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O. Keck 《Research Policy》1976,5(2):116-157
The trends in West German science policy since the early 1960' are analyzed and compared to other industrially advanced countries. Government expenditures on research and development (R & D) are compared in their totality and also with regard to specific objectives such as defence, civil space, civil nuclear, general advancement of science, mining and manufacturing, agriculture, economic and social services.The trend of total government expenditure on R & D in West Germany iss characterized by a growth rate higher than in many other countries, such as the USA, the UK, France, Japan and the Netherlands. Also in each of the single objectives of government R & D, West German expenditure as a rule grew faster than in these countries. Among the different objectives, “general advancement of science” is given highest priority in West Germany, whereas the military sector is relatively small. In both trends and priorities, West Germany is more similar to Japan and the Netherlands than to the USA, the UK and France.The author discusses motives and intentions which may have affected these trends. He argues that West German science policy cannot be understood as a response to immediate economic problems, such as labour shortage or an alleged lag in technological progress in West German industry. In the early sixties West German science policy was still determined by efforts to catch up in certain technological fields from which West Germany had been excluded up to 1955 by allies' restrictions. In the late sixties, concern focussed on West Germany's long-term technological competitiveness in general.  相似文献   

代谢综合征(Metabolic Syndrome,MS)是由遗传性和获得性两方面引起的症候群,是以中心性肥胖、血脂紊乱、血压升高、血糖升高等多种代谢异常聚集于某一个体的病理生理现象。腹型肥胖是诊断代谢综合征的必要条件,胰岛素抵抗为其发病的核心。MS与血管性痴呆有密切联系;文章概述了MS导致血管性认知障碍的机制以及防控MS对预防和治疗血管性痴呆的意义,为血管性痴呆的进一步临床研究与治疗提供思路。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来日本耕地面积变化及其启示   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
于伯华 《资源科学》2007,29(5):182-189
本文截取1961年以后日本经济发展相对平稳的时间段,研究耕地面积变化及其驱动机制,可以在一定程度上避免重大历史事件对统计数据的干扰,从而得出符合社会发展规律的结论。研究结果表明,1960年以来日本耕地面积和人均耕地面积一直呈下降趋势,到2003年分别为1961年的79%和60%,符合直线变化规律。单位农业劳动力占有的耕地面积从1961年的0.2060hm2/人上升至1.0870hm2/人,接近1961年的5倍,符合二次曲线变化规律。借助主成分分析和回归分析方法对耕地面积驱动力的研究结果表明,经济发展造成的工业用地和城市用地面积扩大是耕地面积减少的根本原因;农产品价格的变化也造成部分耕地退出耕作;随着经济技术水平的提高和防灾减灾能力的增强,因自然灾害造成的耕地损失逐渐减少。增加耕地面积的诸因素中,土地开垦始终处于主导地位,其次为土地整理和复垦。在我国未来的经济发展过程中,要摒弃城市化进程中后期耕地流失会相应减少的观念;警惕加入WTO之后,农产品市场开放可能对粮食安全和我国耕地面积的影响;同时还要坚持耕地保护政策的持久性。  相似文献   

This essay describes the emergence of "hormone" herbicides from academic plant physiology research in America in the late 1930s and 1940s, attending especially to the role of interactions between university scientists, industrial concerns, and government (particularly agricultural) agencies. The importance of an intellectual shift among the physiologists to viewing hormones as plant toxins rather than growth stimulators, spurred by wartime events, is discussed. The essay concludes by exploring the postwar marketing of these hormones as agrichemicals and as lawn treatments for suburban consumers, placing these in the economic and ecological context of other contemporary developments in farming technique.  相似文献   

In the first decades of the twentieth century, a heterogeneous assortment of groups and individuals articulated scientific, political, and philosophical objections to vaccination. They engaged in an ongoing battle for public opinion with medical and scientific elites, who responded with their own counterpropaganda. These ideological struggles reflected fear that scientific advances were being put to coercive uses and that institutions of the state and civil society were increasingly expanding into previously private realms of decision making, especially child rearing. This essay analyzes the motivations and tactics of antivaccination activists and situates their actions within the scientific and social climate of the Progressive Era and the 1920s. Their actions reveal how citizens of varied ideological persuasions, activists and nonactivists alike, viewed scientific knowledge during a period of swift and unsettling change, when the application of biologic products seemed to hold peril as well as promise.  相似文献   

技术预见已成为当今世界主要发达国家制定科技政策的重要工具。进入20世纪90年代,伴随着“Pusztai”、帝王碟、“SARS”以及禽流感等事件的出现,人们对技术发展,尤其是生物技术的潜在利益和环境风险的关注达到一个新的高度,这使得将社会性纳入到技术预见视野之中日益成为技术预见理论和实践的重要趋势之一。通过对生物技术案例的研究,试图阐述社会技术预见的特点和内涵及其对我国科技政策的重要意义。  相似文献   

吴晓怡  张雅静 《科研管理》2020,41(5):250-258
基于2003至2017年国内省级面板数据和跨国数据,利用主成分分析法和功效得分法,本文研究了中国数字经济的发展现状及其国际竞争力。从移动网络及人才培养、通信技术承载力、经济技术基础三个维度构建国内省际数字经济发展测评体系发现,中国数字经济发展区域差异显著,东部地区显著高于中西部地区,突出的省际差异主要反映在通信技术承载力和经济技术基础两方面。从基础设施建设、人才创新能力、信息技术应用三个维度构建国际数字经济发展测评体系发现,中国数字经济发展水平排名全球第二,但数字化基础设施与发达国家之间存在显著差距,人才创新能力明显落后于美国。对此本文提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

自具有基本法性质的《科技进步法》颁布以来,我国科技立法在其形成的体系下获得了较大的发展,为科技事业的可持续发展提供了重要的法律保障。把推进我国科技进步的方针政策用法律形式固定下来,将科技活动纳入法制的轨道,对于保障和促进科技体制改革、科技进步,促进国际科技交流与合作,开发人才资源并充分发挥科研机构和科技人员的作用,提高全民族的科技意识和科技素质都起到了十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

向爱  揣小伟  李家胜 《资源科学》2022,44(6):1138-1154
中国海岸线总长度超过3.26万km,同时拥有红树林、盐沼、海草床3类蓝碳生态系统,且海水养殖产量常年位居世界首位,蓝碳发展条件得天独厚。本文在系统梳理国内外蓝碳研究成果的基础上,基于广义蓝碳定义,尝试从自然生态系统和海水养殖系统两方面构建中国沿海省份蓝碳核算体系,基于相关统计数据、遥感数据、核算参数数据,对中国沿海省份蓝碳进行核算,分析其时空演化格局,并利用Super-SBM模型进一步对中国海水养殖碳汇渔业效率进行评估。研究表明:①中国蓝碳生态系统面积呈波动增长,1997—2019年红树林固碳量为0.033~0.078 Tg C/a,盐沼固碳量为0.234~0.646 Tg C/a,海草床固碳量为0.012~0.018 Tg C/a;②沿海九省2003—2020年的海水养殖年固碳总量为0.87~1.36 Tg C/a,省际空间差异显著,并在各时段表现出不同的增长特征;③沿海九省年蓝碳总量及结构的空间分布格局差异明显,就蓝碳能力而言,山东和福建蓝碳能力最高;就蓝碳结构而言,江苏的蓝碳构成比例较为均衡;④土地利用变化、蓝碳生态系统与海水养殖的不协调发展、气候变化等是影响蓝碳能力的重要因素,沿海九省2003—2020年的碳汇渔业效率值反映出海水养殖经济指标投入与生态环境产出存在一定失调,这也会遏制蓝碳的挖掘和利用。最后本文就蓝碳助力国家碳中和战略提出相应的优化建议。  相似文献   

针对大型建设工程项目实施状态诊断系统在诊断指标调整方面存在的问题,在全面了解和掌握国内外研究现状以及诊断指标即时调整目标的基础上,将自适应控制技术引入进来,并结合工程项目管理模式,构建了基于自适应控制技术的大型建设工程项目实施状态诊断指标自动调整模型,给出了模型内含多模块间的自适应伺服程序。在此基础上,通过工程实验,证明了诊断指标自适应调整模型在工程实际应用中的可行性、有效性和自动识别管控对象与指标调整的灵敏度,并给出了使用该模型的相关建议。  相似文献   

This paper compares the development of genetic testing for breast cancer (BRCA testing) in the USA and the UK. It argues that national political cultures played an important role in how these genetic testing technologies were shaped, and that the shapes of these technologies had important implications for the users of these systems. In order to demonstrate the roles of national social and political elements in the development of new genetic testing technologies, I introduce the concept of a technology's architecture, which is made up of components and the specific ways in which these components are assembled to fulfill particular functions. In the USA, four very different BRCA testing systems initially emerged. However, one biotechnology company, Myriad Genetics, eventually used its legal and economic position to become the sole provider of testing. It offered BRCA testing the way many other laboratory tests were provided in the USA, available to anyone through any physician. The shape of this testing service had important implications for its participants, defining the client as a consumer who could demand access to any of Myriad's laboratory services, but could not choose among testing systems. In the UK, the government-run National Health Service provided testing through regional genetics clinics, using family history information to assess risk and triage care. Clients in the UK were defined as citizens and patients, who had the right to equal access to the testing system but could not demand any specific services.  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,我国课程与教师的关系一直处于变化之中,课程改革与教师之间在不同的阶段呈现出不同的关系,大体来说分为三个时期,即课程与教师关系的分化时期、互渗时期、融合时期。考察教师与课程之间的关系,是为了对目前教师与课程关系的整合进行一些前瞻性的反思。  相似文献   

Science is stratified, with an unequal distribution of research facilities and rewards among scientists. Awards and prizes, which are critical for shaping scientific career trajectories, play a role in this stratification when they differentially enhance the status of scientists who already have large reputations: the 'Matthew Effect'. Contrary to the Mertonian norm of universalism--the expectation that the personal attributes of scientists do not affect evaluations of their scientific claims and contributions--in practice, a great deal of evidence suggests that the scientific efforts and achievements of women do not receive the same recognition as do those of men: the 'Matilda Effect'. Awards in science, technology, engineering and medical (STEM) fields are not immune to these biases. We outline the research on gender bias in evaluations of research and analyze data from 13 STEM disciplinary societies. While women's receipt of professional awards and prizes has increased in the past two decades, men continue to win a higher proportion of awards for scholarly research than expected based on their representation in the nomination pool. The results support the powerful twin influences of implicit bias and committee chairs as contributing factors. The analysis sheds light on the relationship of external social factors to women's science careers and helps to explain why women are severely underrepresented as winners of science awards. The ghettoization of women's accomplishments into a category of 'women-only' awards also is discussed.  相似文献   

文章分析了上海农业技术进步的情况。改革开放以来,上海农用机械装备经历了三阶段的转变,机械技术的进步使农机设备呈现大型化、综合化、配套化的趋势,以满足农业适度规模经营的需要;农业生化技术的进步在提升土地节约集约利用水平的同时,改变了种植业的生产结构;通过对农业劳动生产率增长路径的刻画,发现上海农业呈现“S型”的增长路径,农业技术进步因循了“劳动节约型——停滞——土地节约型(主) 劳动节约型(辅)”的演进路径。进而,构建双对数形式的多元线性回归模型,利用1990-1999年、2001-2014年的上海郊区县的面板数据进行固定效应分析,实证结果支持相关论断。根据实证结果,文章提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

<正>The intense tectonic activities and complex geomorphology have made the Tibetan Plateau the highly potential area of mountain hazards,including glacial lake outburst,torrential loods,debris lows,landslides,and avalanches,especially caused by the coupling of avalanches,glacier movement,snow melting,and extreme precipitation  相似文献   


The management of our households and the way we spend our leisure time has been greatly influenced by the introduction of various household technologies in the 1980s and 1990s. This paper compares the extent and rate of adoption of selected household products in Australian households. The diffusion of colour television sets, video cassette recorders, compact disc players, microwave ovens and personal computers into various types of households during the 1980s and 1990s was examined. This study found that different types of Australian households adopted new technology at different rates. The levels of ownership of various household technologies were highest for households with children. In general, one-adult households were slower to adopt new household technology when compared to other types of households. This paper speculates as to why one-person households are slower to purchase the latest in cooking and entertainment technology.  相似文献   

推进专利技术发展并实现产业化,是发展自主知识产权战略的必经之路.本文通过对上海市专利技术产业化的现状分析,指出当前上海在专利技术产业化过程中存在企业尚未成为专利技术产业化的主体、职务专利申请比例仍旧较低等问题,未来上海市应该在知识产权制度的完善、专利技术交易平台的建设等方面进行改进.  相似文献   

明清以来平潭县岛上居民处于东亚多股军事力量的漩涡之中,经历了频繁的迁徙。进入和平时期后,又陷入持续不断的大饥荒之中。经常性饥荒的发生,与海岛社会生态链的简单、单一有关,这种简单、单一的生态链使得海岛社会极度脆弱,稍有风吹草动,即有灭顶之灾。海岛居民并非没有去尝试改变单一生态结构的努力,花生的大量种植,金融体系的建立等等,是平潭岛民主要的措施,但都没有改变单一生态的基本结构。平潭是海洋生态脆弱区的典型案例,代表了沿海岛屿地区的一般情形,如玉环、洞头也是此类情况。  相似文献   

Viterbo P 《Endeavour》2004,28(1):30-35
Gershwin's song 'I Got Rhythm' serves here as a backdrop representing the social context of the inter-war years. On center stage is a particular aspect of the history of birth control--the application of a new theory of ovulation to contraception. Starting in 1928, a series of experiments revealed a biochemical rhythm in the female reproductive cycle, which contradicted the widespread idea that ovulation and pregnancy could occur at any time. This discovery was applied to a new contraceptive method, the rhythm method, which enjoyed significant popularity during the 1930s, especially among Catholics. For a short period, women could join Ethel Merman in the refrain 'I got rhythm, I got my man, who could ask for anything more?' But the rhythm method has not lived to its promise, and the play goes on em leader  相似文献   

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