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The question addressed in this paper is whether there are signs that students' progression through high school to graduation has been affected by the efforts to increase school accountability, including high-stakes exit exams. If such accountability systems were able to raise student academic performance significantly in elementary and middle school, these same students should be more likely to succeed academically in high school and graduate with their cohort. If state accountability systems also attempt to raise minimum standards for high school graduation by requiring exit tests, as many do, this could have the opposite effect of lowering high school graduation rates by putting yet one more barrier in the way of lower-performing students completing requirements.  相似文献   

数学从小学到高中被作为三大主科,在大学时,又是理工类学生必修之课,由此可见数学是非常重要的。我国提倡素质教育,因此数学教学中也要进行素质教育。本文从数学教育中创新思维能力的培养、数学教育中学生智力发展的培养、数学教育中德育的培养、数学教育中人文素质的培养以及数学教育中美育价值的培养这几个方面对数学教育中的素质教育进行了分析。  相似文献   

调查新疆、宁夏和甘肃三省(区)民族地区义务教育阶段学生个人教育基本支出,旨在了解"两免一补"实施后民族地区学生义务教育支出成本及存在问题。调研结果表明:少数民族地区义务教育阶段学生入学缴费难问题已基本解决;不同民族地区学生教育成本各项支出存在显著差异;就学过程"两免一补"外其他各种教育支出仍对家庭经济负担有较大的影响作用。研究认为,国家应专门构建贫困学生资助体系,进一步完善和加强面向民族农村地区贫困学生的就学资助。  相似文献   

甘南藏区中学数学课堂教学中数学交流欠缺是制约其数学教育滞后的因素之一.文章通过剖析甘南藏区民族中学数学课堂教学中数学交流的现状,调查当今课堂教学中数学交流实施的状况,以及藏族中学学生对数学交流的认识,对影响甘南藏区数学课堂教学中数学交流的诸多因素-交流意识、教学艺术水平、数学思维能力、数学语言能力等进行了浅析,指出了甘南族区数学课堂教学中数学交流所存在的实际问题,并提出了应对策略.  相似文献   

从我国民族地区数学课程教材改革、双语教学、学生数学学习心理研究、跨文化数学教育理论研究与方法等方面综述了我国近20年来跨文化数学教育研究取得的成就。目前,对我国少数民族学生数学学习心理研究已达到较高水准,数学课堂的跨文化教育实验研究——中小学"数学情境与提出问题"教学实验颇具中国特色并在实践层面产生重要影响。进一步还需研究构建符合少数民族学生思维特点的数学课程体系,编写民族文字数学教材,加强少数民族双语数学教学研究与高素质双语教师队伍建设。  相似文献   


Previous research on school experiences has often focused on lesbian and gay students. Far fewer studies have examined trans* students’ experiences, especially with respect to community support. And none of this work has addressed relevant issues in an East Asian Chinese cultural context, where transgender equality has been a hotly debated issue in recent years, and prejudice towards members of this ‘invisible’ population still persists. This paper highlights the school experiences of trans* students based on a literature review of international, regional and Hong Kong publications. A case study analysis of one Hong Kong community support programme is used as an example to highlight the important role that this kind of work can play in filling a gap left by the formal education sector. Findings suggest that, given the influence of genderism and deficiencies of in school environments, community support services provided by non-government organisations can play a significant role not only in raising public awareness, but also in filling education and service gaps for sexual and gender minority students.  相似文献   

毕业论文的写作是成人高等学校专本科各专业教育教学计划中一个极为重要的综合性实践教学环节,这个教学环节体现了专业培养目标和要求。本文从学生和指导教师的不同角度分析了毕业论文写作和指导中的常见问题,并就如何指导成人高等学校毕业论文谈了几点思考和看法,旨在提高成人高等学校毕业论文的指导和写作水平。  相似文献   

学习数学的目的是应用,但是学校数学与现实数学之间存在很大差距,要让学生将数学应用于现实却非常之难。本文就数学应用题,到底难在何处?本文从其源头处作一番审视。  相似文献   

新疆学前双语教育存在问题的分析与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学前教育是启蒙教育,是基础教育的基础。进入21世纪以来,为了加快提高少数民族学生的汉语水平和综合素质,新疆大力实施"民汉合校"和双语教育工程,双语教育教学推进的速度进一步加快。随着时代的进步和社会的整体文化素质的提高,对学前双语教育的要求也越来越高,特别是幼儿双语教育愈显重要。文章对新疆学前双语教育存在的偏差进行了探讨。  相似文献   

College students graduating in a recession have been shown to face large and persistent negative effects on their earnings, health, and other outcomes. This paper investigates whether students delay graduation to avoid these effects. Using data on the universe of students in higher education in Brazil and leveraging variation in labor market conditions across time, space, and chosen majors, the paper finds that students in public institutions delay graduation to avoid entering depressed labor markets. A typical recession causes the on-time graduation rate to fall by 6.5% in public universities and there is no effect on private institutions. The induced delaying increases average graduation by 0.11 semesters, consistent with 1 out of 18 students delaying graduation by one year in public universities. The delaying effect is larger for students with higher scores, in higher-earnings majors, and from more advantaged backgrounds. This has important implications for the distributional impact of recessions.  相似文献   

俄罗斯最新(2004年)颁布的小学数学教育标准包括:小学数学的教学目的;教学大纲规定必学的最少内容;对培养毕业生水平的要求。为保持俄罗斯小学数学教育的统一性,并为教科书的编写和教师的教学提供宽广的创造性空间,教育部还提供了一个示范性小学数学教学大纲。  相似文献   


The recent development of making secondary school education free in Ghana has raised concerns about the level of preparedness of teachers to teach students with diverse needs in one classroom. Significantly, mathematics is one of the core areas that the Ghanaian government has prioritised, and it has institutionalised mechanisms to encourage participation by many students. Accordingly, this qualitative study aimed to document the level of preparedness of mathematics teachers to support the teaching of students with Down syndrome in secondary school classrooms. Twenty-seven mathematics teachers from 14 schools, made up of 18 males and nine females, took part in the study. We found that participants were in favour of implementation of inclusive education. However, regarding the prospect of teaching students with Down syndrome, most of the participants thought that the regular secondary school classroom is not a suitable environment for these students to access education, especially due to a number of challenges. The need for the government to support schools with appropriate teaching materials and facilities is discussed extensively.  相似文献   

Summary Over the past five years, a genral decrease in both commitment to and financial support for equal educational opportunity in higher education has made the prospect of a good college education even more bleak for minority students. The problem for educators will increasingly be how, with limited resources, to increase the number of high school students who attend college, to promote a fair and equitable distribution of these students on various campuses and in different programs, and to ensure the likelihood of their graduation.  相似文献   

The study documents what deaf education teachers know about discrete mathematics topics and determines if these topics are present in the mathematics curriculum. Survey data were collected from 290 mathematics teachers at center and public school programs serving a minimum of 120 students with hearing loss, grades K-8 or K-12, in the United States. Findings indicate that deaf education teachers are familiar with many discrete mathematics topics but do not include them in instruction because they consider the concepts too complicated for their students. Also, regardless of familiarity level, deaf education teachers are not familiar with discrete mathematics terminology; nor is their mathematics teaching structured to provide opportunities to apply the real-world-oriented activities used in discrete mathematics instruction. Findings emphasize the need for higher expectations of students with hearing loss, and for reform in mathematics curriculum and instruction within deaf education.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that our public schools have failed to produce sufficient levels of high quality STEM education. The mathematics and science performance of minority and disadvantaged students has been especially troubling with blacks and Hispanics substantially underrepresented in the STEM labor market. In this paper we examine the impacts of a STEM enhancement program called Nurture thru Nature (NtN) on the cognitive (academic grades) and soft skills development of 139 elementary school students who attended the program over an eight year period (2010–2017). Utilizing a randomized experimental design or RCT with a control group of 491 elementary school students, we find that NtN slows the deterioration in students’ math and science grades relative to controls and improves soft skills such as conscientiousness, higher order thinking, empathy, and pro-social behavior.  相似文献   

人文关怀对体现少数民族中专生思想政治教育的特殊性、少数民族中专生健康成长的内在需要、构建和谐校园具有现实意义。实现少数民族中专生思想政治教育人文关怀就要求确立少数民族中专生在思想政治教育中的主体地位,坚持尊重民族风俗习惯、以解决实际问题为核心的教育理念,注重少数民族中专生之间的个体差异和重视民族团结教育。  相似文献   

Two studies examined the effectiveness of an innovative program, Mathematics, Engineering Science Achievement (MESA), designed to prepare high school minority students for math-based fields. The program is noteworthy because it incorporates recommendations of educators and policymakers for improving the quality of math/science education and decreasing the underrepresentation of minorities in these fields. Study 1 showed that MESA seniors completed more math/science courses and showed higher academic performance than similar minority students. However, their verbal and mathematics performance was below seniors nationwide planning math-based college majors. Study 2 revealed that the majority of former MESA students were pursuing a math-based major at the university level and showed satisfactory postsecondary progress. Features contributing to program effectiveness and areas requiring additional action are explored.  相似文献   


This study addresses the issue of educational inadequacy and inequity for disadvantaged minority students. It estimates desired national standards and examines interrelated gaps in key school–teacher resources and mathematics achievement by linking national education data sets (National Assessment of Educational Progress [NAEP], Common Core of Data, and Schools and Staffing Survey). Although poor minority students’ chances to meet the national mathematics proficiency standard are undermined by the lack of their access to qualified teachers and adequate school funding, it turns out that the adequacy-based (absolute) gaps are much larger than the equity-based (relative) gaps. Meeting the NAEP Grade 8 mathematics proficiency standard requires substantial increases in per-pupil education spending (from $6,493 to $7,197 in year 2000 dollars) and in-field mathematics teaching rate (from 49% to 91%) across the nation. Research and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

少数民族地区区域与文化的差异,导致教育办学条件差,学生基础知识不扎实,教师教学能力薄弱.片区互助的开展有助于缩小民族地区中学数学教育与城区中学教育的差异,提高民族地区乡镇中学的数学教育质量,让学生们得到良好的教育.  相似文献   

Scott Lee  Ron Watt  Jack Frawley 《Compare》2015,45(4):526-544
There is little research in the developing countries of South East Asia on the effectiveness of bilingual education programmes that use first language instruction for ethnic minority children. This study investigated the effectiveness of a bilingual education programme involving ethnic minority children in Cambodia by comparing their performance in mathematics, Khmer literacy and oral Khmer to their ethnic minority peers whose education is in the national language only. The findings show that students in the bilingual schools performed better in mathematics than their peers in the monolingual schools, but the differences in Khmer literacy and oral Khmer test scores were statistically insignificant. The study suggests that bilingual education using first language instruction could benefit academic development among ethnic minority students in Cambodia, at least in terms of mathematics achievement.  相似文献   

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