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《袁氏世范》在中国家训发展史上占有重要地位,其中包含丰富的家庭伦理教化和社会教化思想,尤其在阐述主要家庭成员问的伦理关系,以及居处治家、持家兴业所应遵循的伦理规范等方面均有精辟的论述,它将中国古代家庭伦理教化和训俗的内容与方法提高到一个新的高度。《袁氏世范》的家庭伦理教化思想,对当今的家庭教育及社会道德教化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

浅谈家庭心理环境与儿童心理健康   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
未来社会的人才应该是身心全面和谐发展的人,不仅具有高智商及丰富的知识,而且还应该具有高情商.即心理健康、社会化程度高、具有健康的体魄。而心理健康和社会化程度是关系到一个人成功与否的关键。有专家研究报告表明:婴儿早期的经验与婴儿的心理健康有着重要的关系。简单的说,家庭生活的情绪气氛和教养方式决定了人类的儿女是否将从一个个体的婴儿发展到一个社会化的成人,或者是否他将保留一定程度的婴儿的不成熟性,这将阻止他与更大的社会结合。因此.适当的家庭教养方式和健康的家庭氛围为儿童社会性发展奠定了基础,也对儿童心理健康的发展和稳定产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

社会化是人的终生课题,对于未成年子女而言,家庭对其社会化有着十分重要的影响。本文主要就家庭结构、家庭教育及家庭心理氛围三个变量对未成年子女社会化的影响加以探讨。  相似文献   

从儿童身心发展的角度,采用调查分析的方法,论述了城市家庭生活方式的变革对儿童社会化产生的几方面的影响;(1)家庭结构核心化及对儿童社会化的影响;(2)家庭居室独门户化及对儿童社会化的影响;(3)清费方式潮流化及对儿童社会化的影响;(4)闲暇娱乐方式集体化及对儿童社会化的影响;(5)夫妻关系、亲子关系平等化、亲密化及对儿童社会化的影响。这些论述,有利于澄清现实生活中儿童家庭教育的若于盲点问题。  相似文献   

笔者通过列举家庭教养方式对儿童产生影响的大量事实,进一步阐述了不同的家庭教养方式对儿童社会化产生不同的影响,只有选择良好的家教方式,才有利于儿童的社会化。  相似文献   

关颖 《中国德育》2008,(7):75-77
在未成年人道德社会化的环境因素中,家庭是首要的、最基本的文化环境。几乎每个人都出生于一个家庭、属于一定的家庭。家庭是人生旅途的第一站,是个体最早接受教化的场所。未成年人在家庭中通过与父母以及其他成年人的互动,获得作为社会人的基本生存技能、角色规范以及如何参与社会生活的经验。在以往相对封闭的环境中,年幼的孩子通过家庭认识社会,  相似文献   

中国传统的政治社会化比较成功地实现了其所要达到的功能。传统政治社会化的三种主要途径是家庭教化,表彰和政治录用。每一种途径的合理内核都对我们当前政治社会化有一定的借鉴意义,我们应充分汲取传统政治社会化的合理成分,以推进中国特色的政治文明和精神文明的社会化进程。  相似文献   

家庭教化与女大学生违法犯罪的防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女大学生是女性公民中一个极为特殊的群体,她们中的不少人以品德、知识和能力在同龄人中散发出魅力,而迎来了无数赞许的目光。然而,人们同时也遗憾地发现我国女大学生违法犯罪率在持续增加。女大学生违法犯罪的原因众多,但家庭作为人的社会化摇篮,对女大学生的成长有极为密切的关系。本文将从家庭教化层面,探讨女大学生违法犯罪的原因,并在此基础上提出相应的防范对策。家庭教化病症是家长在扮演教化子女角色的过程中所出现的教化问题,一些家庭教化病症的存在对子女的正常社会化发展有着深刻的影响。家庭教育的首要功能是培养子女树立良好的…  相似文献   

儿童社会化发展中家庭要素的优化与提升   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
于晶 《教育科学》2003,19(4):62-64
人的社会化发展需要一生的时间,而儿童时期的社会化发展是一生社会化发展的关键期。在儿童社会化发展中,家庭而起着重要作用。可以说,家庭成员的素质以及由此创设的家庭教育环境和家庭教育质量是推进儿童社会化发展的关键因素。因而,优化和提升儿童社会化发展的家庭要素是促进儿童社会化发展进程的首要工作。  相似文献   

黄琴 《教育探索》2006,(4):99-100
公益广告是以传媒方式进行青少年道德教化的新生途径。作为一种先进的社会文化环境,极大地影响着青少年的道德认识、伦理规范的选择和道德品质的发展;作为一种教化途径,与学校、家庭的道德教育一起,呵护青少年的道德成长。在青少年社会化的过程中,公益广告应当遵循青少年社会化成长的规律,净化他们的道德精神家园.改善他们道德成长的社会环境。  相似文献   

This article studies content issues by examining teachers’ communicated socialization content. The value-laden socialization content constitutes the educational context for the teaching of integrated subject matter and has not yet been thoroughly studied empirically in environmental education research. The implications of the results can be fruitful in discussions about how educational traditions evolve, as well as discussions about the relationships between environmental education (EE) and education for sustainable development (ESD). In this study, ten upper secondary teachers are interviewed and their expressed socialization content is examined. Various qualitative positions regarding five important educational aspects can be described in terms of three selective traditions. To strengthen the validity of the socialization content found in this study, the students of the same teachers were interviewed regarding their experiences of the socialization content of these teachers’ teaching. This is reported in a supplementary article (Sund and Wickman 2011; Sund 2008). Together these three studies (this article; Sund and Wickman 2011; Sund 2008) work to establish and test a method of discerning qualitative aspects in socialization content. Although the amount of data is limited, the ambition has been to triangulate socialization content qualitatively from three different sources: a literature study, teacher interviews, and student interviews.  相似文献   

The review acknowledges that research on the family and its contribution to achievement in ethnic minority children is important. Past research and theorizing suggest the need for new directions, however. For example, research in educational achievement predicts educational failure for African-American students and educational success for Asian-American students. Little differentiation is made either among African-Americans or among Asian-Americans of different cultural, language, immigration, and economic backgrounds. The theory and design of research on family and educational achievement have been influenced by prevailing societal stereotypes. Research and policy implications of this review include the need to move toward cultural/ecological theories of achievement socialization and development.  相似文献   

程朱的乡土化和理学的社会化在徽州是一同步过程。程朱理学在徽州的社会化过程主要是通过教育传承和家庭制度设计来实现的。徽州家族制度的运作,亦是朱熹理学思想的实践。儒、商的结合.从本质上讲,是通过家族整合机制来完成的。  相似文献   

Subject content is always studied within an educational context. This context is constituted by the socialization content, which can be regarded as an educational content beyond the subject content. This is the third article of three studies (this article; Sund and Wickman 2011; Sund 2008) that together form a triangulation of possible socialization content of environmental education. A common purpose for these three combined studies is to embrace and visualize the important value-laden content, which is often forgotten in discussions about the development of education for sustainable development. It is not sufficient to merely integrate more subject content matter – it may also be necessary to adapt to a changed teaching approach, which also develops content in the teaching process. Teachers’ changed approaches convey qualitatively different clusters of ‘meta-messages’ to students. The first study from authors in 2008 developed an analytical tool consisting of five important educational aspects and the second, also published in Environmental Education Research used the aspects to study teachers’ socialization content expressed in the interviews. The present study examines whether the qualitative differences in upper secondary teachers’ communicated socialization content in three selective traditions are apprehended by their students.  相似文献   

随着农村人口大量外流,传统农村家庭教育的双系结构、乡土性、双系抚育主导性受到了冲击。传统农村家庭教育功能的变迁给子女社会化带来了不利影响,主要表现在:流动儿童的乡土认同减弱、自我评估普遍偏低、留守儿童的情感生活出现很大缺陷等。要减少和消除这些不利影响,政府和社会应采取相应的措施,包括化解城市社会中对流动儿童的排斥和边缘化,为农村流动人口家庭“团聚”创造有利条件等。  相似文献   

对传统农村家庭教育功能变迁的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"民工潮"现象出现后,我国传统农村家庭教育功能呈现出新现象、新特点.本文以农村家庭模式划分理论为基础,进一步探讨了这一理论发展的趋向,并针对传统农村家庭教育功能变迁对子女社会化带来的不利影响,提出了若干建议与对策.  相似文献   

校外教育功能的载体包括家庭、幼儿园、各类社会文化机构及其活动。对于家庭教育与幼儿园教育,要吸收西方教育的先进理念与我国传统教育的精华,整合他们与学校教育的功能。同时,在终生教育理念的指导下,整合各类社会教育与学校教育的功能,逐步推进教育的社会化。  相似文献   

This article is focused on the role of ethics in the professional socialization of the student and the place of ethics in the social work curriculum. The content and structure of the ethics component and related issues are considered and an educational model, a teaching-learning approach, with its underlying learning theory and philosophical orientation is presented and instructional technology discussed.  相似文献   

电视在青少年的社会化过程中起着不可低估的作用。小小荧屏,有益于开阔青少年的眼界、增长知识、充实业余生活,但过分迷恋电视,也会有害孩子的身心健康。被动接受信息不利于青少年学习思考能力培养,盲目模仿不利于青少年行为发展,沉溺电视不利于青少年社会化进程。因此,家庭、学校、政府有关部门及媒体从业者要发挥各自的教育作用,最大限度地消减其负效应,在整个社会中为青少年撑起一片蔚蓝的天空。  相似文献   

This study explores how the government of mainland China values Chinese nationalism as a component of its historical memory and traces its relationship with music education from the twentieth century to the global age within broader social contexts. In a rapidly commercializing and modernizing China, nationalism remains the main driving force shaping Chinese music education, while historical nationalism and familial relationship have been reinforced by the current regime's educational socialization. Love for country and family and an emphasis on nationalism and Confucianism are the pragmatic tools employed by Chinese authorities to maintain their primacy in and power over education, particularly song teaching.  相似文献   

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