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学习英语是大多数中国学生比较头疼的事,更别说学好英语。如何让英语课堂变得生动有趣,让学生愿意学,是每一个英语教师需要潜心研究的。作为英语教师,应鼓励学生大胆地说英语,不断增强学生学习英语的信心;应精心设计课堂教学,让死板的课堂“动起来”;应从学生的兴趣出发,激发学生学习英语的兴趣;应把“舞台”让给学生,教会学生如何学习。  相似文献   

为意义建构学习设计教学--学习与教学概说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育心理学研究教学如何影响学习。教学与学习是彼此互相联系的过程,从而促成学习者发生改变。学习可以比喻为“反应增强”或“知识获得”或“知识建构”.这三种比喻所建议的教学方法都有它的优势所在。学习时发生着三种记忆.即感觉记忆,短时记忆(工作记忆)和长时记忆;与之相配备的三种基本学习过程分别是选择、组织和整合。教学必须帮助学习者选择相关的信息.组织信息和整合信息。也就是说,有意义学习依赖于在学习中的积极认知加工或知识建构。  相似文献   

论促进知识建构的学习环境设计   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文从理解知识和知识建构的概念出发,分析了知识建构的特点,比较了知识建构与传统学习的差异,阐述了知识建构的方式,从建构主义学习环境设计理论的角度讨论了有效促进知识建构的学习环境设计方法。文章认为,有效促进知识建构的学习环境设计必须围绕活动、情境、资源、工具、支架、学习共同体和评价等七大基本要素来进行。这一学习环境设计方法为知识建构提供了一种思考和实践框架,有益于教师帮促学习者运用高阶思维开展有意义的学习,实现高阶能力的发展。  相似文献   

日益变化的学习环境对设计教学提出了严峻的挑战。其中,最重要的是考虑如何面向现实生活和完整任务开展学习;如何学会解决非良构的问题,实现学习迁移;如何从扶到放设计学习任务;如何推行个性化的教学;本文概要地讨论了综合学习设计理论和认知负荷理论的若干重要主张和认识。  相似文献   

研究性学习模式在高等教育中的设计与实施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究性学习是一种以学生为主的新型教学模式。在强调素质教育,注重培养学生综合能力的教育观念指导下,高校实施研究性学习是必要而可行的。为了更好地在高校开展研究性学习,我们可将其实施分为三个阶段:初期阶段、中期、后期阶段。在不同的阶段有不同的目标定位。  相似文献   

In society, there is a growing need for graduates who possess competencies consistent with deep learning. This means that, amongst other competencies, graduates should be capable of dealing with the complexity of the tasks in which they will engage in professional situations. We tried to increase the depth of students learning by changing the format of a so-called assignment-based learning to a problem-based learning course. The goals of this research were to determine if students, firstly, perceived the redesigned course as being more challenging and, secondly, adjusted their learning strategies towards deeper learning. Participants were two groups of second-year International Business Studies students attending the International Business Strategy course in consecutive years. Students perceptions of the learning environment and their learning strategies were measured in both the original (n = 406 students) and the redesigned course (n = 312 students) using the Ramsden Course Experiences Questionnaire and the Biggs Study Processes Questionnaire. In contrast to our expectations, the results indicated that the students from the redesigned course showed a higher degree of surface learning and a lower level of deep learning than the students from the assignment-based learning course. Additionally, the students perceived the new learning environment to be less positive in terms of the clarity of its goals, the usefulness of the textbook and the workload. Improvement in terms of students perceptions of the learning environment and their learning strategies could be expected to be fostered by the implementation of a more advanced staff development program, focusing the curricular assessment system on problem-solving skills, supporting the students in the development of the skills necessary to cope with the demands of the redesigned course, and giving them more opportunities to experience this instructional approach.  相似文献   

提高大学生的学习策略水平,使他们用良好的学习策略来控制自己的学习过程,成为一个能够真正独立学习,进行终身教育的人,是教学工作的一个重要任务。大学生运用学习策略是极为重要的,教师在教学过程中给予学生学习策略的训练也是十分必要的。  相似文献   

作为大学老师,为了达到好的教学效果,我们必须能够做好两项活动,既要做好课程设计,又要做好师生互动.就这两项活动而言,我们的课程设计能力常常是制约因素.《创造意义深远的学习经历:大学课程整合设计方案》一书作者,美国奥克拉荷马大学教学发展项目部主任迪·芬克博士撰写了一份大学课程设计的自学指南,旨在给大家介绍一套系统有效的课程设计程式,帮助大家学会怎样进行课程设计.指南包括课程整合设计的三个主要阶段,每阶段包括开篇的介绍性评价,读者可以加以使用的工作簿,以及读者在课程设计过程中可以对自己提出的一些问题,以对自己的设计实践进行推敲.  相似文献   

学生在公共英语学习中使用有效的学习策略,不仅可以大幅度地提高学习效率,还可以减少课业负担,极大地改善学习状况。  相似文献   

针对开放教育的特点,提出了自主学习的必要性和可行性。通过对开放英语I的学习策略分析,探讨了开放教育学生在英语学习素质上的自我完善,从而培养学生自主学习的能力,促进开放教育可持续发展。  相似文献   

大学新生英语学习观念的转变及英语学习策略的训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学新生在英语学习方面存在观念滞后以及缺乏有效的学习策略等问题,导致他们不能适应大学英语的学习。帮助新生转变学习观念并训练其有效的学习策略成为大学英语教学中十分重要的一环。本文从帮助学生认识并克服英语学习中存在的误区,培养学生的自主学习意识,帮助学生适应大学英语课堂等方面探讨了如何帮助新生转变学习观念以及对新生进行英语学习策略训练的具体方法。  相似文献   

基于学习优势的学习方案设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习方案教学是提升学习成效的有效尝试。每一个学生都有自己的学习优势,学习方案应该基于学生的学习优势进行设计。在班级教学中,教师应首先调查分析学生的学习优势,然后基于本班学生的若干共有优势或主要优势,为学生设计学习方案。  相似文献   

通过杨凌职业技术学院工学结合实践,阐述了高职畜牧兽医专业工学结合的意义、基本理论问题及面临挑战。即企业、指导教师、学校和学生在工学结合中具有各自重要的功能;实施工学结合的实质是职业教育质量工程;工学结合在革新高职教学模式、塑造全能型实用人才、落实产学结合途径和机制及优化教师素质中展示着举足轻重的作用;企业、学生和学校"三满意"是工学结合成功的标志;在工学结合中企业、学生和学校各自应具备各自的必要条件;目前工学结合指导教师工作量的度量合理性低。  相似文献   

在基础英语教学中,学习活动观的实施是英语学科核心素养落地的引擎和路径指向。当前,英语学习活动观的理念体认模糊;主体间建构错位,实操践行中活动目标不明确;过程习题化和方式程式化。这与实现深度学习、指向学科核心素养和立德树人的英语学习活动观的宗旨相背离。素养时代实现超越,应从发展层面精悟英语学习活动观的衍生脉络,路径层面以发展性学习进阶活动聚焦英语学科能力外显,设计层面应基于学生兴趣、班级学情公约区、深度学习的单元目标,建构“量”力求质变性学习进阶等方面精析其本质与基点,实现学科育人价值和完满人的教育。  相似文献   

本文从英语语调构成的六要素入手,讨论英语语调语用作用的三个主要表现:一是表态作用,即应用语调来表达说话者的情感和态度;二是强调作用,即运用语调来标志语调组的信息中心;三是交际作用,即运用语调来吸引听者注意力,规范交谈行为,从而进行更加有效的交际。因此,在讲授语音和语法知识的时候,要注重语调的讲授与训练。  相似文献   

本文以任务型教学理论为基础,阐述任务型教学法的定义,然后根据Jane Willis的任务实施框架来设计高职综合英语任务型教学的各个步骤,即任务的导入;任务前阶段;任务中阶段;任务后阶段,同时阐述了任务型教学设计的原则及教学设计,并指出在实施过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

大学英语与中学英语在教与学方面有很大差异 ,大学新生应在教师的指导下尽快转变观念 ,制定出符合个人特点的学习方法 ,为今后的大学英语学习打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

Researchers have argued that an effort should be made to raise teachers’ and parents’ awareness of the potentially positive educational benefits of playing video games (e.g., see Baek, 2008 Baek, Y.K. (2008). What hinders teachers in using computer and video games in the classroom? Exploring factors inhibiting the uptake of computer and video games. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11, 665671.[Crossref], [PubMed] [Google Scholar]). One part of this effort should be to increase understanding of how video games can be situated within teachers’ existing goals and knowledge of learning and instruction. However, relatively little research on game-based learning addresses teachers (Ketelhut & Schifter, 2011), and for many a gap remains between the apparent enthusiasm of researchers and policy makers relative to the potential of educational games and the attendant practicalities of selecting and implementing video games in classroom settings. This article begins to bridge this gap by providing research-based areas of awareness and a discussion of factors that can facilitate understanding related to choosing and using video games. To this end, we show how educational games can be conceptualized from different theoretical perspectives on learning and discuss a number of essential design issues that educators should take into account when considering a video game for educational use.  相似文献   

Groove作为一种协作工具,在网络协作学习中起到了举足轻重的作用。文章在分析Groove功能和特点的基础上,结合协作学习和网络协作学习的概念与要素,提出Groove支持下网络协作学习活动设计方式及设计出学习活动案例,以有效指导基于Groove的网络协作学习活动的开展。  相似文献   

New and flexible educational paradigms, based on creative, innovative and open‐minded competences, are required in the development of curricula in design, working as an essential skill toolkit for future designers, particularly in higher education. This study aims to explore how learning outcomes, usually expressed by the knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and competences expected to be achieved by students as a result of an educational experience, are defined and formulated in design study programmes in Portugal. The investigation relies on the linguistic analysis of a corpus composed of a collection of learning outcomes extracted from the Portuguese undergraduate and post‐graduate study programmes in design. The analysis was performed through the application of natural language tools and resources to that corpus. Specifically, we used computational lexicons and grammars to gather information on word frequency, lexical density, syntactic distribution and the morphology used in texts. Additional discourse dimensions, such as the length of sentences, the frequency of specific linguistic patterns, and the presence of subjective items, like evaluative adjectives, were also considered. Results suggest that Portuguese design and art higher education institutions are committed to follow the learning outcomes recommendations, trying to identify measurable ‘design’ skills. Moreover, the results show that, despite of being confined to 1,000 characters, learning outcomes are expressed differently, both in terms of lexicon and grammar, depending on the study cycles, fostering the idea that skills and competences required become more complex as the level of qualification increases.  相似文献   

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