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有人从顺境走向逆境 ,有人从逆境走向顺境。人生历程 ,顺境和逆境多交替出现。人与人比较 ,确有幸运者 ,但真正一帆风顺、万事如意者并不存在。同样处在逆境中 ,有人发愤图强 ,有人走向沉沦 ;同样处在顺境中 ,有人长足发展 ,有人滑向堕落……一代革命先辈 ,功勋卓著 ,德高望众 ,他们是从艰难的逆境中走过来的 ;美国作家海伦、苏联的保尔、中国的张海迪、曲啸 ,德才相济 ,成为人之楷模 ,他们历经磨难和挫折。但也有一些人 ,遭遇逆境和挫折后 ,信念动摇 ,心灰意冷 ,萎靡不振 ,甚至人性退化 ,人格异变 ,走向邪路。一位卖淫女被抓获后对执法人员…  相似文献   

纪沙 《黑河教育》2011,(10):50-50
随着篮球技术的不断创新与改进,比赛双方的实力越来越接近。为了应对这种高强度的对抗赛,以及在高强度下如何灵活运用战术成为现代篮球的主要研究目标。特别是在比赛出现逆境的情况下.应根据运动员的心理状态因素进行战术上的调整,尤其是对逆境球的处理。本文对篮球比赛中各种逆境球心理进行了简要的分析,为篮球运动员及教练员如何克服比赛中的逆境球心理提供参考。  相似文献   

创新思维和实践能力是培养现代逆境生理研究科技人才的关键,分析了《植物生理学》"植物的抗性生理一章"教学中存在的问题,引入多元化教学新模式,通过案例分析,研究其实施的意义、实现模式和效果评估,取得了初步成果。结论:多元化教学新模式使学生立体式掌握了逆境生理的基本概念和基本原理,学会合作和创造,培养了学生的科学思维方式与习惯,提高了学生动手实践和发现问题及解决问题的能力,有效提高了该章的教学效果,以充分发挥其在培养逆境生理创新性人才中的作用。  相似文献   

心理弹性是由逆境激发出来的潜能和建设性力量,它从积极心理学的视角来探讨人的发展。作为反映个体积极应对逆境的良好指标,心理弹性的研究与应用日益受到心理学领域的关注。当个体面临逆境等危险性因素时,来自个人特质、家庭环境、社会支持三方面的保护性因素,会交互影响而构成心理弹性的动力系统,促使个体的心理弹性得以发展,以保护个体免受逆境的不利影响,促进个体的健康幸福与身心和谐。  相似文献   

危机理论最先由Lindemann (1944)提出,后由Coplan(1964)加以补充和发展.根据Coplan的情绪危机模型,在一般情况下个体与环境之间是处于一种动态平衡状态.当面临生活逆境或不能应对解决的问题时,往往容易产生紧张、焦虑、抑郁和悲观失望等情绪,导致情绪失去平衡,而这种平衡能否维持,与个体对逆境或者事件的认知水平、环境或者社会支持以及应对技巧这三方面密切相关.  相似文献   

中国古代文学经典是从文学史和人们灵魂深处脱颖而出的瑰宝,有着美学、社会学、文化学、心灵史等诸多维度的崇高意义,但在当今全球化的形势下,在与国际接轨的新的文化格局中,在消费文化语境里,中国古代文学经典的教学地位不断地受到来自各个方面力量的冲击,所以我们必须应对得法、应对得当、应对有力、应对有效。  相似文献   

意义发现是指个体从创伤或不幸等消极生活事件中发现个人的、社会的、心理的以及精神上的益处的一种认知和行为应对过程。在我国传统文化中早有意义发现的思想,我国心理学家也有这方面的研究。西方心理学家对意义发现的研究主要集中在结构与测量、意义发现与心理健康的关系以及作用机制等方面,关于意义发现的结构存在单维与多维之争,大多研究者倾向于使用多维意义发现量表;一般认为意义发现有利于心理适应,其作用机制可用认知适应理论和假设世界理论来解释。今后应当根据我国文化开展意义发瑚的心理学研究。  相似文献   

洪战辉,这个响亮的名字传遍中国,他是从逆境中走来的"感动中国"的杰出人物。读到他的经历,读到他与生活抗争的意志,读到他少年时代就开始用自己的劳动解决生存大计,我们能不为之肃然起敬吗?  相似文献   

一、逆境智商的含义保罗·斯托茨在20世纪90年代中期率先提出了"逆境智商"(Adversity Quotient,缩写为"AQ"),认为,AQ(Adversity Quotient)逆境智商衡量的就是一个人应对挫折、逆境的  相似文献   

逆境商对学习者的人格完善和学业成功起着至关重要的作用,因为语言学习是依托学习者的情感而进行的一种认知活动,学生的认知过程与情感过程是交织在一起的,从逆境商的理论研究出发探讨培养学习者自主性学习的可能性,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

Childhood adversity negatively impacts the biological development of children and has been linked to poor health outcomes across the life course. The purpose of this literature review is to explore and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions that have addressed an array of biological markers and physical health outcomes in children and adolescents affected by adversity. PubMed, CINAHL, PsychInfo, Sociological Abstracts databases and additional sources (Cochrane, WHO, NIH trial registries) were searched for English language studies published between January 2007 and September 2017. Articles with a childhood adversity exposure, biological health outcome, and evaluation of intervention using a randomized controlled trial study design were selected. The resulting 40 intervention studies addressed cortisol outcomes (n = 20) and a range of neurological, epigenetic, immune, and other outcomes (n = 22). Across institutional, foster care, and community settings, intervention programs demonstrated success overall for improving or normalizing morning and diurnal cortisol levels, and ameliorating the impacts of adversity on brain development, epigenetic regulation, and additional outcomes in children. Factors such as earlier timing of intervention, high quality and nurturant parenting traits, and greater intervention engagement played a role in intervention success. This study underlines progress and promise in addressing the health impacts of adversity in children. Ongoing research efforts should collect baseline data, improve retention, replicate studies in additional samples and settings, and evaluate additional variables, resilience factors, mediators, and long-term implications of results. Clinicians should integrate lessons from the intervention sciences for preventing and treating the health effects of adversity in children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Very little research has been conducted on the role of childhood adversity in child-to-parent violence. Childhood adversity places youth at risk for internalizing behaviors (i.e. anxiety and depression) and externalizing behaviors (i.e. aggression). The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between childhood adversity, child–mother attachment, and internalizing behaviors among a sample of 80 youth who have been arrested for domestic battery against a mother. This study reported high prevalence rates of childhood adversity (mean score of 10 out of 17 events). Multiple regression analysis indicated that insecure attachment predicted depression among females (F(6, 73) = 4.87, p < 0.001), and previous experience with child maltreatment and/or witness to parental violence predicted anxiety among females (F(6, 73) = 3.08, p < 0.01). This study is the first study to explore childhood adversity among a sample of perpetrators of child-to-mother violence and notably adds to our understanding of the multiple pathways connecting childhood adversity, child–mother attachment, and depression and anxiety among a difficult to treat youth population.  相似文献   

Childhood adversity is associated with a wide range of detrimental psychological consequences. This study examined the mediating role of relationship-specific attachment (avoidance and anxiety) in the associations between childhood adversity and both psychological distress and subjective well-being. University students (N = 190) across the Republic of Ireland completed self-report measures including the Adverse Childhood Experiences scale, Experiences in Close Relationships − Relationship Structures scale, Depression Anxiety and Stress scales and measures of subjective well-being. One hundred and twenty-eight participants (67.4%) reported experiencing at least one adverse childhood experience. Childhood adversity was associated with symptoms of psychological distress and subjective well-being. All such associations were mediated by certain relationship-specific attachment dimensions. Of these, attachment anxiety in general relationships was the most prominent mediator for both psychological distress and subjective well-being. Attachment to one’s father and to one’s romantic partner did not mediate any association. These findings indicate that attachment, in particular relationships, is an important factor in the associations between childhood adversity and both psychological distress and subjective well-being as an adult. One’s attachment anxiety in general relationships is particularly important in these associations. Therapeutic interventions addressing these attachment domains may offset the detrimental effects of childhood adversity. Future research is required using a longitudinal design.  相似文献   

Research documents how exposure to adversity in childhood leads to negative health outcomes across the lifespan. Less is known about protective factors – aspects of the individual, family, and community that promote good health despite exposure to adversity. Guided by the Resilience Portfolio Model, this study examined protective factors associated with physical health in a sample of adolescents and adults exposed to high levels of adversity including child abuse. A rural community sample of 2565 individuals with average age of 30 participated in surveys via computer assisted software. Participants completed self-report measures of physical health, adversity, and a range of protective factors drawn from research on resilience. Participants reporting a greater burden of childhood victimization and current financial strain (but not other adverse life events) had poorer physical health, but those with strengths in emotion regulation, meaning making, community support, social support, and practicing forgiveness reported better health. As hypothesized, strengths across resilience portfolio domains (regulatory, meaning making, and interpersonal) had independent, positive associations with health related quality of life after accounting for participants’ exposure to adversity. Prevention and intervention efforts for child maltreatment should focus on bolstering a portfolio of strengths. The foundation of the work needs to begin with families early in the lifespan.  相似文献   

BackgroundAlthough adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are relatively common among children, there is limited knowledge on the co-occurrence of such experiences.ObjectiveThe current study therefore investigates co-occurrence of childhood adversity in the Netherlands and whether specific clusters are more common among certain types of families.Participants and SettingRepresentative data from the Family Survey Dutch population 2018 (N = 3,128) are employed.MethodWe estimate Latent Class Analysis (LCA) models to investigate co-occurrence of ACEs. As ACEs we examine maltreatment, household dysfunction, demographic family events, as well as financial and chronic health problems. Gradual measures for maltreatment and financial problems are studied to make it possible to differentiate with regard to the severity of experiences.ResultsOur results show that four ACE clusters may be identified: ‘Low ACE’, ‘Moderate ACE: Household dysfunction’, ‘Moderate ACE: Maltreatment’ and ‘High ACE’. Regression analyses indicated that mother’s age at first childbirth and the number of siblings were related to experiencing childhood adversity. We found limited evidence for ACEs to be related to a family’s socioeconomic position.ConclusionThe found clusters of ACEs reflect severity of childhood adversity, but also the types of adversity a child experienced. For screening and prevention of childhood adversity as well as research on its consequences, it is relevant to acknowledge this co-occurrence of types and severity of adversity.  相似文献   

The large body of literature on resilience and coping gives promise to finding specific ways in which teachers, counselors, and schools can enhance success among gifted and talented children and youth placed at risk. While high intelligence is not a requirement for resilient outcomes, cognitive ability appears to be a supporting factor, especially as it relates to problem solving and coping. To the extent that low‐income and culturally diverse children and youth have more experience overcoming adversity, they may possess a greater range of and flexibility in coping strategies that can be shared with others. This article summarizes findings from resilience literature relevant to the development of children and adolescents and derives specific strategies for enhancing outcomes for gifted children and youth most at risk for encountering adversity.  相似文献   

对大学生进行逆商教育,教育学生正确认识人生的挫折和逆境,树立战胜逆境的信心和决心,促进大学生心理全面发展,对其在逆境中成才具有重要的意义。逆商教育的途径与举措包括;通过规范学生的日常学习生活来锻炼提高逆商指数水平,积极引导大学生提升自我逆商指数水平,在实践和模拟情境中开展逆商教育,与心理健康教育相融合,通过心理引导来培养逆商。  相似文献   

This paper is a summary of a study of the marginal costs of graduate instruction in a large public research university, and draws implications for financing foreign enrollments. The major finding is that because the teaching costs directly facing faculty differ from their budgetary rewards for instruction, faculty have the means to support basic research and to give aid to the most desired students, including foreigners. We also found that faculty members' marginal costs of classroom instruction are generally low. While advising is costly, it has offsetting benefits, especially in the laboratory sciences. The costs of instructing and advising foreign and domestic students are equal.  相似文献   

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