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要关注分配过程的公平,强化对分配结果的监管.努力缓解行业、地区和社会成员间收入分配差距扩大的趋势。[编者按]  相似文献   

社会分配狭义指全体社会成员的收入分配,效率指在资源和技术条件约束下尽可能满足人们需要的经济运行状况,公平狭义特指社会收入分配的公正和平等。公平与效率都从属于一定的生产方式。公平本身有经济公平与社会公平之分,效率有经济效率与社会效率之别,公平与效率的关系不能一概而论。具体说,经济的公平与经济效率之间是相互统一、相互促进的关系。社会的公平与微观领域的经济效率之间,在一定条件下可能存在相互对立、此消彼长的关系。社会公平与宏观领域的社会效率之间是相辅相成、相互促进的关系。公平与效率之间既相矛盾又相统一,在不同的生产力发展水平、不同的经济体制下,公平与效率的关系表现出不同特征。在社会分配领域坚持二者的辩证关系,有助于确立合理的经济伦理学思想。  相似文献   

1、解决社会公平“核心问题”。改革收入分配制度应做到三管齐下:一是坚持和完善按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配制度,坚持各种生产要素按贡献参与分配。二是更加注重社会公平,调整二次分配比例,加大转移支付力度。三是努力缩小地区之间和部分社会成员之间收入分配差距。  相似文献   

在组织可供分配的物质利益有限且短缺成为常态的情况下,组织必须注重物质利益分配的公平公正,避免因分配不公而引起人员激励受挫。由于成员之间物质利益的公平分配主要体现在外部公平、内部公平和绩效公平。因此,组织可以采取重视其他组织物质利益分配的水平和标准、采用科学的职位评价方法、建立和实施绩效管理系统等策略,有效增进成员的公平感。  相似文献   

初次分配不能解决的以及初次分配带来的收入公平问题,要通过再分配来解决。收入再分配也要处理好效率和公平问题。针对收入再分配中存在的问题.一方面要完善税收制度、社会保障制度和转移支付制度,另一方面还要解决实际操作过程中存在的问题,加强监管,不断提高政策实施的效果,使每个社会成员都能享受到改革开放、经济发展的成果.建立一个充满生机活力的和谐社会。  相似文献   

在企业技术联盟中,有效的激励机制是成员企业间隐性知识流动、共享和转化的动力。从自组织理论出发,企业技术联盟绩效激励机制的关键要素包括激励主体和客体、激励目标和激励方式。企业技术联盟绩效激励机制遵循公平、效率和适度的设计原则。  相似文献   

传统的认识是初次分配有效率,再次分配有公平。从实际意义上看,两次分配均存在公平和效率。微观上,初次分配社会成本低,再次分配社会成本高;宏观上,初次分配社会成本氤再次分配社会成本低。初次分配决定社会总供给,再次分配决定总需求。两次分配公平与效率的社会保障是加强政府对收入分配的调节职能,完善分配制度,规范分配秩序。  相似文献   

当前的收入分配存在着不公平,并引来了社会成员的不满,也成为社会不安定的因素之一。立足于公平,深化收入分配制度改革是利国利民的事情,也是十七大政府工作报告阐述的重要内容。本文试从深化公务员、事业和企业单位工资改革,国家机关收入分配监督机制,税收制度,货币分房制度和社会保障等五个方面论述我国的收入分配制度应当如何改革。  相似文献   

收入分配公平是一个历史性范畴,它的内涵随生产关系的变化而变化。正确理解我国收入分配的公平,必须搞清楚机会公平与结果公平、收入分配公平与社会主义市场经济的关系,确立初次分配注重效率,再分配注重结果公平的分配范式。在分配中,防止平均主义,保持合理差距,反对两极分化,坚持效率优先、兼顾公平的原则,促进我国生产力的发展,不断提高人民群众的生活水平。  相似文献   

当前我国收入分配中存在较多矛盾,完善分配制度、规范分配秩序、调节收入分配.促进社会公平成为国民经济和社会发展的重要任务.缓解城乡之间、地区之间和部分社会成员之间收入分配差距扩大的趋势,对于促进经济发展、维护社会稳定、构建社会主义和谐社会具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

The Transform Autism Education (TAE) project is a tri‐national teacher training scheme involving Greece, Italy and the UK, whose purpose is to set up training projects to facilitate the educational inclusion of autistic children. Running over three years from 2014 to 2017, the involvement of autistic participants has been the source of some discussion. Here, TAE team members Wood and Milton reflect on narratives of participation, acceptance and struggle which emerged during a workshop they ran in Greece. Derived from 11 non‐autistic and two autistic participants, and analysed via discourse analysis, these stories suggest a high value placed on autistic participation by non‐autistic TAE team members, but an unwitting tendency to ‘other’ autistic people and a lack of awareness of the power differential. Meanwhile, as the autistic team members describe how educational and social participation can be achieved, the implications for autism education researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

“正义”既是个古老的概念,又是个全新的研究课题,一直是政治领域的热门话题,不同时代、不同国家和不同社会背景对正义应有不同的理解和阐释。新时期正义概念应该是社会主义制度对社会成员的基本权利与义务的公平分配以及与保障分配结果相适宜的法律与道义品质,离不开平等原则、公平原则、效率原则。  相似文献   

朱丽 《教育科学》2007,23(4):10-14
教育改革代价的付出具有一定的必然性,其分配是一个不容回避的问题.教育公正是基本的社会公正之一,因而教育改革代价的公正分配必然关系到社会公正问题.教育改革代价的分配不同于物质财富的分配,有其自身的分配逻辑.对教育改革所产生的必然代价应进行合理、公正的分配,其分配应遵循差别原则、应得原则和补偿原则.  相似文献   

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 states that individualized education program (IEP) teams are composed of members with distinct identities, roles, expertise, and histories. Although team members must work together to implement educational and related services for learners with special needs, little is known about how these members actually accomplish this throughout the school year. This study examined the practice of members on two elementary IEP teams through analysis of data from a yearlong case study using the communities of practice (CoP) framework. Contrary to idealized conceptualizations of IEP team practice as being equitable and occurring in meetings, the practice of members on both teams was controlled by a few team members and occurred during concise exchanges throughout the day. These findings underscore opportunities for innovating the practice of IEP team members to improve services for students with special needs.  相似文献   

本文对50例次经导管肝动脉化疗栓塞(TAE)治疗肝癌的并发症及其防治进行了分析。全部病例在TAE术后均有消化道症状,术后血清胆红质、尿素氮、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)和天门冬酸氨基转移酶(AST)均较术前有不同程度增高,重复化疗栓塞者易出现急性糜烂性胃炎,少见并发症有胆囊梗死、胸腔积液等。笔者还对部分并发症的防治进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In line with the increasing policy emphasis on inclusive education, there is now a greater focus on how best to provide for students special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream schools. However, there is little consensus internationally as to the most equitable way in which to support these students. Despite ongoing evaluations of the existing funding structures, there has been little discussion to inform future changes and ensure an equitable distribution of resources. This paper examines the system of SEN funding in Ireland during a period of policy change. Using data from a National Survey of Schools, we examine the profile and distribution of students across different school contexts to assess the extent to which the existing funding model targets those most in need. Findings show that the current through-put funding system broadly targets students with SEN but in any new model, there is room for greater differentiation in the allocation of funding, particularly within disadvantaged school contexts. The paper highlights the need for further discussion around how we conceptualise special education in mainstream education. We argue for greater emphasis on student outcomes and school accountability where SEN funding is received to support students.  相似文献   

华伟 《成人教育》2013,(4):20-23
如果将现行教育体系内的初等教育、中等教育和高等教育视作教育资源的"初次分配"的话,那么,成人教育应可视为教育资源的"二次分配",其社会功能应当定位于———"再塑平等"。意即推动教育资源的二次公平分配,以弥补因教育起点不公正或"少壮不努力"等因素而造成个体发展的不均衡;通过成人教育开启民智,让每个有需求的个体都能获得机会通过主动学习、增强能力从而改变自己的经济命运和政治命运。"再塑平等"的成人教育延续的是传统和近代中国对教育价值的理解,承担的是当代中国对教育功能的希冀。  相似文献   

Drawing on data collected in a qualitative study of racially minoritized faculty members, this article examines the challenges these faculty members faced in bringing different aspects of their spirituality into their scholarly work as graduate students. This article explores the questions: How do racially minoritized graduate students negotiate their spiritual identities and integrate their spiritual epistemologies and cultural knowledge into academic practices, and what challenges do they face in doing both? This article presents three salient themes: sacred subjectivity in student-focused research, spiritual praxis in the classroom, and new visions for inclusive spiritual expression in the academy. By focusing our analysis on study participants' strategies for resisting pressures to closet their beliefs, this article affirms the importance of legitimizing the spiritual epistemological perspectives of racially minoritized graduate students in creating a more equitable and diverse higher education culture.  相似文献   

公平观是一个历史的具体范畴,它具有相对性。当代中国的社会公平观是马克思主义公平观念与我国经济社会发展的阶段性特点相结合的产物,体现出浓重的现实关照取向。文章重点分析在社会公平观问题上出现各种错谬认识的原因,进一步把握公平观的科学内涵,明确社会公平对于对于构建社会主义和谐社会的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

从多元智力理论看教学的公平性和学生发展的平等性问题   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在大多数情况下,教学并不能真正贯彻公平或平等的信念,使学生的平等地位得以体现。这一方面是缘于操作手段的落后和教学条件的限制,另一方面则可能因为我们对学生之间平等性的模糊认识。不同的学生观会导致对这些问题的不同的回答。不同的学生观又可能源自于不同的学生智力观。文章拟从多元智力的角度来论证教学的公平性和学生的平等性问题,与现实的教学加以对照。  相似文献   

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