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本文从语用学角度出发,运用Grice的合作原则和Leech的礼貌原则来分析言语交际中的性别语言差异,对言语交际中男女两性遵守和违反合作原则和礼貌原则的情况进行分析,旨在提高人们对性别语言差异的认识,使两性能得体地进行交际。  相似文献   

两性在交流中表现出不同的言语特点,在跨性别交际中应引起广泛而深入的重视。论文探讨分析了由于两性生理差异,社会化过程和性别文化模式的不同,两性言语差异从孩童阶段到成人阶段就表现出性别文化差异的延续性,所以在跨性别交际中按照规约的同性别交际期望模式进行话语交际,有时会引起跨性别交际误解。最后提出避免减少跨性别交际误解的建议是两性在社会工作生活与家庭生活中需要重视性别言语文化差异,加强两性的了解与沟通,并且运用跨性别交际技巧和策略以化解跨性别交际误解。  相似文献   

在具体的言语交际中,要针对具体的交际对象来调整话语.性别作为交际对象的客观存在,是语境中不可忽视的一个因素.从语言实际来看,在男女两性的言语交际中,由于性别的不同,形成两性话语风格的差异.语言学家们对社会交往中话语状况的考察表明,在话题的选择、话题量的大小、话语方式与言语策略等方面,男女之间都存在着不同程度的差异.两性在话语风格上的差异,是有其社会文化方面的根源的.  相似文献   

本文用礼貌原则分析了男女两性在角色转换规则的遵守、含糊词语和附加疑问句的使用、禁忌语和玩笑话的使用、反语的使用、“降格称呼”的使用五个方面的差别,阐述了礼貌在两性言语交际中的反映,要求大家把握好言语交际中礼貌的“度”,使男女两性都能得体地进行人际交往。  相似文献   

话语风格上的性别差异研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在具体的言语交际中,要针对具体的交际对象来调整话语。性别作为交际对象的客观存在,是语境中不可忽视的一个因素。从语言实际来看,在男女两性的言语交际中,由于性别的不同,形成两性话语风格的差异。语言学家们对社会交往中话语状况的考察表明,在话题的选择、话题量的大小、话语方式与言语策略等方面,男女之间都存在着不同程度的差异。两性在话语风格上的差异,是有其社会文化方面的根源的。  相似文献   

本文从语用学的视角出发,对言语交际这一动态环节中语言的性别差异进行了研究,通过分析男女两性在言语交际中对合作原则、礼貌原则等语用原则的遵守与违反,文章发现了性别语言在语用学方面所存在的差异,在此基础上,文章探究了语言性别差异形成的原因和在男女两性间实现成功的言语交际的途径。  相似文献   

本文以热播电视剧《金婚》中男女的对话为分析对象,以利奇的礼貌原则为理论框架,从礼貌原则的六准则——得体准则、宽宏准则、赞扬准则、谦虚准则、一致准则和同情准则方面,简略分析两性在礼貌原则使用上的差异是如何体现的,旨在揭示两性在言语交际中对于礼貌原则适用的差异,避免两性言语交际的失误,从而使交际能顺利进行。  相似文献   

语言作为思想的载体及人类最主要的交际工具不可避免地反映出说话人的态度和观点,因此,对语言中性别差异的分析可以帮助人们了解语言的社会文化内涵及相互间的影响。从词汇、句式、语音语调及话语量大小、话题的选择以及交际风格及策略等方面探讨女性语言的话语特征,以及性别原型对两性言语的影响,旨在培养两性言语交际的敏感度,以便正确地理解和运用语言,避免交际误解。  相似文献   

从文化语用学的角度探讨了文化语境下言语行为的性别差异,旨在分析和探讨男女两性所属的文化语境是如何构建的,这一文化语境又是通过何种机制规约了男女两性的言语行为模式的,男女两性言语行为形态上有何差异,这些差异又会造成怎样的交际冲突。  相似文献   

王灵钰 《考试周刊》2012,(70):88-89
日常会话中,沉默行为是一种常见现象。作为非言语交际的一种形式.在跨文化交际中沉默常常阻碍正常交流,造成跨文化语用失误。本文从跨性别文化交际的角度,以性别差异来分析沉默这种非言语行为的内涵、语用功能及跨性别差异和产生的原因,同时指出对沉默进行跨文化研究的重要性,以及在两性交流中应对跨性别交际失误的策略。  相似文献   

传统的英语教学法忽视了从概念层面系统分析汉英中介语中的不地道现象,难以提高学习者外语的地道性。本文基于认知语法理论提出英语概念型教学法实施方案:针对中国英语学习者句子加工过程中的主要难点,基于认知语法分析和解释英汉核心句式概念差异,通过归纳与记忆体现英汉认知差异的语块来培养概念加工方式的地道性,并结合交际活动使概念内化。  相似文献   

学习者的个体差异越来越受到外语教师的关注,学习风格是学生个体差异的一部分,对学习风格的研究有助于教师进一步了解学生的个体差异,做到因材施教,促进外语教学改革.女性作为现代社会个体的一部分,其社会作用日益明显,女性的学习风格因此越来越被教育界所关注.从性别的视角下探讨女性学习风格特点与类型并加以充分利用,具有重要的教育实践价值,并对促进女性发展具有深远的社会意义  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to examine whether physical and relational victimization negatively impacts indicators of school climate–students’ perceptions of school safety, their attachment to school, and their help‐seeking behavior–and whether gender moderates these associations. Using a sample of 361 third through fifth‐grade students recruited from six public elementary schools, results reveal that relational and physical victimization were both uniquely associated with lower levels of school safety and school attachment, with stronger associations between school attachment and relational victimization. However, only physical victimization was negatively associated with help‐seeking, suggesting that physical victimization is more influential on help seeking as compared with relational victimization. Gender moderated the relationships between victimization and school attachment and help‐seeking with differences by form noted. No gender differences were evident in associations between the forms of peer victimization and school safety. Implications for prevention and intervention in schools are discussed.  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2007,17(2):184-203
There is a scarcity of research regarding help seeking in the context of computer learning environments providing on-demand help, a context in which help-seeking skills appear critical for learning [Aleven, V., Stahl, E., Schworm, S., Fisher, F., & Wallace, R. (2003). Help seeking and help design in interactive learning environments. Review of Educational Research, 73 (3), 277–320]. Whereas a cognitive model of help seeking has been suggested and tested in this context [Mercier, J., & Frederiksen, C. H. The structure of the help-seeking process in using a computer coach in problem-based learning. Computers and Education, submitted for publication], individual differences remained to be studied from this perspective. Participants were 18 graduate students, who solved a challenging statistics problem in pairs, with the help of a computer coach providing on-demand help. Log linear analyses found individual differences in help seeking with respect to (a) its relative importance in problem solving, (b) the relative importance of its component processes, (c) the modulation of help seeking over a series of sub-tasks, and (d) the relationship between help seeking and the quality of the solutions that the student elaborated. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

汉英语言饮食元素的差异,体现了中西饮食文化的不同,折射了中西文化的差异与价值取向的不同。汉语中饮食元素丰富多彩,体现了中国饮食的精细与中国人的哲学思维与注重礼仪的价值取向;而英语中简单的饮食元素则反映了西方人饮食的简约与直接的思维以及注重实用性的价值取向。以汉英语言中的饮食元素为切入点,可以探寻中西饮食文化的差异,深入了解、准确把握中西不同的文化与价值取向,进而在中西文化交流时避开障碍,进行互补和兼容,达到合作共赢。  相似文献   

通过教学途径学习的英语和英美日常生活中使用的英语有一些差别,这主要体现在语音、语调、非语言交际手段的使用等方面。这些差异会在跨文化交际中引起一些交际困难或失误。英语电影可以让英语学习者熟悉和适应这些差异,弥补课堂教学的不足。英语电影欣赏的内容、方法、教材编写等方面还有待于进一步探讨。  相似文献   

“又”和“再”是两个常用的副词,它们在语法功能上既有共性,又有个性。通过分析发现,副词“又”和“再”还可以细分,“又”和“再”在与词的组合能力,语法意义这两个方面存在异同,找出两者之间在语法功能上的差异有助于我们全面细致地把握它们的具体用法,有助于解决对外汉语教学中副词“又”“再”这个教学难题。  相似文献   

Asian international and native born Caucasian students indicated the source of help they would go to first if they had a personal problem; rated the importance of four counselor characteristics: ethnicity, university degree, age, and gender; and completed Fischer and Turner's scale of attitudes about seeking professional psychological help. There was no difference between Asian and Caucasian Students in the sources of help they would seek. Asian students indicated it was more important that a conselor be or similar ethnicity and older. There were no ethnic differences in attitudes toward professional help. Women were no ethnic differences in attituses toward professional help. Women were more likely to report indicate a need for help regardless of ethnic group. Caucasian women were more tolerant of the stigma of being a client, likely to report interpersonal openness, and to express confidence in mental health practitioners than Asian women or men form either group. Colleges should consider the use of older paraprofessional counselors of the same nationality as interantional student clients.  相似文献   

英汉习语的文化差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从六个方面分析了英汉习语的文化差异.对英汉习语的文化差异的了解能帮助我们消除理解英汉文学的大障碍.  相似文献   

At the time of bidding for 2022 winter Olympics,China may invite the world to visit.For entertaining foreign guests more attention should be drawn to the differences between Chinese and western table manners.Understaning the differences is of great help to achieve success in cross-cultural communication.  相似文献   

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