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南非资深外交官格特·格罗布勒先生日前受聘来到浙江师范大学非洲研究院。几个月的生活和工作,让他切身感受到浙江的人文风情和社会发展。他将他眼中的浙江和对中非关系的看法记录了下来。  相似文献   

近年来,浙江出版业界积极参与和落实中国图书对外推广计划项目,坚持创新,努力探索,大胆实践,在对外交流、版权贸易、合作出版、本土化拓展等多个领域取得了突破和进展,积累了一定的经验。  相似文献   

因为南非举办世界杯足球赛,会有越来越多的人关注南非。广西外宣办的李剑思2003年至2005年在南非开普敦西开普大学学习,写了一些关于南非的散文,每一篇都是从亲身经历的日常小事,用中国人的视角反映南非的一些社会问题,本刊选择其中两篇以飨读者。  相似文献   

<正>北京周报社非洲分社在正式成立一周年之际,与南非FrontierAdvisory咨询公司合作,于2013年2月21日在南非约翰内斯堡成功举办了首届"中非交流论坛",来自南非金融、贸易、商界高层管理人员,部分政界及研究机构人员,南非新闻机构,中国驻南非外交官以及中国驻南非记者共70余人参加。论坛邀请全国政协委员、中国外文局副局长兼总编辑黄友义就党的"十八大"后中国经济社  相似文献   

2012年伦敦书展4月16日在伦敦伯爵宫会展中心开幕。伦敦书展,是仅次于德国法兰克福书展的世界第二大国际图书交易会。本届书展上,浙江出版联合集团主办"中国当代儿童插画展暨中国绘本图书展"。浙江少年儿童出版社特地赶制了10种"中国原创绘本系列",  相似文献   

李月红 《文化交流》2017,(11):22-23
8月23日上午,由新华文轩出版传媒股份有限公司、四川天地出版社主办的"中—英《红船》版权签约仪式"在2017北京国际图书博览会举行.现场,新华文轩出版传媒股份有限公司与英国新经典出版社总经理Farough Khodadadi(霍法如)签订了《红船》一书的英文版协议书.这部由浙江作家黄亚洲写作的主题图书《红船》即将"驶"入英国,向世界讲述中国故事.  相似文献   

由中国国务院新闻办公室、南非中国经济文化交流中心和南非比勒陀利亚大学联合主办的“中国之窗”图书展2月28日在约翰内斯堡举行,中国驻南非大使钟建华应邀为活动剪彩。  相似文献   

今年南非经济增长将减缓除了政治上的动荡和高层官员的腐败,南非人现在又多了一项担忧,那就是经济。所有的分析家都认为南非经济在持续4年平均5%左右的增长之后开始下滑。受美国经济衰退的影响,世界经济增长减缓。国际信贷危机影响了投资者的热情,而南非的电荒和非国大(编者注:即南非非洲人国民大会)的人员变换也使投资者产生了不确定感。南非经济研究中心提供的数字显示,截至今年1月底,外国人持有的南非资产和债券在三个月内减少了43亿美元。  相似文献   

2009年7月18日,由中国驻南非大使馆文化处主办,南非视觉艺术协会协办的南非画家安吉拉·班克斯(Angela Banks)女士“我在中国的记忆”(My Memoties Madeinchirla)主题报告会在南非比勒陀利亚大学的安通·凡·沃博物馆内举行。中国驻南非使馆沈鸣一秘、韩静三秘和南非视觉艺术协会的30多位艺术家出席。  相似文献   

张东亮 《文化交流》2009,(12):78-81
除黄金产量雄居全球第一外,南非更以盛产钻石被誉为“钻石王国”。“尤蕾卡”“南非之星”等世界名钻,全部产自这里。中国小伙子孙坚就在南非从事这种职业,他的打工经历令人耳目一新!  相似文献   

凌晨,马路上就有清洁工的身影。他们是这个城市最早醒来、最早工作的人。清晨,待他们打扫干净,车水马龙的繁忙便也开始。车灯已然熄灭。在平凡中生活,日复一日,直到有一天,他们成了最美天使,成了最美司机。  相似文献   

在人类文明史上,印刷技术的发明居功甚伟,而我国是雕版印刷、活字印刷的发明国,在当代电脑激光排版技术发明前,承载人类文明的书籍典册,都是靠传统的印刷术来印制的。在卷轶浩繁的文献典籍中,吴越刊刻的佛教典籍璀璨夺目,光耀古今。五代吴越国时,杭州的佛经雕版印刷兴起,著名的雷峰塔藏经堪称佛教典籍的精品。吴越王钱弘俶仿效古印度阿育王铸造8.4万个小佛塔即阿育王塔,同  相似文献   

王丽莉 《文化交流》2012,(5):3-M0002
伦敦书展2012年4月16日在英国伦敦伯爵宫会展中心开展。中国担当本届伦敦书展的主宾国。展览“‘中国印'的世界”是中国主宾国活动之一。浙江出版联合集团主办"中国当代儿童插画展暨中国绘本图书展"。图为一位外国参会人员在中国展台欣赏中国印刷设计师制作的木刻《四美图》。  相似文献   

Research about African communication and studies by African-affiliated authors remain scarce in the field of communication. To establish a comprehensive picture of the state of scholarship, 5,228 articles published in 18 top communication journals between 2004 and 2010 were reviewed. Articles were coded for topic nation, author affiliation, article type, category of communication studied, and research method. Thirty-nine Africa-focused articles including 25 authored by researchers from African institutions were found. Over half addressed health communication; most focused on Kenya and South Africa. Means are suggested by which the international scholarly community can partner to encourage African scholarship.  相似文献   

In the New South Africa, as in other developing countries, the equitable distribution of public resources is a priority. The case for public support of the arts is thus difficult to make because it has been shown and borne out by South African research, that arts audiences tend to represent the better educated, more prosperous minority of society, not the majority of the very poor, mainly African-origin population. Using data from willingness to pay studies conducted at two South African arts festivals, this paper shows that, when the positive externalities provided by the arts are included in their valuation, it can be shown that both high and low income earners benefit. However, as suggested by Seaman (2003), it is also found that some of what the WTP figure is capturing is current and expected future economic benefit from the event.  相似文献   

Michael Kahn 《Minerva》2016,54(2):129-150
With the struggle against apartheid achieved, South Africa faced the new struggle of overcoming the HIV/AIDS pandemic. This paper examines the response of government, the innovation system and civil society in rising to the challenge. The response included a fatal denialism concerning the etiology of AIDS, a fatalism that constitutes political market failure. This political market failure was counteracted through the emergence of social entrepreneurship in the form of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) that mobilized civil society and like-minded health practitioners and researchers within the innovation system. Dependency Theory coupled with a Quadruple Helix model of the innovation system offer possible explanations of this complex human tragedy and the way that government was compelled to embark on a massive program of providing anti-retroviral therapy that has now significantly improved life expectancy. The paper provides socio-economic context, appraisal of the innovation system, and a sketch of how the Quadruple Helix took form. Of special importance is the independence of South Africa’s ‘Republic of Science.’ Independent courts were critical in allowing TAC to obtain remedy against government, Big Pharma, and AIDS dissident scientists. It is argued that its Republic of Science met its obligation of objectivity by shifting emphasis to the cause of AIDS research in the face of official denialism. In effect, the system of innovation and social entrepreneurs are shown to have acted in concert in constituting a Quadruple Helix.  相似文献   

Beyond the Dogma of the Fixed Book Price Agreement   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
After describing the essential features of the book market, a welfare analysisof the fixed book price agreement is given. Allowance is made for theopportunity cost of reading. Theoretically such an agreement pushes up bookprices and depresses book sales. However, more titles will be published,particularly books with low price elasticity and those that take a long timeto read. Potential advantages of better service, distribution and retailnetworks seem less relevant. The book market is one of imperfect competition,but even so the cross-subsidy argument is unlikely to be valid. A qualitativeanalysis of the Dutch situation is given. Tentative conclusions are that oneshould be more concerned about the number of well-stocked bookshops than thediversity of published titles and that debutantes do not face big barriers toentry. One should be even more concerned about the falling proportion ofpeople reading books. Governments fail to set (quantitative) objectives forthe fixed book price agreement, which makes it difficult to evaluate itssuccess and contributes to it being treated as dogma in the book world and thepolitical arena.  相似文献   

王婷 《文化交流》2009,(10):2-6
浙江7000年的历史奏出“万古悠韵”,浙江的山水风物铺陈出“千山竞秀”,1840年至今的浙江现实讲述出“百年浙潮”……8月9日,一场视觉盛宴在新开馆的浙江美术馆上演,“历史的凝眸·浙江历史文化重大题材美术作品大展”在此开幕并举行颁奖晚会。113件美术精品与一场声、光、乐、电、舞结合的演出相映生辉,为历时3年半的浙江重大题材美术创作工程展开了宏伟的叙说。  相似文献   

栗子  黄芸 《文化交流》2014,(8):37-39
2014年6月20日,来自非洲国家埃塞俄比亚和津巴布韦的七名手工艺者,结束了在浙江的为期一个半月的竹编技艺课程。在结业典礼上,他们向负责培训的省文化馆的工作人员求教中国诗词,用并不熟练的汉语向他们的中国竹编师父、杭州市工艺美术师杨振利表达谢意。  相似文献   

龙飞 《文化交流》2009,(11):22-25
她的人生写满了成功。就像她襟前的胸花,只要有一点光亮,就会闪烁出夺目的光芒。  相似文献   

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