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文化市场上的“消费者主权”与“公民文化权利”是什么关系?新世纪可持续的社会文化发展需要什么样的公共传播政策?国际与国内传播理论和政策话语有没有全面对话的可能性?在下篇,作者通过提供国外学术界对现存国际政治经济体制下文化产业的最新批判分析来解答这些问题。在结论部分,作者将论述和分析国际文化传播领域前沿性的公共文化传播政策、可供选择的原则、建议和实践,并讨论传播学者的社会角色。  相似文献   

探索文化产业的理论和实践问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
25年前,在结束动乱后,第一届研究生招生,我有幸考入北京师范大学。25年后,看到我们年轻的校友在这么漂亮的学术报告厅里听演讲,一个强烈的信号,就是我们的社会进步了,发展了。今天,学校领导决定聘任我为师大的教授,使我有机会和大家交流学习、工作、研究、学  相似文献   

胡守勇 《图书馆》2017,(10):35-41
文章采用理论分析的方法,考察了公共文化与文化产业在演化渊源、功能定位、动力机制和现实条件等方面融合发展的内在逻辑。结合案例分析了传统文化事业体制思维惯性、文化管理体制改革不到位、社会力量参与不足、融合发展的机制构建阙如等现实困境。笔者认为应从强化体系化的国家文化治理新理念、推进文化领域供给侧结构性改革、筑牢以县域为基本单元的融合载体、提升促进融合发展的科技支撑能力等方面整体发力,推进两者融合发展。  相似文献   

本文摘录了《中图法》第四版有关文化产业、文化市场的类目,提出了类分该类文献的三条原则。对各大类、各种类型的文化产业和文化市场文献的分类方法进行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

公共文化服务体系是保障我国公民文化福利的一项制度安排,具有公益性、基本性、均等性、便利性。文化产业集聚区在制度使命、品牌战略和国际经验层面,具有建设公共文化服务体系的合理性与必要性。首批国家级文化产业示范园区--西安曲江新区的运行实践充分诠释了本命题的理论合理性与实践示范性,并在结合文化产业集聚区的发展战略及公共文化体系建设趋势的基础上,充分论证了以曲江新区为代表的文化产业集聚区建设公共文化服务体系的关键路径和保障措施。  相似文献   

公共文化服务:理论和实践含义的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立健全公共文化服务体系是中国人民在推进现代化进程、建设社会主义和谐社会伟大进程中必须完成的新任务.这一任务的艰巨性、复杂性和长期性超出了以往的改革.不仅如此,作为一个理论概念,"公共文化服务"也是一个充满复杂性的话题.  相似文献   

王战  靳盼 《传媒》2022,(23):71-74
品牌文化的塑造与推广是现阶段区域特色文化产业品牌化发展的核心与重点。区域特色文化产业的品牌文化应与区域文化特质相对接,并在注重消费者非功能价值诉求的基础上引发共情体验,最终实现对品牌文化和区域文化的双重认同。因此,区域特色文化产业品牌的发展既要坚持以优异精神内涵构建品牌文化,持续守正创新,夯实品牌基础;又要注重文化传播与产品推广并举,讲好本土故事,传递区域文化精神;更要调动多方力量,以品牌文化为核心多维度、协同式地推进区域文化的传播与特色文化产业品牌的发展。  相似文献   

历来传播技术的改变不仅带来文化的广泛传播,也带来了社会深层次的改变。文化多样性在文化全球化的大潮中并未埋没,新生的文化层出不穷,它们与现存文化扬弃融合,在不断的文化反思中欣欣向荣。但由于部分文化传人较少,在传播过程中处于劣势,因此,要求我们对这样的文化进行积极和消极两种双管齐下的保护。  相似文献   

王雁秋 《新闻世界》2010,(7):273-274
文化市场是指文化产品和文化服务活动,以商品的形式在流通中进行交换的场所。文化产业是指通过文化服务活动创造的价值形成的产业。文化市场的开发和兴起,不仅满足了人民群众日益增长的多层次的文化生活需求。  相似文献   

周彦每 《出版广角》2014,(17):72-74
公共文化服务的强农逻辑贯穿于以语言文化为载体的传播进程。文化强农的传播存在多元表征,具体表现为农民交往社会化与共同体传播的困囿,文化惠农的狂热与农户需求错位的隐忧,多元媒介的嵌入与语言环境生成的变异。因此,要遵从"中国梦"的强农信息传播逻辑,依照农户的职业分化进行传播内容的更新,最终达到宣传渠道的多元与传播手段的优化。  相似文献   

While both the growth of services industries and the nature of creativity as a productive input are widely recognized, they are poorly understood. This paper considers the relationship between services industry growth and creativity inputs as part of a “cultural turn” in contemporary capitalist economies, with particular reference to the recent work of Scott Lash and John Urry, Jeremy Rifkin, and Richard Florida. It proposes ways of rethinking the relationship between services and creativity, particularly in understanding the role played by “creativity brokering” in the creative industries, and draws attention to growing tensions surrounding the concept of intellectual property.  相似文献   

Courses: Business Communication, Intercultural Communication

Objectives: Students will demonstrate understanding of some of the effects of culture on business communication. Students will explore cultural diversity in customer–seller relationships.  相似文献   

追求现代化和实现现代化 ,是当今社会人们普遍的愿望和要求 ,是当今人类社会的一大主题。随着我国经济的持续发展和体制改革的不断深入 ,一些较为先进的地区正为实现现代化而努力。根据这一情况 ,江泽民总书记在 1999年九届全国人大会议期间 ,对广东代表团提出了广东要率先基本实现现代化 ,要在若干领域创造新鲜经验 ,继续走在全国前列的要求。而珠江三角洲是经济发展较快的地区 ,因此 ,省委书记李长春同志在经济特区和珠江三角洲改革开放工作座谈会上 ,要求经济特区和珠江三角洲地区先行一步 ,率先基本实现现代化。珠江三角洲 ① ,河网纵横…  相似文献   

In this study, the relationships among the different, measurable aspects of media diversity (source, content and exposure) were examined. The aim was to look at how changes in the market environment affect the diversity of movies that are exhibited. The Korean movie market since the late 1980s provides a fruitful example of how an increased exhibition outlet affects the source, content and exposure diversity. An analysis of movies that were exhibited in movie theaters between 1990 and 2006 reveals that the increase in movie screens does not affect each dimension of diversity equally; and the relationship among the three distinct dimensions of diversity does not necessarily have a consistent pattern. The Korean market is the case where the expansion in the exhibition market benefits consumer diversity but not necessarily the source diversity.  相似文献   

On the Waterfront and Salt of the Earth are read as epideictics for the experiences of directors Elia Kazan and Herbert Biberman testifying before the House Committee on Un-American activities (HUAC). These films are self-conscious studies of the directors' principles in which union struggles serve as the vehicle for narrative analogies that express differing philosophies about a key tension in the American identity–that between individualism and community. Because these films represent the creation of meanings at two different synchronic sites within the culture, they offer opportunities to inspect how their messages are historically and culturally determined and how they are like, or unlike, the cultural memory of our own time. This rhetorical approach to reading cultural memory investigates the diachrony of contexts, requiring the rhetorical critic to act not only as an archaeologist of the moment of production, but also as a historian of the circulation of texts, and as a contemporary social moralist. Such a multi-layered approach is necessary for understanding the different cultural options and cultural force of On the Waterfront and Salt of the Earth.  相似文献   

文化权利、公共文化服务体系与公共图书馆事业   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文化权利是人们通过文化活动获得利益的权利.建设公共文化服务体系是保障公民文化权利的基本途径.公共图书馆属于公共文化服务体系中的公共文化基础设施之一,发展公共图书馆事业对保障公民文化权利具有重要意义.公共图书馆属于"价值性产品",若采取市场化方式提供就会出现公平与效率相背离的问题.因此,政府应该成为发展公共图书馆事业的责任主体.参考文献13.  相似文献   

Robert Baensch documents and discusses the impact of consolidation, not only in publishing itself, but in printing, book distribution and government funding. He also analyzes the impact of declining enrollments in higher education and the growing competition that the video industry (and its concentration) poses to book publishing. Rather than despair, he urges, publishers must attempt to deal with these forces and shape the future. Robert E. Baensch is director of publishing for the American Institute of Physics. Formerly vice president of marketing, Macmillan Publishing Co., he is also chairman of the AAP’s Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division Address for correspondence.  相似文献   

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