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李军 《寻根》2005,(4):16-18
丝绸之路,因中国古代的丝绸而得名,自汉至宋,它一直是中西方商业贸易的主干道。敦煌则是这万里丝路上的一颗璀璨明珠,她身上所散发的幽幽古香、所蕴涵的深厚历史底蕴,直到今天还吸引着全世界探索的目光。  相似文献   

敦煌书法艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石坤 《寻根》2005,(4):23-29
敦煌藏经洞发现的敦煌古代遗书总数超过5万件,从内容上讲,它是研究我国古代政治、经济、军事、文化等的最直接、最珍贵的材料,而从这些遗留下来的文字本身来讲,它同样是我国文字书写艺术史上难得的珍品。因此,作为敦煌艺术的一个组成部分,理应为世人所瞩目。  相似文献   

苏惠萍 《寻根》2011,(3):84-85
为配合敦煌机场扩建工程,甘肃省文物考古研究所于1995年7~11月,在敦煌市东郊省级文物保护单位佛爷庙湾—新店台汉唐墓群进行了考古发掘。其中一唐代模印砖墓M121出土了33块集龙、麒麟、猴、犬形象和特点于一身的模制花砖。因为它有龙、麒麟、犬的形象和特点,所以初始有人叫它麒麟,  相似文献   

书法对于罗杨,既是情感的流露,又是茶余的消遣;既是人的雅好,又是艺术的追求;既是偷闲的自娱,又是政务的补充。因而在其行云流水的宇里行间,流淌着人的懦雅风韵;在那飞逸的墨花下埋藏着浓厚的化底蕴。  相似文献   

As a true calligraphy lover, I not only appreciate but also practice calligraphy. It is an important way for me to communicate with others,express my feeling, temper my will and exercise my body.  相似文献   

释行锋(刘锋),1967年生,河南太康人,嵩山少林寺三十二代弟子,“金至尊”世界武术名家,中国书法艺术研究院常务理事。  相似文献   

伍国田先生,1937年生。他六岁才入学,启蒙老师是一位落第秀才,写得一手柳体好字。那时的山村孩子,用不起钢笔、铅笔,一开始就跟着老师填红、摹写……按私塾的老规矩,每天上、下午上课时,拜过孔夫子画像之后都要小心翼翼地写一张毛笔字。稍不合格,就要伸出手掌挨几下老师的竹板子。到小学五年级时,得了全校写字比赛第二名。他11岁就敢于爬长长的梯子写墙标,1米见方的“抗美援朝,保家卫国”八个大字写了好几处,并开始年年为群众写春联,因而名噪桑梓。没想到,这样的开头,这一点荣誉,竟成了先生终生的爱好之源。  相似文献   

“高二适先生遗墨捐赠仪式”于2000年11月11日在成都举行。四川省、成都市各界人士70余人参加了捐赠仪式,高二适先生家乡姜堰市市长等一行4人专程来蓉参加捐赠仪式。在捐赠仪式上,高二适先生家属将高老17件墨宝和印章、字帖、书籍及有关遗物捐赠国家,受到社会各界的一致赞誉。高二适(1903-1977),江苏姜堰人,著名学者,当代书法大师。不仅著有《柳河东集讲疏》等学术专论,而且书艺高迈精绝。高老生性磊落刚直,一生勇于坚持真理。1965年由毛泽东主席促成,与郭沫若进行“兰亭论辨”,在学术界和书法界传为佳话。为了继承和弘扬中华优秀…  相似文献   

杨学勇 《寻根》2005,(3):96-102
敦煌,位于今甘肃省河西走廊的最西端,甘、青、新三省交界地带,是古代中原进入西域的门户,中西交通的中转站,也是中原王朝经营西域的重要城镇;是古代丝绸之路河西道、羌中道和西域南北道交汇要塞,是联结中原西域和中亚以及欧洲的咽喉之地,乃“华戎所交,一都会也”(《续汉书·地理志》刘昭注引《耆旧记》)。敦煌重要的地理位置使它在中国历史的舞台上扮演了重要的角色,也给我们留下了丰富的文化遗产。20世纪初王道士等人在清理莫高窟16窟时偶然发现了藏经洞(今编号为第17窟)从而使保藏在此的成千上万件绢纸书画、文献遗书得以重见天日,打开了…  相似文献   

2000年是“敦煌藏经洞发现100周年暨敦煌学诞生100周年”。为了总结交流敦煌学一百年来的研究成果,团结和凝聚国内外敦煌学进一步弘扬和发展敦煌学这一伟大的优秀化,并利用敦煌学的故乡在甘肃省这一地理优势,以“纪念敦煌百年活动”为契机,化部、甘肃省人民政府、国家物局、国家旅游局等将于6、7月份相继在北京、甘肃举办系列化纪念活动和旅游活动。  相似文献   

The art of color ink is an emerging artistic expression originated from Taiwan in the 1990s.With 16 years of development,this new art form has been recognized by contemporary artists from over 40 countries.The International Color Ink Exhibition is held annually and color ink works have been on display in countries such as USA,Canada,Spain and Mexico.Academic workshops,exchange events and thematic exhibitions have been launched with an aim to facilitate in-depth studies on application of ink and color to soft cloth material.Today,soft cloth material has been widely used by artists of both East and West to  相似文献   

Water print on wood is one of the types of wood block printing in ancient China. The earliest records on this printing skill appeared in the Sui Dynasty (581-618 AD) and the oldest extant publication by this printing method is "Vajra Sutra" made in 868 A.D.. Now Rongbaozhai, an old brand name in Beijing, still use this ancient skill to copy calligraphic and painting works by famous masters and even painting master Qi Baishi couldn't tell its copy works from authentic ones.  相似文献   

王勇 《寻根》2009,(2):130-134
天池一词在汉语典籍中最早的出处是《庄子》,本义是指寓言中所说的海。但是,至少到了南北朝时期,人们已经开始使用天池一词,来命名那些位于山原之上的湖泊。比如北魏时期的郦道元在《水经注》一书中就特别提到,山西省宁武县西南管涔山上,有俗名为祁连泊池的一处湖泊,因其坐落在山原之上,被当时的人们称为天池。也许就是郦道元的这一记述,使这一处天池在后世享有不小的知名度。  相似文献   

Painting requires skills. A painting without basic skills in design and layout will not be a good painting. But for a painter,the equally important or the more important is his life experience. Without true feelings, a painting is just a sentimental twaddle. Zhang Lucheng, a professional painter serving in Xinjiang Military Area in northwest China has lived in the vast prairie at the foot of the Tianshan Mountain since he graduated from fine arts academy.  相似文献   

Fu Yiyao is well known among the Chinese fine artists who live in Japan, She was born in 1947. As tine daughter of Fu Baoshi, a world-renowned Chinese fine arts master, shereceived good education from her father, In 1979, she traveled to Japan furthering her study on arts, and 1981 witnessed her success in that country where the artist competed for an international quality and a sense of eastern aesthetics,  相似文献   

<正>Mongolian painter Wu Xingkuan is generally recognized as an outstanding contemporary artist in heavy-color ink painting. He learned in  相似文献   

<正>The exhibition"Lotus Pond:Dong Xiaoming’s Composite Ink Art"opened at Kunsthaus Hamburg,the city’s national art museum,in Hamburg,Germany on April11,2011.Chi...  相似文献   

Man pursues elegance while painting highlights charms. An .artist's vitality lies in hiscontinuation of traditions and breakthrough in innovative techniques. Chinese ink painting is a result of traditional culture, which is represented by harmonious concepts of Confucianism, simplistic ways of life by Taoism and adherence to nature by the Zhuang school of thinking. All these ancient philosophical concepts comprise aesthetic and artistic principles governing evolution of Chinese ink painting and are visualized in painting creations. Chinese ink painters not only emphasize physical realness but also highlight sensibility and spirit of life.  相似文献   

The Palace Museum, built on the site of the Forbidden City in Beijing, has a collection of some 80,000 study objects, including writing brushes, ink sticks, ink slabs and paper.Many of them are high-quality ink sticks made during the Ming and Qing dynasties [1368-1911). These ink sticks are categorized into such types as imperial ink sticks [made by court workshops], tribute ink sticks [presented to emperors by local officials], ink sticks made by workshops in Huizhou, ink sticks made by elite scholars, ink stick sets and colored ink sticks.  相似文献   

何建木 《寻根》2006,(4):68-71
笔墨纸砚文房四宝,为旧时读书人所不可或缺。比四件中,各以徽墨、湖笔、宣纸与端观为最佳,同为古代书画创作所必需。  相似文献   

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