐含在话语中,读者或听者则需通过字面意义理解其隐含意义.话语的隐含意义可以不只是一种,那么怎样才能正确地理解写者的意图?这就需要借助语境.语境是隐含意义产生的基础和条件,是理解隐含意义的依据.它可以排除多义、歧义,确定和阐释语义.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the development of referential communicative regulation, incorporating the Vygotskian notion of private speech. From this perspective, private speech may serve a regulatory role when the child speaker is focused on what to say when speaking to others. In a longitudinal study carried out with 10 pairs of children with a mean age of 4.5, 6.5, and 8.5 years, we analyzed the relationship between the capacity of the child in the speaker role to modify messages, increasing their informative quality, the presence of private speech embedded in the messages, and the emergence of prior questions by the child in the listener role aimed at clarifying some aspect of the message. We found that the number of modified messages, the mean frequency of private speech in the messages, and the number of peer's questions all increase with age. Only in the case of the modified messages by the speaker did we find a triple interaction among age, use of private speech, and the presence of peer's questions. At 8.5 years, the presence of peer's questions and subsequent use of private speech appeared together for the majority of the modified messages. This was not the case at the ages 4.5 or 6.5. In line with Vygotsky's theses, private speech would play an important role to allow communicators to reflect on the quality of their communicative utterances, and to modify and improve them accordingly. In this process, the capacity to improve message accuracy by coordinating private speech with peer questioning clearly emerges with age.  相似文献   

刻意曲解是一种特殊的语用策略,是语言使用者有意利用对方话语中的歧义性和语用模糊歪曲对方的话语意图,以此来实现某种交际目的。文章主要从间接言语行为、面子理论、合作原则和关联理论等方面对刻意曲解进行语用分析。  相似文献   

This study describes the development of social reasoning in school-age children. An irony task is used to assess 5-, 7-, and 9-year-olds' (N= 72) and adults' (N= 24) recursive understanding of others' minds. Guttman scale analysis demonstrates that in order to understand a speaker's communicative intention, a child needs to recognize the speaker's belief, the detection of which depends on the ability to identify the discrepancy between the intended and the expressed meaning. Only children who understand these aspects of mind are able to reflect on the speaker's attitude. Theory of mind and language ability make unique contributions to children's interpretation of irony over and above the impact of age and memory, but attunement to expressive prosody does not.  相似文献   

关联理论与言外之意的理解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在言语交际中,发话者有时候将自己的真实意图隐含在字面意义里,以言外之意的方式表达出来,而受话者常常又不能准确理解言外之意。从关联理论的角度看,其原因一方面在于发话者没有提供恰当的明示信息,另一方面在于受话者没有联系到最佳语境。  相似文献   

话语的间接表达是言语交际中的一个普遍现象。间接表达所产生的是话语的会话含义,它委婉地体现出说话人的交际意图。在听力教学中,教师运用语用逻辑的会话含义理论,可以有效地引导学生进行语用推理,消除话语字面意义的"冲突",完成话语字面意义到会话含义的过渡,有利于学生对话语意义的准确理解。  相似文献   

Referential communication can be conceptualized as consisting of substantive knowledge, enabling skills, and procedural rule knowledge. One type of procedural rule is to tailor a message to the needs of one's listener. 2 studies investigated whether children vary the amount of information in a message (contrastive or redundant) as a function of either sharing a previous experience with that listener or the age of the listener. First- (M = 6-8), fourth- (M = 9-9), and fifth- (M = 10-8) grade speakers played a referential communication game with a fictitious listener. All children were more likely to give redundant messages to listeners with whom they had no common shared experience or to strangers than to listeners with whom they had shared a previous experience. Only the older children, however, varied the type of redundant messages in keeping with the needs of the listeners. Furthermore, the older children were more likely to vary how much information they included in their messages as a function of the listener's age. Discussion focuses on the need to consider the acquisition of communicative competence as the acquisition of specific skills within the context of specific tasks.  相似文献   

A Fernald 《Child development》1989,60(6):1497-1510
This study explores the power of intonation to convey meaningful information about the communicative intent of the speaker in speech addressed to preverbal infants and in speech addressed to adults. Natural samples of infant- and adult-directed speech were recorded from 5 mothers of 12-month-old infants, in 5 standardized interactional contexts: Attention-bid, Approval, Prohibition, Comfort, and Game/Telephone. 25 infant-directed and 25 adult-directed vocalizations were electronically filtered to eliminate linguistic content. The content-filtered speech stimuli were presented to 80 adult subjects: 40 experienced parents and 40 students inexperienced with infants. The subjects' task was to identify the communicative intent of the speaker using only prosodic information, given a 5-alternative forced choice. Listeners were able to use intonation to identify the speaker's intent with significantly higher accuracy in infant-directed speech than in adult-directed speech. These findings suggest that the prosodic patterns of speech to infants are more informative than those of adult-adult speech, and may provide the infant with reliable cues to the communicative intent of the speaker. The interpretation of these results proposed here is that the relation of prosodic form to communicative function is made uniquely salient in the melodies of mothers' speech, and that these characteristic prosodic patterns are potentially meaningful to the preverbal infant.  相似文献   

4–7-year-olds listened to message-desire discrepant stories in which a speaker doll, who believed wrongly that bag A was in location 1 and bag B in location 2, asked for the bag in location 1 (a request that should be treated as referentially opaque). In the first investigation, many children interpreted the utterance correctly, saying that the speaker really wanted the bag in location 2, yet wrongly evaluated the utterance positively, saying that the speaker had done a good job. Children found it no easier to evaluate the message-desire discrepant utterances negatively, than to evaluate ambiguous ones that way. However, in Investigation 2, children found it just as easy to judge that the speaker of a message-desire discrepant utterance had said the wrong thing, as they did to interpret the utterance nonliterally by taking into account the speaker's false belief. Moreover, Investigation 3 showed that children were more likely to judge that the speaker of a message-desire discrepant utterance had said the wrong thing, than to judge that she had done a bad job. The findings suggest that, contrary to previous arguments, young children can refrain from a performative response and, as a consequence, attend to the literal meaning under some conditions when evaluating utterances.  相似文献   

日常对话中,语言字面意思与说话人真实意图通常有一定距离,会话含义研究由此开始。格赖斯通过合作原则来解释会话含义产生方式,利奇、布朗和列文森则提出礼貌理论来阐释人们违反或遵守合作原则的原因。本文通过分析合作原则、礼貌原则、语境及非语言行为来分析会话含义的实现及解读,从而促进交际双方对话语含义的理解。  相似文献   

The language children hear presents them with a multitude of co-occurrences between words and things in the world, and they must repeatedly determine which among these manifold co-occurrences is relevant. Social factors—such as cues regarding the speaker's referential intent—might serve as one guide to whether word-object covariation should be registered. In 2 studies, infants (15–20 months and 18–20 months in Studies 1 and 2, respectively) heard novel labels at a time when they were investigating a single novel object; in one case the label was uttered by a speaker seated within the infant's view and displaying concurrent attention to the novel toy (coupled condition), whereas in the other case the label emanated from a speaker seated out of the infant's view (decoupled condition). In both studies, subsequent comprehension questions indicated that infants of 18–20 months registered a stable link between label and object in the coupled condition, but not in the decoupled condition, despite the fact that covariation between label and object was equivalent in the 2 conditions. Thus, by 18–20 months children are inclined to establish a mapping between word and object only when a speaker displays signs of referring to that object.  相似文献   

Lies and Truth: A Study of the Development of the Concept   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This study examined the developmental questions of when children begin to use the terms lie and truth, how they understand them, and when their understanding approaches that of adults. 150 subjects in 5 groups (nursery schoolers, preschoolers, first graders, fifth graders, and adults) were presented a series of 8 short puppet plays that systematically varied the presence of absence of the 3 prototype elements: factuality of a statement, the speaker's belief in the factuality or falsity of the statement, and the speaker's intent to deceive the listeners. The interactions of age, factuality, and belief most fully accounted for the use of the terms lie and truth. Persons at different ages differentially weighed the prototypic elements. Responses of fifth graders were transitional between those of the younger children and adults. The results are interpreted as supporting the development of definitional prototypes for these moral concepts.  相似文献   

This paper explores how children use two possible solutions to the verb-mapping problem: attention to perceptually salient actions and attention to social and linguistic information (speaker cues). Twenty-two-month-olds attached a verb to one of two actions when perceptual cues (presence/absence of a result) coincided with speaker cues but not when these cues were placed into conflict (Experiment 1), and not when both possible referent actions were perceptually salient (Experiment 2). By 34 months, children were able to override perceptual cues to learn the name of an action that was not perceptually salient (Experiment 3). Results demonstrate an early reliance on perceptual information for verb mapping and an emerging tendency to weight speaker information more heavily over developmental time.  相似文献   

Unobservable properties that are specific to individuals, such as their proper names, can only be known by people who are familiar with those individuals. Do young children utilize this “familiarity principle” when learning language? Experiment 1 tested whether forty-eight 2- to 4-year-old children were able to determine the referent of a proper name such as “Jessie” based on the knowledge that the speaker was familiar with one individual but unfamiliar with the other. Even 2-year-olds successfully identified Jessie as the individual with whom the speaker was familiar. Experiment 2 examined whether children appreciate this principle at a general level, as do adults, or whether this knowledge may be specific to certain word-learning situations. To test this, forty-eight 3- to 5-year-old children were given the converse of the task in Experiment 1—they were asked to determine the individual with whom the speaker was familiar based on the speaker’s knowledge of an individual’s proper name. Only 5-year-olds reliably succeeded at this task, suggesting that a general understanding of the familiarity principle is a relatively late developmental accomplishment.  相似文献   

语用意义、语境和隐含意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
语用学研究的是话语和言语的交际系统,即说话人和受话人在特定语境中对语用意义的理解。文章在洋细分析了语用意义、语境和隐含意义之后认为,正确理解特定语境下说话人的隐含意图是进行成功交际的前提。  相似文献   

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