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"争议判罚"的出现往往使人们对竞技体育赛事的公平性产生质疑,并引发社会舆论,对竞技体育的健康发展带来不良影响。本文运用逻辑分析法、归纳法等,选取竞技体育比赛中"争议判罚"的典型案例进行分析。将"争议判罚"划分为竞赛规则主导型,裁判主观偏向型和客观限制主导型。提出:应进一步完善竞赛规则;德、法并施规范裁判员主观判罚;提升判罚技术、提高裁判能力;正面而充分地对争议点进行解释等。建议:周期性完善竞赛规则;系统性健全裁判员培养监督体系;体系性发展科技判罚技术、建立判罚争议的应对机制。  相似文献   

12·6事件起因于10秒判罚。而10秒判罚一直以来都是门球裁判中备受争议的老大难问题。如何看待这个难题?裁判员如何提升判罚的公信度?运动员如何在比赛中避免这种犯规?一旦出现争议,我们该如何对待?在事件发生6天后举办的全国门球百强县门球赛上,记者就这个问题采访了几位裁判员和教练员,请他们说一说——  相似文献   

郭宏焘 《湖北体育科技》2011,30(1):25-26,14
近年来,足球赛场引入高科技判罚的呼声日益高涨.网球可以挑战鹰眼,而足球争议判罚往往出现在非死球状态下,此时起用录像判罚太不切实际,但规则中底线裁判出现,不仅能降低罚球区误判率,且仍是靠人力而非科技判罚,在国际足联不愿引入"门线技术"的背景下,实在没有将其拒之门外的理由.足球赛场增设底线裁判在足球规则变革中具有重要意义.  相似文献   

网球裁判员是网球比赛场上的组织者和法官。裁判员的执法水平,直接影响着网球比赛的质量。对比赛准确性的判罚是衡量裁判员水平的重要标准。通过对影响裁判员判罚诸多因素的分析,找出形成影响因素的原因,提出克服一人制网球裁判员临场问题的办法,对提高我国网球裁判员临场判罚有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

年度事件 伦敦奥运会女单决赛“判罚”事件 谁也没有想到,万众瞩目的奥运女单决赛,会上演一出如此匪夷所思的“莎士比亚”式的悲喜剧。这场女单决赛注定将长时间地停留在人们的记忆深处,尤其是那位女裁判和她的那些充满争议的判罚。  相似文献   

羽毛球是我们师生喜闻乐见的一项运动,现已成为我们学校体育课教学不可或缺的项目之一,许多学生由于缺乏这方面裁判知识,就常来询问,咨询最多的是发球过腰问题。这些年来,我一直担任省市青少年儿童羽毛球比赛的裁判工作,一些裁判员在判罚中也有些争议。在此笔者就和大家探讨如何正确判罚发球过腰违例。一、发球过腰违例判罚的意义1.羽毛球是一项发球直接得分的运动,如果裁判员不能客观公正地对发球过腰作出判罚,将会直接影响比赛结果。2.裁判员如果对发球过腰违例不能作出正确的判罚,将会影响发球员的心理,降低比赛质量,使公平竞赛失去意义…  相似文献   

2012年11月9日,东莞网球群组委会20名成员齐聚银丰路的花园粥城,对2012年度东莞网球群业余网球团体联赛进行了总结,会议中大家各抒己见,对联赛存在的问题提出建议和意见,对有争议的一些规则进行现场投票,初步拟定了2013赛季的竞赛规程。  相似文献   

从伦敦奥运会争议判罚的事件切入,采用文献资料法等对我国在奥运会上的国际话语权进行分析。主要结论:我国在奥运会上的话语权仍处于“被动”局面,话语权缺失致使我国面临判罚争议时申诉石沉大海,它在一定程度上影响了我国体育的国际地位。建议通过加强我国体育人的话语权意识、提高维权能力、加强高层次裁判队伍建设、提高我国在国际体育组织中任职人员的数量和质量等措施增强我国体育话语权。  相似文献   

越位是足球竞赛中最困难,也是最具有争议性的判罚之一。对足球竞赛中助理裁判的越位判罚决策研究进行了全面阐述,解释错误越位判罚的理论机制包括眼动理论、光学错误假说和闪光滞后效应。当前,理论争论的焦点集中于光学错误假说与闪光滞后效应。助理裁判、进攻球员及防守球员的时空特征会影响越位判罚的质量。在对现有研究阐述的基础上提出,未来研究应探索更多的变量等对判罚决策的影响,如队服颜色、刻板印象以及主场效应等;其次,应提高研究的生态学效度,引入质性研究范式。  相似文献   

越位是足球竞赛规则中一项重要规定,也是唯一有关足球战术犯规的规则条款。判罚越位犯规是裁判工作中的一个重点、难点。因此,提高判罚越位的准确性,是提高足球裁判员工作水平重要的内容。笔者就越位规则的认识和理解、影响越位判罚准确性的因素、常见错漏判罚越位的情况做一分析。  相似文献   

梁浩波  杨晓生 《体育学刊》2011,18(3):110-114
在对足球规则演变的基本原则所体现出来的体育人文精神诠释的基础上,分析现代足球竞赛规则修改的必要性,指出裁判规则有违公平竞赛原则,"毛时间"规则影响比赛时间的准确性,主裁判执法区域过大,规则纰漏存在争议性焦点判罚。总结归纳出完善规则的6种思路:当执判决不是最后判决;改"毛时间"为"净时间";增加主裁判;引入录像回放技术;增加门线裁判;球内安装电子芯片。  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare specific technical and tactical indicators of the team and centre forward role of Euro League, and Italian Serie A1, Serie A2, and Serie B men's water polo club competitions. A notational analysis was performed on 21 water polo matches to evaluate the occurrence of technical and tactical team and centre forward indicators, highlighting differences among championships according to chi-square analyses. Differences emerged for Counterattack (P < 0.001) and Power-Play (P < 0.001) possessions, Even (P < 0.001; Euro League: 3 ± 1, Serie A1: 3 ± 2, Serie A2: 3 ± 2, Serie B: 6 ± 4) and Power-Play (P = 0.001) goals, and exclusions and penalties (P = 0.008) of the team during Even possessions. Relatively to the role analyses, effects emerged for perimeter players playing events (P = 0.049), as well as for centre forwards' goals (P = 0.007) and exclusions and penalties (P < 0.001; Euro League: 8 ± 1, Serie A1: 6 ± 2, Serie A2: 6 ± 2, Serie B: 3 ± 2) occurring at the end of Even possessions. Therefore, in Euro League, and Italian Serie A1 and Serie A2, teams perform a high occurrence of Power-Play possessions following up an exclusion, especially achieved by the centre forward during Even possessions, while, in Italian Serie B, goals were mostly scored during Even possessions, with a relevant contribution from the centre forward role.  相似文献   

第十一届欧洲杯足球决赛射门情况的统计与分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
孙力 《体育科研》2001,22(1):9-10,16
通过观看第11届欧洲杯足球决赛电视及录相,对各队射门情况进行了统计,分析认为两肋进攻是射门得分的突破口即主要手段,罚球区内是射门得分的主要区域.定位球的作用往往能决定一场比赛的结果.  相似文献   


Analysis of netball has received scant attention in the literature and there is little understanding of the dynamics of netball game-play. This study aimed to analyse team and seasonal performance indicator (dis)similarity in the ANZ Championship (netball). Total season values for nine performance indicators were analysed for the ten ANZ Championship teams from 2009 to 2016. The data were analysed using a multivariate, distance-based, approach. Specifically, non-metric multidimensional scaling was used to examine seasonal and team (dis)similarity. After declining from 2009, shooting percentage, goal assists, centre pass receives, penalties and turnovers began to rise from 2011. Both penalties and turnovers declined from 2015, in addition to attempts at goal. The two-dimensional multivariate ordination plot showed relative similarity between each team and season over the observational period, suggesting stagnant game-play dynamics. Further, despite idiosyncratic seasonal profiles, teams generally followed similar directional progression across the ordination surface. Despite being observed in other team invasion sports, league-wide synchronous evolutionary tendencies were not observed within the ANZ Championships between the 2006 to 2016 seasons. However, certain teams did display seasonal fluctuation in their observed multivariate profile, with these seasonal idiosyncrasies being discussed relative to coaching and playing roster changes specific to the analysed team.  相似文献   

依据对第十九届世界杯参赛球队攻防技术与比赛成绩的统计,分析其对比赛成绩的影响。研究结果表明:影响比赛成绩优劣的进攻技术指标依次是助攻、进球、射正次数、射正率、传球成功率、控球率、成功传入前场30m、角球、成功传入禁区、任意球射门、传中、点球、越位、界外球;影响比赛成绩优劣的防守技术指标依次是铲球、失球率、预判拦截、红牌、犯规、黄牌、阻截、解围。此外,各名次段的球队间、各洲球队间在攻防的多项技术指标上存在着一定的差异性。  相似文献   

在电子竞技的综合影响力和关注度逐年增高的背景下,频频发生的假赛事件也给电子竞技场域带来了难以估量的负面影响;而构建周全且高效的电竞假赛惩处机制即是整顿赛事环境、改善竞赛风气的当务之急。目前,电竞假赛的监管主体呈现出多元分立的局面:在实然主体方面,电竞俱乐部对应的是"初步"罚则,并以单方解除合同为主要措施;游戏厂商、联盟对应的是"核心"罚则,并以禁赛和禁止关联行为等为主要措施;在应然主体方面,电竞协会难以行使实质意义上的处罚权;而国家机关对应的则是"校正"罚则,即有必要通过行政处罚和刑罚来对现有机制加以补充或补强,从而借助惩处力度的强化来还电竞赛场一方净土。  相似文献   


This study aimed to compare specific technical and tactical indicators of the team and centre forward role of Euro League, and Italian Serie A1, Serie A2, and Serie B men's water polo club competitions. A notational analysis was performed on 21 water polo matches to evaluate the occurrence of technical and tactical team and centre forward indicators, highlighting differences among championships according to chi-square analyses. Differences emerged for Counterattack (P < 0.001) and Power-Play (P < 0.001) possessions, Even (P < 0.001; Euro League: 3 ± 1, Serie A1: 3 ± 2, Serie A2: 3 ± 2, Serie B: 6 ± 4) and Power-Play (P = 0.001) goals, and exclusions and penalties (P = 0.008) of the team during Even possessions. Relatively to the role analyses, effects emerged for perimeter players playing events (P = 0.049), as well as for centre forwards' goals (P = 0.007) and exclusions and penalties (P < 0.001; Euro League: 8 ± 1, Serie A1: 6 ± 2, Serie A2: 6 ± 2, Serie B: 3 ± 2) occurring at the end of Even possessions. Therefore, in Euro League, and Italian Serie A1 and Serie A2, teams perform a high occurrence of Power-Play possessions following up an exclusion, especially achieved by the centre forward during Even possessions, while, in Italian Serie B, goals were mostly scored during Even possessions, with a relevant contribution from the centre forward role.  相似文献   

冰球比赛中不必要、无价值和报复性犯规过多是影响比赛成绩的最大障碍。通过文献资料法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法,对中国队在2008~2012年世锦赛B组、C组的犯规情况进行分析,中国队犯规次数与处罚时间位列前茅,犯规性质种类主要表现在抱人、钩人、粗暴、干扰四个方面;造成中国队犯规多的主要原因是运动员的阻截技术动作不规范,集体主义观念与责任心不强,对规则理解不够深刻,这与平时训练对技术要求不严,思想教育不够有直接关系;从学习规则、理解规则和利用规则开始学会尊重规则、尊重裁判、尊重对手与尊重自己,借鉴国外先进的训练方法加强技术动作的合理性和规范性,控制比赛情绪、避免报复行为等方面入手降低运动员在比赛中不必要犯规动作的出现。  相似文献   

Using a large representative database (12,902 matches from the top professional football league in Germany), I show that the number (441) of two-penalty matches is larger than expected by chance, and that among these 441 matches there are considerably more matches in which each team is awarded one penalty than would be expected on the basis of independent penalty kick decisions (odds ratio = 11.2, relative risk = 6.34). Additional analyses based on the score in the match before a penalty is awarded and on the timing of penalties, suggest that awarding a first penalty to one team raises the referee's penalty evidence criterion for the same team, and lowers the corresponding criterion for the other team.  相似文献   

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