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11 infants with Down's syndrome (MA 9.2 months, CA 12.7 months) and 10 of 11 nonhandicapped infants (MA 9.6 months, CA 9.3 months) demonstrated that they could operate an automated device which enabled them to choose to listen to 1 of a pair of auditory signals. All subjects showed preferential responding. Both groups of infants showed a significant preference for nursery rhymes sung by a female voice rather than played on musical instruments. The infants with Down's syndrome had much longer response durations for the more complex auditory stimuli. The apparatus provides a useful technique for studying language development in both normal and abnormal populations.  相似文献   

追寻素质教育的历史轨迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
素质教育吉已有之,追寻素质教育的历史轨迹,为当代中国的素质教育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

科技精神引领下的职业教育放弃了自身作为教育的归属,以技术培训、职业养成为目的,以追逐“功用”、“效率”的方式,精致、片面地训练人迎合社会的性能,从而掩盖了其指引人全面发展的教育目的和应有的价值诉求,成为职业培训。职业教育之作为教育,就应始终追寻培育自由的、卓越的、具有创造精神的人,守望教育意义渊源和价值。  相似文献   

高职教育:上下求索天地宽   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为中等职业教育延伸与提高的高等职业教育业已成为我国教育体系的重要组成部分,成为培养"高级蓝领"的重要孵化器.但由于起步晚、基础差、机制不完善等因素致使我国的高职教育尚未发挥出应有的优势.笔者试图从"狠抓内部管理,强化内涵发展","树立市场意识,寻求外部空间"两大视角探索一条适合我国高职教育快速发展的新路子.  相似文献   

一、“课后小结”记什么1.记成功之举将教学中达到预先设想的目的,即在场地器材的布置、教学情景的创设、教学方法的运用方面感到满意,并取得良好教学效果的做法记录下来。如:在进行耐久跑练习时,以往本人一贯的教法是,规定学生在标准的环形跑道上跑4 ̄5圈。作为一种练习手段,教师则不时用哨声或大声吼叫等方法提醒和督促学生跑动,结果教师在精神上很累,学生跑得又累又费劲,课堂气氛十分沉闷,教学效果事倍功半,甚至造成师生关系恶化。后来,本人尝试了另外一种教学方法,即运用反复接力跑来进行耐力练习的方法:将学生分成若干组,每组4人,练习…  相似文献   

Childbirth educators need to understand existing prenatal care opportunities and current information for expectant women. This article reviews several testing options that are available during the second trimester of pregnancy to detect the risk of Down syndrome. Educators can help expectant women develop their own specific plan of care according to their special situations and needs. Pregnancy outcomes can be improved when women are informed and educated about the testing available to them.  相似文献   

Recognition memory in Down's syndrome and normal infants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

目前,职教院校正面临严重的生源枯竭危机,其主要原因包括适龄入学人口减少、职教性价比下滑、劳动力供求关系变化和职教实效性低。职教院校要实施社会型职教的办学方针,实现校园型职教向社会型职教模式的转变,拓展职业教育的生存空间,进而提升我国职业教育的整体质量。  相似文献   

缩小差距--中国教育政策的重大命题   总被引:71,自引:0,他引:71  
教育差距的存在和持续拉大是我国当前教育发展的严峻现实,这种差距表现在城乡、地区、阶层、类别四个方面。如果从居民人均消费水平和人均教育支出、人均财政支出和生均预算内教育经费支出两组经济发展指标和教育投入指标来考察东部和西部地区的城乡经济和教育发展,就会发现教育差距比经济差距拉得更大更快。由于教育是经济和社会发展的基础,这种差距将会影响到建设小康社会和贯彻科学发展观、促进社会和谐发展的现实需要。导致差距的原因固然很多,但公共政策是最主要的。因此,消除教育贫困,缩小教育差距的责任主要在政府,政府应该通过调整和制定公共政策确保所有人都能公平地享受公共教育资源,这就要求公共教育政策领域必须逐步实现从精英教育向大众教育的转型。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a longitudinal case study involving four dyads with babies with Down syndrome from birth until the age of 7 years – the moment at which the children were observed for the last time before they began compulsory schooling. At each data collection point, the mother was given a semi-directive interview and we filmed a free interaction situation. The objective of our study was to carry out an indepth analysis of the ways in which mothers adapt to the birth of a ‘different baby’, the evolution of their expectations in relation to the child's development, mother–child interaction and early support for both the child and the family, and the way in which these aspects of the overall situation relate to the children's development. The data of our longitudinal study show that there is an interaction between children's development and family characteristics and patterns, particularly mother–child interaction and the way in which the mother deals with the stress factors associated with the fact that she has a disabled child. We found that the four dyads experienced different models of early support, which to some extent reflect what really does happen in Portugal in cases involving children with disabilities, and that the programmes' impact was not identical in every situation. The most successful was the one which best suited the family's wishes, and involved both the mother and later on the kindergarten teacher.  相似文献   

王栋 《中学教育》2009,(8):61-64
通过对西部农村义务教育阶段的学校进行调查发现,留级还是一个很普遍的现象,但是家长和学校对孩子们的留级问题的认识依然停留在表层。本文就留级问题从学校、家庭和学生三个方面做了深入系统的分析。留级对学生来说是一场危机,本文以非连续性教育思想和家庭系统理论为指导,提出了对留级生进行危机干预的观点  相似文献   

The exploratory behaviors of a sample of 11 infants with Down syndrome and 11 nondelayed infants, matched on Bayley mental raw scores and gender, were analyzed. Transitional probabilities and z scores were computed for each possible behavior change as well as frequencies of each behavior. The analyses revealed significant differences in how the 2 samples distribute their exploratory activities. The significant transitional probabilities among the 6 behavioral states revealed a pattern of similarities and differences. In general, both groups of infants organized their exploratory activities in a similar manner. However, there were differences that appeared to depend on the level of exploratory sophistication. The results are discussed in the context of the similarities and differences between the samples.  相似文献   

In a study with 17 Down's syndrome infants, the older infants (mean age = 20 months, 6 days) responded to the regular reappearance of a squeaky doll with significantly more affective behavior than did younger infants (mean age = 9 months, 24 days). When the 10 younger infants were included in a longitudinal study of their responses to this same event, the onset of affective behavior was significantly correlated with the mental development index of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, and was also associated with some aspects of temperament as measured by the Carey Survey of Temperamental Characteristics: these aspects were poor adaptability to change and a low tendency to approach new situations.  相似文献   

恰似弹指一挥间 ,《高等工程教育研究》已创刊 2 0周年 ,确实由衷地高兴 ,应予以热烈祝贺 !1 982年上半年 ,已经记不起何月何日 ,教育部高教二司王冀生同志奉命而来 ,与我商谈创办《高等工程教育研究》,编辑部希望设在我们学校 ,编辑人员由我们负责安排 ,教育部每年提供 5万元经费。我当即表示同意 ,并告他由当时正在负责《高等教育研究》编辑出版工作的李汉育同志主持《高等工程教育研究》的一切事宜。当时教育部部属高等工科学校共有 1 4所 ,为何找我商谈此事呢 ?这就需要联系到当时我们学校一个重要的历史背景 ,也是历史性的转折。我在拙…  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):131-143

This article proposes that a metaphorical fence between schools and communities can be brought down by using democratically elected Community Education Forums (CEFs). The CEF concept was piloted in a participatory-action research project that was conducted in three rural communities in Limpopo, one community in Mpumalanga, one in Eastern Cape and in one informal settlement in KwaZulu-Natal, between 2005 and 2006. In this pilot project, the CEF concept was found to be effective in providing a platform that would facilitate a dialogue among different stakeholders such as school governing bodies, community policing forums, educators and education officials. The CEF's strength is rooted in its inclusivity of all community structures and in giving an equal voice to all. Thus through effective community participation the CEF framework has a potential to break down that “fence” that separates schools from the communities they serve. The data from all sites indicated positive responses from participants, ranging from evidence of active collaboration to the willingness to collaborate. The signs of collaboration among different stakeholders in each site included the utilisation of human resources and skills to address urgent educational challenges cost-effectively. Such collaboration and partnerships are positive in terms of facilitating a relevant and integrated curriculum delivery.  相似文献   

To examine the developmental significance of mirrow self-recognition in early childhood, a cross-sectional study with 55 Down's syndrome children was conducted. When their image is altered by rouge on the nose, normal infants by 22 months indicate self-recognition by touching their noses while looking in the mirror. Only a small percentage of Down's syndrome children touched their noses by this age, confirming the expected lag in this development. However, those young Down's syndrome infants with near-normal development quotient did manifest the reaction. In general, when developmental age was equated, the Down's syndrome children showed parallel development to normal children.  相似文献   

陈晓恒:还记得圣诞节那天我们共同许下的心愿吗?请相;信我。不会让你失望的。  相似文献   

传递小纸条的方法认真填写读者调查表,同时写下你对生活、对朋友想说的话,寄回爱小说编辑部。亲爱的i迷们.请用最特别的方式传递自己的心声吧!徐洁,你一定要幸福:陈文,你一定要幸福——我们所有人都一定要幸福,很幸福。河北邯郸徐安安我愿意为美好的未来而努力,我愿意和善意的人们去交谈,我愿意积极地去生活——让一切重新开始吧。湖南长沙陈愿  相似文献   

布达佩斯是匈牙利的首都,也是匈牙利最大的城市。作为欧洲最美丽的城市之一,其广泛的世界遗产包括多瑙河沿岸、布达城堡区、干年的地下铁路。被《福布斯》评为“欧洲的第7个最田园诗般居住的城市”。  相似文献   

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