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村级公益事业建设“一事一议”财政奖补试点工作,是贯彻落实科学发展观,统筹城乡发展的要求,深化农村综合改革工作的一项重大制度创新。为更好地推进我市农村公益事业一事一议财政奖补工作,我们组织有关人员,对农村一事一议财政奖补工作进行了专题调研,分析了一事一议财政奖补存在的主要问题。并以此为基础,提出了加强农村公益事业一事一议财政奖补工作的对策与建议。  相似文献   

李庆本在2008年6月19日的《人民日报》第16版撰文指出,所谓跨文化阐释,就是从一种文化向另一种文化、从一种语言向另一种语言、从一种文本向另一种文本、从一种能指向另一种能指的转换;就是用另一种文化、另一种语言、另一种文本、另一种能指来解释、补充或替换原来的文化、语言、文本和能指。  相似文献   

航宇 《生态文化》2012,(3):10-11
在白雾茫茫的大山"高岭"中,天还没有彻底放亮,早起的鸟儿刚刚从树林间的枝头上放开歌喉欢叫的时候,一位头戴破旧草帽的老人,脚穿着一双高简雨靴,一只手里拄着一根柴棒,另一只手里提一把弯刀,肩上背着用竹条编织成的编箩,编箩里仅仅放着一瓶水,步履蹒跚地朝山上走去。陪伴老人的是枝头上的喜鹊、黄  相似文献   

袁艳 《文化交流》2009,(9):8-12
一名摄影记者,对一户普通农家一叶根士一家进行60年的跟踪采访,先后完成《一户农家十年间》《传家宝》《一曲难忘三十年》《历史的一页》《一户农家四十年》《一户农家五十年》等10)多篇报道。  相似文献   

尚书华 《生态文化》2011,(1):45+47-45,47
不知何年何月,鸭绿江在这里扭身一转,甩下这样一湾碧水。又不知何年何月,是何人将一截玉藕或一粒莲子抛入水中,渐渐,渐渐,年久后,便有了这一湾娇娆的野荷。  相似文献   

灯光闪烁,烟雾缭绕,如梦如幻的舞台上,一名妙龄女子身着彩衣,从半空飘然而下。只见她移步转形,身上的彩衣也奇迹般地变幻出一套又一套随着她双手上下翻动,一只蝴蝶翩然飞出,仔细一看,才发现是朵朵鲜花飘落地。此时,台下的观众紧盯演员的双手,一个个张大了嘴巴,几名老外情不自禁地竖起了大拇指……  相似文献   

鲍志成 《文化交流》2010,(11):16-19
宽敞明亮的陈列室里,一排排古色古香的红术仿古书橱展柜里,一函函.一摞摞,一卷巷,一叠叠,各类大小开本不一,装帧厚薄不同的线装古籍有序展陈着。翰墨书香,满堂生辉!  相似文献   

一位老农承包了一座人迹罕至的荒山,带领家人以"愚公移山"精神,经过20多年的辛勤播神和耕耘,在他垂暮之年终于使一座荒山变成了一座郁郁葱葱的青山,此乃传为佳话,令人敬仰。这座山也变成了一座值得纪念的丰碑。老人现在最大的兴趣爱好,就是每天到山林里走一走、转一转,呼吸一下清新的空气,乐享自然安逸的晚年生活。网易创始人兼CEO丁磊先生放弃繁华大都市喧嚣的生活,毅然来到乡下开始自己的养猪事业,这  相似文献   

去淳安千岛湖的前一夜,我就在想那里的茶叶了。 我想它,是因为清明刚过一二天,正是新茶采摘时,一芽一叶,有的更是嫩尖一枚,你说有多媚人!  相似文献   

面前一尊弥勒的根雕作品,行走状,比较少见。这是浙江省高级工艺美术师、温州市工艺美术大师郑人华(又名郑志华)的得意之作《乐》,系用一段中部微弯的黄杨木根巧雕而成。因树根中部一侧隆起,犹如一凸起的肚皮,郑人华就利用这一天然条件,在顶部雕刻了一个弥勒微笑的头像,保留了树皮作为袈裟,只在中部挖雕了一只拿着一串佛珠的手,  相似文献   

阿友 《文化交流》2009,(3):20-24
我国西部百姓把那些最美丽、最芬芳的花儿,统称为“格桑花”,它被藏族乡亲视为爱与吉祥的象征。有个爱心志愿者组织叫格桑花助学协会,她以格桑花西部助学网为平台,经过3年多的运作已筹集捐助资金达1000多万元,使数万名贫困学生受到资助,成为一个响当当的公益慈善品牌。而她的创始人却是一名极其普通的女性,追寻她的生命足迹不难发现,这是一部大爱无疆、催人泪下的生命宣言。  相似文献   

谢昭光 《文化交流》2009,(10):68-71
从海鸥老人雕像说起 在一个春光明媚的日子里,我到云南参加一个会议。在昆明报到前夕,我下榻海鸥宾馆。这里离翠湖很近,翌晨我就直奔翠湖而去。翠湖公园早早就布满了晨练的人群。漫步其间,仿佛自己也是其中一员。湖边有一海鸥与老人的铸像特别引人注目,仔细一瞧,那老人与海鸥相逗成趣,栩栩如生。旁边还有一块石碑,题为《海鸥老人铸像落成记》:  相似文献   

Arjan van Rooij 《Minerva》2013,51(1):25-48
This article aims to clarify and improve thinking on normative government laboratories: partly publically funded laboratories that work to improve the functioning of society, particularly through boosting innovation. This article focuses on a case study of TNO, a large Dutch laboratory, and an exemplary case of this type of laboratory. This article argues that TNO is perceived as a plug to fill a gap between knowledge production and use, in a belief that there is a direct and causal link between laboratory knowledge production and use. As a plug to fill a gap, however, TNO, and laboratories like it, can never perform satisfactorily, making an enduring cycle of negative performance evaluations and major reorganizations inevitable. This article suggests that a network model of innovation might provide a way out of the impasse.  相似文献   

哗啦啦的小桥流水弥漫着浓郁的江南风,一扇挂着古老铜锁的大门在悠远的音乐声中缓缓开启。在强烈的聚光灯照射下,一排又一排相继呈现的红妆家具,各式各样的箱笼、红桶及其他红妆之物辉煌耀眼,一一闪亮登场。其中最醒目的,要数那张美轮美奂的千工床了,只见它慢慢前移、到舞台最前端,坐在床上的越儿正等待着远方的阿甬归来…一。  相似文献   

Intellectual property and optimal copyright protection   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Copyright protection, or more generally, intellectual property rights, can be regarded as a means for the stimulation of production of information goods. This paper analyses the basic problem of production and dissemination of information and the role of copyright protection as an incentive for the producers of creative works. Using a simple model, it is shown that not only a cause for limiting the extent of copyright protection does exist, but that also an argument for a minimum level of protection can be found. Even optimal copyright protection, given the restriction that production and dissemination of information goods has to be co-ordinated by a market mechanism, however, does not lead to a first-best (allocatively efficient) solution. Hence, the judgment that copyright protection is the best solution to the basic problem can be grounded only on a comparative institutional approach.Indeed, one has ample reason to despair of finding a legal tenet that governs the rights of authors and artists. There exists no legal principle by which the state is forced to grant to authors a right in their creation. They cannot claim any right thereupon. This is not to say that the state shall not award such a right. On the contrary, there is every reason to treat them like the most favoured workers, as they deliver a work that is more robust than ashlar, and bring food that does not decay...  相似文献   

韦凌 《文化交流》2009,(2):67-69
无锡地域属太湖水网平原和沿江平原,间有低山或残丘。1912年,实业家荣德生和族叔荣吉人、荣鄂生计划兴办社会公益事业,决定在东山地区造一景园。适有前清进士徐殿遗留一处桃园旧址,荣德生遂将其买下。此后数年,他又在横山与浒山间购置山粮田共150亩,植梅3000株,陆续建造了天心台、香雪海、诵豳堂、招鹤亭、乐农别墅、念劬塔、宗敬别墅、豁然洞等景点。  相似文献   

The present paper proposes a theoretical model of institutional quality of a higher education institution (HEI) which, in addition to the internal dimensions of quality, incorporates also the external dimension, i.e. the outcomes dimension. This dimension has been neglected by the quality standards and models examined in our paper. Furthermore, the standards and models analyzed consider stakeholders as one of the quality factors of a HEI. The stakeholders’ perspective is seen as a lens through which stakeholders define, control and assess the quality of a HEI. The proposed model therefore gives stakeholders greater significance compared to the dimensions of institutional quality of a HEI. The model has been validated from the employers’ perspective. On the basis of 339 completed questionnaires or a 39.74 % response rate we concluded that outcomes constitute the most important dimension of institutional quality of a HEI from the perspective of employers in Slovenia. The outcomes dimension is followed, in descending order, by the non-financial resources and inputs, sustainable development, value chain, and, finally, the financial resources and inputs dimensions. The results of the study have shown that of the 44 quality factors of a HEI the following data are of key importance to employers: information on the participation of students in practical training, achievements of graduates at the workplace, implementation of a HEI’s research achievements in practice, graduate employability, and a HEI’s responsiveness to the demands and changes in the environment.  相似文献   

Theorisation of culture is often absent from research on production in the creative and cultural sector. Further, cultural production has been largely untouched by the insights of the cultural economy approach. Culturalisation is a means of addressing the question of what constitutes culture and thus a cultural (economy) approach. It is the process by which culture and cultural production combine in the ‘operationalisation of the real.’ Culturalisation underpins much scholarship in this journal by posing the (economic) real as a problem of definition in order to illustrate the operations involved in its temporary resolution. The implications of this position need further addressing. There is a feedback between culture as a problem of definition and a cultural approach. Devices can interrogate the relationship between processes of cultural definition and the conceptual parameters of a cultural economy approach. Workshopping, projects and events are put forward as cultural devices emerging from a 10-month ethnography of literary performance in Bristol, England. This illustration shows firstly, how culturalisation occurs in a designated cultural sector to contingently realise culture; and secondly, the implicit logic of cultural economy as culturalisation, typified by the device as method, so as to open a debate concerning its implications.  相似文献   

The ‘global credit crunch’ is only the latest and most virulent among a series of financial crises stretching back to the 1970s and beyond. Yet, more than any of its predecessors, the current crisis is being presented in apocalyptical libidinal terms. Accounts of the crisis and its aftermath tend to be predicated on a sharp contrast drawn between prudent, conservative, risk averse, sober financial practice and a more exuberant, greedy, hedonistic, risky counterpart.

This kind psychosexual analysis is neither new, nor does it represent an accurate depiction of the dilemmas and challenges posed by modern finance. It tacitly suggests, for example, that a return to ‘traditional financial values’ (akin to repeated calls for returns to ‘family values’) would restore calm and normality to a system undermined by the excesses of the perverse few.

This paper argues that although a return to ‘traditional values’ is unlikely to solve any of the current problems, the representation of the crisis and its aftermath is significant. The crisis and its aftermath are embroiled in a wider fundamentalist and puritanical backlash against ‘hedonistic’ capitalism. It represents not a crisis of capitalism as a whole, but a schism within (predominantly) financial communities over the morality and acceptability of ‘risk’. As such, a strongly libidinal language already common within the markets is being adapted and redeployed to create new divisions and exceptions in the context of crisis.  相似文献   

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