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首个信息质量(IQ)专业硕士学位是为培养在行业和政府部门就职的专业人才,并为学生提供进一步深造机会而设置的.课程设置是以获美国计算机学会和国际信息系统协会批准的信息系统专业研究生培养方案示范课程和指导方针为指导,充分体现两大主要教育创新:(1)课程设计的跨学科方法;(2)理论与实践相结合.为适应行业发展需求,该课程的目标是要培养能够解决当前和未来信息质量问题的领军人物.采用问题式学习与基础学习相结合的教学方法,可以非常有效地帮助学生掌握课程内容.许多课程的内容都是以过去20多年的研究成果和实践为基础.课程设置旨在运用现代工具和技术,紧密地把信息质量理论与行业最佳实践有机地结合在一起,包含了对成功信息质量专业人员来说至关重要的一系列技能.信息质量是一个跨学科领域,涉及全面质量管理、数据库、信息质量核心知识、变更管理、项目管理以及信息质量政策和策略等领域.课程采用案例研究、动手实验、理论学习以及团队项目的方式进行教学,以丰富学生的学习经验.通过学习,学生将掌握信息质量领域广泛和深入的知识,具备解决实际问题,开展研究工作的能力.  相似文献   

首个信息质量(IQ)专业硕士学位是为培养在行业和政府部门就职的专业人才,并为学生提供进一步深造机会而设置的。课程设置是以获美国计算机学会和国际信息系统协会批准的信息系统专业研究生培养方案示范课程和指导方针为指导,充分体现两大主要教育创新:(1)课程设计的跨学科方法;(2)理论与实践相结合。为适应行业发展需求,该课程的目标是要培养能够解决当前和未来信息质量问题的领军人物。采用问题式学习与基础学习相结合的教学方法,可以非常有效地帮助学生掌握课程内容。许多课程的内容都是以过去20多年的研究成果和实践为基础。课程设置旨在运用现代工具和技术,紧密地把信息质量理论与行业最佳实践有机地结合在一起,包含了对成功信息质量专业人员来说至关重要的一系列技能。信息质量是一个跨学科领域,涉及全面质量管理、数据库、信息质量核心知识、变更管理、项目管理以及信息质量政策和策略等领域。课程采用案例研究、动手实验、理论学习以及团队项目的方式进行教学,以丰富学生的学习经验。通过学习,学生将掌握信息质量领域广泛和深入的知识,具备解决实际问题,开展研究工作的能力。  相似文献   

周莉莉 《大观周刊》2012,(28):262-263
任务驱动教学法将现代社会中的微博、电影、网络视频等多种信息交流方式与英美文学课程课堂教学结合起来,增强了文学课的时代性和创新性,促使学生积极主动地把所掌握的知识外化,又在交流的过程中将原来客观的知识内在化。  相似文献   

美国高校出版专业教育的课程设置和教学体系有着自己鲜明的特色,既拥有很强的学科独立性和知识技能培养模式,也非常注重与业界紧密结合,贴近实践,培养真正符合企业需要的出版人才。作为其中佼佼者的佩斯大学,其办学理念、运作方式、课程设置等很多方面,值得我国高校学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

孟秀花 《大观周刊》2011,(6):198-198
新世纪的初中语文教学课程改革倡导探究的、交流、讨论式学习方式,它要求老师和学生平等、讨论和交流。因此,作为语文老师不仅担负着传授知识的任务,而且还要教会学生如何做人,教会学生学会做事,学会与他人相处合作。这就必须要求每一个语文教师付出艰辛的努力去探索和实践语文课型,从根本上推进语文课的课程改革。  相似文献   

赵芳 《档案管理》2015,(3):75-76
体验式教学是一种强调学生在实践体验中学习的教学方法.美国高校档案学教育中采用了多种方式来提高其教学中的实践性,体验式教学方法为其中之一.本文以纽约州立大学档案学专业开设的体验式教学课程为例,介绍其内容和实施方法,分析其特点,为我国加强档案学专业教学中的实践性提供一定的借鉴.  相似文献   

将任务驱动型教学法应用于知识管理课程英文教学能有效激发学生学习兴趣,显著提升知识管理英文教学效果,也有助于为知识管理类课程英文教学实践提供更具实用性和通用性的参考。文章首先从现有文献和实践调研中系统梳理知识管理课程英文教学中存在的普遍问题,进而基于普遍问题尝试从教育者、受教育者、教育内容、教学手段及课程考核等5个维度提出任务驱动教学设计;接着以“知识资产管理”课程实践为例,采用行动研究法探讨任务驱动教学模式在知识管理类课程英文教学中的应用实效,并针对教学反馈中暴露出来的问题提出了针对性的解决方案,用以优化原教学模型。  相似文献   

现代国际传播概念诞生于两次世界大战期间的美国,并随着该社会的发展与全球化的不断深入几经嬗变。然而国际传播概念在全球范围的知识旅行,其实质是美国发展模式和价值观念的国际化。伴随着中国社会主义现代化发展的进程,基于"共同富裕"现代化发展的底层价值逻辑,中国国际传播产生了不同于美国国际传播的问题意识。因此中国国际传播在具体的概念实践和知识建构中,需要保持自身本土化问题意识的自觉以及遵从社会主义理想的现实。中国国际传播是以人类命运共同体理念为基础理念和长远理想,在明晰中国主体性基础上,寻求稳定性中国话语中国叙事,进而综合运用媒体传播、教育文化交流、人员交流等手段,让世界了解中国、理解中国、认同中国,塑造传播维护可信可爱可敬的中国形象,在全球开展人类信息交流和交往的实践活动。  相似文献   

基于2013年《美国新闻与世界报道》公布的全美排名前25位的图书馆与情报学专业院校中的18所院校,分别从课程名称、课程类型、课程教材、课程内容、教学方法和课程考核6个方面对其信息检索课程设置情况进行调查和分析,发现美国高校信息检索课程设置具有如下特点:分层次教学,强调知识积累;教学内容强调理论,但更注重实践、关注用户需求、突出前沿;任务驱动教学,强调师生互动;在线自主学习与课堂学习相结合。  相似文献   

曹丽蓉 《大观周刊》2013,(5):199-200
数学研究性学习是学生数学学习的一个有机组成部分,是在基础性、拓展性课程学习的基础上,进一步鼓励学生运用所学知识解决数学的和现实的问题的一种有意义的主动学习,是以学生动手动脑主动探索实践和相互交流为主要学习方式的学习研究活动。它能营造一个使学生勇于探索争论和相互学习鼓励的良好氛围,给学生提供自主探索、合作学习、独立获取知识的机会。数学研究性学习更加关注学习过程。  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(1):57-73
This study examines the utility of service-learning pedagogy in the general education basic communication course to meet service-learning outcomes, with an emphasis on civic engagement. Results of the data suggest that students in both a one-time service site and multiple-site condition indicated that the service experience enhanced three of the four service-learning outcomes: (a) personal and interpersonal development, (b) ability to understand and apply knowledge, and (c) sense of citizenship. The service-learning outcome of perspective transformation was not a frequently mentioned theme but did emerge in intensity in the multiple-visit condition. Findings of the study extend experiential learning theory as well as civic engagement theory and support the inclusion of a service-learning basic communication course in the general education curriculum to promote the LEAP initiative.  相似文献   

Current curriculum reforms in Hong Kong emphasize learning how to learn and project-based learning. The most recent reform introduces “Liberal Studies” as a mandatory school subject in senior secondary school. This article reports on an exploratory case study of the information searching process (ISP) among Form 6 (Grade 12) students in a Liberal Studies course. Researchers examined sources of information used by students, students' cognitive and emotional experience during the ISP, and communication within the collaborative groups. Findings indicated that Internet-based sources were predominant but that most students had difficulty completing the ISP. Work is needed to help students develop a theory of knowledge in which the meaning of information is contextual and the process of interpreting information requires effort. Such work is important if collaborative inquiry projects in Liberal Studies courses are to lead to deep learning.  相似文献   

通过对课堂教学氛围营造、课堂控制与管理、因材施教教学方法、课堂学习效果的评价指标、课堂教学内容改革等5个方面内容的研究与实践,探讨高校如何提高文献检索课课堂学习效果。  相似文献   

This article examines the education of library (MLS) graduate students in courses of library management or in special topic courses in project management in libraries and information centers. To examine the specific skill of project management, a method was employed allowing students to set deadlines as a form of self-directed learning. The student-created syllabi milestones were piloted to search for a match between student abilities and development of project management processes upon degree completion. The use of a proposed and piloted technique was implemented here through a tool named the Personal Course Plan (PCP). It was designed to assist students in learning the value of setting personal schedules for their enrolled graduate course, much as a library project manager would use in practice in libraries. Personal Course Plans (PCPs) were effectively developed by students and allowed the ability to self-monitor their performance on completing project deliverables, meeting expectations of supervisors, and judging their own performance. As the experience was a positive one for both the instructor and students, this article provides not only an operational examination, but also proposes theoretical justification for using such a teaching method in library and information science education. Described are details LIS faculty should consider in implementing the method in teaching and gives future library employers of LIS program graduates a sense of what project management skills recent graduates are receiving.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(2):91-110
Communication departments are expected to conduct program level assessment, as well as assessment of communication in general education. Although the expectation for data-driven student learning assessment is growing, relatively few examples exist for doing so effectively. This article serves as a model to help faculty conduct effective assessment of communication in general education. Its three objectives are to: (1) report on a completed study of oral communication assessment within general education at both lower and upper-division course levels; (2) provide a pragmatic guide for departments beginning assessment programs; and (3) address foreseeable challenges and benefits.  相似文献   

As information and communication technologies (ICTs) become increasingly prevalent in modern society, improving students' competency with these technologies has become a key focus of 21st century education. Given the interdisciplinary and information rich nature of ICTs, many advocate for school librarians to actively promote their integrative use across the K-12 curriculum. This article asks, “Are school library media professionals adequately prepared for the task of integrating technology and skills into instruction?” It explores the perceived ICT competencies of students enrolled in school library certification programs and the use of ICTs in their school library education programs. Factors identified for discussion include the age of students enrolled in school library certification programs, the evolutionary process of ICT curricular integration, and perceived preparedness to integrate ICTs into instruction despite self-reported low competency levels with many of emerging technologies. Concluding comments encourage design of authentic and meaningful learning experiences that incorporate and promote the integrative use of ICTs in school library certification programs.  相似文献   

In order to determine the potential of alternative technologies in social studies education, we must understand the goals of such education, the capabilities of the technologies, and teachers’ and students’ responses to new technologies. The author suggests that the new technologies can contribute to the goals of learning about the past, learning about democratic life and institutions, and making students knowledgeable as consumers and producers of information. One major obstacle is a lack of time and money for teachers to experiment with the technologies. Stephen T. Kerr is professor of education in the College of Education at the University of Washington. His research focuses on the application of new technologies in schools and other educational environments, and particularly on the ways in which technology affects the social structure (roles and expectations, instructional patterns, organization) of those institutions. He has done work on human-computer interaction, as well as on how new communication technologies have changed the educational system of the former USSR.  相似文献   

The emergence of the system of open and distance education is an inevitable development in the evolution of education internationally. With the increasing popularity of distance education, focus has turned to the role of libraries in the distance learning process. The library is an important tool for individuals' intellectual development. Academic libraries contain resources for research, teaching, and learning. This paper examines the efforts being made by Nigerian university libraries to fulfill the information needs of distance education students in their respective institutions.

This study was carried out in four Nigerian universities running distance education programs. The questionnaire method was used for data collection. The respondents used in this study were randomly selected from the distance learning (DL) students of the universities under study. It was discovered that DL students were not adequately catered for as far as the use of library resources is concerned. A student could graduate without having used libraries. The study recommends that adequate planning and financing should be made for DL students to be able to make use of the libraries and information resources. It adds that this would enhance their critical thinking and also enhance their degree of exposure to existing knowledge.  相似文献   

To design a new distance education course with an emphasis on student group work, a collaborative effort among the University of Missouri St. Louis Libraries and faculty was established. The collaborative process resulted in a more individualized service experience for library users, and the problems of course construction, using the Blackboard course management system, were shared and solved with new efficiency. The goals of the institution and individuals involved were initially successful and have expanded into a larger effort of developing new resources and collaborative efforts throughout the campus. New methods, new technologies, and new roles and responsibilities for faculty and librarians are described. As librarians assume online “course librarian” positions, significant responsibilities can be shifted to their support, and new resources can be made available to students with considerable ease—particularly via library electronic resources, databases, and electronic communication.  相似文献   

Educators are concerned about the ease with which new digital technologies permit intellectual property to be discovered, re-purposed and shared. What do our students know about copyright compliance and academic integrity and how are these critical information competencies being addressed? Librarians have the authority for copyright-related instruction on campus and can provide both the point-of-need instruction and expertise to ensure that all students are informed about these issues. This article discusses the importance of developing copyright education for students as part of an overall information literacy curriculum by describing the development of a relevant, active learning online course targeting students' competencies as both users of and creators of creative content.  相似文献   

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