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<正>2017年6月19日至24日,我院与香港中文大学中国文化研究所、翻译研究中心共同举办了"阅读中国翻译史:第五届中国翻译史研究暑期班"。香港中文大学翻译研究中心于2009年举办首届"中国翻译史研究暑期班",旨在培养翻译史研究的青年学者,推进中国翻译史研究。前四届暑期班分别在广东外语外贸大学、复旦大学、北京外国语大学和湖南科技大学举办。此次暑期班吸引了来自内地、港台以及日本27所知名高  相似文献   

本文以翻译史为切入点,扼要地厘定翻译史的相关称谓(史、史论、史学),区分翻译史的类别(通史与断代史、世界史与国别史、泛区域史与具体区域史、人物志与专题史、中国少数民族翻译史与具体民族翻译史、口述史),阐述翻译史研究的史论法相结合范式,以图在此基础上促进我国翻译史研究的专业化,为我国专业化翻译史学的发展提供具有反思性的思考和启示。  相似文献   

先秦时期见证了我国有明确史料记载的外交翻译的发轫。虽然现有翻译通史、断代史或专门史不同程度涉及上述议题,但在针对性史料梳理、再现外交翻译发展进程等方面尚有提升的空间。鉴于此,本文基于翻译史研究的共识性议题,结合相关史料性文献,通过总结这一时期外交翻译活动、译员发展、翻译管理等方面的主要特点,试图勾勒这一时期我国外交翻译史研究的主要框架,以期为后续相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

作为新兴的史学研究范式,概念史日渐凸显出其跨学科的方法论价值,然而在当前的翻译研究领域,概念史研究的译学价值和可能拓展的面向还未得到充分的认识。本文尝试回答为何和如何将概念史引入翻译研究的问题,论述概念史与翻译研究在研究内容、命题和取向上的契合点,探究概念史引入对翻译研究的价值,以及开展翻译概念史研究的几个面向。  相似文献   

我国翻译史长达2000年之久,但从文字记载来看,男性译者一直占据翻译史的主导地位。众多的女性译者被淹没在历史的长河里,形成了一个被遗忘的群体。借鉴西方女性主义翻译史研究的经验,同时考虑到中国的国情和史情,我们不仅要认识到进行女性翻译史研究的必要性和紧迫性,而且更要估计到这项工程的艰巨性和复杂性。我国的女性翻译史研究要寻找科学的理论支撑、采用适当的撰写体例、使用合理的研究方法、重视史料的收集和拓展。  相似文献   

本文从翻译学学科建设的角度重新审视了翻译史研究的重要性,并通过爬梳翻译史研究的相关文献,肯定了中国译史研究所取得的成就。但同时也指出目前的研究面临着资讯匮乏、视角单一、中西比较不足等弊病,从而指明了今后研究应努力的方向。  相似文献   

方旭燕 《时代教育》2014,(12):79+81
中世纪时期,开始了大规模的《圣经》翻译,涌现了巴格达和托莱多翻译学院,形成了民族语翻译高潮。这些活动在翻译史上具有重要意义,但是中世纪翻译的研究没有得到应有重视。本文梳理和总结了中世纪翻译的特点,并借用当代的翻译理论进行阐释补充,希望正确看待中世纪翻译史,重估其重要意义,为翻译史的研究提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

中国翻译史包括传统翻译史和现代翻译史,分水岭就是新中国的成立,为翻译实践积累了丰富的经验.西方的翻译实践和理论研究也源远流长,据现有的文字记载,历时已达二千余年,几与我国翻译史同龄.随着时间的推移,特别是在本世纪与日新月异的现代科学结合之后,各种翻译流派层出不穷.本文通过忠实性来看中西译论的差距,并从中得到启迪.  相似文献   

近年来,翻译家群体作为翻译研究和史学研究的热点受到学界关注。在中国近现代史上,湖北省曾涌现一批独具特色的翻译家。文章从翻译史视角,对近现代湖北籍翻译家群体进行研究。具体而言,在廓清翻译家群体概貌的基础上,文章从“内部史”和“外部史”视角对该群体译本、翻译活动及特点、译事活动的社会历史进行考察。研究发现,相较于近代,现代翻译家在翻译家数量、翻译题材、翻译的方向性上有明显的变化,这些变化是中国社会发展的阶段性结果,本文阐释了翻译的社会性特征,展现出鄂籍翻译家对中国近现代发展所作的贡献。研究同时希冀推动翻译家群体研究。  相似文献   

近代翻译史的发展呈多元化,推进了翻译学的学科建设与翻译研究的发展,90年代翻译研究的文化学派倡导的文化指向为翻译研究及翻译课程的设计开拓了新的研究视角。从教师角色、教材角色、课程内容角色这些方面能够反映出文化学派的研究维度对提高学生的翻译学习效果有积极的作用。  相似文献   


This article claims that the debate over research in professional communication is grounded in ideology. The article discusses the ideologies of two research perspectives: a functionalist perspective, common in much social scientific research, and a critical interpretive perspective, currently emerging in disciplines other than our own. The article sets recent discussions of research in professional communication within a functionalist framework, then posits that a critical interpretive ideology provides an alternative. The interests advanced by both perspectives are discussed, and the viability of critical interpretive research in professional communication is supported.  相似文献   

在从书院到学堂的转型过程中,传统的师生关系发生了明显的变化.导致变化的社会历史原因繁多而复杂,但中国近代学校制度的建立和发展,无疑是其中的一个重要因素.一方面,近代学校制度改变了传统社会中学校与社区共同体的密切联系,使学校相对全面地游离于社区共同体之外,从而也改变了教师和学生的结合与互动方式;另一方面,移植外来模式而建立起来的近代学校.毕竟生长在中国的社会、文化土壤之中,在西化的形式中,容纳了各种不同且常常相互冲突的社会力量、文化因素,从而使近代师生关系呈现出混乱、失序的状态.从这个角度来看,近代学校的师生关系,不过是变化了的制度形式及其与社会关系的一个缩影.  相似文献   

Numerous studies conducted in different countries have focused on empirical research and literature reviews on prevalence, consequences, and strategies relative to cyberbullying; however, there is a lack of research regarding cyberbullying from a cross-cultural perspective. This article reviews recent research on cyberbullying and presents information on prevention and intervention from an international perspective.  相似文献   

基于系统功能语法有关经验功能的理论,借助语料库语言学的研究方法,研究英语学术论文引言部分实现经验功能的途径,通过对实际语篇的量化分析,归纳、总结和描述学术论文引言部分的语域特征,为学术论文作者、学术写作教学提供有价值的参考和应用依据.  相似文献   

闫引堂 《比较教育研究》2006,27(1):39-43,49
本文从范式转型的角度,对西方一些国家20世纪80年代后期兴起的教育政策社会学进行了述评,指出教育政策社会学尽管在一定程度上弥补了"社会政策研究"模式的局限,在研究范围、研究主题上有新的突破,但其研究视角仍然不够明晰,理论建构还显薄弱,并没有构成教育政策研究的范式转型.  相似文献   

This article contains a review of recent research on the topic of language development in an educational research perspective. The contribution is focussed on research which was carried out in the German education system. The starting point of such research was the insight that mastery of a language is of core importance for educational success as well as for participation in a society. The research which is presented in this review article strives to identify factors that are relevant for the development of different language abilities during an education biography. The article starts with an overview of international and national research traditions which build the ground for the investigation of language development in an educational research perspective. A second part of the article deals with research projects that aimed to unveil factors which are influential for differential language development during a school career. In the third part of the article, an outlook on recent research is presented which deals with the question how language development can be fostered and supported by educational institutions. In Germany, such projects are just beginning. They mainly derive from the evaluation of model projects or other practical experiments; only very few experimental intervention studies have been carried out.  相似文献   

This article brings together several themes in research on learning in higher education from the perspective of a classroom teacher. The aim is, on the one hand, to show how research translates into classroom practice and, on the other, to enthuse teachers to consult that research literature and make their own translations. These remarks originally focussed on using the results of the Course Experience Questionnaire administered to students graduating from Australian universities, but the lens has been widened here. After distinguishing teaching from learning, the article concentrates on five themes in good teaching. They concern choice, self‐evaluation, variety, workload and feedback. This article makes recommendations about evaluation, in which the Course Experience Questionnaire has a place. It descends from the abstractions of evaluation to offer observations on good teachers as individuals and closes with a perspective on the movement to enhance teaching in universities.  相似文献   

叙事学在本世纪的兴起,使文学研究进入了一个新的天地。文章运用叙事学的相关理论,对安徒生童话的叙述视角作一探讨,通过双重视角的分析,透视安徒生充满真情的爱的人格写作。  相似文献   

Action research and transformative learning in teaching development   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The article reports on an action research project, informed by transformative learning theory. Transformative learning involves individuals gaining an awareness of their current habits of mind, and resulting points of views accompanied by a critique of their assumptions and premises, an assessment of alternative views, a decision to negate an old perspective or view in favour of a new one, or to make a synthesis of old and new, resulting in more justified beliefs to guide action. The action research was designed to change the perspectives and practices of higher education teachers from a teacher-centred to a learning-centred dialogic approach. The research demonstrated that a transformation in teaching perspective could be achieved through action research that involved inquiring and interactive teaching. However, implementing the new perspective required additional sustained support. The research also confirmed that action research is a viable means of exploring transformative learning in educational settings.  相似文献   

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