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"EGao" is a network producing form and is popular in campus. In order to amuse the masses, it changed and reformed films, TV, picture menus and songs by imitating, overdrawing and self-betrayal means. The impact of "EGao" is greater and greater in the young, especially in the university, it has become a fashion. The paper analyzed its concepts, types and social psychology attribution, in the same time, put forward some advices on how to treat the following social and mental problems.  相似文献   

《圣经》中的“乐园”神话是西方文学的一个宝藏,它蕴涵有丰富的人生寓意,是文学家创作出传世佳作的温床,由“乐园”神话构筑了一个个文学原型。这一切在基督教文化中又被以原罪与救赎、迷惘与净朗、善与恶等思想形式保存下来。  相似文献   

Look at the funny pictures and read the sentences. You will find it easy to remember the words and their sounds (发音)!  相似文献   

Look at the funny pieties and read the sentences. You will tirol it eosy to remember the words and their sounds!  相似文献   

Look at the funny pictures and read the sentences. You will findit easy to remember the words!  相似文献   

Jeremiah Donovan is one of the five main characters in Frank O'Connor's "Guests of the Nation". The story narrates how war distorts human mind and the struggles of people living in the war. This article analyses Donovan's behaviours in different settings and discusses his feelings and motivations may beneath along with author's intention of writing this story.  相似文献   

Look at the funny pictures and read the sentences. You will find it easy to remember(记住) the words and their sounds (发音)!  相似文献   

Look at the funny pictures and read the sentences, You will find it easy to remember the words and sounds!  相似文献   

Look at the funny pictures and read the sentences. You will find it easy to remember the words and their sounds!  相似文献   

Look at the funny pictures and read the sentences. You will find it easy to remember the words!  相似文献   

Look at the funny pictures and reaa i he sentences. You will find it easy to remember the words and their sounds!  相似文献   

The Story of Joseph, from his sold to Egypt to his reunion with his family, is one of the longest stories of ~Thc Old Testament'. It's a story of a young man's growth which belongs to the fictional tradition of bildungsroman in the West. This paper explores the techniques of Joseph's characterization in the process of Joseph's reunion with his brothers.  相似文献   

"和"是墨子思想的集中概括,也是墨子主张的终极诉求。以"兼爱"立论的道德教育是"非攻"致"和"的逻辑起点和实践路径,但无差别却脱离自爱的"兼爱"要求、诉诸外力而不反求诸己的"明鬼"观念、以利释义的"志功合一"理论所蕴含的内悖,决定了墨子"和"继缺"同"的思想只能是空想。  相似文献   

“封锁”不单是故事发生的背景,更是一个单纯而又繁富意象。张爱玲构筑这样一个因战争灾难而意外营造的短暂而封闭“封锁”时空,是为了更集中展示人的更本真层面:好人与真人的对立。《封锁》状写尘世与纯情、好人与真人、婚姻与爱情之矛盾,表现文明对人性的束缚,现实对情感”的挤压,揭示了现代人普遍的精神困境。《封锁》的最大贡献是把传统小说和现代小说中盛行的好人与坏人对立模式改造为好人与真人对照模式。显示了现代小说内容的深化,显示了中国文学现代化道路上的新收获。  相似文献   

In this work, polypropylene (PP)/polystyrene (PS) blends with different organoclay concentrations were prepared via melt compounding. Differing from the results of previous reports, the organoclay platelets are mostly located in the dispersed PS phase instead of the interface. The dimensions of the dispersed PS droplets are greatly reduced and apparent compatibilization effect still exists, which cannot be explained by the traditional compatibilization mechanism. A novel compatibilization mechanism, "cutting" to apparently compatibilize the immiscible PP/PS blends was proposed. The organoclay platelets tend to form a special "knife-like structure" in the PS domain under the shear stress of the continuous PP phase during compounding. The "clay knife" can split the dispersed PS domain apart and lead to the dramatic reduction of the dispersed domain size.  相似文献   

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