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读者感知价值调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
读者感知价值是读者对其所需信息、知识或服务效果的评价和感受.它是在图书馆服务过程中或服务结束后获得或形成的,它检验着图书馆的服务.影响着图书馆的服务。秦雪风从读者利得与利失的角度将其定义为:读者感知价值是读者对图书馆提供的信息产品或信息服务所具有价值的主观认知。是读者实际感觉到的收益与其在获得信息、知识服务时所付出的成本进行权衡后,对所获信息、知识或服务效果的总体评价。  相似文献   

本文从应用长尾理论来吸纳新读者、将读者作为合作伙伴以及掌握信息技术三个角度对图书馆2.0理论进行了梳理,结合实际案例,理清了图书馆2.0服务的特征,认为图书馆2.0的核心是以读者为中心的变化,它得益于技术却不由技术决定.读者参与度和满意度决定着一项服务是否可以成为图书馆2.0服务.  相似文献   

网络环境下的信息服务与用户隐私权保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络环境下的图书馆信息服务必然是个性化服务。个性化服务的方式决定其必然涉及读者隐私权保护问题。这种隐私权是读者与图书馆之间信息互动中享有的个人生活安宁权、个人信息利用权。对它的保护应该成为图书馆个性化服务中的一项重要内容。  相似文献   

随着网络媒体的演进,读者获取信息与服务的习惯已发生了巨大的改变,在此背景下,运用新的技术平台(如微博、微信、App)开展读者服务已逐渐成为公共图书馆的共识。然而,在运用新技术的实践中,馆方目标与实际效能不一定相符的情况时有发生。如何根据后台数据认清微服务的实际情况,从而不断调整服务内容以匹配读者实际需求,将成为公共图书馆进行微服务的重要课题。  相似文献   

"一站式服务"是近年来图书馆引进的一种先进服务理念,它极大地满足了读者多方位的信息需求。在这种服务模式下,信息咨询服务的一站式势在必行。如何提高信息咨询服务质量和效率,提高读者满意度,成为高校图书馆面临的主要问题。本文探讨的主要目的是将知识管理先进理念引入到一站式信息咨询服务中来,以尽快提高信息咨询服务质量,并在此基础上提出了三项具体实施措施:基于知识的信息资源整合、实现知识创新与共享、以读者为中心进行业务流程重组。  相似文献   

数字图书馆期刊目次服务研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着计算机技术和网络技术的不断发展,图书馆传统的服务方式将得到改变.结合图书馆实际,利用ASP技术设计与开发的数字图书馆期刊目次服务网站,能够及时为读者提供馆藏期刊目次的查询、浏览和下载,向读者提供网络化、数字化、个性化的信息服务,方便读者,节省读者时间,充分体现图书馆"读者第一、服务至上"的服务理念,必将成为数字图书馆的发展方向.  相似文献   

墨尔本大学图书馆读者服务细节及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
墨尔本大学图书馆以人性化的管理理念和先进的服务设施,将读者服务工作做到细微之处。自助服务、免费服务、便捷服务和细致服务成为其特色服务,给予读者极大便利,对我国大学图书馆读者服务工作具有实际的启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

图书馆网络信息服务的测评研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网络信息服务的测评将成为评价图书馆服务功能的主要内容之一,它包括数字信息资源和网络服务的测评。网络信息服务质量测评的模型,有读者模型、技术基础结构模型、网络组件模型和合成模型。网络信息服务质量调查的内容包括:网络环境调查、数据库调查、电子服务与用户培训调查以及网络服务统计。参考文献7。  相似文献   

马天舒 《图书馆学刊》2010,32(10):12-14
信息技术的快速发展,使读者对图书馆服务的期望越来越高。使得以读者为导向,为读者提供更高的服务价值,获得可持续的服务优势成为图书馆新的价值观。基于企业管理的顾客感知价值理论框架和创新原理,以战略发展的视角,探讨图书馆读者感知价值的价值网络、价值要素、价值层级结构和关系价值的创新战略,将为图书馆充分发挥其有效资源,更好地服务读者,提供可参考的理论与实践模式。  相似文献   

近年来,物联网技术已经成为信息领域发展的重点内容之一,物联网在高校图书馆读者服务中的应用将会大幅优化现有服务内容与形式,促进读者服务朝着数字化、智能化和人文化方向发展。文章阐述了物联网技术的主要内容与应用构想,就该技术在当前高校图书馆读者服务优化中的应用给出了若干可行策略,以期突出物联网技术支撑下高校图书馆的资源互借优势。  相似文献   

近年来,社会人口老龄化及其衍生之议题已是各领域关注的焦点。作为社会公众学习知识、研讨问题、信息交流、休闲娱乐中心的公共图书馆亦应对老年读者给予特别的关注。然而,目前我国的公共图书馆老年读者服务方面出现了服务定位的偏差和服务内容的局限性问题。美国和日本的公共图书馆在解决这些问题上做了许多有益的尝试和设想,给我国公共图书馆在网络时代优化、创新老年读者服务以借鉴。  相似文献   


Providing quality reference services is more challenging than ever. In addition to traditional print sources, the information professional now has a dazzling array of databases, both free and expensive, readily available. Internet reference service has evolved quickly over the last decade, moving from a place of last resort to a mainstream application. Librarians have responded in many innovative ways to connect their customers with information available on the Internet. However, superior Internet reference service requires substantial investments in equipment that administrators will have to consider. Staff and customer training have become pressing needs. Providing access to appropriate databases and materials will become increasingly challenging.  相似文献   


In order to provide optimum service in a world increasingly awash with information and technological change all set against a backdrop of escalating costs and static or declining budgets, librarians must make a choice. Based on a careful analysis of the information preferences and needs of their clientele, librarians will be driven by economics and demand to decide whether their particular library will become primarily an archive of materials in traditional formats or a gateway to the world of electronically networked information. Which direction a library takes will have a great impact on interlibrary services. In an “archival” environment, external access to information will be deemphasized and interlibrary services will see cutbacks. In an “access” environment, interlibrary services must be genuinely recognized as vital to the library's mission and must be allocated truly sufficient resources to meet what will be an even greater demand.  相似文献   

This article is the fourth in a series on New Directions. The National Health Service is under pressure, challenged to meet the needs of an ageing population, whilst striving to improve standards and ensure decision making is underpinned by evidence. Health Education England is steering a new course for NHS library and knowledge services in England to ensure access to knowledge and evidence for all decision makers. Knowledge for Healthcare calls for service transformation, role redesign, greater coordination and collaboration. To meet user expectations, health libraries must achieve sustainable, affordable access to digital content. Traditional tasks will progressively become mechanised. Alongside supporting learners, NHS librarians and knowledge specialists will take a greater role as knowledge brokers, delivering business critical services. They will support the NHS workforce to signpost patients and the public to high‐quality information. There is a need for greater efficiency and effectiveness through greater co‐operation and service mergers. Evaluation of service quality will focus more on outcomes, less on counting. These changes require an agile workforce, fit for the future. There is a bright future in which librarians’ expertise is used to mobilise evidence, manage and share knowledge, support patients, carers and families, optimise technology and social media and provide a keystone for improved patient care and safety.  相似文献   

创客空间服务、机器人存取服务、3D打印服务、无纸图书馆是美国图书馆服务的新形式。机器人存取和无纸图书馆,更是未来图书馆发展的新模式。文章旨在研究和追踪美国图书馆发展的新趋势、新动向,以期开阔国内同行的视野,使我国的图书馆事业紧跟世界的发展潮流。  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] The demand for readers to access library information services through the mobile has become increasingly prominent, but the development of mobile library service models has fallen into problems such as single development form, lack of humanistic features, and poor service results. Through case study and analysis, this paper seeks for the construction and development strategy of mobile library service mode in colleges and universities, and provides important reference for the construction of mobile library service.[Method/process] Taking 42 "double first-rate" universities' mobile libraries as the research object, and using the method of network, literature research and case analysis. Studying the current status and development strategies of APP service, mobile webpage and WeChat platform.[Result/conclusion] The research found that both APP and mobile webpage use the fixed templates generally. The content and function homogenization phenomenon is serious, which lead to poor user experience. The management of WeChat Official Accounts is unevenness of quality, and the penetration rate of Mini Program is not high. Focus on some part of mobile library, instead of providing all services. Develop WeChat library and perfect service promotion. These will become the important measures to improve the mobile library services.  相似文献   

Providing access to electronic resources is a core service for most libraries, and for more than two decades librarians have used Internet Protocol (IP) addresses as a way to authenticate users and prove they should have access to their institution’s licensed materials. But in recent years, IP addresses have become a less accurate method of determining whether a user is affiliated with a particular library. Key players in the publishing industry and academia are working together on a new set of protocols to replace IP authentication called Resource Access for the 21st Century, or RA21. This column will briefly explore what RA21 is, what problems it purports to solve, and what problems it may create. A list of resources for further reading on RA21 is provided.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(41-42):237-259
This paper focuses on the development of NREN policy and its impact on library network budgets, jobs, and access. It uses Papers by and interviews with five leading Washington NREN and hbrary experts. The interv~ews provided the answers to several key questions. These answers calmed fears that AT&T would become America's library in 25 years. But they raised fears that user fee rates would challenge equal user access. Opinions varied concerning whether or not librarians were influencing policy decisions. But all agreed that librarians need to be active in developing network access and even network tools. Working with the network will not only ensure survival but enhance library service.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数据的价值和科学数据开放存取出版的重要性已成为共识,欧美科学数据开放存取出版平台的建设经验具有借鉴意义。[方法/过程]选取欧美地区14个典型的科学数据开放存取出版平台为样本,根据科学数据出版"采集-分发-重用"的生命周期,从科学数据出版政策或愿景,科学数据整合、标识与交互,科学数据出版与分发,科学数据引用,数据生命周期管理与出版质量控制5个方面展开调研,归纳其服务建设特点与经验。[结果/结论]提炼得出对我国科学数据开放存取出版平台服务建设的有益启示:制定覆盖科学数据出版全生命周期的政策,重视科学数据出版服务建设的数据整合、数据标识、数据引用、数据评审等关键性问题。  相似文献   

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