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Five academic veterinary scientists were interviewed to learn about their professional writing experiences and relate them to technical writing pedagogy. The interviews probed the genres in which they write, their composing methods, their professional attitudes toward writing, and the sources of training in writing. The data suggest that while writing is an integral part of their research, teaching, and professional advancement and is used in conducting business, the academic scientific curriculum does not specifically address this important element in their careers.  相似文献   

研究方法和写作方法是教育硕士必须具备的基本素养,同时也是教育硕士毕业论文中最为薄弱的环节。方法意识淡薄、研究方法单一或成为摆设、研究方法应用不科学不恰当、写作方法不符合学术研究范式等是其毕业论文方法方面的主要问题。根据专业学位研究生的特点,可以通过明确研究方法类课程教学定位、采用案例式教学和改革论文指导模式等多种途径培养教育硕士的方法意识。  相似文献   

学术论文写作规范,是学术论文写作的规则、规矩、标准、范式。学术论文是科教工作者对自己的创造性研究成果进行理论阐述、理论分析和科学总结的论说文章。学术论文的质的规定性,包括理论性,创新性,逻辑性,规范性和完备性;学术论文的量的规定性,包括文字、图表、数学式等构成文章的篇幅长短。这两种规定性的统一,就决定了学术论文的属性。学术论文是一个实实在在的知识产品(实体),写作规范的表达,层次结构的安排,是构建这个产品的工艺流程,更是论文质量形成的标准体现。  相似文献   

EFL学习者在学术写作中还面临着诸多问题,突出表现在写作文体非正式性、过分强调写作"成品"性自主性动机匮乏上。在此情况下,实施以"过程写作法"为中心的学术写作教学势在必行。"过程写作法"大致包括六个写作阶段,其反馈方式主要有三种(教师编辑、同伴编辑及自我编辑)。正确实施运用"过程写作法"可以提高EFL学习者的英语学术写作能力。  相似文献   

Improving the information literacy and writing skills of undergraduate social work students continues to be an issue for social work educators. In spite of the persistent concern, only a few studies examine the factors influencing these skills and interventions to strengthen them. This article details a faculty–librarian collaborative teaching model to develop students’ information literacy and writing skills through an iterative, peer-reviewed process that includes online and in-class library instruction. Pre- and posttest results from course evaluations, using the learning management system, indicate that students improve their information literacy skills, which in turn improves their writing skills. The article concludes with a discussion of implications for academic and professional development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore ways in which students' experiences during the writing process can contribute to their academic integration. Students ( n = 46) were surveyed on their experiences before, during and after completion of their first major writing assignment. They were also interviewed in focus groups. Data indicate that students perceived several factors that may potentially inhibit their academic integration—some within the broader university context and others pertaining to completion of the written assignment. Findings suggest that interactions with staff and peers during the assignment writing process can provide significant opportunities for integration, provided these interactions are supportive. The study has implications for those who plan, support and deliver first year university courses, particularly those courses involving academic writing assignments.  相似文献   

陶富源教授所著的《学术论文写作通鉴》是一本以执着精神追寻治学及写作真谛的论著。该书有三大特色:《通鉴》登高望远,指明了治学者所应具有的正确治学境界;《通鉴》将如何治学写作与为何治学写作融会一体,将个人治学的体认渗透进中外著名学者治学经验中并加以发展,将理论陈述与治学及写作的实践操作紧密结合;相对于其他相类著作而言,《通鉴》对治学及写作的规律挖的更深、讲的更透。  相似文献   

批判性思维指的是能对信息进行分析、综合的高层次的认知能力。目前学生的学术英语写作中存在的问题与批判性思维的缺失有很大的关系。将批判性思维的培养融入学术英语写作教学,是培养学生创新思维能力和研究能力,提高论文写作质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

The writing approach framework provides a comprehensive perspective on college‐level academic writing based on the relationship of writers’ beliefs and strategies to the quality of written outcomes. However, despite increased demands for more and better writing at the graduate level, little is known about graduate‐level writing processes or about the beliefs of graduate students regarding writing. The goals of this project were the preliminary development of a factor analytic model of graduate writing processes, and of an inventory to measure writing strategies. The results support seven independent factors: elaborative, low self‐efficacy, no revision, intuitive, scientist, task‐oriented, and sculptor, with the intuitive factor predictive of an academic writing outcome. Suggestions are advanced for classroom instruction and for further research.  相似文献   

《应用写作》课程是高校各专业都要开设的一门基础课,“能说会写”的大学生更是成为用人单位急需的人才.针对学生应用写作学习现状与未来岗位需求,进行应用写作模拟教学法的探索,强化学生写作技能,帮助学生快速准确成文,已成为高校应用写作教学的迫切需要.  相似文献   

学术类文章的写作是学术读写能力的一个重要方面,是各个学术领域的研究者所应具备的基本素质之一。本文归纳了学术类文章的写作特点及其对写作者在技能和背景知识方面的要求,并针对在英语国家高校深造的中国学生在这方面所面临的各种困难,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

文章就高校英语专业四级测试 (TEM— 4)中的写作测试模式及学生在写作习练中呈现出的弊病作了分析 ,并就写作教学的现状提出了些微看法。  相似文献   

研究生论文撰写中“学术不端”问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从研究生论文撰写环节切入,探讨学术不端的行为、态度与动机。认为研究生论文撰写"学术不端"是违背学术诚信,僭越学术规范的越轨行为。研究生对论文撰写中"学术不端"的评价存在着"双重态度"并导致"知行脱节"。研究生急功近利的"学术功利心"是研究生做出学术不端行为的心理驱动,是有效治理研究生学术不端的关键。  相似文献   

经济类专业写作教学表现出供不应求、教不适需、学不致用的矛盾非常突出。本文提出应力经济类专业写作课程准确定位和正名,要按照专业对象和培养层次建立教学目标与教学内容。要从经济应用出发建立理论体系,规范写作程序和格式,构建中国经济写作学新框架。文中对新框架下的教学方法提出新对策。  相似文献   

第二语言写作教学方法研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文着重于研究跟第二语言写作有关的主要传统的和现代的研究和教学方法,包括"受控写作"、"段落模式写作"、过程方法、学术方向写作、基于网络平台的写作教学模式等。其中有些现代写作方法的研究领域涉及项目的、语篇的、学科的、政治的、还有网络技术的问题。最后,作者指出相关领域的教育者和研究人员应考虑利用理论知识和调查结果自己判断什么是真正对学生有用的模式。  相似文献   

论文写作对于很多学者和专业人员来说,不是一件很容易的事情。可是论文写作是高校学生特别是研究生阶段的基本技能,打好论文写作的功底,这不仅有助于思维和表达,也会让人养成遵守学术规范的习惯。从论文写作的态度、选题和材料收集这三个方面谈论文写作的体会:高校学生写作论文一定要遵循学术规范。  相似文献   


This study draws on the theoretical frameworks of genre theory and writing expertise to explore how educators manage and excel in writing for professional recognition. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four educators from different disciplines in which participants discussed their experiences of preparing and writing for Senior Fellow. Despite the fact that writing for professional recognition can be a contentious genre to manage with its reflective features favouring those from certain disciplinary backgrounds, the participants described positive and affirming experiences. The findings also suggest that educators are strategic in their approach, and that the writing process can have unexpected affordances including a developed knowledge of writing, professional confidence and a sense of empowerment. The findings have implications for developing systems and resources to support educators preparing for fellowship.  相似文献   

卡夫卡内外存在的破碎性在世界文学史上实属罕见。这对他的写作产生了深远的影响,使其呈现出极为糟糕的破碎状态,从而严重地影响了他对写作质量的寻求,使他对自己的作品始终不满。论文拟从他写作的“内外生态”入手,对其写作状态进行论述,以期为解决学术界“诉讼”长久的卡夫卡“毁稿遗嘱”提供了一个本源性的视域。  相似文献   

大学生日语论文撰写方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学毕业论文是对学生在校四年学习的综合检验,同时也是为今后继续深入研究方法的训练。毕业论文不一定要有独创性,但作为学术性的论文要有新的见解。  相似文献   

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