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教学是高校的首要任务,大学文化建设的核心是教学文化建设,教学文化建设的核心是促进教师教学发展,而教师教学发展的核心是体系化建设。转变教学评价、建设教学团队、增强服务、引领专业发展是教学文化建设的几个主要方面。  相似文献   

微格教学前应复习语言教学理论与实践知识,确定微格教学实施方案,撰写教案并开展课前研讨;微格教学中应注意教师教态与角色转变、课堂用语与指令的准确性以及教学决策的合理性;微格教学后应开展评价与反思。微格教学存在的诸如管理不够完善、指导教师认识模糊、评价标准缺乏系统性等问题应引起注意。  相似文献   

This research is attempted to examine universities' academic staffs' curriculum instructional design in the teaching and learning process in applying the technology enhanced classroom (TEC) learning. The universities have embarked on a costly project to create an innovative and creative learning and teaching environment to promote and establish a state-of-the-art, smart, efficient, effective and high quality education. The teaching and learning culture of universities have great influence on determining the level of students' achievement. Seven dimensions of public universities in Malaysia were examined to determine the percentage of academic staffs' self-efficacy in the application of TEC learning. There is a significant difference among factors concerning the academic staffs' self-efficacy in their teaching and learning processes in the classroom management. Their self-preparedness in using the provided technology is closely related to the experiences and practicality of the teaching materials. This study represents an addition to the extant literature on universities' academic staffs' self-efficacy in the application of TEC learning. Academic staffs' self-efficacy in using TEC learning instructional design is of the utmost important to disseminate knowledge to students, which will also fully help utilize the government's effort in providing technology to the additional instructional design, so as to achieve high quality education and technological enhance education to pave the way to achieve a techno-education environment for all public universities in Malaysia. This study provides furtber groundwork to assist existing tertiary educational managers to improve smart teaching and learning environment and to retain high quality academic staffs in the day-to-day classroom curriculum.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the attitudes of non-thesis master's degree program: geography teacher candidates towards teaching profession regarding several socio-cultural features. The study was conducted in different universities with 218 geography teacher candidates enrolled in the geography education non-thesis master's degree program. The study was made by survey model. Data were collected by the "Attitude Scales Towards Teaching Profession" developed by ~etin (2006) and "Personal Information Form" developed by the authors. Data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA (the one-way analysis of variance) (F) and LSD (least significant difference) techniques. The results are given as follows: (1) The average of candidates' attitude grades are in favor of female candidates; (2) There is no difference between whether candidates work at a job; (3) According to variables of the types of high school graduated, educational level of the parents, occupations, income level and living place, there is no difference in candidates' attitudes scores; and (4) Candidates' enrolled in the geography education non-thesis master's degree program reason of preference influence on attitudes to teaching profession.  相似文献   

初任教师入职阶段,作为教育专业学生向教学专业人员过渡的时期,是教师专业发展的关键环节。教师教育理论研究者通常把这一阶段界定为“求生阶段”。研究表明,在美国,大约有30%的初任教师在刚开始从事教学的两年时间内便离开学校,其中一个重要原因就是他们教学上的失败。  相似文献   

教师必须依照特定的教育教学情境,根据学生的发展水平与身心特点,依据物理课程标准的理念与要求,在全面驾驭教科书的知识体系、知识结构和编写意图的基础上,合理地进行课程改造,让学生成为物理课堂教学的主体,而教师只是学生物理活动的组织者、引导者、参与者与合作者。  相似文献   

高师学生自我专业发展意识现状调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用“高师学生自我专业发展意识问卷”对652名高师学生进行调查,结果表明:(1)总体上,我国高师学生的自我专业发展意识在性别、城乡上不存在显著的差异,在个别维度上存在着性别和城乡的显著性差异:女生的专业发展自我认同的水平高于男生;来自农村的学生在自我调节水平上高于来自城市的学生。(2)不同年级的高师学生的自我专业发展意识存在着显著的差异。四年级的学生无论是从总体上还是在各个维度上的发展水平均高于其他三个年级的学生。(3)教育教学实习对高师学生的自我专业发展意识有着显著的影响,参加教育教学实习能够提高高师学生的自我专业发展意识水平。  相似文献   

学校教育正在经历着前所未有的变革。新技术不断地被引进到学校与课堂之中,学校和教师被给予了更多的社会期望。然而,“今日之教师正在学着以他们没有被教育的方式去从事教学”(Hargreaves等,2001)。于足,将日新月异令人眼花缭乱的技术,引入到无所不住的学习环境中,在帮助“数字土著”成长的同时,促进教师的专业发展,便成了一个激荡着教师专业使命感和职业道德的重要话题.  相似文献   

学校教育正在经历着前所未有的变革。新技术不断地被引进到学校与课堂之中,学校和教师被给予了更多的社会期望。然而,“今日之教师正在学着以他们没有被教育的方式去从事教学”(Hargreaves等,2001)。于足,将日新月异令人眼花缭乱的技术,引入到无所不住的学习环境中,在帮助“数字土著”成长的同时,促进教师的专业发展,便成了一个激荡着教师专业使命感和职业道德的重要话题.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the instructional practice of teachers who have similar language and culture as their students in a bilingual cluster (Cluster A) involving three schools and seven teachers in delivering the curriculum to year 0 (5-year-old) to year 8 (12/13-year-old) students. The 30-40 minutes baseline observations conducted on teachers' instruction during a reading session were part of a Ministry of Education's (MOE) professional learning and development project (in progress) to increase student achievement in English literacy in these classrooms through evidence-based in-class facilitation. We hypothesized that teachers in these bilingual classes were perhaps not making optimal use of children's prior knowledge, particularly their linguistic and cultural strengths, to increase robust and in-depth oral discussions for understanding the texts during the reading lessons. The baseline observations were coded under exchanges known to enhance reading comprehension and specifically related to vocabulary, checking, incorporation, extended talk, awareness, and feedback, and were analyzed for the purposes of: (a) feeding back to teachers what their instruction looked like; (b) creating discussions around teachers' strengths and weaknesses that had arisen out of the instructional and student achievement data; and (c) identifying professional development needs for teachers and their students. It was found that teachers and students' discussions around a concept or word were limited and that students' oral strengths were not fully optimized for understanding. We report here the first phase involving Samoan teachers teaching Samoan students in Samoan bilingual classrooms. The second phase is in progress with the last phase starting midyear. The findings from these two phases will enable some discussions to be made around shifts in instructional practice, if any, their impact on student achievement and how these might be sustained.  相似文献   

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