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两性文化差异使两性在交际规则、交际策略等方面存在差异,体现在交际过程中,就是男性和女性在发音、音调、语调、用词以及语法的使用等方面的差异。这些差异会给交际双方带来困难,造成交际失败。因此,要达到有效的交际,人们必须意识到两性文化差异对交际的影响,尊重并接受其各自的规则及规律。  相似文献   

性别差异是语言学的一个基本特征。会话中性别的语言差异主要包括两性词汇、句法、会话风格和策略方面的差异,这些差异必然造成跨性别文化交际的障碍。为避免交际误解,我们应该注意这些不同并促使男性和女性的交际能顺利进行下去。  相似文献   

英语语音语调的性别差异及其形成原因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
英语中存在着比较明显的性别差异,诸如女性发音比男性更接近标准语体和高雅口音、更喜欢使用升调等等。形成英语语音语调性别差异的原因是多方面的,如神经生理原因、文化心理原因,而最根本的原因则是男女社会地位不平等。英语性别差异不仅是一种语言现象,而且是一种社会现象。只有实现男女地位平等后,才能达到英语性别平等。  相似文献   

Gender gaps in educational expectations and postsecondary enrollment are well studied, but few scholars have investigated the extent to which students realize or fail to realize their expectations. Even fewer have examined how the likelihood of realizing one’s expectations may differ for men and women. Using 35 years of data, this study examines the role race, social class, and significant others’ influences have played in realizing educational expectations and how these relationships have differed for men and women. It also investigates how group gender differences in these characteristics have contributed to the gap between the proportion of men and proportion of women who have realized their educational expectations via college enrollment. Results show trends in realized expectations by gender over time. Group gender differences explain little of past gaps but returns on students’ characteristics differ by gender, which has been a key explanatory factor for differences between men and women in realizing their expectations. Implications of these findings relative to policy and program initiatives are discussed.  相似文献   

男女两性在日常生活中的很多方面都表现出不同。在言语交际方面,男女在话题选择、话语量大小、话语方式、话语策略等方面的特点有不同的表现;在社会根源方面,社会地位、文化背景、心理因素等的不同为这些不同的表现提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

With the obvious gains in pay and employment equity for women in the workplace during the last 50 years, both in measurable changes and in legislation designed to ensure such changes, some have assumed that gender discrimination is a thing of the past. However, despite improvements, equal pay for equal work and equal opportunities for hiring, promotion, and leadership positions remain elusive in many areas. Stereotype threat and gender differences in self‐positioning and communication are two contributors to differences in pay and position. Stereotype threat can result in reduced performance and a tendency for women to opt out of participation in fields and positions that are currently populated mostly by men. Gender differences in self‐positioning and communication can result in unwitting discrimination because employers and others fail to notice qualified female candidates. We should employ remedies for these (and other) factors that contribute to gender discrimination. This is likely only if we first acknowledge that gender discrimination is alive and well in today's workplace—whether intentionally so or not.  相似文献   

不同的性别有着自身不同的性别文化,男性和女性按照各自的性别文化规则来规范自己的交际行为。在网络这个虚拟空间,男性和女性的交际与面对面交际一样反映出根深蒂固的性别文化差异。笔者尝试从男性与女性在网络交际与面对面交际中的文化差异、男性与女性网络交际的风格及网络交际道德规范等方面探讨网络交际的性别文化差异,并针对网络交际中出现的性骚扰等现象提出一些看法。  相似文献   

The differences between men and women is not only biological sex but social gender.Gender gap is produced in a biased society where men and women treated differently behave differently.This paper wishes to analyze different reactions to color of both sexes by taking examples from TV show You Are the One to further gender studies.  相似文献   

Gender Discourse     
Gender discourse was paid much attention in recent years. The primary objective of this fundamental research is to perceive the distinction between direct and indirect in gender discourse. The method used in this study is known as contrastive and analysis which illustrates men and women's differences.  相似文献   

不同的性别在语言上存在着较大差异,话语模式的性别差异会导致言语交际的不合谐,甚至失败。本文即从话语模式的性别差异来进行分析研究,并试图找出形成这种差异的原因及策略。进行这方面的研究有助于对语言交际的性别特征有更深入的了解,从而为最终掌握言语交际规律并恰当运用语言奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

语言使用中的性别差异现象是近年来非常热门的话题。亲属称谓语作为称谓语系统的基本组成要素,不但反映了语言与性别的关系,而且在跨文化交际研究中也发挥了积极作用。本文通过比较汉英亲属称谓语揭示出性别差异产生的内在原因,并探讨了研究结果对外语学习和外语教学的意义。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with men and women's experience of elite positions and with the extent to which such positions are seen as places for women, so as to provide an insight into their commitment to continuing in them. Senior management in universities are elite positions in terms of income; those who occupy them are relatively powerful internally, although relatively powerless in relation to the state and the market. Drawing on a purposive study of those at the top three levels (i.e. presidential, vice-presidential, and dean) in public universities, it finds little difference between men and women's perceptions of the advantages/disadvantages of these positions. However, in a context where roughly four-fifths of those in university senior management are men [O'Connor, P. 2014. Management and Gender in Higher Education. Manchester: Manchester University Press.], at the level of organisational narratives and at the interactional level, gender differences persist. These differences are reflected in variation in commitment to continuing in senior management positions.  相似文献   


Various social psychological factors have been proposed as influencing the likelihood of pursuing a pSTEM (physical science, technology, engineering, and math) academic major, but no work examines these simultaneously to ask which make independent contributions in explaining pSTEM gender disparities. Three hundred and fifty-two undergraduates in USA completed survey items comprising nine factors identified from previous research. Mean gender differences were evident on six of these: Males more strongly endorsed Gender Determinism (the belief that differences between the genders are real, meaningful, and largely biologically driven), and STEM-specific gender stereotypes (that men are better at math and science), and were more likely to report having an influential pSTEM role model in high school; females more strongly endorsed the importance of felt belonging in their academic major, communality goals, and stigma concerns regarding gender. As a set, the factors accounted for a significant proportion (34%) of the gender disparity in selection of a pSTEM major. Significant indirect effects partially explaining the gender gap in pSTEM major selection were evidenced for four of the factors: Gender Determinism, Belonging Importance, Communal Goals, and having a pSTEM high school role model. The findings speak to the unique ability of these factors to predict pSTEM major selection, and gender disparities in these.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the connection between gender differences in examinees' familiarity, interest, and negative emotional reactions to items on the Advanced Placement Psychology Examination and the items' gender differential item functioning (DIF). Gender DIF and gender differences in interest varied appreciably with the content of the items. Gender differences in the three variables were substantially related to the items' gender DIF (e.g., R = .50). Much of the gender DIF on this test may be attributable to gender differences in these variables.  相似文献   

性别因素对人的语言选择和使用具有重要影响,非对称语言、语言交流中的打断现象和不同性别会话策略的运用,都从不同的理论角度阐述了性别因素对语言使用的重要影响。通过对电影《泰坦尼克号》几个主人公的对话片段的分析,会发现以下特点:性别会影响人的语言选择,会出现男性刚毅和女性温柔、男性好战和女性含情、男性直白和女性感性。男女因不同性别而导致的各具特色的语言使用特点,对我们认识社会生活规律,具有较强的启发意义,特别是女性追求和谐、韬光养晦的语言特性及男性强势进攻的语言特性,均赋予我们时代启迪意义。  相似文献   

语言的性别差异是很多语言学家的研究方向.语言与性别研究的目的是通过对两性语言现象的剖析,总结两性在不同语境下语体的差异及其背后的文化内涵.语言性别差异不仅表现在现实生活中,在网络语境下也有所表现.语言性别的研究理论基础可分为:女性卑微观、男性支配观、文化差异观和社会建构观.  相似文献   

随着国际政治、经济、文化的全球化,男女之间的非语言交际越来越受到人们的重视。论文叙述了男女性之间在空间使用上的具体差异并揭示了形成这些差异的五个原因,即生理差异,男女社会化,性吸引,定势和支配-服从。  相似文献   

Guided by situated expectancy-value and mindset theories, we investigated the mediating roles of students’ experiences of social comparisons (social comparison concern, comfort being oneself) in relations between mindsets, motivation (self-efficacy, task values, and cost), and achievement in undergraduate physics. Gender differences in these mediational pathways were examined. We recruited a large sample (N = 1,218) of students in undergraduate physics courses, administered surveys twice during a semester, and obtained final course grades from university records. Multiple-group structural equation modeling revealed (1) protective roles of a growth mindset in motivation and performance via comfort being oneself, (2) detrimental roles of a fixed mindset in the same outcomes via social comparison concern, and (3) significant gender differences in these relations, such that a growth mindset is less beneficial, while a fixed mindset is more harmful for women (vs. men). Results suggest that social comparison concern acts as a mechanism of a fixed mindset for undermining women’s motivation and performance in physics to a greater extent than men. Scholarly contributions and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated gender differences on the Mental Rotations Test (MRT) as a function of item and response types. Accordingly, 86 male and 109 female undergraduate students completed the MRT without time limits. Responses were coded as reflecting two correct (CC), one correct and one wrong (CW), two wrong (WW), one correct and one blank (CB), one wrong and one blank (WB), or two blank (BB) answers and were analyzed as a function of distractor type (structural or mirror) and occlusion (occluded, non-occluded). The results showed a men advantage on CC, whereas women obtained more BB, CB, and WB outcomes than men did. Gender differences in favor of men were larger for occluded than for non-occluded items on CC. This gender by occlusion interaction was also found for CW and WB. Implications of the results for possible explanation of gender differences on the MRT are discussed.  相似文献   

人的性别意识和性别行为不是生来就有的,而是家庭环境和社会文化制约中形成的.本文将知识女性成长环境置于社会性别概念范畴之中,分析性别概念对知识女性成才所造成的影响.社会性别分析是锐利的批判武器,从理论上解构两性关系不平等的根源.社会性别问题的传统思维必须得到改变,知识女性的自信度和自身价值必须得到提高、欣赏和认同,才能取得与男性平等的权利和地位.  相似文献   

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