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正南宗浙江衢州有孔子后裔定居。南宋建炎三年(1129),高宗赐衢州州学给"扈跸南渡"的孔子48世嫡长孙、衍圣公孔端友暂为庙、宅,孔氏大宗就此安家。元至元十九年(1282)八月,世祖召衢州第6代衍圣公(孔子53世孙)孔洙去曲阜奉祀,孔洙不忍北上,让爵给曲阜族弟孔治。从此,孔氏分成南、北两宗。  相似文献   

一在浙江衢州这座国家级历史文化名城东南隅,有一片红墙黑瓦、飞檐翘角的古建筑群,这就是被世人誉为“东南阙里”和“南宗尼山”的孔氏南宗家庙。衢州孔氏南宗家庙是孔子大宗繁衍生息了780多年的地方,也是国务院公布的国家级文物保护单位。走进孔氏南宗家庙大门,便是大成门前卵  相似文献   

正君子最早见于我国古老经典,后经孔子改造与设计、孔子后学的充实而成为象征仁礼兼备、修己安人、"慎独"而"中庸"、厚德载物的理想人格,深刻塑造了中华民族的精神。南宋以后,孔氏后人南迁入衢,形成了以衢州孔氏家庙为物化象征、以儒家思想为核心的孔氏南宗文化,君子思想由此在三衢大地生根发芽,为当地礼仪人文教化作出了不可磨灭的贡献,推进了衢州的"人文有礼",是今天"衢州有礼"的思想活水。  相似文献   

戚永晔 《文化交流》2010,(11):37-40
2010年9月21日,来自世界多国孔子学院的领导相聚衢州孔氏家庙。他们在衢开展“孔子嫡裔家乡行”活动,祭祀孔子先圣,体验柯城儒风,感知中华传统文化……  相似文献   

孔子是我国儒家学派的创始人,也是我国伟大的教育家和思想家。祭孔活动既是对孔子的缅怀,也是对儒家文化的弘扬。衢州孔庙又称南宗孔氏家庙,始建于700多年前的南宋。衢州的祭孔活动本身是一个表层文化产品,可以提升衢州人民深层次的尊师重道的价值观念,进而树立衢州人民的信仰,而这些文化产品、价值观念和信仰又是文化软实力的构成要素,因此,从衢州人民举办的祭孔活动中可以对衢州地区的文化软实力发展状况窥探出一二,进而得出衢州文化软实力提升的途径。  相似文献   

今年9月28日,是孔子诞辰2565周年的日子.对于衢州来说,这一天意义更是不一样,10年前的今天,孔氏南宗家庙首次恢复祭孔.十年来,原先高居庙堂之上的祭祀活动,与现实社会生活充分融合,走出了一条越来越宽广的当代人祭孔之路:用儒家思想浸润现代人的精神家园.  相似文献   

衢州孔氏家庙的藏画中,有一幅女画家阿衡创作的《百牛图》。这幅画有109头姿态各异的大牛小牛公牛母牛的水墨画,是用4张四尺宣纸拼起来的。阿衡的书法也很有特色,她另用30厘米宽的长条纸写了一篇《牛颂》,拼在画的天头上,更增添了《百牛图》的诗情与气势。  相似文献   

范少杰 《文化交流》2017,(10):69-71
正"在衢州,我有了很多新的人生体验,感受到了祖国丰厚的传统文化。"香港同学陈晓岚这样说。应衢州海外联谊会和衢州二中的邀请,2017年8月25日,香港顺德联谊总会李兆基中学交流访问团来到浙江衢州,开展了5天的访问交流活动。8月27日晚,衢州二中与香港李兆基中学正式签约,缔结为友好学校。学习:在交流中加深友谊衢州水亭门街区,江山廿八都古镇、清漾毛氏文化村……访问团一行在参观中感受到了衢州的风土人情。来访的15名香港  相似文献   

仲潜 《文化交流》2012,(8):32-35
2012年5月29日至6月5日,在立陶宛孔子学院的促成下,立陶宛维尔纽斯艺术学院教授、国际知名艺术家托马斯来到衢州寻求文化交流,随行的还有立陶宛汉学家、摄影家鲁玉华女士。离别衢州时,托马斯眼中饱含泪水告诉送行的朋友:“我对中国文化的认知来自衢州。”  相似文献   

巫少飞 《文化交流》2013,(12):20-23
衢州市博物馆说衢州历史6000年,新近经过龙游荷花山选址考古,专家推算衢州历史距今约9000年。  相似文献   

This paper provides new insights into understanding the causes of deterioration of the Corbii de Piatra rupestrian church and shows the significance of studying the geological environment of historical rock-cut settlements when undertaking preservation and restoration actions. The Corbii de Piatra church is one of the few rupestrian churches remaining in Romania and is an important part of the country's heritage. The church is carved in a stratum of polymictic sandstone of Oligocene age, which is part of the Getic Depression, located in the southern part of the South Carpathians. In the 14th century the interior walls of the church were decorated with mural paintings of a high artistic value. Over the centuries, the church's walls and mural paintings have been negatively affected by a series of physicochemical processes. These processes were studied through field investigations and laboratory analyses carried out between October 2007 and November 2010. The investigations revealed that tectonic fissuring and the structural anisotropy of the rock facilitate the infiltration of meteoric water through the walls into the interior of the church, from north to south, maintaining a high-level of humidity in the northern wall and in the interior of the church. The most harmful effects observed were: (i) the partial hydrolysis of the feldspars through reaction with water from the pores, producing a friable mass of phyllosilicates which led to a superficial disaggregation of the rock and to a diminished cohesion between the rock and the mortar of the fresco, (ii) the reprecipitation of the gypsum as efflorescences on the northern wall and ceiling, covering the mural painting in localized areas, as a result of the transportation of the gypsum by water from the upper strata, (iii) the alteration of the cinnabar pigment, as a result of water penetration by diffusion through the fresco from the wet rock to the pictorial layer (the secondary effect observed being the formation of sulfuric acid, which further reacted with the carbonate from the fresco to form gypsum), (iv) the development of biotic crusts, predominately algal, on the interior wet walls, which, facilitated by the permanent high humidity and the semi-obscurity of the interior of the church, have covered large surfaces of the fresco. Compared to the interior, the exterior vertical walls have been exposed to prolonged daily and seasonal variations of temperature and humidity. These variations have caused repeated variations in the volume of the sandstone, leading to contraction fissuring and peeling of the vertical walls. Any future procedures that might be used to conserve the church should strive to reduce the humidity of the sandstone in the interior walls.  相似文献   

Our research concentrates on the countries, which had emerged after the collapse of the Soviet bloc, and the possible distinctive influence of the social and institutional environment of these countries on the process and outcomes of city center regeneration. The theoretical section includes the definition of the main concepts used in our research. First of all the countries undergoing the post-Soviet transformation were defined and then the concept of “urban regeneration” was explained. Here we also distinguished the main features of societies and institutional environment of the post-Soviet countries including the collision of different sets of values and lack of conscious value orientations and value systems, lack of individual initiative and personal responsibility, low level of participation in public domain, tendency towards non-transparent decision making, culture of complaint, climate of mistrust, increasing uncertainty and pessimism. In the section of results we had elaborated and discussed the hypothesis that these features affect the image and treatment of the historic built environment and especially of historic urban centers. Further we distinguish three dimensions – features of urban space, governance structures, and social milieu – and, based on literature and Lithuanian experience, distinguish what features of these dimensions and how make it easier or inhibit the urban regeneration. In the concluding sections we outline the basic findings and further research proposals and present the summary matrix of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of urban regeneration in the context of post-Soviet transformation. The matrix could be useful both for the future research and for the decision making in practice of city center regeneration. From the preset outcomes of our research, we conclude that social and institutional context is crucial in the city center regeneration and in heritage preservation in general and the ideas and principles widespread in Western Europe and the United States cannot be directly and straightforwardly imported into the context of post-Soviet transformation.  相似文献   

Durability is one of the most important engineering properties of cultural heritage monuments. For the purpose of the preservation of structures for future generations, the causes of damage should be determined for the proper choice of type and location of strengthening. The condition of the foundation is difficult to determine without an extensive investigation which is critical because most often the cause of damage is found in such foundations. Geotechnical investigation techniques require the damage and destruction of a building's surroundings or the damage of a foundation with a boring device. Non-destructive methods, such as geophysical methods, are less reliable and the results of such investigations must be combined with the results of subsurface exploration. This paper is a presentation of results achieved through the monitoring of the activity of a number of joints on the Cathedral of St. Lawrence in Trogir, Croatia, which is a cultural heritage monument protected by UNESCO. Excavations for the purpose of flagging replacement in the zone around the east frontage were made in 1979. A probe beneath the main apse uncovered a water cistern where the connection between the mid and north apses is located, and instead of a staggered foundation, a wall with a depth of more than 2.2 m beneath the flagging was discovered. With respect to the given that churches were built on existing ones, it is possible to assume that this is a wall of the late-antiquity church described by Constantin Porfirogenet in the 10th century, built on and later adapted to the foundation for the new structure. The displacement in time of the construction elements of the cathedral were measured and recorded using non-destructive methods. Fissure displacement behaviour, air temperature and air humidity were monitored. The monitoring of the air humidity did not lead to any useful conclusion, so it was quickly dismissed. Observations of data were performed during two periods with an interruption between the two caused by insufficient monetary resources. Data from almost 8 years of continuous measuring are available. The aim of this paper is to present the data of the measured fissure displacements which were correlated with air temperature changes and mathematical models which were based on statistical analysis. Correlation coefficients show that the analysed fissures react to the air temperature changes with different intensities. The obtained data lead to the conclusion that the causes of the structural damage are not found within a displacement or failure of the foundations. Instead, the causes of the damage were found in other parts of the structure.  相似文献   

国际学术界对城市文化空间的研究自21世纪初才逐渐被学界所重视,相关研究成果较少.近年来,随着不同学科、不同视角的融入,城市文化空间的理论与实践研究内容日趋丰富.为探究国际城市文化空间的文献特征、趋势与研究热点,以1997—2020年"Web of Science核心合集"中4844篇与城市文化空间研究高度相关的论文为基...  相似文献   

The study refers to the visual representation of the coastal front of the historical center of Thessaloniki in northern Greece and its changes that have occurred through the years. Most of the old town was destroyed by fire on August 18, 1917. A few years later, the French architect and archeologist Ernest Hébrard proposed the reconstruction of the city centre, but his plans were never fully implemented. Since then, a series of interventions changed the form of the old town and consequently the coastal cityscape. The research was initially based on the photogrammetric processing of archive aerial images (1938) of Thessaloniki's city centre. Besides the vertical images, high oblique aerial images dated back to 1932, proved to be a significant source of information. A rich archive of old photographic material, sketches, drawings and gravures of the coastal forehead of the city was also used. Ortho-images of the coastal front, derived from laser scanning (2010), and a 3D model of the historical city center, derived from the stereo photogrammetric process of aerial images (1990), contributed decisively at the multi temporal study of the city front. The main outcomes of the present documentation study are the 3D representation (at scale of 1:200, accuracy 5 cm) of temporal changes of a part of the coastal front of the historical center of Thessaloniki and the 2D representation (at scale 1:100, accuracy 1–2 cm) of these changes with respect to variations on skyline, lacunas, interventions in old buildings, etc.  相似文献   

This paper builds upon an empirical study of suppliers of online advertising space in France in order to highlight the plurality of quality conventions that organize the activity of market intermediaries. We show that the market is organized around two different quality conventions, the ‘media’ convention and the ‘direct-response’ convention, each equipped with specific efficiency indicators, pricing methods and selling channels. Then we focus on the growing conflict of territory between the two conventions; we analyse the balance of power between the conventions and the arenas where they compete. We observe that the collective action of the defenders of the traditional world is not (yet) sufficient to contain the pervasiveness of the indicators and metrics from the world of direct-response.  相似文献   

It has become a common practice to include diagnostics and archaeometric studies during a masterpiece restoration. The advantages and limits of this approach are now topic of discussion in the community of researchers that is growing up quickly. The bronze burial monument of Pope Sixtus IV (1471–84) by Antonio del Pollaiolo, now in the Treasure Museum in the Vatican was intended to be located at the center of a chapel, this explains its apparent asymmetry: lack of height and large base. The restoration of the burial monument started in May 2007, it was carried out by first fulfilling a series of non-invasive analyses using a transportable EDXRF to map the composition of the alloy and evaluate the diagnostic capabilities for deterioration processes of the bronze surface. As a consequence of the first non-invasive diagnostic campaign, a second campaign of micro invasive tests was planned and carried out. The samples were analysed with SEM-EDS and XRF techniques. In this article some of the results of the EDXRF tests will be shown together with the procedures set up to maximize the diagnostic information obtained and minimize the need of microsampling from the artefact. The results and the statistical analysis of data show that a straightforward planning of the measurements can give several, sometimes unexpected, results in the definition of the state of conservation of the monument and also from an archaeometric point of view. With a high amount of data, the use of statistical analysis is necessary, for example in our case, the analysis of the variance confirmed the hypothesis of the use of different alloys for the elements of the panels.  相似文献   

Willingness to Pay for Domestic Television Programming   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The article describes the application of contingent valuation to estimate the value of the benefits that the Australian community derives from the mandatory transmission of Australian programs by television stations. This application of contingent valuation to estimate cultural benefits offers an insight on the potential for a wider application of the methodology to evaluate cultural policy instruments. The study found that a majority of Australians support regulation of the domestic content of television programs and considers the value of the related benefits to be commensurate with the cost of supplying domestic programming.  相似文献   

Salt crystallization in porous materials constitutes one of the most frequent causes of decay of buildings in a wide range of environments. Up to now no definitive solution exists to limit salt crystallization damage, unless of removing either the salt or the moisture. The possibility of making the process of salt crystallization less harmful by means of crystallization inhibitors has only recently been considered. Crystallization inhibitors are known to delay nucleation and to modify the growth rate of the crystals in bulk solution, but their possible application for the prevention of salt decay in porous material is still controversial.The present paper reports a series of systematic investigations performed on three different materials (a limestone, a sandstone and a brick) contaminated with two types of salt (sodium chloride and sodium sulphate) and two types of inhibitors (sodium-ferrocyanide and diethylenetriaminepentakis methylphosphonic acid). Drying experiments have been performed to study the effect of the inhibitors on the salt solution transport. Accelerated crystallization experiments have investigated the possible consequences of the application of the inhibitor on salt crystallization damage (quantified as material loss).Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) has been used to study how the presence of inhibitors affects the crystallization morphology of salt in the material.The results show that the effect of the inhibitor strongly depends on the type of substrate. NaFeC, when applied on NaCl contaminated limestone and brick was able to enhance the drying and to favour the appearance of efflorescences, whereas the effect on the sandstone was very limited. DTPMP enhanced the drying of Na2SO4 laden sandstone, but had no influence on the drying of both brick and limestone. These different have been attributed to the properties of the materials, in particular pore size distribution and composition.The effects of the inhibitor on salt crystallization damage were less evident: no differences in surface damage, quantified as material loss, were observed between specimens with and without inhibitor.  相似文献   

The presence of a diffuse biodeterioration phenomena can be observed across large areas of the outer surface of the limestone walls of the Church of the Virgin in Martvili. A differential erosion phenomenon was detected, suggesting a possible association with biological colonization. The erosion phenomenon is characterized by a circular discoloration leading progressively to the detachment of flakes of limestone at its center. Since the aforementioned process has not been described in the literature until now, the present study was focused on the interpretation of its origin and evolution. Three sides of the Church are affected by a variety of occurrences of circular differential erosion which display different stages of the process, whereas the western side is affected by epilithic growths across its entire surface. Surveys of the petrographic, mineralogical and physical features of the stone were made, and parameters such as density and porosity were recorded. Samples were analyzed by optical microscopy and SEM analysis in order to detected the presence of microorganisms whose species were then identified by means of morphological and molecular examinations. The study of cross-sections stained using the PAS method has confirmed the causal connection between microorganisms and the deterioration phenomena, providing information about their spread of penetration into the substrate and their substantial potential for causing damage. Dryness appears to be the main ecological condition favoring endolithic rather than epilithic growth. The most common isolated microorganisms were cyanobacteria (Chroococcales) and, to a lesser extent, meristematic fungi. The characteristics of the stone, and especially some endogenous discontinuities related to the accumulation of sedimentary layers and to the action of stone carving tools, might explain why the same differential erosion phenomenon occurs in specific areas of the block stones. The development of the differential erosion phenomenon shows a variety of stages of biological colonization. The progressive evolution of the deterioration process has been observed in detail: (a) firstly, white circular discolorations appear on the stone, which darken over time eventually becoming almost black; (b) circular perforations appear around the perimeter; (c) and finally a flake detaches from the center, leaving a deep depression in the stone.  相似文献   

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