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人生在世,都祈望有所"得"。有人祈望得荣誉、得地位、得成功,有人祈望得知识、得学问、得才干,有人祈望得衣食、得健康、得安全,等等。不管祈望哪种"得",只要不妨害社会和他人,都是无可非议的。俗话说,"种瓜得瓜、种豆得豆","一分耕耘、一分收获"。这表明,有劳就会有"得"。但如何劳作、如何耕耘,却体现人的品质,决定"得"的性质。如果把劳作和  相似文献   

阳新方言中的"得"有动词、介词和助词等十几种用法.其中表进行或持续的助词"得"有两种情况:一是"动+得+来/去"结构中的动态助词"得",文中暂称其为"得1";一是句末助词"得",文中暂称作"得2",本文主要分析了"得1"和"得2"的意义与用法,并将其与普通话的"着"和"呢"进行了简单的比较.  相似文献   

助词"得"与语素"得"有时不好区分, 我们不妨采用加词和变换句式的方法辨认。具体方法是: 带助词"得"的句子,可以加时态助词"着、了、过"变成复句,形式是:主语 谓语 时态助词,谓语 得 补语。如: ①我的肚子饿得咕咕叫。  相似文献   

"外师造化,中得心源"是我国艺术创作的瑰宝,在艺术创作过程中,"造化"是创造的源泉,"心愿"是创造的过程。"外师造化,中得心源"是对我国绘画艺术追求意境美最本质的概括。中国花鸟画之意境是中国古典美学的一个重要范畴,是艺术中一种情景交融的境界,是艺术中主客观的统一,是"外师造化,中得心源"艺术理论的典型体现。本文在阐述"外师造化,中得心源"和中国花鸟画意境美德基础上,分析了中国花鸟画中"外师造化,中得心源"艺术创作理论的体现。  相似文献   

高陵方言的是非问句与普通话不同.高陵方言中没有"吗"字是非问句,根据所表达语义内容的不同,可以使用疑问语调来表达,也可以使用含有"得"或"得是"的问句形式来表达,但比较常用的是含有"得"和"得是"形式的是非问句.  相似文献   

杨柳 《华章》2011,(12)
本文主要讨论"得"虚化为结构助词后引介补语."得"是补语的标志,但不是所有补语都需要"得"字引介.本文主要就"得"字引介补语时无论肯定形式还是否定形式都带"得"的形式进行研究.  相似文献   

"V得上"是现代汉语中使用极其频繁的固定格式,其中"V"主要是自主、单音节动词,双音节的"V"较少;"得"是表可能的助词;"上"是补语,词性、语义复杂.在"V得上+事件/动作"中,"上"是构词成分;在"V得上+客体/工具"中,"上"表示动作带来的结果或动作持续的状态或动作达到的某种目标;在"V得上+终点"中,"上"表示...  相似文献   

人脏就得洗,要想洗好"澡",就得好好"蒸";有病就得治,要想排好"毒",就得发好"汗"。这次群众路线教育实践活动突出"为民务实清廉",着眼于解决问题。"洗洗澡、治治病",就得"红红脸、发发汗",要"满脸通红"地"出一身汗",既是热汗,也是冷汗。这样才能触及灵魂,抛开面子,揭短亮丑,动真碰硬,除去思想上的"灰尘",打扫身上沾染的"污垢"。  相似文献   

课改之前,不少教师认为讲授的知识越多,教学质量也就越高,"多"讲一点比"少"讲一点强。课改之后,不少教师又认为教师讲得越少越好,学生活动得越多,教学质量就越高。究竟是教师讲得多点好,还是学生活动得多点好呢?"多"与"少"并不能从表面上去看,而应辩证地区别对待,教师讲得少、讲得精固然不错,但学生的活动如何开展才是根本。  相似文献   

同源词是指一组语音相同或相近,语义相同或相通,且具有相同来源的词。今对从"局"得声,从"匊"得声和从"巨"得声之字的音义关系进行疏证,在疏证的过程中对从"局"得声,从"匊"得声和从"巨"得声的字进行推论系联,发现它们之间存在音义关系,且核义素同为"曲",可系联为一组同源词。  相似文献   

To construct a hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) subtracted cDNA library to find differentially expressed genes in normal mice and mice infected with Schistosomajaponicum (S. japonicum). Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was used. The cDNA fragments of normal mouse were compared to those of schistosoma-infected mice to find differentially expressed genes. Then differentially expressed cDNA fragments were directly inserted into T/A cloning vector to set up the subtractive library. Amplification of the library was carried out with transformation of DH5α. The amplified library contained more than 400 positive bacterial clones, which were then hybridized with forward and backward subtracted probes for differential screening, One hundred positive bacterial clones were randomly selected for sequencing and BLAST analysis, Finally, virtual Northern Blot confirmed such differential expression. The subtracted cDNA library of differentially expressed genes of HSCs was constructed successfully, the library is efficient and lays foundation for screening and cloning new and specific genes of schistosomiasis.  相似文献   


We investigated relationships among expressed emotions, perceived motivation, perceived emotions, and three dependent variables (i.e., behavioral engagement, cognitive engagement, and student achievement) in the context of a blended online course. We defined “expressed emotions” as emotions detected by an affective computing tool in messages that students posted to online discussion forums in a blended undergraduate writing course. The results of two-step hierarchical multivariate regressions revealed that expressed emotions differentiated positive emotions from negative emotions better than perceived emotions did. Moreover, while no significant effect emerged for perceived motivation and perceived emotions, expressed fear was a significant predictor of student achievement (i.e., final score). Although affective computing is in its infancy, our findings suggest the potential use of expressed emotions for educational research and practice.  相似文献   

文章采用Kumar和Berlin在1998年设计的、划分STS教育标准的工具,通过内容分析研究法,对我国《全日制义务教育科学(7~9年级)课程标准(实验稿)》进行分析。此工具分三大类别,共含15项标准。结果表明,STS理念在《标准》中有很好的体现,但STS教育理念的重要性强调仍不足,这其中还有很多值得反思的问题。  相似文献   

在法国作家贝克特创作的荒诞剧《哦,美好的日子!》中,主人公温妮是一个被世界遗弃了的孤独的人。她依靠对生活琐事的关注竭力在艰难境遇中追求幸福感,这种执着的追求表达了主体对生命意识的一种自觉追求,她是苦难生活中的强者。她的生存境遇也正是20世纪的许多作家们在自己的文学作品中竭力要表现的现代人类的生存境遇,她的生存智慧,也是现代世界上整个弱势群体赖以存活的生存智慧。  相似文献   

Science locus of control (SciLOC) orientation is examined as a predictor of attitudes toward science teaching among 104 preservice elementary school teachers. SciLOC orientation refers to beliefs people hold regarding their personal efficacy, or ability to influence the outcome of events, in situations where decisions or actions require either the application of scientific knowledge or the use of reasoning skills associated with scientific thinking. A causal model that links such beliefs to attitudes toward science teaching was formulated and tested in this study. Multiple regression analysis demonstrates that 46% of the variance in attitudes toward science teaching expressed by subjects in the sample studied can be explained by SciLOC orientation. Path analysis of the proposed causal model accounts for 57% of the variance in expressed attitudes and 11% of the variance in SciLOC orientation. These results are interpreted as evidence that SciLOC orientation is a major contributor to attitudes expressed toward science teaching among preservice elementary teachers, with the major contributors to SciLOC orientation remaining to be identified. A troublesome relationship between expressed attitudes and academic performance in college science is also noted.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine if there is or is not a difference in attitudes toward educational media between older adults and younger adults. Attitudinal information was gathered from the two groups utilizing an instrument entitled “Controversy in Academia” a 39‐item Likert‐type questionnaire. The questions from the instrument were divided into six groups, and six operational hypotheses were generated to effect testing. The results indicated that there were no basic differences between the attitudes toward educational media expressed by older adults and those expressed by younger adults.  相似文献   

语言文字符号的基本功能是传递语义信息。然而在现实的语言世界里,符号的表义功能之外还被人为地赋予神奇的力量。这种形式力包括神话赋予的魔力、政治赋予的独占力、法律赋予的强制力和修辞赋予的美感力。  相似文献   

菲利普斯曲线自提出以来,就受到了凯恩斯主义经济学家的高度重视,同时也受到了反凯恩斯主义学派的反对,围绕菲利普斯曲线,凯恩斯学派和反凯恩斯学派的争论从没有停止。以弗里德曼为首的货币主义学派认为短期菲利普斯曲线有效而长期无效,理性预期学派则从根本上否认了菲利普斯曲线的存在。但是,菲利普斯曲线作为反映通货膨胀率和失业率之间关系的是客观存在的,只是由于客观经济条件发生了变化,菲利普斯曲线存在的条件改变了,菲利普斯曲线才发生了移动。菲利普斯曲线只是说明通货膨胀和失业的相关性,并不意味着二者是因果关系,通货膨胀和失业的原因是不一致的。  相似文献   

词史的发展是一个文人化的过程,随着文人作词的广泛化,词所抒发的情感内涵和抒情方式也都发生了一定的变化。从情感内容而言,经历了从单纯的儿女艳情到与身世感慨、人生感悟融为一体的提炼和升华;从抒情手法而言,则经历了从直接抒情到借景抒情、寄托比兴的多元化发展过程。  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats were presented with a taste conditioned stimulus (CS) alone, an odor CS alone, or an odor-taste compound followed by lithium chloride injection. When tested 1 day following conditioning, there was evidence that the odor cue overshadowed conditioning to the taste; however, there was no indication of overshadowing following a longer (21-day) retention interval, despite undiminished strength of the aversion in animals conditioned with only the single element (taste). The overshadowing observed at the 1-day retention interval was not reciprocal. Rats conditioned with the odor CS alone or with the compound CS expressed odor aversions of comparable strength—that is, no overshadowing. However, in contrast to the taste aversion, overshadowing of conditioning to the odor by taste was evident following a 21-day retention interval. Rather than reflecting a failure of the overshadowed stimulus to acquire associative strength, these data suggest that overshadowing may be expressed, or not expressed, as a result of changes in the relative retrievability of learned associations over time.  相似文献   

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