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Scientific literacy is one of the primary purposes of science education which briefly focuses on using and interpreting scientific explanations, understanding science within its culture. However, science curricula emphasize science with its cognitive aspects and underestimate affective and aesthetic aspects of science. Science education needs to cover beauty of science for students to cross borders between their own culture and culture of science and to achieve the aim of scientific literacy. Relating aesthetic aspects of science with content of science and paving the way for aesthetic experiences through artworks may enrich science education. The purposes of this study are to discuss the need of integrating aesthetic aspects of science in science instruction and to propose examples and pedagogical suggestions to promote aesthetic experiences into the science education. Artworks are selected to present socio-cultural aspects of science to demonstrate the culture of science, their stories are explained, and pedagogical suggestions are proposed. Advantages and difficulties of using artworks in science instruction are discussed as a result of the study.  相似文献   

池田大作科技思想研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
池田大作从科学社会学角度对科学文化作了深入的研究和评论,他指出科学是用理性方法获得的知识体系;科学技术是一把“双刃剑”:一方面它可以用来为人类的幸福服务,另一方面它又会给人类带来各种各样的危机;科学与人文之间具有互补性;现代社会不能离开科学,但是宗教应该有领导科学技术的地位和作用;在解决当代社会的问题中,科学文化有其应有的作用,但根本还在“依正不二”的理念;他对现代东方社会如何更好地发展科学文化提出了许多发人深省的观点。池田大作的科技思想是东方思想界对西方科学技术和科技文化的一种重要的观点和态度。  相似文献   

Four themes of scientific literacy have been synthesized to analyze science textbooks for this purpose: (a) science as a body of knowledge, (b) science as a way of investigating, (c) science as a way of thinking, and (d) the interaction among science, technology, and society (STS). The intercoder agreement between two researchers who coded the units of analysis for the four themes was high. The life science textbooks examined in this study seem to stress two aspects of scientific literacy—science as a body of knowledge and science as a way of investigating. These textbooks devote practically no text to science as a way of thinking. Very little text is devoted to the interaction of science, technology, and society. There was at least one chapter in each textbook that addressed the nature of science and its relationship to life science. Most of the analyzed textbooks present the stereotypical steps of the scientific method and do not provide a balance of scientific literacy themes.  相似文献   

人类对科学本性的理解是动态的和不断发展的,在这个过程中,既有理性的因素,也有非理性的成分。承认科学研究起点的主观性,不仅不会削弱科学理性与客观性,相反,是弘扬了科学的理性精神,增加了科学的真理性。把科学理解成是语境中的产物,认为科学研究是在去语境化(decon tex tau lization)与再语境化(recon tex tau lization)的进程中不断地接近于真理的过程。在此思维之下,科学文化与人文文化之间不会再出现不可约化的矛盾冲突,而是有了走向真正融合的路径与平台。  相似文献   

科学人文主义何以产生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学人文主义产生的具体基础和原因至少有三:传统人文主义;近现代科学及科学文化;现当代科学文化与人文文化的冲突以及人们对此问题的求解.探讨萨顿何以提出科学人文主义主张,有利于从源头上寻找解决两种文化冲突问题的方法和途径.  相似文献   

人的全面发展视域中的科学与人文和谐教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学与人文的和谐教育是实现人的全面发展的重要途径。科学与人文有着既对立又统一、既有本质差异又协调一致的属性,构成了互为补充、互为促进、互为依存的和谐统一体。科学文化与人文文化、科学思维与人文思维、科学精神与人文精神的内在和谐,是研究和探索培育人的全面素质、培养人的创造思维、塑造人的完美人格,从而实现人的全面发展的重要内容。  相似文献   

倪娟  李广洲 《教育学报》2006,2(1):54-61
通过追溯中西文化演变,分析传统“理性”文化之别,阐述我国传统文化对理科教育的负面影响;回顾近代理科教育的社会文化演变过程,结合理科“文化”舞台分析当前基础教育理科课程改革中出现的问题。理科的人文化传统教学造成了以非理性方式记忆“科学”,使理科教育目标背离了科学的本质诉求。针对传统文化中精确、求真、独立性和批判性等理性思维不足的缺陷,提出理科课程改革中建立符合科学理性特点的理科教材观、知识价值观、学生的科学观、教师科学教学观、教师观、评价观等的具体办法,给予“理解科学”的课程改革目标的实现以诸多启示。  相似文献   

对优秀传统文化的研究和传播应取科学的态度,尊重科学,实事求是。通过阅读有关古籍文献、笔记、野史、诗话、别集、方志、金石碑刻与网络信息,发现一些研究苏东坡黄州作品的材料和观点明显偏颇,甚至错误,有的错讹得离谱。为了准确无误地学习、研究和传承东坡文化,以正视听,本文一一予以正误,同时对苏学研究中的讹误也一并拨正。这样,对我国优秀传统文化的代表——东坡文化才能起到更好的传播作用。  相似文献   

本文认为基因工程并非是人类的恶魔,我们的某些伦理学批判在不清楚科学事实和缺乏足够的科学依据的情况下就对基因工程作出否定性的评价,这是人文批判缺乏科学精神的表现,科学与人文是互动的,至今二者的分离与对立更主要的是人文文化自身的衰微,因此,人文文化更应该汲取科学精神并发展自身的以达到与科学技术的平衡。  相似文献   

中华科学文化在古代曾经领先于世界,对于世界科学进步起者不可磨灭的贡献,而到了近代却落后于西方,这是一个至今没有圆满答案的问题。本文从中国传统文化、政治制度和科学研究方法等方面分析制约近代中华科学文化发展的因素。  相似文献   

科学文化是科学教育的灵魂,当代中国的科学教育必须确立传承科学文化的基本价值取向。为此,就要丰富科学教育的科学文化内涵,开展科学文化素质教育,以传递科学的理性和实证精神,凸显科学的人文价值,强调科学的怀疑和批判精神。开展科学文化素质教育的基本途径是构建基于科学文化的科学教育体系,即重新定位科学教育目标,追求多元化的科学文化素养;丰富科学课程的科学文化内涵,构建融入式HPS课程体系;提升课堂教学的科学文化品位,注重建构与对话的学习方式。  相似文献   

都市文化是人类文化的一种特殊形态,是人类文明与文化发展的最高环节。科学文化是由于科学产生、发展和传播所形成的,是人类最优秀文化之一。科学文化既是都市文化形成过程中重要的推动力量,又是现代都市文化的重要组成部分。但由于传统文化制约,我国对科学文化认识不足,科学教育长久以来过分重视知识与技能教学,使得我国都市文化中科学文化失衡。在当前社会转型期,要利用都市科学教育资源优势,加强都市文化中的科学文化建设,推动我国传统文化的发展与创新。  相似文献   

This article reports an ethnographic study of a molecular biology research laboratory, “Sally's Lab.” By studying the daily practices of the lab members, and interpreting these observations through an anthropological lens grounded in practice theory, I portray the social and cultural construction of a scientific community. Findings include an examination of how good science practice was operationalized, status in the lab was constructed, members gained or lost interest in continuing on in careers in research science, and individual members conformed to and resisted localized norms of scientific practice. These issues have direct relevance to our work as science educators, in terms of how we present science practice to our students. For example, when K–16 science students engage in activities based on authentic science practice, upon whose experiences are these simulations based? The current study shows that there is not just one acceptable way to do science, nor one set of experiences that pertain to all members within a given community of science practice. Likewise, there should not be just one way that science is presented in school, nor one set of experiences we expect all our students to take from our classes. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 387–407, 2001  相似文献   

颜丽平 《成才之路》2021,(14):96-97
科学课程是一门具有活动性和实践性的课程。探究是学生学习科学的主要方式。因此,在教学中,教师可以让学生以小组的形式进行实验探究活动,以帮助学生建构科学概念,掌握科学方法,并培养学生的科学态度。文章分析科学课分组探究实验教学现状,探究强化分组探究实验,提高科学课教学效果的策略。  相似文献   

本文从理论上较为详细地阐述了文、理、科学与艺术这两种文化长期分裂的历史原因和由此造成的种种弊端,主张在人文科学的研究中同样要贯彻"科技是第一生产力"的科学精神,深入教育教学改革,施行专业教育与通识教育相结合、科学与艺术联姻,这是造就知识经济时代高素质、新型的复合型人才的必由之路.  相似文献   

STS是科学技术哲学的一个新兴研究领域,提供一种新的科普研究思路,在研究方法上从"内在主义"向"外在主义"导向转化,并促使人们从科学、技术与社会的相互关系进行交叉研究。在这一视角下,文章深刻分析了当代政治、经济、文化和科学技术的基本特征,并提出了与之相适应的科普理念,以期有效提高公民的科学文化素质,推动经济发展和社会进步。  相似文献   

Fred Wilson 《Interchange》1992,23(3):297-302
In her article “A Possible ‘Orality’ for Science?” (Interchange, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 227–244), Rampal argues that science can be made more relevant to students if its language is reformed and replaced by one that contains elements drawn from oral cultures. There is some point to this policy proposal, but it fails to note that the dispassionate and impersonal prose of science has its own function in the on-going practice of science. The real task for the teacher should not be reforming the language of science but rather using oral culture to lead students in the excitement of scientific theories and the joys of scientific research, bringing them in the end to a mastery of the prose style that the scientific community has found serves well its goal of increasing our knowledge of laws of nature.  相似文献   

Lisa Borgerding’s work highlights how students can understand evolution without necessarily committing to it, and how learners may come to see it as one available way of thinking amongst others. This is presented as something that should be considered a successful outcome when teaching about material that many students may find incompatible with their personal worldviews. These findings derive from work exploring a cause célèbre of the science education community—the teaching of natural selection in cultural contexts where learners feel they have strong reasons for rejecting evolutionary ideas. Accepting that students may understand but not commit to scientific ideas that are (from some cultural perspectives) controversial may easily be considered as a form of compromise position when teaching canonical science prescribed in curriculum but resisted by learners. Yet if we take scholarship on the nature of science seriously, and wish to reflect the nature of scientific knowledge in science teaching, then the aim of science education should always be to facilitate understanding of, yet to avoid belief in, the ideas taught in science lessons. The philosophy of science suggests that scientific knowledge needs to be understood as theoretical in nature, as conjectural and provisional; and the history of science warns of the risks of strongly committing to any particular conceptualisation as a final account of some feature of nature. Research into student thinking and learning in science suggests that learning science is often a matter of coming to understand a new viable way of thinking about a topic to complement established ways of thinking. Science teaching should then seek to have students appreciate scientific ideas as viable ways of making sense of the currently available empirical evidence, but should not be about persuading students of the truth of any particular scientific account.  相似文献   

鸦片战争以来,知识分子不得不考虑怎样去把握和处理科学在社会和文化价值系统中的地位问题。胡适在中国的文化传统中发现"科学",提炼出"科学精神"和"科学方法",指出科学在中国文化传统中处于正统地位,只是由于材料的不当,才没有能够产生出如同西方一样的科学技术。胡适把"科学"安排进中国学术史,可能存在偏颇,但其苦心孤诣在于提升民族文化的自尊和自信。  相似文献   

文章初步尝试从人的自我的角度来探求科技人性化之路径:人要着眼于“善”假外物而促动科技的生命化和艺术化,用独立灵明的自我意识监控科技对自我之身心整体及其与外部自然和社会环境的关系过程,以大公大我推动科技在人类内部和谐的基础上发展。  相似文献   

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