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文体及文体学是九十年代中国文坛上的热门话题之一。作为和文学有着血缘关系的新闻学,新闻文体也愈来愈受到新闻学者和新闻工作者的重视。何谓文体?《辞海》上讲是“文章的风格”,文体学研究者对此持异议。最新的界说是:文体是指一定的话语秩序所形成的文本体式,它折射出作家、批评家独特的精神结构、体验方式、思维方式和其他社会历史、文化精神。它是一种文化存在方式。  相似文献   

在现代文论中,文体是指文学的体裁、体制和样式,也可以表述为是文本的结构方式,是文学作品的话语体式,它是一个表征作品形式特点的概念.  相似文献   

文学传播学是从媒介文化的视域来研究文学的话语体系,研究传媒的文学特性、文学流派以及文学作品的生产、流传和影响的特征及其规律的一门学科,是传播学的分支学科.文学传播学包括文学传播学理论、文学媒介、语言传播学、文体传播学、历史文学传播和跨文化文学传播五大部分,研究的主要内容有文学作品传播的方式、地域与文学传播接受相关的区域分布特征以及传播手段的改进与文学发展的互动关系等.  相似文献   

少儿科学读物是一个有着庞大小读者群体的重要出版品种.编辑这类读物,必须认真考虑少年儿童的认知程度和生活范围,以诱发、培养、刺激他们的创造性潜能提高其智力水平和科学创造的能力.少儿科学读物不同于少儿文学读物,它仅局限于较少的文体,目前大多使用散文记叙文体,附以图画;少量的还用漫画方式编写,科幻类读物则以故事文体为最.从版式和开本上看,由于多为少儿所捧读,故此类读物开本偏大为多.常见的以24开、16开、12开为好.  相似文献   

微博时代传统媒体采写转型初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江玮 《新闻实践》2011,(3):20-22
由于微博的字数限制是每篇不得超过140字,这就要求微博发布者以最简单的话语,描写最精彩的事实,让受众在140个字之内,了解事件发生概况。这对传统媒体长篇累牍的写作方式,带来了极大的冲击与挑战。由此,打造新新闻文体——微新闻,也开始为传媒人所关注和探讨。  相似文献   

现实的今天,俗艺术力量显得异常强大。当社会的物质和技术条件尚不能使人们在欣赏共时性艺术多有选择时,俗艺术的观众最终总是多数。最近,作为艺术的主体文学已经发生了三种倾向的分化:一种倾向是走向新闻文体。传记文学、报告文学等纪实文章强化了文学反映现实的职能;一种倾向是走向哲理文学,大量的现代风格文学作品追求生命的真谛,人生的玄妙,世界和宇宙的不可知;第三种倾向是俗文学的潮流。当文学的另外两大职能反映生活和认识生活均为新闻文体和哲理文学所体现之后,文学便以余下的娱乐职能为宗旨,以满足人们的休息需要为目的…  相似文献   

对《中国法》文学文体类目进行分析,指出其排序是不科学的。提出应以中国文学文体“四分法”为理论依据,以层累制为标记原则,对类目进行设置,并提出修订设想。  相似文献   

新闻与文学有共同处:他们都是以语言为工具,以记述社会生活中的人、事、景、物为对象,以叙述和描写为主要表现方法来反映社会生活的。但是,它们又是两种独立的社会意识形态。它们的本质属性不同,所运用的手段不同,所担负的社会职能不同,故不能相混淆。新闻是通过报道事实来反映和评价现实社会生活、表达舆论的一种社会  相似文献   

作家没有界限作为中国文学斜挑出的一支新军,网络文学已成为一块新开垦的处女地,充满生机与活力。其前所未有的自由度是传统文学无可比拟的。网络文学同传统媒体中的文学有许多区别,最明显的一个区别是,网络文学不愿意进入传统文学媒体划地为牢的那个“话语圈”。然而传统文学媒体的大多数读者对于这种“话语圈”的现状只能无可奈何,这真是一件让人悲哀的事情。  相似文献   

《〈人民文学〉十七年》在文学的组织、生产、传播,文学与政治的关系,文学内部的话语竞争等方面,都提供了确切的知识和洞见。研究者通世事、达人情,对人的选择和行动有同情的理解,他的理论是有温度的,他的分析有时剥皮见骨,直指人心。  相似文献   

To grapple with the difficulties of change, LIS literature often turns to a discourse of leadership as a way of gaining an understanding of how change can be effectively and appropriately managed. However, much of this work fails to account for the feminized nature of the profession and the gendered practices that shape the roles of men and women who choose this field. Furthermore, there is an absence of literature that interrogates the ways in which LIS master's programs address gendered practice. Beginning with an examination of how the field of LIS is feminized, I set out to reveal how, within the context of gender, the experience of women who advance in LIS leadership and administrative positions remains poorly understood. I suggest that the adoption of masculinized practices is a response to the devaluation of “women's work” that has historically defined the service ethic of librarianship. This article serves as an example of the ways in which it is possible to interrogate assumptions about leadership.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]为更好地提升科技文献的语义丰富化效果,对国内外科技文献语篇元素标注模型、技术和方法进行调研总结,为文本挖掘、科技论文知识抽取、语义分析系统研究者提供借鉴。[方法/过程]利用学术网站搜索和相关数据库搜索引擎,对涉及科技论文标注、语篇元素、知识抽取、句子识别和自动文章分类等参考文献以及研究报告进行深入阅读和调研,对语篇元素自动标注模型以及相关工作进展进行研究总结。[结果/结论]科技文献语篇元素标注具有非常重要的实际应用价值,构建标注模型需充分考虑构建思想、标注领域和标注粒度以及标注技术手段等方面。  相似文献   

This critical analysis of U.S. journalism textbooks from 1894 to 2016 shows how texts across decades have (re)constructed a discourse of damage through news values emphasizing and rationalizing conflict and bad news. Findings are reported in the context of literature suggesting that negative news values foster a distorted sense of social relations, increase fear, and depress civic participation. Literature also indicates that non-journalists often view news through less conflict-oriented, and more value-laden, frames, suggesting that journalistic values are not natural or inevitable but subject to change. The discourse in journalism textbooks can be a key site for understanding and influencing journalism culture. Constructive alternatives to the dominant discourse are suggested.  相似文献   

图书馆学范式初论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆学范式是指对图书馆理论或实践的本质及其发展持有相同或相似观点/信念的一群研究者所共有的价值取向和话语特征。依据不同的价值取向和话语特征,可以区分出不同的图书馆学范式类型。可以把图书馆学范式划分为技术范式、人文范式、知识范式、认知范式、信息资源范式和制度范式六大类型。  相似文献   

图书馆转型是一个内容丰富的研究课题,转型话语是图书馆转型的重要内容。图书馆转型话语构建可以分为学者研究、组织倡导、业界实践3个维度。在学者研究维度,对图书馆转型相关文献进行综述,了解现有研究基础和不足,明确图书馆转型话语构建的研究意义;在组织倡导维度,收集图书馆及相关组织的战略规划、发展报告等文本材料,解析图书馆转型话语的构建过程以及其中的关键角色和内容,在此基础上构建图书馆转型的话语体系,包括话语主体、话语内容、话语形式、话语对象、话语成效等关键要素;在业界实践维度,对图书馆界较为广泛参与的图书馆转型运动的背景、原因、宗旨、成效等进行梳理,分析其向公众传递的图书馆转型动因,以及运动取得的社会参与成效。最终总结图书馆转型的话语构建,以期为图书馆更深入的转型发展提供参考。  相似文献   

陈友良 《新闻界》2020,(4):76-84
基于新发现的袁昌英《公意之源》,并与陶孟和的书评比较,考察李普曼《舆论》作为一种现代性话语在中国的传播与实践的问题。《舆论》推动了近代西方"public opinion"从哲学论述转向现代性的知识和概念,但其核心概念仍融合了"公共意志"与"公众意见"两方面涵义,作为现代性话语尚具有两歧性。这个特征为五四时期的中国学者提供了"舆论"与"公意"的两条阐释路径。陶孟和用书评形式引介《舆论》,关注其在政治心理学上的创新意义;袁昌英则以近似于政论文的形式,评述李普曼的新舆论观、大众媒介观和政治传播观,实已触及现代传播学的范畴。陶、袁都被李普曼的民主理论修正观点所吸引,对于著名的"李普曼-杜威之辩",也有精英主义与大众主义不同的评论视角。从话语实践上看,《舆论》参与了一战以后中国知识界对西方民主制度的反省思潮。  相似文献   

Samples of spoken and written language obtained from professors of speech who had written extensively were analyzed for the frequency of the four major parts of speech and for two grammatical ratios which measure degree of qualification. Five of the six measures employed differentiated the two forms of discourse at statistically significant levels.  相似文献   

This paper examines the language and practices of regulation that have constructed the idea of British commercial radio. It concludes that the regulator's definitions of its purpose and practice are characterized by variability because of the attempt to draw simultaneously from repertoires of definition established in Britain's public service, commercial, and community traditions. In turn, it is noted that this discourse of regulation does not seem to be shared by those who run commercial radio stations. The paper explores the way that the dominance of a particular public service ideal is negotiated with the increasing influence of commercial orders of discourse, and the marginalization of concepts of community broadcasting.  相似文献   

The online health discussion (OHD) has increasingly become an important component in the practice of health informatics service, and many health users have gained benefits through OHD. Few studies have tried to answer how people obtain benefits from OHD. As a new type of online health information, OHD is composed of multiple messages with a discourse structure. By referring to Peirce’ semiotics, a theoretical model of the relationship of OHD with multiply meanings (i.e., discourse structure and health knowledge) and health users' perceived benefits (PB) was developed. 1248 OHD units were collected, and the main findings were obtained. (1) The number of discussion chains has a crucial effect on PB. (2) Health knowledge related to OHD produces indirect effects on PB. This work enriches extant literature by empirically revealing multilevel meanings of OHD and their roles. Related findings can be used to explore improvements for designing of OHD.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):298-303
Courses: This unit activity is suited for upper-level college courses on persuasion, intercultural communication, diversity, leadership, social justice, civil discourse, argumentation, debate, and political communication.

Objectives: After completing this unit, learners should be able to: improve their capacity to examine arguments; enhance their ability to self-reflect; improve their ability to engage in civil discourse; take a position on a social justice issue based on research and recursive communications; and make connections to learners and social activists who share their perspectives.  相似文献   

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