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This paper describes a state-of-the-art supervised, knowledge-intensive approach to the automatic identification of semantic relations between nominals in English sentences. The system employs a combination of rich and varied sets of new and previously used lexical, syntactic, and semantic features extracted from various knowledge sources such as WordNet and additional annotated corpora. The system ranked first at the third most popular SemEval 2007 Task – Classification of Semantic Relations between Nominals and achieved an F-measure of 72.4% and an accuracy of 76.3%. We also show that some semantic relations are better suited for WordNet-based models than other relations. Additionally, we make a distinction between out-of-context (regular) examples and those that require sentence context for relation identification and show that contextual data are important for the performance of a noun–noun semantic parser. Finally, learning curves show that the task difficulty varies across relations and that our learned WordNet-based representation is highly accurate so the performance results suggest the upper bound on what this representation can do.  相似文献   

This study tackles the problem of extracting health claims from health research news headlines, in order to carry out veracity check. A health claim can be formally defined as a triplet consisting of an independent variable (IV – namely, what is being manipulated), a dependent variable (DV – namely, what is being measured), and the relation between the two. In this study, we develop HClaimE, an information extraction tool for identifying health claims in news headlines. Unlike the existing open information extraction (OpenIE) systems that rely on verbs as relation indicators, HClaimE focuses on finding relations between nouns, and draws on the linguistic characteristics of news headlines. HClaimE uses a Naïve Bayes classifier that combines syntactic and lexical features for identifying IV and DV nouns, and recognizes relations between IV and DV through a rule-based method. We conducted an evaluation on a set of health news headlines from ScienceDaily.com, and the results show that HClaimE outperforms current OpenIE systems: the F-measures for identifying headlines without health claims is 0.60 and that for extracting IV-relation-DV is 0.69. Our study shows that nouns can provide more clues than verbs for identifying health claims in news headlines. Furthermore, it also shows that dependency relations and bag-of-words can distinguish IV-DV noun pairs from other noun pairs. In practice, HClaimE can be used as a helpful tool to identifying health claims in news headlines, which can then be further compared against authoritative health claims for veracity. Given the linguistic similarity between health claims and other causal claims, e.g., impacts of pollution on the environment, HClaimE may also be applicable for extracting claims in other domains.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a common phrase index as an efficient index structure to support phrase queries in a very large text database. Our structure is an extension of previous index structures for phrases and achieves better query efficiency with modest extra storage cost. Further improvement in efficiency can be attained by implementing our index according to our observation of the dynamic nature of common word set. In experimental evaluation, a common phrase index using 255 common words has an improvement of about 11% and 62% in query time for the overall and large queries (queries of long phrases) respectively over an auxiliary nextword index. Moreover, it has only about 19% extra storage cost. Compared with an inverted index, our improvement is about 72% and 87% for the overall and large queries respectively. We also propose to implement a common phrase index with dynamic update feature. Our experiments show that more improvement in time efficiency can be achieved.  相似文献   

Event relations specify how different event flows expressed within the context of a textual passage relate to each other in terms of temporal and causal sequences. There have already been impactful work in the area of temporal and causal event relation extraction; however, the challenge with these approaches is that (1) they are mostly supervised methods and (2) they rely on syntactic and grammatical structure patterns at the sentence-level. In this paper, we address these challenges by proposing an unsupervised event network representation for temporal and causal relation extraction that operates at the document level. More specifically, we benefit from existing Open IE systems to generate a set of triple relations that are then used to build an event network. The event network is bootstrapped by labeling the temporal disposition of events that are directly linked to each other. We then systematically traverse the event network to identify the temporal and causal relations between indirectly connected events. We perform experiments based on the widely adopted TempEval-3 and Causal-TimeBank corpora and compare our work with several strong baselines. We show that our method improves performance compared to several strong methods.  相似文献   

Using lexical chains for keyword extraction   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Keywords can be considered as condensed versions of documents and short forms of their summaries. In this paper, the problem of automatic extraction of keywords from documents is treated as a supervised learning task. A lexical chain holds a set of semantically related words of a text and it can be said that a lexical chain represents the semantic content of a portion of the text. Although lexical chains have been extensively used in text summarization, their usage for keyword extraction problem has not been fully investigated. In this paper, a keyword extraction technique that uses lexical chains is described, and encouraging results are obtained.  相似文献   

POSIE (POSTECH Information Extraction System) is an information extraction system which uses multiple learning strategies, i.e., SmL, user-oriented learning, and separate-context learning, in a question answering framework. POSIE replaces laborious annotation with automatic instance extraction by the SmL from structured Web documents, and places the user at the end of the user-oriented learning cycle. Information extraction as question answering simplifies the extraction procedures for a set of slots. We introduce the techniques verified on the question answering framework, such as domain knowledge and instance rules, into an information extraction problem. To incrementally improve extraction performance, a sequence of the user-oriented learning and the separate-context learning produces context rules and generalizes them in both the learning and extraction phases. Experiments on the “continuing education” domain initially show that the F1-measure becomes 0.477 and recall 0.748 with no user training. However, as the size of the training documents grows, the F1-measure reaches beyond 0.75 with recall 0.772. We also obtain F-measure of about 0.9 for five out of seven slots on “job offering” domain.  相似文献   

Relation extraction aims at finding meaningful relationships between two named entities from within unstructured textual content. In this paper, we define the problem of information extraction as a matrix completion problem where we employ the notion of universal schemas formed as a collection of patterns derived from open information extraction systems as well as additional features derived from grammatical clause patterns and statistical topic models. One of the challenges with earlier work that employ matrix completion methods is that such approaches require a sufficient number of observed relation instances to be able to make predictions. However, in practice there is often insufficient number of explicit evidence supporting each relation type that could be used within the matrix model. Hence, existing work suffer from a low recall. In our work, we extend the work in the state of the art by proposing novel ways of integrating two sets of features, i.e., topic models and grammatical clause structures, for alleviating the low recall problem. More specifically, we propose that it is possible to (1) employ grammatical clause information from textual sentences to serve as an implicit indication of relation type and argument similarity. The basis for this is that it is likely that similar relation types and arguments are observed within similar grammatical structures, and (2) benefit from statistical topic models to determine similarity between relation types and arguments. We employ statistical topic models to determine relation type and argument similarity based on their co-occurrence within the same topics. We have performed extensive experiments based on both gold standard and silver standard datasets. The experiments show that our approach has been able to address the low recall problem in existing methods, by showing an improvement of 21% on recall and 8% on f-measure over the state of the art baseline.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a machine learning approach to title extraction from general documents. By general documents, we mean documents that can belong to any one of a number of specific genres, including presentations, book chapters, technical papers, brochures, reports, and letters. Previously, methods have been proposed mainly for title extraction from research papers. It has not been clear whether it could be possible to conduct automatic title extraction from general documents. As a case study, we consider extraction from Office including Word and PowerPoint. In our approach, we annotate titles in sample documents (for Word and PowerPoint, respectively) and take them as training data, train machine learning models, and perform title extraction using the trained models. Our method is unique in that we mainly utilize formatting information such as font size as features in the models. It turns out that the use of formatting information can lead to quite accurate extraction from general documents. Precision and recall for title extraction from Word are 0.810 and 0.837, respectively, and precision and recall for title extraction from PowerPoint are 0.875 and 0.895, respectively in an experiment on intranet data. Other important new findings in this work include that we can train models in one domain and apply them to other domains, and more surprisingly we can even train models in one language and apply them to other languages. Moreover, we can significantly improve search ranking results in document retrieval by using the extracted titles.  相似文献   

Abstractive summarization aims to generate a concise summary covering salient content from single or multiple text documents. Many recent abstractive summarization methods are built on the transformer model to capture long-range dependencies in the input text and achieve parallelization. In the transformer encoder, calculating attention weights is a crucial step for encoding input documents. Input documents usually contain some key phrases conveying salient information, and it is important to encode these phrases completely. However, existing transformer-based summarization works did not consider key phrases in input when determining attention weights. Consequently, some of the tokens within key phrases only receive small attention weights, which is not conducive to encoding the semantic information of input documents. In this paper, we introduce some prior knowledge of key phrases into the transformer-based summarization model and guide the model to encode key phrases. For the contextual representation of each token in the key phrase, we assume the tokens within the same key phrase make larger contributions compared with other tokens in the input sequence. Based on this assumption, we propose the Key Phrase Aware Transformer (KPAT), a model with the highlighting mechanism in the encoder to assign greater attention weights for tokens within key phrases. Specifically, we first extract key phrases from the input document and score the phrases’ importance. Then we build the block diagonal highlighting matrix to indicate these phrases’ importance scores and positions. To combine self-attention weights with key phrases’ importance scores, we design two structures of highlighting attention for each head and the multi-head highlighting attention. Experimental results on two datasets (Multi-News and PubMed) from different summarization tasks and domains show that our KPAT model significantly outperforms advanced summarization baselines. We conduct more experiments to analyze the impact of each part of our model on the summarization performance and verify the effectiveness of our proposed highlighting mechanism.  相似文献   

Five hundred million tweets are posted daily, making Twitter a major social media platform from which topical information on events can be extracted. These events are represented by three main dimensions: time, location and entity-related information. The focus of this paper is location, which is an essential dimension for geo-spatial applications, either when helping rescue operations during a disaster or when used for contextual recommendations. While the first type of application needs high recall, the second is more precision-oriented. This paper studies the recall/precision trade-off, combining different methods to extract locations. In the context of short posts, applying tools that have been developed for natural language is not sufficient given the nature of tweets which are generally too short to be linguistically correct. Also bearing in mind the high number of posts that need to be handled, we hypothesize that predicting whether a post contains a location or not could make the location extractors more focused and thus more effective. We introduce a model to predict whether a tweet contains a location or not and show that location prediction is a useful pre-processing step for location extraction. We define a number of new tweet features and we conduct an intensive evaluation. Our findings are that (1) combining existing location extraction tools is effective for precision-oriented or recall-oriented results, (2) enriching tweet representation is effective for predicting whether a tweet contains a location or not, (3) words appearing in a geography gazetteer and the occurrence of a preposition just before a proper noun are the two most important features for predicting the occurrence of a location in tweets, and (4) the accuracy of location extraction improves when it is possible to predict that there is a location in a tweet.  相似文献   

Measuring the similarity between the semantic relations that exist between words is an important step in numerous tasks in natural language processing such as answering word analogy questions, classifying compound nouns, and word sense disambiguation. Given two word pairs (AB) and (CD), we propose a method to measure the relational similarity between the semantic relations that exist between the two words in each word pair. Typically, a high degree of relational similarity can be observed between proportional analogies (i.e. analogies that exist among the four words, A is to B such as C is to D). We describe eight different types of relational symmetries that are frequently observed in proportional analogies and use those symmetries to robustly and accurately estimate the relational similarity between two given word pairs. We use automatically extracted lexical-syntactic patterns to represent the semantic relations that exist between two words and then match those patterns in Web search engine snippets to find candidate words that form proportional analogies with the original word pair. We define eight types of relational symmetries for proportional analogies and use those as features in a supervised learning approach. We evaluate the proposed method using the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) word analogy benchmark dataset. Our experimental results show that the proposed method can accurately measure relational similarity between word pairs by exploiting the symmetries that exist in proportional analogies. The proposed method achieves an SAT score of 49.2% on the benchmark dataset, which is comparable to the best results reported on this dataset.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of relation extraction of multiple arguments where the relation of entities is framed by multiple attributes. Such complex relations are successfully extracted using a syntactic tree-based pattern matching method. While induced subtree patterns are typically used to model the relations of multiple entities, we argue that hard pattern matching between a pattern database and instance trees cannot allow us to examine similar tree structures. Thus, we explore a tree alignment-based soft pattern matching approach to improve the coverage of induced patterns. Our pattern learning algorithm iteratively searches the most influential dependency tree patterns as well as a control parameter for each pattern. The resulting method outperforms two baselines, a pairwise approach with the tree-kernel support vector machine and a hard pattern matching method, on two standard datasets for a complex relation extraction task.  相似文献   

Nowadays assuring that search and recommendation systems are fair and do not apply discrimination among any kind of population has become of paramount importance. This is also highlighted by some of the sustainable development goals proposed by the United Nations. Those systems typically rely on machine learning algorithms that solve the classification task. Although the problem of fairness has been widely addressed in binary classification, unfortunately, the fairness of multi-class classification problem needs to be further investigated lacking well-established solutions. For the aforementioned reasons, in this paper, we present the Debiaser for Multiple Variables (DEMV), an approach able to mitigate unbalanced groups bias (i.e., bias caused by an unequal distribution of instances in the population) in both binary and multi-class classification problems with multiple sensitive variables. The proposed method is compared, under several conditions, with a set of well-established baselines using different categories of classifiers. At first we conduct a specific study to understand which is the best generation strategies and their impact on DEMV’s ability to improve fairness. Then, we evaluate our method on a heterogeneous set of datasets and we show how it overcomes the established algorithms of the literature in the multi-class classification setting and in the binary classification setting when more than two sensitive variables are involved. Finally, based on the conducted experiments, we discuss strengths and weaknesses of our method and of the other baselines.  相似文献   

A main challenge in Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) is to estimate a proper translation model from available translation resources, since translation quality directly affects the retrieval performance. Among different translation resources, we focus on obtaining translation models from comparable corpora, because they provide appropriate translations for both languages and domains with limited linguistic resources. In this paper, we employ a two-step approach to build an effective translation model from comparable corpora, without requiring any additional linguistic resources, for the CLIR task. In the first step, translations are extracted by deriving correlations between source–target word pairs. These correlations are used to estimate word translation probabilities in the second step. We propose a language modeling approach for the first step, where modeling based on probability distribution provides two key advantages. First, our approach can be tuned easier in comparison with heuristically adjusted previous work. Second, it provides a principled basis for integrating additional lexical and translational relations to improve the accuracy of translations from comparable corpora. As an indication, we integrate monolingual relations of word co-occurrences into the process of translation extraction, which helps to extract more reliable translations for low-frequency words in a comparable corpus. Experimental results on an English–Persian comparable corpus show that our method outperforms the previous approaches in terms of both translation quality and the performance of CLIR. Indeed, the proposed method is naturally applicable to any comparable corpus, regardless of its languages. In addition, we demonstrate the significant impact of word translation probabilities, estimated in the second step of our approach, on the performance of CLIR.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]实体语义关系分类是信息抽取重要任务之一,将非结构化文本转化成结构化知识,是构建领域本体、知识图谱、开发问答系统、信息检索系统的基础工作。[方法/过程]本文详细梳理了实体语义关系分类的发展历程,从技术方法、应用领域两方面回顾和总结了近5年国内外的最新研究成果,并指出了研究的不足及未来的研究方向。[结果/结论]热门的深度学习方法抛弃了传统浅层机器学习方法繁琐的特征工程,自动学习文本特征,实验发现,在神经网络模型中融入词法、句法特征、引入注意力机制能有效提升关系分类性能。  相似文献   

基于新兴技术企业信号学习的中止决策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
顾婧  周宗放 《科研管理》2009,30(2):157-165
中止决策能力是影响风险投资公司长期绩效的一个重要指标,然而现有中止决策方法忽视了所投资新兴技术企业发展过程中释放信息的影响。针对该问题,本文首先结合新兴技术企业特点,归纳分析了新兴技术企业发展过程中释放的信息;其次以风险投资家观察到的好(坏)信号作为二元学习信号,就好(坏)信号随新兴技术企业发展存在的三种状态,从贝叶斯后验估计的角度提出了信号学习模型;继而依据蕴含了风险投资家风险态度的“心理阀值”确定外生的中止决策点;最后进行了算例分析。本文提出的信号学习模型是基于贝叶斯后验估计的动态模型,反映了信息的动态发展对后续投资决策的影响。该模型为风险投资家及时、准确做出中止决策提供理论参考,也为创业者常见的“窗饰效应”作了合理的解释。  相似文献   

Politicians’ tweets can have important political and economic implications. However, limited context makes it hard for readers to instantly and precisely understand them, especially from a causal perspective. The triggers for these tweets may have been reported in news prior to the tweets, but simply finding similar news articles would not serve the purpose, given the following reasons. First, readers may only be interested in finding the reasons and contexts (we call causal backgrounds) for a certain part of a tweet. Intuitively, such content would be politically relevant and accord with public’s recent attention, which is not usually reflected within the context. Besides, the content should be human-readable, while the noisy and informal nature of tweets hinders regular Open Information Extraction systems. Second, similarity does not capture causality and the causality between tweet contents and news contents is beyond the scopes of causality extraction tools. Meanwhile, it will be non-trivial to construct a high-quality tweet-to-intent dataset.We propose the first end-to-end framework for discovering causal backgrounds of politicians’ tweets by: 1. Designing an Open IE system considering rule-free representations for tweets; 2. Introducing sources like Wikipedia linkage and edit history to identify focal contents; 3. Finding implicit causalities between different contexts using explicit causalities learned elsewhere. We curate a comprehensive dataset of interpretations from political journalists for 533 tweets from 5 US politicians. On average, we obtain the correct answers within top-2 recommendations. We make our dataset and framework code publicly available.  相似文献   

Narratives are comprised of stories that provide insight into social processes. To facilitate the analysis of narratives in a more efficient manner, natural language processing (NLP) methods have been employed in order to automatically extract information from textual sources, e.g., newspaper articles. Existing work on automatic narrative extraction, however, has ignored the nested character of narratives. In this work, we argue that a narrative may contain multiple accounts given by different actors. Each individual account provides insight into the beliefs and desires underpinning an actor’s actions. We present a pipeline for automatically extracting accounts, consisting of NLP methods for: (1) named entity recognition, (2) event extraction, and (3) attribution extraction. Machine learning-based models for named entity recognition were trained based on a state-of-the-art neural network architecture for sequence labelling. For event extraction, we developed a hybrid approach combining the use of semantic role labelling tools, the FrameNet repository of semantic frames, and a lexicon of event nouns. Meanwhile, attribution extraction was addressed with the aid of a dependency parser and Levin’s verb classes. To facilitate the development and evaluation of these methods, we constructed a new corpus of news articles, in which named entities, events and attributions have been manually marked up following a novel annotation scheme that covers over 20 event types relating to socio-economic phenomena. Evaluation results show that relative to a baseline method underpinned solely by semantic role labelling tools, our event extraction approach optimises recall by 12.22–14.20 percentage points (reaching as high as 92.60% on one data set). Meanwhile, the use of Levin’s verb classes in attribution extraction obtains optimal performance in terms of F-score, outperforming a baseline method by 7.64–11.96 percentage points. Our proposed approach was applied on news articles focused on industrial regeneration cases. This facilitated the generation of accounts of events that are attributed to specific actors.  相似文献   

Irony as a literary technique is widely used in online texts such as Twitter posts. Accurate irony detection is crucial for tasks such as effective sentiment analysis. A text’s ironic intent is defined by its context incongruity. For example in the phrase “I love being ignored”, the irony is defined by the incongruity between the positive word “love” and the negative context of “being ignored”. Existing studies mostly formulate irony detection as a standard supervised learning text categorization task, relying on explicit expressions for detecting context incongruity. In this paper we formulate irony detection instead as a transfer learning task where supervised learning on irony labeled text is enriched with knowledge transferred from external sentiment analysis resources. Importantly, we focus on identifying the hidden, implicit incongruity without relying on explicit incongruity expressions, as in “I like to think of myself as a broken down Justin Bieber – my philosophy professor.” We propose three transfer learning-based approaches to using sentiment knowledge to improve the attention mechanism of recurrent neural models for capturing hidden patterns for incongruity. Our main findings are: (1) Using sentiment knowledge from external resources is a very effective approach to improving irony detection; (2) For detecting implicit incongruity, transferring deep sentiment features seems to be the most effective way. Experiments show that our proposed models outperform state-of-the-art neural models for irony detection.  相似文献   

Textual entailment is a task for which the application of supervised learning mechanisms has received considerable attention as driven by successive Recognizing Data Entailment data challenges. We developed a linguistic analysis framework in which a number of similarity/dissimilarity features are extracted for each entailment pair in a data set and various classifier methods are evaluated based on the instance data derived from the extracted features. The focus of the paper is to compare and contrast the performance of single and ensemble based learning algorithms for a number of data sets. We showed that there is some benefit to the use of ensemble approaches but, based on the extracted features, Naïve Bayes proved to be the strongest learning mechanism. Only one ensemble approach demonstrated a slight improvement over the technique of Naïve Bayes.  相似文献   

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