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A sociocultural view of learning proposes that learning involves becoming enculturated into a community of practice. A step along the way is learning to use the specialized language of such a community, as language is a crucial tool that regulates participation, mediates cognition and plays a central role in the development of thought. Problem-based learning (PBL), with its emphasis on collaborative discourse, provides opportunities for students to develop the conceptual language of a discipline, which in turn affects cognition. In a problem-based undergraduate Educational Psychology course, many psychological theories, concepts and principles are introduced to pre-service teachers. During the course, as students learn through problem solving, they engage with new knowledge. This evolving knowledge requires new discourse structures that will allow students to express their new ideas and that will ultimately structure students' ways of knowing. The content of group and individual artifacts is analyzed to examine how PBL influences students' language and knowledge development over the course of the semester in an Educational Psychology class (n = 34). The goal of this paper is to present these analyses and to discuss how the change affects students' language and knowledge.  相似文献   

The knowledge and beliefs in a domain constitute the cognitive “working capital” of the professional. Restructuring this professional knowledge, as is strived for in training or professional development, can be extremely difficult.In a training study with teachers as participants, it was tested (a) whether delivering training that is congruent with teachers' pre-existing ideas enhances their learning and performance in a domain: and (b) whether providing trainers with diagnostic information about participating teachers' knowledge and beliefs results in better tuned instruction. Training was given according to three training models, each of which offers a different solution to the problem of knowledge restructuring.Teachers' beliefs were found to filter the knowledge acquisition process: the greater the correspondence between teachers' beliefs and what was presented in training, the more likely it was that learning would take place. On the other hand, providing the trainer with diagnostic information was not found to be an effective strategy for achieving greater congruence between teachers' beliefs and instruction. Apparently, other intervention techniques for promoting knowledge restructuring in teachers will have to be considered.  相似文献   

The design of problems is crucial for the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL). Research has shown that PBL problems have not always been effective. Ineffective PBL problems could affect whether students acquire sufficient domain knowledge, activate appropriate prior knowledge, and properly direct their own learning. This paper builds on the 3C3R problem design model, which is a systematic conceptual framework for guiding the design of effective and reliable problems for PBL. To help practitioners apply the 3C3R model, this paper introduces a 9-step problem design process. The initial steps guide an instructional designer through analyses on learning goal, content, and context to help select problems. Later steps ensure that the problem appropriately affords the specifications identified in the analyses. The last two steps incorporate a reflection component, as well as ensure the integrity of the 3C3R components in the problem.  相似文献   


Professional undergraduate nursing education programmes share the goal of preparing competent graduates who will successfully make the transition to the world of professional nursing practice. Furthermore, society demands continued professional accountability for competence in an era of exponential knowledge proliferation and technological change. One way to meet this demand is for every practicing professional to engage in continuing professional nursing education. If professional nurses are to maximize continuous learning, they need to be able to manage and monitor their own learning. This means that professional nurses engaged in continuous learning should have the ability to be self directed. The use of problem-based learning (PBL) as an instructional methodology in undergraduate nursing curricula has been identified as one way to facilitate the development of nursing students' abilities to become self-directed in learning. The theoretical links between PBL and self-directed learning are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Problem-based learning (PBL) activities incorporated into an introductory food science course can aid in student understanding of basic food science principles while developing students' problem-solving and critical thinking skills. This article describes one example of how problem-based learning was introduced into an introductory food science course designed for food and nutrition majors. Included are the problems that were developed for the course and the observed outcomes of the problem-based learning activities. Integrated problem-based learning aided students in developing communication, problem-solving, self-directed learning, and other desired skills and demonstrates the potential to be an enjoyable and challenging classroom experience for both students and teachers. However, poor problem design, such as introducing numerous problems for one subject area, may generate unanticipated quick answer approaches to solving problems.  相似文献   

Support is needed to promote problem-based learning (PBL) and to enhance critical thinking skills in discussion-based Internet forums. By advancing the capabilities of chat room and forum software, problem-based discussions for learning can be supported further in online learning environments. In this paper, the authors report on MALESAbrain, an intelligent learning tool. The model is built on the notions of threshold and knowledge weight from the discipline of machine learning. The model encourages learners to judge or critically evaluate the solutions posted by others before exploring further knowledge content. The system then sums up the judgment scores as its knowledge weight to pass the thresholds setup for ranking/arranging the learning issues. This constraint design, therefore, becomes a mechanism for critical thinking in a problem-based learning activity. MALESAbrain as a model helps transform the forum and chat room into rich learning discussion environments.  相似文献   

Conclusion The word association test and idea association test are open-ended tests which assess students' linking ability and also their accuracy in retrieving the relevant knowledge. These tests break through the “spoon-fed” and “drilled” types of assessment. The earlier study has shown that linkage of knowledge is one of the influential factors in determining problem solving performance (Lee, 1986). A replication study has confirmed the earlier findings that these two non-traditional measures assess learning performance as do the traditional methods. Apart from providing the numerical scores, for the learning performance, the two non-traditional tests also provide teachers with useful qualitative evidence of how students proceed with their learning and with their understanding of concepts. The technical procedures of setting, carrying out and scoring the tests are reasonably easy to handle. On the basis of the evidence shown, it is suggested that the word association and idea association tests should become part of the regular testing of chemistry learning in schools.  相似文献   

问题式教学是以增强问题意识和发现、分析、解决问题能力为目的的教学模式,它不同于目的在于传授和掌握已有知识、并把其当成无可怀疑和不再发展的绝对真理的直线式教学。问题式教学对改变传统教学方式,培养学生发现、分析和解决问题的意识、兴趣、习惯和能力,形成创造性都有重要意义。实施问题式教学必须形成怀疑的态度,必须通过已知发现未知,把学生引向研究和解决科学发展最前沿的不清楚的问题,在解决问题中增强问题意识与发现、提出、分析、解决问题的兴趣、习惯、信心和能力。  相似文献   

问题导学法就是通过设计问题来引导学生进行思考,从而促使其探索求新。应用问题导学法最为关键的部分就是问题设计,只有设计的问题难易适当,学生才会有探索和解决这些问题的欲望,这将促使其主动投入到相关知识的学习当中,从而获得出乎意料的教学效果。文章主要对问题教学法在语文教学中的运用进行探讨。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to discuss how active student learning is possible with the aid of a CAI package for a subject such as Strength of Materials. Multimedia is the latest innovation that can be utilized to improve learning. In this study, multimedia components such as hypertext, sound, graphics, video, and animation are implemented in a CAI package. These capabilities can capture students' attention, and can also illustrate the application of knowledge to real world problems more effectively than traditional teaching methods. The other features of this package include guided examples, theory, and application tests. Guided examples show the students problem solving techniques, and provide feedback according to their responses. The theory and application tests enable the teacher to gauge the students' understanding of the subject matter. Students who do well in the theory test are eligible to attempt the application test, which poses real-world engineering problems. The lesson that can be concluded from this study is that students' problem solving skills can be improved with the aid of CAI which emphasizes anchored instructions. However, to achieve maximum benefit, students also need to possess independent learning skills.  相似文献   

This paper reports students' perceptions of the technological supports that assist problem-based learning (PBL). There are a number of tasks in the PBL processes, which can be supported by technological advances. A Web-based system has been developed to support the problem-based learning strategy. The system provides facilities to both teacher and students to facilitate learning and teaching. These include on-line teaching materials retrieval, a discussion area for problem analysis and brainstorming, a facility for project planning and monitoring, a private group area for the purposes of discussion, a facility for the submission of development work and learning resources, and a posting area to display good work to motivate students. The progress of the students can be monitored and feedback can be given to them. This paper presents a pilot study of student views of and preferences for various technological supports used to enhance learning effectiveness.  相似文献   

实践教学是远程开放教育金融学专业教学中的一个重要环节。在实施实践教学环节中应该适应多元化教学需求,确立学生在教学中的主体地位,在强调专业知识的同时,更应重视学生综合素质的提高。  相似文献   

Contrary to classical problem-based learning, in guided problem-based learning, the learning goals are predetermined by the instructor—on the basis of a detailed decomposition of the subject matter to be studied—to activate prior knowledge and to structure self-study and subsequent group discussion. This study investigated the effects of classical problem-based learning and guided problem-based learning, for different prior knowledge levels, on perceived value and usefulness of the learning activity and on conceptual understanding of statistics. Participants randomly assigned 110 students to 10 problem-based learning groups, and subsequently, the 10 groups were allocated randomly to classical problem-based learning or guided problem-based learning. The results indicate that guided problem-based learning tends to enhance conceptual understanding of statistics more thanbreak; classical problem-based learning once students have some prior knowledge of the subject. Furthermore, guided problem-based learning tends to increase students’ awareness of the value and usefulness of the learning activity.  相似文献   

The present study is part of acomprehensive research project with the generalaims of comparing how problem-based learning isrealised in three different professionaleducational programmes. The specific aims ofthis study are to describe and analyse howstudents in the three different programmesconceive of the meaning of problem-basedlearning and how they experience their studieswithin a problem-based learning programme. ThePBL programmes are a Bachelor's programme inPhysiotherapy, a Master's programme inPsychology, and a Master's programme inComputer Engineering. Data were analysedqualitatively. The results reveal differencesin how the students in the three programmesconceive of their autonomy as learners,co-operation with their counterparts and theauthenticity of the learning task. The findingspossibly also reflect the taken-for-grantedperspectives of knowledge, embedded in thecultures of the professional practices and thescientific disciplines to which the programmespertain.  相似文献   

“基于问题的学习”在教师培训中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建构主义学习理论所倡导的"基于问题的学习"日益受到关注。该模式中,学生围绕问题解决展开知识的主动建构,并藉此过程掌握灵活的知识基础,发展高层次的思维技能和自主学习的能力。其过程包括组织小组、启动问题、持续探讨问题、成果展示及反思和评价等环节。该模式对教师培训方式的变革颇具启迪和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study focused on students' observations of student and staff tutors' behavior during two academic courses, using a thirtynine-item rating scale. The study took place within an integrated problem-based law curriculum. Six major factors in tutors' behavior were identified. Differences between student and staff tutors' performance were investigated. The results showed that student tutors were better at understanding the nature of the problems students face in attempting to master the subject-matter. Student tutors were also more interested in students' daily lives, study experiences and personalities. In addition, student tutors referred to end-of-course examinations more frequently than staff tutors to direct student learning. Alternatively, staff tutors used their subject-matter expertise more often and displayed more authoritarian behavior than student tutors. No differences were found with respect to tutors' focus on cooperation among group members. The results are interpreted in terms of the nature of the knowledge and experiences of students and staff with regard to problem-based learning and its requirements.  相似文献   

杨春 《河西学院学报》2004,20(6):103-106
中学英语成绩测试是中学英语教学中的重要环节,对准确评估学生的学习和教师的教学具有重要的意义。实践中,由于教师和教学管理人员在语言测试方面存在的模糊认识,往往使测试的信度和效度得不到应有的保证,从而使测试不能全面反映教学情况。文章从测试的试题命制开始探讨,分析了施考、阅卷、成绩分析四个环节中容易出现的九种问题,提出在新课程标准的背景下,教师要促进自身业务的不断发展,必须重视英语语言测试。  相似文献   

终身教育与高等教育改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会发展的迅速 ,知识增长和更新速度的加快 ,人们在某一时期所获得的知识根本无法满足其在现代社会生活中的需要和个人一生的发展需要 ,我们必须树立终身学习的思想。目前高等教育的当务之急是转变教育观念 ,树立新的学习观 ,强调学生学会学习的方法和能力 ,为学生终身学习提供工具和指导 ;调整高等教育的课程结构 ,由过去的单纯专业知识传授型课程结构转变为专业知识、职业技能、素质教育、实践活动等综合能力培养与为终身学习服务的延伸课程相结合的合理的课程结构  相似文献   

教师专业知识及其发展:图式观与组织文化条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对教师专业知识及其性质和特点的认识是决定教师专业发展途径的前提与基础。教师专业知识是依据特定的学生状况和教育情境,由教育教学观、学科教学知识、课堂管理知识等整合而成的一系列实践性知识,并以图式结构表征。其发展途径主要是基于问题的学习,并需要合作的组织文化条件的支持。  相似文献   

李志成 《辽宁高职学报》2009,11(2):99-101,109
采用测量法、问卷调查法、实验研究等方法,探索角色学习法在篮球专项体育课中的应用效果,旨在为提高教学质量、促进学生身心健康成长提供借鉴。结果表明,角色学习法对促进学生人格因素的良性发展、改善学生心理症状与负向情绪、充分利用社会资源与社会支持等方面效果显著,对篮球专业知识、技能掌握和身体素质的提高效果显著。对此,提出心理健康教育的若干建议。  相似文献   

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