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论手工检索与计算机检索不可偏废   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文作者针对“有计算机检索,就没有必要手检了”这一偏激观念,从分析手检与机检的过程入手,论述了手检与机检的关系及各自的优劣,认为手检与机检相得益彰、互为补充,二者不可偏废。  相似文献   

本文分析现“文检课”教材中机检教学的内容,指出机枪教学发展中存在的问题。通过对本校机检教学内容的组织和实践,讨论机检教学的组织和安排。  相似文献   

自一九八三年十月我国建立国际联机情报检索公用数传终端以来,国内检索用户日益增多。由于实际工作的需要,一些图书情报部门还承担了“联机情报检索中间人”的业务,即代替或协助、指导本系统的专业科技人员进行联机检索的情报服务工作,收到了较好的效果,积累了一些经验。必须把握在什么情况下应该利用机检,才能获得较好的机检效果。  相似文献   

关于机读主题数据著录中的一些问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过分析手检主题系统与机检主题系统的检索特点,重点探讨了由手检主题款目向机检主题数据转换过程中应了解的知识和应注意的问题。  相似文献   

九、我国机检服务系统概况目前,我国机检服务系统一般为脫机处理系统。少数可以进行联机检索,如北京文献服务处的系统,已可从西安、上海等地通过终端进行检索。我国机检服务系统的服务项目主要有两种。一是定题情报检索(Selective Disse--mination of Information,简称SDI),二是追溯检索(Retrospective Search,简称RS)。定题情报检索(或称定题情报)是根据  相似文献   

在机编和机检中对“组配编号”和“多重列类”的再认识   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在机编和机检中对“组配编号”和“多重列类”的再认识陈树年ABSTRACTSinceweareusingcomputersforcataloguingandre-trieval,weshouldrestructurehierarchicalclassi...  相似文献   

分析使用体系分类法在手工编目和检索条件下,不能从根本上解决“集中与分散”矛盾的原因,阐述在机编和机检条件下消除或缓解该矛盾的途径与方法  相似文献   

文献检索课教材手册化问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术的发展,文献检索课程的教学内容与教学方式也在不断地更新。本文针对《现代科技信息检索方法》一书,讨论了文检课教材手册化的实施过程。并对“知识描述条块化,工具介绍图表化,检索途径路线化”进行了具体阐述,针对现阶段文检课教学实习的机检与手检并存的状况,提出了以手检为出发点,以机检为侧重点的教材编写观点。  相似文献   

"农业文献检索"课中检索实习的几个有机结合   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对“农业文献检索”课教学中的检索实习,提出了关于理论与实践、手检与机检、检索实习与检索工具开发、检索实习方式的校内与校外几个方面的有机结合。这样做才能激发学生的学习兴趣,充分调动其主观能动性,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

充实机检内容的必要性一、问题的提出教育部发出的(84)教高一字(004)号文件后,越来越多的院校已把《文献检索与利用》课作为选修课或必修课。开设该课的目的是为了解决新技术革命对人材的要求,使高校培养出来的学生适应科技发展的新形势。但从目前一些理工院校开课的情况来看,却存在着“五多五少”的现象:一是只讲传统的手工文献检索方法的多,兼讲计算机情报检索方法的少;二是就兼讲手检、机检方法的院校来看,内容上相互脱节,牵强附会者偏多,前后呼应,有机联系者偏少;三是手检课与机检课学时比例不当的院校偏多,比例适当的院校偏  相似文献   

情报检索系统最佳效果评估方法浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了提问式、关键词、输出结果、数据库等影响情报系统效果的参数因素, 探讨了匹配检索、均方根检索在情报系统取得最佳效果中的作用, 指出这是研究构造自动检索提问式的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

The problems of facilitating the processing of context queries in information retrieval systems (IRS) with proprietary data repositories are considered. A method for indexing fields with a large spread in values is proposed and its efficiency for real bases of information on abstracts is demonstrated. A method involving the use of SQL expressions within the IRS language is presented, as well as the processing of combined queries.  相似文献   

以三个典型馆为例说明设置自动化岗位要注意的四个原则 ,并着重指出不应忽视“自动化主管”和“数据库总管 /总监”的设立  相似文献   

One of the "strategies for adjusting to organizational change" is to start looking for another job, voluntarily or not! The workshop presenters review various job hunting skills and survival techniques for today's job market. Updating/tailoring resumes, cover letters, and aspects of the interview process are discussed.  相似文献   

Welcome to the Global Postcards column! We are so excited to bring you news and projects from around the world. We have one main contribution for this column: a librarian, Taiwo Akinde, and a lecturer, Airen Adetimirin, both of the University of Ibadan in Nigeria show us an investigation of the effect of attitude to use on the use of Educational Support Systems (ESS) by lecturers for teaching in the university-based library schools in their country. Thanks to the contributors for this issue, and please keep the submissions coming! If you would like to send a submission, please contact either of the column.s co-editors: Jacqueline Solis, jsolis@email.unc.edu, and Robin Kear, rlk25@pitt.edu  相似文献   

Based on one of her most popular workshops, Rubin discusses the rise in displays of anger at the library and offers practical tips on how to calm the irate patron. She addresses the problem of "anger fallout" onto the library staff member involved and suggests coping methods both for individuals and libraries as administrative entities. In her workshops, participants can try out various techniques and practice new approaches. Rubin states that the tips in the article are just a starting point and suggests both further reading (a bibliography is appended) and lots of practice!  相似文献   

首先基于对信息检索概念的理解与认知,提出检索系统的控制机制问题及其重要性;然后选择以“后控制”机制为重点,将其细分为三类不同的后控制方式,即查找前的提问式构造与扩展控制、查找中的检索过程控制、查找后的检索结果控制与优化,分别对它们给予分析和阐述,必要时辅以实例说明;最后对后控制问题的未来研究重点及方向进行简单讨论。  相似文献   


Welcome to the Global Postcards column! We are so excited to bring you news and projects from around the world. We have three contributions for this column: one contribution from Australia that covers the similar challenges that the United States and Australia face in student engagement and success, another from Uganda and Nigeria detailing the impact of the SCECSAL Conference (Standing Conference of Eastern, Central, and Southern African Library Associations) held in Swaziland, and a third about the Library in a Box concept developed by Jane Mirandette of the USA while working in Nicaragua. Thanks to the contributors for this issue, and please keep the submissions coming! If you would like to send a submission, please contact either of the column's co-editors: Jacqueline Solis, jsolis@email.unc.edu, and Robin L. Kear, rlk25@pitt.edu  相似文献   

科技期刊编辑应正确行使修改权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾明 《编辑学报》2007,19(4):248-250
编辑在加工修改文章过程中错误行使修改权表现在主观武断和盲目自信,任意删改稿件,过于强调"文责自负",或盲目崇拜权威,姑息迁就.其原因是主体意识过强或过弱.正确行使修改权是指:正确掌握编辑的主体意识,提高法律意识,处理好编辑修改权与作者著作权的关系,增强职业道德修养,树立服务意识,处理好与作者的关系.  相似文献   

����“�Ƽ����׼���”�εļ���˼��   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“科技文献检索”课应加强中文检索工具的教学内容 ,注重开发检索工具的功能 ,重视实习环节 ,考核的形式应根据课程的特点来安排 ,可适当增加经济文献检索的内容  相似文献   

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