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The purpose of this study was to compare the reliabilities of true-false (TF) and multiple choice (MC) tests and to determine the concurrent validities of both. Two methods, judgmental and discrimination, were devised for objectively converting MC items to TF form. The TF items generated by the two methods from 70-item MC natural science and social studies tests were incorporated in eight final forms which were differentiated by subject matter, conversion method, and item form order. A sample of 1018 nonurban high school students each responded to one of the eight forms. Examinees tried three TF items for every pair of MC items attempted. The TF tests were significantly less reliable than the MC tests but did tend to measure the same thing as the corresponding MC tests.  相似文献   

先秦诸子道德教育观比较   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
先秦诸子的道德教育观各有千秋。在教育目的上,儒家以培养仁智合一的“贤人”、“君子”为己任;墨家主张培养“贤士”、“兼士”;道家追求天人合一、自然归真的独立人格;法家的培养目标是“名成于前,德成于后”的“耿介之士”。在教育内容方面,儒家道德教育的核心是“仁”、“智”、“勇”;墨家是“兼爱”;道家是法自无为的“道”;法家则是“法”、“术”、“势”相结合。在教与学的关系上,儒家持性善论,主张教师言传身教;墨家认为“有道劝以教人”;道家则主张民主平等的交流;法家因信人性本恶,故力主以法为师。在知与行的关系上,儒家主张“学”、“行”、“思”的结合;墨子主张“学”、“行”统一,以“行”为本;道家主张后发起人,白化自正;法家主张“以力致功”,反对空言。  相似文献   

Several parts of the STEP Writing Test, Level 1, were administered to 14 different groups of from 19 to 52 high school students. In the testing situations, scores were computed using the following scoring functions: (a) probability assigned to the correct answer, (b) the logarithmic function, (c) the spherical function, (d) the Euclidean function, and (e) inferred choice. Reliabilities of the scores obtained by means of each scoring function were computed. Comparisons between the reliabilities showed that the simplest and most intuitive function, the probability assigned to the correct answer, produced the highest reliability in comparison with any of the other functions. The data suggest that in the absence of information about the scoring system, subjects assign their confidence in multiple-choice responses on the basis of the intuitively simplest payoff model, and that reliability decreases as scoring functions generate item scores which are progressively discrepant from scores generated by the simplest model.  相似文献   


Sociometric ranking of ten classrooms was analyzed to determine if Jamrich's procedure was significantly different from conventional indexes. Spearman Rank correlations and Kendall's coefficient of concordance were used to determine degree of correlation, Jamrich's ranked values were not found to be significantly different from conventional scales.  相似文献   

The criteria and procedures for the recognition of foreign qualifications are not sufficiently known to most evaiuators of foreign qualifications. This lack of knowledge results in inappropriate and incorrect evaluations and recognition decisions. The purpose of this article is to explain who evaluates and reaches decisions as to foreign qualifications, what the role of national recognition centres is, how such centres co‐operate internationally, and how international co‐operation has led to the advancement of agreed upon methods, criteria, and procedures for the recognition of foreign qualifications. The biggest step forward in this respect is the Draft Recommendation on General Procedures and Criteria for the Evaluation of Foreign Qualifications that was recently developed by an expert group and which, in its final form, will be a subsidiary text of the Council of Europe/UNESCO Convention.  相似文献   

Gustafsson, J.‐E. Differential Effects of Imagery Instructions on Pupils with Different Abilities. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 21, 157‐179. A study investigating interactions between imagery instructions and aptitude variables is presented. A group of seven fifth‐grade classes was given imagery instructions in the reading of a short text, while another group read the text in a regular way. Three different outcomes covering different types of learning were registered. Tests of verbal ability and spatial (or imagery) ability were used as aptitude variables. The data analysis indicated that there were differences for the girls between the treatment groups among the aptitude variables; the results for the girls thus had to be excluded. A positive effect of imagery instructions was found for boys high in verbal and imagery ability with respect to the acquisition of simple terms. For other outcomes and groups of subjects either no effect or a negative effect was found.  相似文献   

我国地方性立法程序因法律依据较为原则存有诸多问题。笔者按立法程序分阶段分析问题所在,提出完善地方立法规划、计划的编制程序,发挥立法机关的主导作用,审议法规时要求专门委员会组织草案解读等完善立法程序的对策。  相似文献   

Within the realm of school‐based interventions, implementation integrity is important for practical, legal, and ethical purposes. Unfortunately, evidence suggests that proper monitoring of implementation integrity is often absent from both research and practice. School psychology practitioners and researchers have reported that a major barrier to monitoring integrity is a lack of procedural guidance, and currently there is little research that has examined the psychometric reliability of monitoring procedures and materials. Therefore, the purpose of this two‐part study was to examine (a) the extent to which relatively novice educators could self‐learn and successfully use an implementation integrity monitoring system designed to evaluate a structured reading intervention program, and (b) the inter‐observer reliability of two individuals using the system to evaluate the same interventionist. Overall findings suggested that it is feasible for most individuals to learn the implementation integrity monitoring system (and associated materials) and the system can be used reliably across multiple observers. Implications of these findings are discussed, including how the procedures and materials might be adapted for other intervention programs to assist researchers and practitioners with monitoring implementation integrity.  相似文献   

通过分析目标市场在市场营销中的作用,提出用AHP(层次分析法)建立数学模型思路,以达到定量化分析目的.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Andrew Stables and Stephen Gough explore some of the implications for educational policy and practice of a view of living (and, therefore, of learning) as semiotic engagement. Such a view, Stables and Gough argue, has the potential to displace or circumvent essentially Cartesian models currently dominant within learning theory (cognitivism and responses to it) and within neoclassical economics (rational choice and responses to it). It thus enables synergies between theories of learning and of economic behavior, allowing for greater consistency in thinking about (but not necessarily prescribing for) both educational policy and provision, on the one hand, and curriculum and pedagogy, on the other. In addition, the authors claim that giving semiotics a foundational role in educational thinking provides a basis for the broader development of liberal political thought within a postmodern cultural context.  相似文献   

越南《皇黎一统志》与中国《三国演义》之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
越南汉历史小说深受中国化的影响。通过越南历史小说《皇黎一统志》与中国历史小学《三国演义》的比较,不难看出,越南历史小说除了内容之外,它的创作思想和语言形式与中国古代历史小说基本上是同源的。  相似文献   

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