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左卫 《文化交流》2001,(2):12-14
1980年10月10日,是一个不寻常的日子。这一天,中国一代卓越的电影表演艺术家——赵丹,在京病逝。 逝者如斯。 至今,凡是关心中国电影事业的人们仍然会清晰地记得,就在赵丹临终前,《人民日报》以醒目的标题,发表了他抱病撰写的《管得太具体,文艺没希望》一文。其文字字真切,句句中肯;言之有物,掷地有声。给当时极“左”影响还未彻底清除的中国电影界乃至文艺界,以一记有力的重锤。  相似文献   

单文 《文化交流》2003,(3):40-42
浙江省歌舞剧院合唱团不久将赴意大利参加第十届国际民歌合唱比赛,带去无伴奏混声合唱《八骏赞》《太阳出来喜洋洋》《牧歌》《二泉映月》和女声合唱《采莲曲》《半个月亮爬上来》《采茶舞曲》等曲目,以强大的阵容参加角逐。 在出访前夕,笔者采访了合唱团长、国家一级演员、著名青年歌唱家严圣民。严圣民这个名字与一连串骄人的成绩联系在一起:文化部组织的声乐比赛一等奖及两次优秀演员奖获得者、三次入围中央人民广播电台“全国听众最喜爱的歌手”、2000第九届“步步高杯”全国  相似文献   

Audiences choose to see films using information from previous films. A stochastic consumer choice process based on this assumption generates a particular distribution of financially successful films among film types. Movie stars can be used to mark these successful film types. Thus, their star power originates not only from box-office appeal but also from marking power. Evidence of 960 top 20 films released in the United States and Canada between 1940–1955 and 1960–1995 is consistent with this model.  相似文献   

戴健 《文化交流》2003,(2):15-16
中国著名风景区江西庐山,有一家十分独特的电影院。20多年来,这家电影院一直坚持不懈地放映着同一部电影,并为此而创造了电影史上一项吉尼斯世界纪录。这家电影院就是全国唯一一家以一部电影命名的电影院——庐山恋电影院。 20多年来,庐山恋电影院观众来了就放映《庐山恋》电影,最奇怪的是唯有放映《庐山恋》这部电影观众才能前呼后拥地入场观看,若放映其他片子,便一下子失去了吸引力。由于《庐山恋》循环往复地、日复一日地放映着,这家电影院终于在平凡中创造了奇迹,为中国电影放映业在世界上争得了一份殊荣:1997年8月取得上海大世界吉尼斯纪录;2002年12月,有关部门在北京人民大会堂隆重举行仪式,再次表彰《庐山恋》荣载吉尼斯世界纪录。如今,凡路过庐山恋电影院门前的旅游团队或零散的游人,每当谈及此事,无不称奇。  相似文献   

This paper applies the transaction cost framework to the organisation of product sourcing and development (PS&D) activities within the popular music industry. Two firm types characterise the industry and this particular set of activities; large multinational firms (`majors') and smaller regionally bound companies (`independents'). We find that the Transaction CostEconomies framework of Oliver Williamson (1985, 1999) provides only a partial explanation for the observed hybrid organisational structures established by the two firm types. A more sensitive model can be achieved by including a number of moderating variables drawn from the socially constructed and situationally dependent idiosyncrasies of the assets involved in the PS&D activities under consideration.  相似文献   

This paper examines the contribution economic analysis can make to the study of museums as productive organisations, and considers some related policy issues. The paper also suggests areas where research by economists might prove most fruitful.  相似文献   

影片题材宏大拍摄《建党伟业》这部献礼片,是中国电影集团在2009年《建国大业》剧上映获得观众好评和高上座率后决定的。当时初定的影片名称为《建党大业》,两部影片系姐妹片,后来经有关领导和专家建议,将片名改成了《建党伟业》。  相似文献   

2008年秋,台湾省最高的农业学术团体“中华农学会”将今年的“谢和寿研究奖”颁给了台湾农科院校内茶业学的潜心研究者。这一项事业奖金,从1982年设立至今,已有整整26个春秋了,已有近百位在茶业学上有抱负而家境清寒的研究者得到过这项基金的资助。“谢和寿研究奖”的基金,来源于世界著名茶叶专家谢和寿先生的毕生遗款以及他生前好友的慷慨捐赠,这是中华农学会自1917年创立以来所设立的唯一一项专业性研究基会。  相似文献   

This essay invites readers to re‐examine the cultural meaning of movie piracy in the context of Hollywood's global domination of world cinema. It focuses on VCD piracy in Asia. This popular low‐end technology interrogates and deconstructs the technological fetishism that dominates contemporary Hollywood productions. This essay asks whether and how movie piracy can be theorised to yield a more productive understanding of technology as people's corporeal experience of the material world in a socially constructed political economy.  相似文献   

并蒂莲茎杆一枝,花开两朵,为荷花中极品,被人们视为恩爱伉俪同心、同根、同福、同生的象征。到了21世纪初,并蒂莲遇到了上好时代,遇上了一位有心人,这位好心人不仅使它的倩影、雍容华贵的尊容更加妍丽多姿,还让它以商品为载体飞向了千家万户,打造出一个庞大的文化产业,使广东省佛山市三水区迅速掀起了文化产业发展的大潮。中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记张德江知道后对此赞叹不己:“正是这样一个思想火花,一张照片,结果就带出了一个产业。所以有时候,发展的一个点子、一件偶然的事情,都可能会带来无限的商机。”你知道使并蒂莲成为著名品…  相似文献   

The special issue aims at exploring, with an economic perspective, the interconnections between cultural participation, in all its expressions, and tourism organization and patterns with the purpose of understanding economic effects, emerging trends and policy implications. The expanding notion of the cultural consumption of tourists makes the definition of cultural tourism increasingly elusive. Empirical investigations of the relationships between cultural participation and cultural heritage and tourism offer interesting hints in many directions. This introduction briefly overviews the premise of this special issue, the literature and the several perspectives taken by the included articles. Aside from their cultural topics—general, intangible or temporary—these essays all tackle some important economic dimensions of tourism. We encourage cultural economists to invest more in these fascinating areas as more than just intellectual tourists.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the economic analysis of inalienability, here defined in the narrow sense of restrictions on whether and how ownership of a right may be transferred to someone else. It then considers three aspects of the laws relating to artists and their works that are subject to some inalienability restrictions: droit de suite, moralrights, and unconstitutional conditions. It is suggested that inalienability restrictions designed to achieve distributional goals are probably misguided, and that although in theory one could derive some efficiency arguments for inalienability rules, in practice it is not clear that they apply to these examples from the laws relating to artists.  相似文献   

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