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Field Association (FA) terms are a limited set of discriminating terms that can specify document fields. Document fields can be decided efficiently if there are many relevant FA terms in that documents. An earlier approach built FA terms dictionary using a WWW search engine, but there were irrelevant selected FA terms in that dictionary because that approach extracted FA terms from the whole documents. This paper proposes a new approach for extracting FA terms using passage (portions of a document text) technique rather than extracting them from the whole documents. This approach extracts FA terms more accurately than the earlier approach. The proposed approach is evaluated for 38,372 articles from the large tagged corpus. According to experimental results, it turns out that by using the new approach about 24% more relevant FA terms are appending to the earlier FA term dictionary and around 32% irrelevant FA terms are deleted. Moreover, precision and recall are achieved 98% and 94% respectively using the new approach.  相似文献   

A new dictionary-based text categorization approach is proposed to classify the chemical web pages efficiently. Using a chemistry dictionary, the approach can extract chemistry-related information more exactly from web pages. After automatic segmentation on the documents to find dictionary terms for document expansion, the approach adopts latent semantic indexing (LSI) to produce the final document vectors, and the relevant categories are finally assigned to the test document by using the k-NN text categorization algorithm. The effects of the characteristics of chemistry dictionary and test collection on the categorization efficiency are discussed in this paper, and a new voting method is also introduced to improve the categorization performance further based on the collection characteristics. The experimental results show that the proposed approach has the superior performance to the traditional categorization method and is applicable to the classification of chemical web pages.  相似文献   

This paper presents a strategy for building a morphological machine dictionary of English that infers meaning of derivations by considering morphological affixes and their semantic classification. Derivations are grouped into a frame that is accessible to semantic stem and knowledge base. This paper also proposes an efficient method for selecting compound Field Association (FA) terms from a large pool of single FA terms for some specialized fields. For single FA terms, five levels of association are defined and two ranks are defined, based on stability and inheritance. About 85% of redundant compound FA terms can be removed effectively by using levels and ranks proposed in this paper. Recall averages of 60–80% are achieved, depending on the type of text. The proposed methods are applied to 22,000 relationships between verbs and nouns extracted from the large tagged corpus.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new algorithm, which incorporates the relationships of concept-based thesauri into the document categorization using the k-NN classifier (k-NN). k-NN is one of the most popular document categorization methods because it shows relatively good performance in spite of its simplicity. However, it significantly degrades precision when ambiguity arises, i.e., when there exist more than one candidate category to which a document can be assigned. To remedy the drawback, we employ concept-based thesauri in the categorization. Employing the thesaurus entails structuring categories into hierarchies, since their structure needs to be conformed to that of the thesaurus for capturing relationships between categories. By referencing various relationships in the thesaurus corresponding to the structured categories, k-NN can be prominently improved, removing the ambiguity. In this paper, we first perform the document categorization by using k-NN and then employ the relationships to reduce the ambiguity. Experimental results show that this method improves the precision of k-NN up to 13.86% without compromising its recall.  相似文献   

Learning low dimensional dense representations of the vocabularies of a corpus, known as neural embeddings, has gained much attention in the information retrieval community. While there have been several successful attempts at integrating embeddings within the ad hoc document retrieval task, yet, no systematic study has been reported that explores the various aspects of neural embeddings and how they impact retrieval performance. In this paper, we perform a methodical study on how neural embeddings influence the ad hoc document retrieval task. More specifically, we systematically explore the following research questions: (i) do methods solely based on neural embeddings perform competitively with state of the art retrieval methods with and without interpolation? (ii) are there any statistically significant difference between the performance of retrieval models when based on word embeddings compared to when knowledge graph entity embeddings are used? and (iii) is there significant difference between using locally trained neural embeddings compared to when globally trained neural embeddings are used? We examine these three research questions across both hard and all queries. Our study finds that word embeddings do not show competitive performance to any of the baselines. In contrast, entity embeddings show competitive performance to the baselines and when interpolated, outperform the best baselines for both hard and soft queries.  相似文献   

Vital to the task of Sentiment Analysis (SA), or automatically mining sentiment expression from text, is a sentiment lexicon. This fundamental lexical resource comprises the smallest sentiment-carrying units of text, words, annotated for their sentiment properties, and aids in SA tasks on larger pieces of text. Unfortunately, digital dictionaries do not readily include information on the sentiment properties of their entries, and manually compiling sentiment lexicons is tedious in terms of annotator time and effort. This has resulted in the emergence of a large number of research works concentrated on automated sentiment lexicon generation. The dictionary-based approach involves leveraging digital dictionaries, while the corpus-based approach involves exploiting co-occurrence statistics embedded in text corpora. Although the former approach has been exhaustively investigated, the majority of works focus on terms. The few state-of-the-art models concentrated on the finer-grained term sense level remain to exhibit several prominent limitations, e.g., the proposed semantic relations algorithm retrieves only senses that are at a close proximity to the seed senses in the semantic network, thus prohibiting the retrieval of remote sentiment-carrying senses beyond the reach of the ‘radius’ defined by number of iterations of semantic relations expansion. The proposed model aims to overcome the issues inherent in dictionary-based sense-level sentiment lexicon generation models using: (1) null seed sets, and a morphological approach inspired by the Marking Theory in Linguistics to populate them automatically; (2) a dual-step context-aware gloss expansion algorithm that ‘mines’ human defined gloss information from a digital dictionary, ensuring senses overlooked by the semantic relations expansion algorithm are identified; and (3) a fully-unsupervised sentiment categorization algorithm on the basis of the Network Theory. The results demonstrate that context-aware in-gloss matching successfully retrieves senses beyond the reach of the semantic relations expansion algorithm used by prominent, well-known models. Evaluation of the proposed model to accurately assign senses with polarity demonstrates that it is on par with state-of-the-art models against the same gold standard benchmarks. The model has theoretical implications in future work to effectively exploit the readily-available human-defined gloss information in a digital dictionary, in the task of assigning polarity to term senses. Extrinsic evaluation in a real-world sentiment classification task on multiple publically-available varying-domain datasets demonstrates its practical implication and application in sentiment analysis, as well as in other related fields such as information science, opinion retrieval and computational linguistics.  相似文献   

In a typical inverted-file full-text document retrieval system, the user submits queries consisting of strings of characters combined by various operators. The strings are looked up in a text-dictionary which lists, for each string, all the places in the database at which it occurs. It is desirable to allow the user to include in his query truncated terms such as X1, 1X, 1X1, or X1Y, where X and X are specified strings and 1 is a variable-length-don't-care character, that is, 1 represents an arbitrary, possibly empty, string. Processing these terms involves finding the set of all words in the dictionary that match these patterns. How to do this efficiently is a long-standing open problem in this domain.In this paper we present a uniform and efficient approach for processing all such query terms. The approach, based on a “permuted dictionary” and a corresponding set of access routines, requires essentially one disk access to obtain from the dictionary all the strings represented by a truncated term, with negligible computing time. It is thus well suited for on-line applications. Implementation is simple, and storage overhead is low: it can be made almost negligible by using some specially adapted compression techniques described in the paper.The basic approach is easily adaptable for slight variants, such as fixed (or bounded) length don't-care characters, or more complex pattern matching templates.  相似文献   

By the development of the computer in recent years, calculating a complex advanced processing at high speed has become possible. Moreover, a lot of linguistic knowledge is used in the natural language processing (NLP) system for improving the system. Therefore, the necessity of co-occurrence word information in the natural language processing system increases further and various researches using co-occurrence word information are done. Moreover, in the natural language processing, dictionary is necessary and indispensable because the ability of the entire system is controlled by the amount and the quality of the dictionary. In this paper, the importance of co-occurrence word information in the natural language processing system was described. The classification technique of the co-occurrence word (receiving word) and the co-occurrence frequency was described and the classified group was expressed hierarchically. Moreover, this paper proposes a technique for an automatic construction system and a complete thesaurus. Experimental test operation of this system and effectiveness of the proposal technique is verified.  相似文献   

A new method is described to extract significant phrases in the title and the abstract of scientific or technical documents. The method is based upon a text structure analysis and uses a relatively small dictionary. The dictionary has been constructed based on the knowledge about concepts in the field of science or technology and some lexical knowledge, for significant phrases and their component items may be used in different meanings among the fields. A text analysis approach has been applied to select significant phrases as substantial and semantic information carriers of the contents of the abstract.The results of the experiment for five sets of documents have shown that the significant phrases are effectively extracted in all cases, and the number of them for every document and the processing time is fairly satisfactory. The information representation of the document, partly using the method, is discussed with relation to the construction of the document information retrieval system.  相似文献   

The widespread availability of the Internet and the variety of Internet-based applications have resulted in a significant increase in the amount of web pages. Determining the behaviors of search engine users has become a critical step in enhancing search engine performance. Search engine user behaviors can be determined by content-based or content-ignorant algorithms. Although many content-ignorant studies have been performed to automatically identify new topics, previous results have demonstrated that spelling errors can cause significant errors in topic shift estimates. In this study, we focused on minimizing the number of wrong estimates that were based on spelling errors. We developed a new hybrid algorithm combining character n-gram and neural network methodologies, and compared the experimental results with results from previous studies. For the FAST and Excite datasets, the proposed algorithm improved topic shift estimates by 6.987% and 2.639%, respectively. Moreover, we analyzed the performance of the character n-gram method in different aspects including the comparison with Levenshtein edit-distance method. The experimental results demonstrated that the character n-gram method outperformed to the Levensthein edit distance method in terms of topic identification.  相似文献   

Ordinary and thermal diffusion of moisture in activated alumina are investigated using a new diffusion cell design and scheme of analysis reported earlier. The specific form of the mass flux equation has a pronounced effect on the magnitude of the associated thermal diffusion ratio. In the case of activated alumina-moist air, if a partial pressure gradient is used, then the thermal diffusion term is small if not zero.Free, Knudsen and surface diffusion all play a part in the diffusion through activated alumina. However, surface diffusion makes the major contribution and for this reason the model in this case can be simplified to a two parameter surface model.The activation energy for surface diffusion is constant and is approximately equal to the mean isosteric heat of absorption. In addition, mean pore radius, turtuosity, and other physical constants are computed from the least square fit of experimental data. Furthermore, the model is theoretically consistent over the entire concentration range (0≦ CACAsat).A new fact about activated alumina (Grade F1) it that it does not transfer moisture in a nonisothermal condition so long as the partial pressures of moisture on the two sides of the pellet are the same. There appears to be no previous report of this fact in the periodical literature.  相似文献   

Previous studies have repeatedly demonstrated that the relevance of a citing document is related to the number of times with which the source document is cited. Despite the ease with which electronic documents would permit the incorporation of this information into citation-based document search and retrieval systems, the possibilities of repeated citations remain untapped. Part of this under-utilization may be due to the fact that very little is known regarding the pattern of repeated citations in scholarly literature or how this pattern may vary as a function of journal, academic discipline or self-citation. The current research addresses these unanswered questions in order to facilitate the future incorporation of repeated citation information into document search and retrieval systems. Using data mining of electronic texts, the citation characteristics of nine different journals, covering the three different academic fields (economics, computing, and medicine & biology), were characterized. It was found that the frequency (f) with which a reference is cited N or more times within a document is consistent across the sampled journals and academic fields. Self-citation causes an increase in frequency, and this effect becomes more pronounced for large N. The objectivity, automatability, and insensitivity of repeated citations to journal and discipline, present powerful opportunities for improving citation-based document search.  相似文献   

Document filtering (DF) and document classification (DC) are often integrated together to classify suitable documents into suitable categories. A popular way to achieve integrated DF and DC is to associate each category with a threshold. A document d may be classified into a category c only if its degree of acceptance (DOA) with respect to c is higher than the threshold of c. Therefore, tuning a proper threshold for each category is essential. A threshold that is too high (low) may mislead the classifier to reject (accept) too many documents. Unfortunately, thresholding is often based on the classifier's DOA estimations, which cannot always be reliable, due to two common phenomena: (1) the DOA estimations made by the classifier cannot always be correct, and (2) not all documents may be classified without any controversy. Unreliable estimations are actually noises that may mislead the thresholding process. In this paper, we present an adaptive and parameter-free technique AS4T to sample reliable DOA estimations for thresholding. AS4T operates by adapting to the classifier's status, without needing to define any parameters. Experimental results show that, by helping to derive more proper thresholds, AS4T may guide various classifiers to achieve significantly better and more stable performances under different circumstances. The contributions are of practical significance for real-world integrated DF and DC.  相似文献   

An h-type index is proposed which depends on the obtained citations of articles belonging to the h-core. This weighted h-index, denoted as hw, is presented in a continuous setting and in a discrete one. It is shown that in a continuous setting the new index enjoys many good properties. In the discrete setting some small deviations from the ideal may occur.  相似文献   

Modern web search engines are expected to return the top-k results efficiently. Although many dynamic index pruning strategies have been proposed for efficient top-k computation, most of them are prone to ignoring some especially important factors in ranking functions, such as term-proximity (the distance relationship between query terms in a document). In our recent work [Zhu, M., Shi, S., Li, M., & Wen, J. (2007). Effective top-k computation in retrieving structured documents with term-proximity support. In Proceedings of 16th CIKM conference (pp. 771–780)], we demonstrated that, when term-proximity is incorporated into ranking functions, most existing index structures and top-k strategies become quite inefficient. To solve this problem, we built the inverted index based on web page structure and proposed the query processing strategies accordingly. The experimental results indicate that the proposed index structures and query processing strategies significantly improve the top-k efficiency. In this paper, we study the possibility of adopting additional techniques to further improve top-k computation efficiency. We propose a Proximity-Probe Heuristic to make our top-k algorithms more efficient. We also test the efficiency of our approaches on various settings (linear or non-linear ranking functions, exact or approximate top-k processing, etc.).  相似文献   

Human skeleton, as a compact representation of action, has attracted numerous research attentions in recent years. However, skeletal data is too sparse to fully characterize fine-grained human motions, especially for hand/finger motions with subtle local movements. Besides, without containing any information of interacted objects, skeleton is hard to identify human–object interaction actions accurately. Hence, many action recognition approaches that purely rely on skeletal data have met a bottleneck in identifying such kind of actions. In this paper, we propose an Informed Patch Enhanced HyperGraph Convolutional Network that jointly employs human pose skeleton and informed visual patches for multi-modal feature learning. Specifically, we extract five informed visual patches around head, left hand, right hand, left foot and right foot joints as the complementary visual graph vertices. These patches often exhibit many action-related semantic information, like facial expressions, hand gestures, and interacted objects with hands or feet, which can compensate the deficiency of skeletal data. This hybrid scheme can boost the performance while keeping the computation and memory load low since only five extra vertices are appended to the original graph. Evaluation on two widely used large-scale datasets for skeleton-based action recognition demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to the state-of-the-art methods. Significant accuracy improvements are reported using X-Sub protocol on NTU RGB+D 120 dataset.  相似文献   

为了快速有效地自动处理中文Web文本,提出了一种基于领域本体的主题特征抽取方法.该方法针对Web文本特点,介绍了一种领域词典的半自动化构建方法.基于领域词典切分文本,通过对词条的主题映射,采用领域本体的概念表示文本向量,从而有效地降低文本特征向量的维数,提高主题抽取的质量.考虑文本信息的不同位置与频率,计算主题特征的权值,并且基于领域本体的结构,对主题概念的权值进行调整和排序.实例验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

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