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残疾儿童教育训练中,教师经常会遇到特别严重的攻击、暴力或伤害行为等危机情境。应用先行控制策略预防问题行为发生,运用行为控制策略及时中断问题行为链,运用同伴调解技术转变问题行为等是残疾儿童教育训练中危机行为干预的有效策略。集合充足的人力成立协商小组,运用权威人士来阻止不良行为的发生,及时记录危机处理的过程和结果等措施将有助于增强危机行为矫正的效果。  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of information about children's disabilities on preschool teachers' responses toward integrating children with disabilities in their classroom. Of particular interest was whether the severity of the child's educational needs and information about diagnosis were related to teachers' responses. Data were collected from 155 preschool teachers in two Midwest states in the United States to examine their responses in terms of levels of comfort, classroom adaptation, and need for support. Results showed that teachers responded differently to the types of disability regardless of the diagnostic labels; that is, teachers responded more positively to children with mild disabilities (e.g., children with Down syndrome) and those with physical disabilities (e.g., cerebral palsy). In addition, compared with children with diagnostic labels, teachers responded more positively to those with no diagnostic labels. Teachers' education and experience working with children with disabilities were associated with their levels of comfort. Implications and recommendations for service delivery and teacher training are discussed.  相似文献   

为视力残疾学生提供合乎需要的教育,是提高我国视障教育质量应重点探索与研究的问题。在盲校内实施按需施教,主要是针对视力残疾学生个体差异实行分类教育,针对个体内的差异开展分组教学与个别教学,以使他们获得发展  相似文献   

残疾儿童的游戏特征及基于游戏的干预策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
残疾儿童干预的一个主要宗旨是帮助他们尽可能参与社会,游戏具有这方面的功能。成人应意识到残疾儿童不同于正常儿童的游戏特征,考虑到可以利用游戏干预残疾儿童,促使他们尽可能健康发展。基于游戏的干预策略包括:选择有效策略合理干预残疾儿童的游戏过程、创设适宜残疾儿童的游戏环境、开发适宜技术提高残疾儿童的游戏质量等方面。  相似文献   

In this case study, a co-operative inquiry process was used to facilitate the expansion of inclusive early childhood education and care practices in a rural community in the Midwest. A university and a community researcher first engaged in interviews and site visits, during which they learned how a three-member inclusion team of early care and education professionals initiated changes in practice from self-contained to inclusive special education and therapy. Key practices included responding to families’ priorities, changing roles, and providing integrated services and support for children’s successful transitions into Kindergarten. The second part of the research consisted of action planning during focus groups and community meetings, which resulted in social recognition from the school district, technical assistance through state improvement grant funding, and better preschool options for young children with disabilities. *We gratefully acknowledge partial funding of this research by the Dean's Office at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and State Improvement Grant funding by the Department of Public Instruction.  相似文献   

This paper is set against the backdrop of new policies and legislation regarding the health, welfare and education of children and young people in England. In response to these policies, the Department for Education and Skills has developed an increasing number of strategies to support the psychological health and well-being of children and young people and thereby signalled greater recognition of the value of improving mental health in relation to children's learning, achievement, attendance and behaviour. Counselling is increasingly seen as an effective strategy for addressing the psychological needs of children and young people with social, emotional, behavioural and academic problems. The aim of this paper is to explore the inclusion of children and young people with learning disabilities (13–19 years) in mainstream counselling services. The nature of learning disabilities is examined in relation to accessing counselling services and a model for inclusive counselling practice is developed from the research findings. Findings are based on data collected from a quantitative survey ( n =396) of 3000 counsellors and analysed using SPSS, along with qualitative data from the survey, which was analysed using a thematic approach.  相似文献   

学习不良儿童可以概括为发展性学习不良、学业性学习不良与行为-情绪性学习不良等主要类型。通过对三个不同的典型案例的分析诊断,提出了具体切实可行的教育干预措施。  相似文献   

残疾人家庭生活质量的研究在国际上非常受重视,已经成为评估残疾人家庭支持成效的重要参考因素。本研究采用中文版《家庭生活质量评估量表》,对北京442个发展性障碍儿童的家庭进行问卷调查,探究了北京发展性障碍儿童家庭生活的客观生活质量状况,分析家庭主观生活质量的现状和家长对家庭生活质量的满意度,以及发展性障碍儿童家庭生活质量结构特征。研究为进一步提升家庭生活质量的实践和研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

通过为期两个月共八次的小组辅导活动对12名学前残疾儿童母亲进行干预,以考察小组干预对降低学前残疾儿童母亲亲职压力水平的有效性和适用性。结果表明:(1)实验组和对照组小组干预后亲职压力反应水平存在显著差异,实验组亲职压力反应总分及情绪症状、行为症状和精神症状得分显著低于对照组;小组干预效果稳定;(2)小组干预对学前残疾儿童母亲的身体症状和心智症状影响不显著。  相似文献   

本文回顾了我国农村特殊儿童随班就读支持系统与评价研究的成果与不足,认为农村特殊儿童随班就读支持系统主要包括学校、家庭、社区、政府以及自我支持等五个子支持系统,各个子支持系统相互联系、相互影响;但不同的子支持系统以及各子支持系统中的各个因素对随班就读特殊儿童的影响大小还有待于实验研究证明。  相似文献   

近些年来,随着随班就读工作的深入开展,培智学校的教育对象从招收轻度智力障碍学生为主逐渐转变为招收中、重度智力障碍学生为主,且学校中同时伴有情绪行为障碍及自闭症的学生越来越多。良好的教育训练可以改善与提高中、重度智力障碍儿童的适应能力,其中,学校的课程设置与开发尤为重要。学校在个别化教育、生存教育与生活教育等理念的指导下,以智障学生生活适应能力培养为核心,进行了课程开发实践研究,取得了一定成效。  相似文献   

国外学习障碍儿童的非标签化教育取向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从标签理论出发,提出了非标签化的教育取向,从诊断和安置两个环节介绍了国外学习障碍儿童非标签化教育的实施现状,总结了非标签化教育的实施过程中的有关争论,并结合我国的学习障碍儿童教育实践进行了讨论。  相似文献   

在正常儿童学前教育普及率只有24%的1975年,美国即颁布了为所有残疾幼儿提供适当和免费的学前教育的法律,并逐步严格地在全国范围内实施这一法律,使得残疾儿童学前教育的发展速度远远领先于正常儿童的学前教育。在各级政府的共同努力下,美国已普及了残疾儿童的免费学前教育。美国奉行的残疾儿童学前教育先行发展的政策值得我国借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对学龄前残疾儿童家长培训主要形式的基本分析,提出个别指导形式、集体性培训、推荐与提供文字音像资料是学龄前残疾儿童家长培训的有效途径。关注教师与家长双向互动、突出家长主体地位、分层分类培训是提高学龄前残疾儿童家长培训效果的基本要求。  相似文献   

This paper explores the consequences of transferring technical information on disability and inclusive education from the North to the South within the context of international development. Based on data from the author’s experiences as a US-trained Indian international consultant in Cambodia, it analyses how problems with translation and socio-cultural assumptions embedded in the terminology of disability can divert the intention of teacher training in inclusive education. The paper also examines the politics of inclusive education with regard to the disconnect between a donor-based agenda and local priorities, and discusses the complexities of the author’s own role within the context of increasing South/South cooperation.  相似文献   

元认知理论与学习不良儿童研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
俞国良  张雅明 《教育研究》2004,25(11):46-51
元认知理论为人们全面深入理解学习不良问题提供了一个新视角,它对理解学习不良儿童的内部加工问题和发展提高学业成绩的教学方法都具有重要意义。元认知是个体在学习过程中主动控制认知过程的高层次思维,它包括两类成分:一类是静态成分,分为知识和动机信念;另一类是动态成分,主要指元认知监测和控制。与一般儿童相比,学习不良儿童在元认知加工方面存在不同程度的缺陷;在具体学科领域,学习不良儿童静态和动态元认知成分也有不同的表现。对学习不良儿童的研究应以服务教育实践为目的,打破纯实验研究的范式,采用不同方法,从不同角度探讨学习不良儿童的元认知发展规律和作用机制。  相似文献   

知识经济时代的林业是以人为本、全面协调可持续发展的林业,其发展道路必然是由传统的资源依赖型转向知识依赖型,因此采用团队学习的新方式大力开展林业职工培训尤为重要。当前林业职工培训在培训观念、技术人员、学习氛围和激励机制等方面较为欠缺,应采取措施推进林业单位团队学习和职工培训。  相似文献   

本研究在生活质量理念、支持性教育理念的指导下,以就业安置为目标,构建培智学校职业教育校本课程体系.通过近四年的校本研究,初步构建了智力残疾人职业高中课程体系,并对智力残疾人的专业训练、支持性就业等问题进行了重点研究,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify parental influences on physical activity behaviours of children with disabilities. One hundred and forty-eight parents of children with disabilities responded to a survey about factors related to parent and child physical activity, parental support and belief in their child’s abilities regarding physical activity. The results of multiple regression revealed that parents’ perceived competence of their child’s physical ability and parental support were the key factors of promoting physical activity behaviours of children with disabilities. Findings from this study should be utilised to inform parents on the ways that they can be most helpful for improving the physical activity experiences of their children.  相似文献   

曾拓 《嘉应学院学报》2000,18(5):108-110
本文对学习不良儿童的主要特征及有关这方面的研究状况进行了综述。认为 ,教育指导学习不良儿童的着力点在于其家庭资源的优化配置 ,并提出了优化配置的措施。  相似文献   

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