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篮球运动中制空权的掌握并不仅仅在于对空间高度的控制,还在于对高度控制的持续时间上,因而连续起跳就显得颇为重要;对篮球运动中连接起跳技术的结构、运用及影响因素进行了探讨,并设计了相应的训练方法。  相似文献   

在抢篮板球中,选择起跳时机是抢篮板球技术中最重要的部分,通过观察法和文献资料法,得知:篮板球的反弹方向、速度、上升高度等都有一定的规律,认识和掌握其规律有利于运动员在比赛中做出准确判断,选择最佳起跳时机,从而获得更多的篮板球。同时本文提出了提高运动员掌握起跳时机的训练手段,为教学和训练提供辅助参考。  相似文献   

篮板球的争夺能力,长期以来就是我国篮球队的薄弱环节之一。篮板球有攻有守,既是制空权的高空争夺,也是争取主动的地面较量,攻、守转化的重要环节。现在不仅男子篮球比赛在篮板球争夺上表现的凶狠有力,高度增加,全力拼抢,讲求策略,以扬长克短争取优势;而在日益快速、  相似文献   

“跳投”是现代篮球比赛中最主要的得分手段,其命中率的高低对比赛的胜负至关重要。篮球运动中制空权的掌握并不仅仅在于对空间高度的控制,还在于对高度的持续时间上,因而起跳投篮(及跳投)就显得颇为重要。跳投方法很多,如跳步跳投、跨步跳投(行进间运球跳投、行进间接球跳投)、急停跳投等,无论采用那种跳投方法跳投,其目的都是以得分为手段。本文探讨了篮球“跳投”中起跳技术的结构、运用及影响因素,并设计了相应的训练方法。  相似文献   

一场激烈的势均力敌的篮球争夺战,不论是国际比赛还是国内的比赛,谁争得了制空权,速度发挥得好,谁就能取得主动,有希望获得比赛的胜利。快速与制空权,两者都是非常重要的,而我们认为,制空权占更重要地位。制空权是双方篮板球的争夺以及内线攻与守的总体现。吉林女篮,近几年来,在全国性比赛  相似文献   

篮球运动员踝关节功能训练   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
篮球运动员踝关节功能训练姚红燕,唐玉玲现在篮球运动是在高速度、强对抗的条件下完成各种高难度的技术动作及战术配合,所以无论是提高整体的攻防水平,还是发展个人的攻防能力,其重要的标志之一‘是尽可能扩大制空权,即防守时争抢篮板球的空中高度与控制范围、抢断与...  相似文献   

跳跃在篮球运动中是一个不可缺少的重要技术动作。篮球运动除了跑动以外,跳跃的运用很广泛。接球、传球、投篮、打球、断球、跳球,抡篮板球以及堵截、躲闪等动作,往往是跳起在空中完成的。跳起投篮也被证实为篮球运动中有威力的得分手段。在篮球比赛中,运动员除了应具有灵活、快速的技术战术以外,跳得高起跳快,就能掌握“制空权”的优势,不论进攻或防守都能给对方造成极大的威胁。通过跳球、抡夺篮板球、正面侧面断球来发动快攻;通过跳起传球、接球、跳起投篮、跳起空中躲闪过人等技术加强攻击力量,都要求运动员具备卓越的跳跃技术和弹跳能力。当然,弹跳力的好坏,并非  相似文献   

1.抢防守篮板球技术的要点抢篮板球是一项复杂的联合技术动作。抢篮板球与位置、高度、时间有关。抢占有利位置前提,并要观察球反弹的方向,判断球的落点,掌握起跳的时机.[第一段]  相似文献   

篮板球的争抢在竞技篮球比赛中起着非常重要的作用,能否抢获更多的篮板球是比赛获胜的关键因素之一。本研究结合教学与训练的实际,对抢位挡人的时机和起跳的快慢在抢篮板球中的作用做进一步的研究,提出“时间差”在抢篮板球中的特殊意义,为训练和比赛提供参考。  相似文献   

在现代篮球运动中,篮板球是影响比赛胜负的重要因素之一。分析了争抢篮板球技术的方法.起跳动作、空中抢球动作、落地后的动作技术与动作要求,以及如何合理地抢占有利位置。旨在为进一步提高抢篮板球的成功率提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine joint power generation during a concentric knee extension isokinetic test and a squat vertical jump. The isokinetic test joint power was calculated using four different methods. Five participants performed concentric knee extensions at 0.52, 1.57, 3.14 and 5.23 rad x s(-1) on a Lido isokinetic dynamometer. The squat vertical jump was performed on a Kistler force plate. Kinematic data from both tests were collected and analysed using an ELITE optoelectronic system. An inverse dynamics model was applied to measure knee joint moment in the vertical jump. Knee angular position data from the kinematic analysis in the isokinetic test were used to derive the actual knee angular velocity and acceleration, which, in turn, was used to correct the dynamometer moment for inertial effects. Power was measured as the product of angular velocity and moment at the knee joint in both tests. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found between mean (+/- s) peak knee joint power in the two tests (squat vertical jump: 2255 +/- 434 W; isokinetic knee extension: 771 +/- 81 W). Correlation analysis revealed that there is no relationship between the peak knee joint power during the vertical jump and the slow velocity isokinetic tests. Higher isokinetic velocity tests show better relationships with the vertical jump but only if the correct method for joint power calculation is used in the isokinetic test. These findings suggest that there are important differences in muscle activation and knee joint power development that must be taken into consideration when isokinetic tests are used to predict jumping performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine joint power generation during a concentric knee extension isokinetic test and a squat vertical jump. The isokinetic test joint power was calculated using four different methods. Five participants performed concentric knee extensions at 0.52, 1.57, 3.14 and 5.23 rad?·?s?1 on a Lido isokinetic dynamometer. The squat vertical jump was performed on a Kistler force plate. Kinematic data from both tests were collected and analysed using an ELITE optoelectronic system. An inverse dynamics model was applied to measure knee joint moment in the vertical jump. Knee angular position data from the kinematic analysis in the isokinetic test were used to derive the actual knee angular velocity and acceleration, which, in turn, was used to correct the dynamometer moment for inertial effects. Power was measured as the product of angular velocity and moment at the knee joint in both tests. Significant differences (P <?0.05) were found between mean (?± s) peak knee joint power in the two tests (squat vertical jump: 2255?±?434W; isokinetic knee extension: 771?±?81W). Correlation analysis revealed that there is no relationship between the peak knee joint power during the vertical jump and the slow velocity isokinetic tests. Higher isokinetic velocity tests show better relationships with the vertical jump but only if the correct method for joint power calculation is used in the isokinetic test. These findings suggest that there are important differences in muscle activation and knee joint power development that must be taken into consideration when isokinetic tests are used to predict jumping performance.  相似文献   

This paper examines the fictional representations of cricket and argues that they contribute to a definition of the game. It examines the fictions of cricket, showing that they construct the game into a most distinct English fiction. Literary treatment of cricket must further be read in the context of the transformations of the game in the nineteenth century, with the rise of athleticism as an ideology, and its role in the training of the colonial administration. The argument then concentrates on the decolonzsation, and perhaps the ‘defictionalization’, of cricket through the writings of C. L. R. James and Ashis Nandy. Finally, it turns to recent fictional perceptions of cricket, in particular to Romesh Gunesekera's The Match as well as Joseph O'Neill's Netherland, and argues that they emphasize the diasporic nature of the game.  相似文献   

Despite its long history and global appeal, relatively little is known about the physiological and other requirements of cricket. It has been suggested that the physiological demands of cricket are relatively mild, except in fast bowlers during prolonged bowling spells in warm conditions. However, the physiological demands of cricket may be underestimated because of the intermittent nature of the activity and the generally inadequate understanding of the physiological demands of intermittent activity. Here, we review published studies of the physiology of cricket. We propose that no current model used to analyse the nature of exercise fatigue (i.e. the cardiovascular–anaerobic model, the energy supply–energy depletion model, the muscle power–muscle recruitment model) can adequately explain the fatigue experienced during cricket. A study of players in the South African national cricket team competing in the 1999 Cricket World Cup revealed that, in a variety of measures of explosive ('anaerobic') power and aerobic endurance capacity, they were as 'fit' as South African national rugby players competing in the 1999 Rugby World Cup. Yet, outwardly, the physiological demands of rugby would seem to be far greater than those of cricket. This poses the question: 'Why are these international cricketers so fit if the physiological demands of cricket are apparently so mild?' One possibility is that this specific group of athletes are unusually proficient in a variety of sports; many achieved high standards of performance in other sports, including rugby, before choosing to specialize in cricket. Hence their apparently high fitness may simply reflect a superior genetic physical endowment, necessary to achieve success in modern international sports, including cricket. Alternatively, it could be hypothesized that superior power and endurance fitness may be required to cope with the repeated eccentric muscle contractions required in turning and in bowling and which may account for fatigue and risk of injury in cricket. If this is the case, the fitness of cricketers may be increased and their risk of injury reduced by more specific eccentric exercise training programmes.  相似文献   

Nine males (age 24.7 ± 2.1 years, height 175.3 ± 5.5 cm, body mass 80.8 ± 7.2 kg, power clean 1-RM 97.1 ± 6.36 kg, squat 1-RM = 138.3 ± 20.9 kg) participated in this study. On day 1, the participants performed a one-repetition maximum (1-RM) in the power clean and the squat. On days 2, 3, and 4, participants performed the power clean, squat or jump squat. Loading for the power clean ranged from 30% to 90% of the participant's power clean 1-RM and loading for the squat and jump squat ranged from 0% to 90% of the participant's squat 1-RM, all at 10% increments. Peak force, velocity, and power were calculated for the bar, body, and system (bar + body) for all power clean, squat, and jump squat trials. Results indicate that peak power for the bar, body, and system is differentially affected by load and movement pattern. When using the power clean, squat or jump squat for training, the optimal load in each exercise may vary. Throwing athletes or weightlifters may be most concerned with bar power, but jumpers or sprinters may be more concerned with body or system power. Thus, the exercise type and load vary according to the desired stimulus.  相似文献   

A simulated cricket batting innings was developed to replicate the physical demands of scoring a century during One-Day International cricket. The simulated innings requires running-between-the-wickets across six 5-over stages, each of 21 min duration. To validate whether the simulated batting innings is reflective of One-Day International batting, movement patterns were collected using a global positioning system (GPS) and compared with previous research. In addition, indicators of physical strain were recorded (heart rate, jump heights, sweat loss, tympanic temperature). Nine club cricketers (mean ± s: age 20 ± 3 years; body mass 79.5 ± 7.9 kg) performed the simulated innings outdoors. There was a moderate trend for distance covered in the simulated innings to be less than that during One-Day batting (2171 ± 157 vs. 2476 ± 631 m · h?1; effect size = 0.78). This difference was largely explained by a strong trend for less distance covered walking in the simulated innings than in One-Day batting (1359 ± 157 vs. 1604 ± 438 m · h?1; effect size = 1.61). However, there was a marked trend for distance covered both striding and sprinting to be greater in the simulated innings than in One-Day batting (effect size > 1.2). Practically, the simulated batting innings may be used for match-realistic physical training and as a research protocol to assess the demands of prolonged, high-intensity cricket batting.  相似文献   

Physiological requirements of cricket   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Despite its long history and global appeal, relatively little is known about the physiological and other requirements of cricket. It has been suggested that the physiological demands of cricket are relatively mild, except in fast bowlers during prolonged bowling spells in warm conditions. However, the physiological demands of cricket may be underestimated because of the intermittent nature of the activity and the generally inadequate understanding of the physiological demands of intermittent activity. Here, we review published studies of the physiology of cricket. We propose that no current model used to analyse the nature of exercise fatigue (i.e. the cardiovascular-anaerobic model, the energy supply-energy depletion model, the muscle power-muscle recruitment model) can adequately explain the fatigue experienced during cricket. A study of players in the South African national cricket team competing in the 1999 Cricket World Cup revealed that, in a variety of measures of explosive ('anaerobic') power and aerobic endurance capacity, they were as 'fit' as South African national rugby players competing in the 1999 Rugby World Cup. Yet, outwardly, the physiological demands of rugby would seem to be far greater than those of cricket. This poses the question: 'Why are these international cricketers so fit if the physiological demands of cricket are apparently so mild?' One possibility is that this specific group of athletes are unusually proficient in a variety of sports; many achieved high standards of performance in other sports, including rugby, before choosing to specialize in cricket. Hence their apparently high fitness may simply reflect a superior genetic physical endowment, necessary to achieve success in modern international sports, including cricket. Alternatively, it could be hypothesized that superior power and endurance fitness may be required to cope with the repeated eccentric muscle contractions required in turning and in bowling and which may account for fatigue and risk of injury in cricket. If this is the case, the fitness of cricketers may be increased and their risk of injury reduced by more specific eccentric exercise training programmes.  相似文献   

用文献参阅、录象资料观察和理论分析的方法研究了优秀运动员和普通水平运动员110m栏中蹬地腿和攻栏腿下压时机的配合,并将配合分为三种情况:1.蹬地腿离地瞬间攻栏腿继续上摆;2.蹬地腿离地前攻栏腿开始下压;3.蹬地腿离地的瞬间攻栏腿开始下压。结果表明:蹬地腿离地瞬间攻栏腿继续上摆,拉长了过栏时间,造成压栏过晚;蹬地腿离地前攻栏腿开始下压,造成跳栏,影响了水平速度;蹬地腿离地的瞬间攻栏腿开始下压是最佳的下压时机。希望通过该研究能给跨栏训练者提供一些理论参考。  相似文献   

跳远运动员髋关节振动力量训练效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对10 名跳远专项二级运动员进行振动力量训练。研究表明:在刺激频率为30~35Hz,加速度25~30 m/s2 条件下,经过8 周系统的振动力量 训练,试验组髋关节的屈伸肌群与对照组屈肌肌群最大功增长都非常明显,表现出髋关节屈肌最大功比试验前有显著性地提高,试验组髋关节 屈伸肌最大功增长幅度比对照组屈伸肌最大功幅度大。试验组髋关节伸肌对照组屈伸肌峰力矩前4 周比后4 周增长幅度大,后4 周增长幅度有 所减缓,试验组后4 周髋关节屈伸肌峰力矩增长幅度比对照组高。髋关节伸肌相对峰力矩力量增长幅度比屈肌要大。  相似文献   

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