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日本人有送礼的习惯,送礼是一种普遍的交际行为。送礼集中在中元与岁暮这两个特定的节日,日本人普遍会向帮助过自己的人或亲密的友人赠送礼品来表达谢意与敬意。赠礼时根据不同的对象,讲究相应礼仪。与中国送礼文化不同,其体现了日本民族特有的文化内涵与民族特点。了解这些送礼方式的特点与差异有助于我们更好地进行跨文化交际。  相似文献   

Equity is a concept that is often measured in terms of test scores, with educators looking for equal test scores among students of different cultural groups, social classes or sexes. In this article the term ‘relational equity’ is proposed to describe equitable relations in classrooms; relations that include students treating each other with respect and responsibility. This concept will be illustrated through the results of a four‐year study of different mathematics teaching approaches, conducted in three Californian high schools. In one of the schools—a diverse, urban high school—students achieved at higher levels, learned good behaviour, and learned to respect students from different cultural groups, social classes, ability levels and sexes. In addition, differences in attainment between different cultural groups were eliminated in some cases and reduced in all others. Importantly, the goals of high achievement and equity were achieved in tandem through a mixed‐ability mathematics approach that is not used or well known in the UK.  相似文献   

Should classification of the UK honours degree have a future?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The classified honours degree has so much prestige and so venerable a tradition that only very serious and systemic changes could justify the question as to whether classification has a future. However, while this paper argues that such changes have indeed taken place in the past 30 years, the main arguments for change are pedagogical. The proposed change is for an unclassified degree, in which details are provided in a profile, covering assessments—only some of which can be classified—in a range of learning activities. A major innovation is the creation by each student of a portfolio, a device well known in art and architecture, which documents their learning. One consequence of this change is that students are treated individually and the traditional concept of fairness, which is based on all students being treated the same, has to be replaced by a more sophisticated concept of fairness. More generally, this change—with its stress on integrating assessment and the process of learning, as opposed to the current attitude where assessment certifies the product of learning—will have to affect not only the processes of assessment, but of all associated teaching and learning. The proposed scheme ought to be helpful also to prospective employers, who would, however, have to change many traditional attitudes.  相似文献   

Only one thing is definite for the future of our professional ethics. As long as there is an Association, the Code of Professional Ethics will not stabilize permanently but will continue to unfold. The members who formulated the Code as it stands at present, as well as those who subsequently interpreted it and those who recently revised it, were cautious and deliberate. They deserve respect for being caring and thoughtful. These efforts ought to be continued by their successors.  相似文献   

《纪念爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》是美国著名作家福克纳一篇很有特色很具阅读性的短篇小说,评论界对其痴迷程度远远超出作者的想象。其中所运用的象征主义一向为人称道。本文从小说中最有典型意义的三个具有象征意义的画面谈起,从艾米丽其人、其家庭环境和其文化出身三个方面层层跌进阐述了艾米丽这一大家闺秀悲剧一生的根源。  相似文献   

对话教学作为一种新的教育理念具有重要的理论与实践价值。对话教学解构了教师的话语霸权,使教学在尊重、信任、合作的良好氛围中进行,有利于发展学生学习的主动性、积极性和创造性。在体育教学中引入对话教学可以有效地弥补传统的"传递中心体育教学"的不足,充分调动学生学习的积极性,培养学生多方面的能力,使体育教学更具有人文精神。  相似文献   

The United States social security program is in trouble today not only because of scarce resources and double‐digit inflation but also because the American people are returning to an eighteenth century concept of government as the oppressor rather than the benefactor of society. Moreover, it is widely claimed—and believed—that the program is poorly managed and actuarially unsound, and that the entire system is likely to collapse long before those who are presently contributing to it will qualify as recipients of its benefits.

The thesis of this paper is that unless educational gerontologists and others who are interested in the welfare of the elderly make a special effort to inform Congress and the people of the consequences of changes in the present law, it is likely that significant changes will occur in the 1980s that will affect the Hues of millions of Americans. The authors contend that many of the same societal conditions exist today that existed when the Social Security Act of 1935 was passed. To dismantle, or even to remodel, the present structure, without a very extensive and very careful study of alternatives and consequences, would be disastrous not only to the elderly, but to the nation as well.  相似文献   

Kant's over‐reliance on universal reason and his subjection of free will to the moral law can be seen as normalising a particular and restrictive view of autonomous human existence—a view implicit in liberal accounts of education. Drawing on Nietzsche's critique of Kantian thought, this paper argues that the transcendental and unattainable realm of Kantian reason is insufficient as a sole basis for moral thought and action or as the basis of respect for others as ‘ends‐in‐themselves’. For Nietzsche, the possibility for each individual goes well beyond compliance with any imposed system of values, his metaphorical ‘death of God’ leaving room for creativity and difference.  相似文献   

全球地方化是指全球化与地方化的融合。刘重德作为全球地方化理念的成功实践者,以其人生经历诠释了全球化和地方化在中国翻译研究和翻译实践领域不再分离的观点。从全球地方化视角探究不同文化的互相渗透,将帮助我们进一步认清刘重德的生平业绩、道德品质、翻译理论与翻译实践。他的成就可以概述为:(1)重英译汉,亦重汉译英;(2)兼收并蓄,形成自己独特的理论体系;(3)建立中国英汉语比较研究会,为跨文化研究提供载体;(4)重视全球地方化语境下的翻译人才尤其是中译外翻译人才的培养——所有这一切均将有助于中国文化在全球地方化时代永远保持自己独特的文化身份。  相似文献   

The Board of Directors of the International Society for Performance Improvement has identified top managers and executives as one of the population groups that are or should be represented in ISPI membership. In an effort to research these professionals, Performance Improvement is introducing a new feature — Executive Summaries. These are synopses of the feature articles in each issue. They will appear together on pages that can be copied and distributed to members of your organization who might not have time to read PI, but may benefit from the content of its articles. We encourage you to share summaries with managers and executives, as well as clients, team members, students, and other performance improvement professionals. Also — look for the summaries to appear on ISPI's Web Site soon.  相似文献   

The Board of Directors of the International Society for Performance Improvement has identified top managers and executives as one of the population groups that are or should be represented in ISPI membership. In an effort to research these professionals, Performance Improvement is introducing a new feature — Executive Summaries. These are synopses of the feature articles in each issue. They will appear together on pages that can be copied and distributed to members of your organization who might not have time to read PI, but may benefit from the content of its articles. We encourage you to share summaries with managers and executives, as well as clients, team members, students, and other performance improvement professionals. Also — look for the summaries to appear on ISPI's Web Site soon.  相似文献   

曾国藩作为近代思想史、学术史研究无法避开的人物,一生笃信理学,被学界称为晚清理学巨擘。他对天人关系的理解,既承袭前贤,又不乏己见,诸如天意难测、天人征应、代天主张、无故怨天、天罚昭昭、顺天为贵等认识的最终形成,无一不是本人践行理学、体躬心悟所得,尤其是批判常理测天的核心态度值得深入探讨。  相似文献   

I. An analysis of the evolution of the idea of culture might seem to be quite an ambitious undertaking, inasmuch as it covers so many aspects — philosophical, historical, literary, and sociological. Such a study in fact requires a certain multidisciplinarity, but, as the title of this essay suggests, the pedagogical aspect will remain our main concern in this discussion. It is not possible in such a study to make an exhaustive analysis of all the nuances that have accrued to the concept of culture during the course of history. And so, our analysis is presented as an attempt to categorize the main currents of ideas delineating this concept, and hence as a certain system — perforce a simplification of a more complex reality. At the same time, during the course of our presentation we shall endeavor as much as possible to respect the chronological course of events, although, as we have said, our analysis is both historical and systematic.  相似文献   

ARIADNE is a concept of computer-based and telematics-supported educational schemes. It relies primarily on a number of interconnected knowledge pools and suitable strategies for using them, in academic education—either classical or at a distance—and for certain types of corporate continuing training. In ARIADNE, the term ‘knowledge pool’ refers to a large, indexed, storage of pedagogical elements and the set of tools, methodologies and infrastructures necessary for maintaining and exploiting it, to build and distribute structured curricula. This concept is meant to address the weaknesses of many ‘open’ training schemes advocating the usefulness of unlimited and free access to the World Wide Web (WWW). In our view, this immense—but scarcely structured— document repository can all too easily become a maze and offers, in itself, little incentive to serious learning. On the other hand, ARIADNE will use a WWW based net-interface, suitable for—and inter-operable with—most platforms commonly in use by would-be learners. ARIADNE addresses two categories of users: those who contribute to the knowledge pool system and develop training curricula (professors and pedagogical engineers) and those who may enlist in and follow these curricula (students and trainees). The system's design accounts for the need for collaboration and communication between (a) trainers, to create, customize, share and reuse pedagogical documents; (b) trainers and learners, for coaching/tutoring activities and supervision of learning; and (c) students/trainees, in peer-supported learning or group work. Long-term survival of any such technology-supported education system depends primarily on motivated participants: teachers and trainers, students and trainees, academic institutions and corporations should all find some practical advantage in its use. In this paper (Part 1), we present an overview of the ARIADNE concept, describing its pragmatic educational approach and its specific approach to authoring of pedagogical material and construction of usable curricula. In a forthcoming paper (Part 2), we will address its technological approach and present a brief review of the tools needed to implement the concept as a viable computer-based and telematics-supported distance—but also open or even classical— educational system.  相似文献   

The present article analyzes the development of the ethnic gap—with respect to the attainment of vocational degrees—over the immigration cohorts 1960–2001 by examining how social integration indicators and general secondary school education may help to explain the trend. It was found that the gap between natives and migrants increased. Above all, the large increase in the gap over cohorts between Germans and Turks is alarming. In contrast to that the gap and its increase between the group of immigrants from Central-/Eastern-/Southeastern European countries as well as from other former recruitment countries and German natives is comparably small and can to a large extent be explained by a growing gap regarding the level of general secondary education among the newer immigration cohorts and native Germans due to educational expansion and to a growing impact of the secondary school education for the achievement of vocational education. The effect of social integration plays a smaller role compared to general secondary school education and it even decreases over immigration cohorts.  相似文献   

The article identifies international cases—from the United States, Europe, and the United Nations—of an emergent interface of religion, education, and security. This is manifest in the uses of religion in education to counter religious extremism, the notional “counter terrorist classroom.” To avoid an over-association of extremism with religion, the article provides some historical reminders that the post-Enlightenment centuries were marked by political extremism, particularly in the phenomenon that came to be known as totalitarianism. In freedom-espousing doctrines on all sides—Communist, Fascist, and Nazi as well as democratic—education here too was an invariant adjunct of political and security processes. All regarded religion too as contributory or contrary to such freedom. What is new now is the global use of religion in education for political and of late security purpose. Using Isaiah Berlin's (2002) “two concepts of liberty,” I argue that evidence of—often subtle, often explicit—security uses of religion in education mark in new ways a connection of the political with the religious. Although such moves are in intention benign, I conclude that political and security interventions and justifications for religion in education will inevitably shift the aims and purposes of religious education to the aims and purposes of political and security interest.  相似文献   

It is worthwhile that we pay a great deal of attention to the experience the Shuiyuan Commune in Yingkow County had in carrying out the revolution in education. Chairman Mao points out: "In the countryside, poor and lower-middle peasants should manage our schools, because they are the most reliable ally of the working class." In action, the comrades at the Shuiyuan Commune in Yingkow County have already implemented this great instruction of Chairman Mao, by having poor and lower-middle peasants, as leaders, work with the revolutionary teachers and students to run the schools and to reform the educational system. There are some people who look at the revolution in education as something quite difficult to accomplish. The truth is, all we need do is follow Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line — firmly and unwaveringly, seriously but not perfunctorily — as well as to be good in summarizing experiences and lessons. Before too long, there will be noticeable results. Hasn't the outlook of the Shuiyuan Commune, which irrevocably carried out Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary thinking on education, changed completely in just a little over six months' time?  相似文献   

News has just come from the recently convened "Credit and Loan Seminar of Chinese Banks" that a new personal credit-and-loan item—the "loan for studies abroad"—is to become a hot point in consumer credits and loans following the institution of housing mortgages, automobile loans, and loans for durable consumer goods. These loans for studies abroad, which will be extended to persons who have fixed incomes (or whose parents and relatives have such incomes), who have a certain amount of financial assets, and who intend to make long-term investments in education, will provide those who go abroad to study for degrees with 100,000 to 500,000 yuan in loans, with payback periods of from five to ten years.  相似文献   


The proposition has been advanced that the appropriateness of conventional approaches to evaluation of EE needs to be regarded as problematic. The paper addresses this proposition by considering the resonances between two different perspectives to evaluation, and commonly accepted characteristics of EE. Both perspectives to evaluation will be considered in respect to their epistemology, locus of control, and interests served—in short, in respect to their “political theory.” Finally, the argument will be advanced that the choice of evaluation paradigm for EE be a deliberative one based on the relationship between the “political theory” of the evaluation, and the intentions of the program to be evaluated.  相似文献   

如同著名的荷兰科学家伊拉斯莫一样,凡是纵横欧洲几所大学研究的人都被视为是学生的楷模。与伊拉斯莫时代的习惯相左的是,现代大学对学生在其他大学学习的成果信息有所要求。作为一个综合学分互认体系,欧洲学分互认系统(ECTS)能够满足这样的要求。本次演讲将对包括荷兰开放大学在内的西欧院校的优秀实践将予以介绍。不幸的是,许多院校口头上称许学生流动性的种种优点,事实上却给学分互认制造障碍。障碍之一就是巨细靡遗的海外课程水平和内容具体要求说明。"学术教育是智慧和专业见解的增进","学胜于教","知识来源多元性和事实不是唯一存在性"等更为宽广的价值观是对待学生流动性的积极态度。本次演讲将探究这一更为宽广的价值观体系。由于期待所有大学都在这一问题上达成共识是不现实的,报告人建议让愿意采取切实行动对待学生流动的大学组成联盟。流动性友好大学联盟将基于自愿参与的形式为每个专业建立结构课程,并且采用综合学分互认系统和透明的先前知识认可规则。结构课程的概念将予以说明。它在本质上是一系列对于课程水平和内容的宽泛要求,而非具体必修课程清单。结构课程使学生能够利用世界各地大学的优势建立个人的课程组合。  相似文献   

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