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王珊珊  占思奇  王玉冬 《科学学研究》2016,33(10):1487-1497
产业技术标准联盟是技术标准化的重要载体,与专利活动相关的冲突将影响联盟的稳定性与标准化绩效。将产业技术标准联盟专利冲突划分为对抗性冲突和非对抗性冲突两大类型,提出不同类型冲突的解决思路,并以典型冲突为例,建立了冲突可拓模型和可拓集合,运用转换桥和可拓变换方法生成了冲突解决策略,为我国产业技术标准联盟专利冲突管理提供参考。  相似文献   

In image retrieval, most systems lack user-centred evaluation since they are assessed by some chosen ground truth dataset. The results reported through precision and recall assessed against the ground truth are thought of as being an acceptable surrogate for the judgment of real users. Much current research focuses on automatically assigning keywords to images for enhancing retrieval effectiveness. However, evaluation methods are usually based on system-level assessment, e.g. classification accuracy based on some chosen ground truth dataset. In this paper, we present a qualitative evaluation methodology for automatic image indexing systems. The automatic indexing task is formulated as one of image annotation, or automatic metadata generation for images. The evaluation is composed of two individual methods. First, the automatic indexing annotation results are assessed by human subjects. Second, the subjects are asked to annotate some chosen images as the test set whose annotations are used as ground truth. Then, the system is tested by the test set whose annotation results are judged against the ground truth. Only one of these methods is reported for most systems on which user-centred evaluation are conducted. We believe that both methods need to be considered for full evaluation. We also provide an example evaluation of our system based on this methodology. According to this study, our proposed evaluation methodology is able to provide deeper understanding of the system’s performance.  相似文献   

徐勇  张慧 《现代情报》2016,36(3):144-150
随着Web2.0的逐步发展, 海量用户生成的图像信息充斥于各大网络平台, 图像自动标注技术逐步成为图像检索以及图像理解的关键问题之一。该文主要通过对现有图像自动标注方法的文献进行收集和整理, 在比较、分析各种方法相关理论和实现技术的基础上, 对图像自动标注方法研究进展进行评述;并归纳了各种方法的优势与不足。得出结论:图像自动标注方法和图像处理技术仍然需要从机器学习方面进一步的研究与改进, 且可以从图像信息的标注拓展到视频信息的标注。  相似文献   

Gene ontology (GO) consists of three structured controlled vocabularies, i.e., GO domains, developed for describing attributes of gene products, and its annotation is crucial to provide a common gateway to access different model organism databases. This paper explores an effective application of text categorization methods to this highly practical problem in biology. As a first step, we attempt to tackle the automatic GO annotation task posed in the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) 2004 Genomics Track. Given a pair of genes and an article reference where the genes appear, the task simulates assigning GO domain codes. We approach the problem with careful consideration of the specialized terminology and pay special attention to various forms of gene synonyms, so as to exhaustively locate the occurrences of the target gene. We extract the words around the spotted gene occurrences and used them to represent the gene for GO domain code annotation. We regard the task as a text categorization problem and adopt a variant of kNN with supervised term weighting schemes, making our method among the top-performing systems in the TREC official evaluation. Furthermore, we investigate different feature selection policies in conjunction with the treatment of terms associated with negative instances. Our experiments reveal that round-robin feature space allocation with eliminating negative terms substantially improves performance as GO terms become specific.  相似文献   

熊英  韩蕾 《科教文汇》2011,(17):193-194
师生冲突常见于师范院校学生管理中,师生冲突极大地影响到学校正常的教学和管理秩序。造成师生冲突的原因与师生双方的观念冲突、社会角色、个性特点、心理素质、现实状况等有直接的关系。本文主要对师范院校学生管理中师生冲突的原因进行了分析,为预防和解决师生冲突提供思路和根据。  相似文献   

【目的/意义】本文基于颜色、纹理等外部特征与局部视觉特征构成的底层语义特征数据并采用随机森林的方法对医学图像信息进行语义自动标注,为医务工作者提供临床决策参考,便于普通公众理解医学知识和了解个人健康情况,也可以在大数据环境下扩展图书情报领域研究人员对信息组织与处理的范围,促进学科交叉与融合,提升智慧医学的发展,为健康中国战略提供智力与技术支持。【方法/过程】融合图书情报领域知识与医学知识,将图像语义标注看作为一个多类分类问题,首先,抽取颜色、纹理等外部特征及局部视觉特征等底层语义特征;然后,运用随机森林的方法,设计了基于随机森林的医学图像自动标注方案。【结果/结论】融合底层语义特征的医学图像信息自动标注的方案与随机树标注方案相比较,具有较好的效果。【创新/局限】将视觉语义词典作为医学图像的底层语义特征引入到图像标注中;运用随机森林构建的医学图像标注方案;局限在于仅采用BreaKHis数据集为实验数据。  相似文献   

作为一种新兴的混合组织,社会企业面临着多元制度逻辑共存带来的冲突与挑战。为了从实证角度系统地归纳不同情境下不同类型的社会企业会经历哪些不同类型的冲突,本文对10家中国社会企业的创立和发展过程进行扎根分析,归纳和提炼出社会企业多元制度逻辑冲突的类型与边界条件。研究发现:中国情境下,社会商业逻辑和社会公益逻辑之间的冲突体现为资源冲突、绩效冲突和认同冲突,社会企业的发展阶段和制度逻辑融合模式会影响社会企业经历冲突的类型与程度。除了商业逻辑和社会公益逻辑之间的冲突,社会企业还面临政府逻辑的影响,而政府逻辑的介入给社会企业提供了机会和资源,有利于提升其合法性和公信力,但也在一定程度上弱化了社会企业商业目标和社会目标的实现。研究结论有助于深入理解中国情境下社会企业混合组织的本质和复杂性。  相似文献   

基于风险投资公司和风险企业视角,研究风险投资中的冲突类型及冲突管理。风险投资冲突有沟通型、竞争型、回避型3种类型。风险投资的不同阶段冲突的主要类型与管理方式各不相同。在对风险投资不同阶段冲突管理方式选择分析基础上,通过投资、管理、退出三阶段案例分析,进一步探讨不同阶段冲突特征及成功冲突管理方式。  相似文献   

高校学生兼职辅导员是高校学生管理工作的重要辅助力量。学生兼职辅导员身份的多重性、复杂性会诱发角色冲突:不同角色期待以及自身局限引起角色内冲突,本职和兼职角色以及不同兼职角色产生角色间冲突。为此,打造高质量的学生兼职辅导员队伍,应创新管理体制、优化培训机制、拓宽就业出口、强化角色适应。  相似文献   

针对钢板表面缺陷图像分类传统深度学习算法中需要大量标签数据的问题,提出一种基于主动学习的高效分类方法。该方法包含一个轻量级的卷积神经网络和一个基于不确定性的主动学习样本筛选策略。神经网络采用简化的convolutional base进行特征提取,然后用全局池化层替换掉传统密集连接分类器中的隐藏层来减轻过拟合。为了更好的衡量模型对未标签图像样本所属类别的不确定性,首先将未标签图像样本传入到用标签图像样本训练好的模型,得到模型对每一个未标签样本关于标签的概率分布(probability distribution over classes, PDC),然后用此模型对标签样本进行预测并得到模型对每个标签的平均PDC。将两类分布的KL-divergence值作为不确定性指标来筛选未标签图像进行人工标注。根据在NEU-CLS开源缺陷数据集上的对比实验,该方法可以通过44%的标签数据实现97%的准确率,极大降低标注成本。  相似文献   

知识链组织之间冲突的三维动因模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
知识链成员组织之问某些关系的不协调必然导致冲突的发生.现有冲突管理的研究着重于关注组织内部冲突,对组织间的冲突研究较少.利用包含利益、结构、知识三个因素的冲突模型来说明知识链组织之间冲突的动因.为知识链的冲突研究提供一个新的理论框架.  相似文献   

张志武 《情报探索》2013,(10):99-103
针对网络邮票图像的特点,提出邮票领域本体构建方法。根据网络邮票图像的视觉特征和描述文本.利用本体描述其语义特征,通过自动图像标注技术构建邮票图像本体库,并构建网络邮票图像的语义检索系统。实验表明,该系统解决了网络图像基于关键字检索和基于内容检索中的语义缺失问题,具有较高的图像检索准确率。  相似文献   

王志杰  吴娜 《科技通报》2012,28(6):80-81
多传感器图像融合是将不同传感器得到的多个图像,根据某个像素的对应位置进行叠加处理,以得到一个满足某种需求的新图像。本文采用一种冲突惩罚因子的多传感器图像融合算法,实时运用冲突惩罚因子,选取高信息量的像素进行平滑融合。仿真实验表明,该算法能最大化的保证融合后的图像信息,得到高清晰度的融合图像。  相似文献   

潜在土地利用冲突识别是因地制宜地预防和破解用地冲突的基础和前提。本文以北京市大兴区2012年高分辨率遥感影像为主要数据源,以150m×150m格网为识别单元,基于建设、农业和生态用地竞争力评价识别了该区潜在土地利用冲突,并针对冲突类型特点提出了相应的管理政策建议。结果表明:1该方法更准确地体现了潜在土地利用冲突的本质内涵,可辨识出潜在土地利用冲突类型及其特点和预期土地利用变化趋势;2大兴区11种潜在土地利用冲突类型中,建设用地优势区主要分布在现状建设用地及其周边,农地优势区在中部和南部集中连片分布,生态用地优势区主要位于永定河沿岸等维护区域生态安全的核心区,三者分别占全区土地总面积的52.85%、28.12%和0.83%,反映了当前建设用地急剧扩展、农地空间不断被压缩和生态环境亟需改善的土地利用现状,而其他8种潜在冲突分布均介于上述三种优势区中的两种或三种之间;3大兴区在优化提升用地效率、严格控制新增建设用地的同时,建设用地优势区、建设与农业激烈冲突区、农业用地优势区和三类用地激烈冲突区内的优质耕地应优先划入基本农田加以重点保护;其他应宜农则农,宜生态则生态,通过差别化补贴政策,引导农业生产向特色高效现代农业发展,并促使边际耕地退耕还林。  相似文献   

Human interpretation of images during image annotation is complicated, but most existing interactive image annotation systems are generally operated based on social tagging, while ignoring that tags are insufficient to convey image semantics. Hence, it is critical to study the nature of image annotation behaviors and process. This study investigated annotation tactics, transitions, strategies and their efficiency during the image annotation process. A total of 90 participants were recruited to annotate nine pictures in three emotional dimensions with three interactive annotation methods. Data collected from annotation logs and verbal protocols were analyzed by applying both qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings of this study show that the cognitive process of human interpretation of images is rather complex, which reveals a probable bias in research involving image relevance feedback. Participants preferred applying scroll bar (Scr) and image comparison (Cim) tactics comparing with rating tactic (Val), and they did fewer fine tuning activities, which reflects the influence of perceptual level and users’ cognitive load during image annotation. Annotation tactic transition analysis showed that Cim was more likely to be adopted at the beginning of each phase, and the most remarkable transition was from Cim to Scr. By applying sequence analysis, the authors found 10 most commonly used sequences representing four types of annotation strategies, including Single tactic strategy, Tactic combination strategy, Fix mode strategy and Shift mode strategy. Furthermore, two patterns, “quarter decreasing” and “transition cost,” were identified based on time data, and both multiple tactics (e.g., the combination of Cim and Scr) and fine tuning activities were recognized as efficient tactic applications. Annotation patterns found in this study suggest more research needs to be done considering the need for multi-interactive methods and their influence. The findings of this study generated detailed and useful guidance for the interactive design in image annotation systems, including recommending efficient tactic applications in different phases, highlighting the most frequently applied tactics and transitions, and avoiding unnecessary transitions.  相似文献   

艾时钟  尚永辉  信妍 《科学学研究》2011,29(8):1216-1222
 根据已有的文献,从关系质量的角度出发,构建了基于关系质量的IT外包知识转移影响因素的概念模型,并提出假设。通过对北京中关村软件园、上海浦东软件园和西安软件园内20多家企业进行问卷调查,并利用统计软件SPSS 11.0和AMOS 17.0对收集到的数据进行量化分析。实证结果表明:沟通对相互承诺、信任、良好冲突处理和知识转移有显著的正向影响;相互承诺对知识转移有显著的正向影响;信任对相互承诺和知识转移有显著的正向影响;良好冲突处理对信任有显著的正向影响,但对知识转移没有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 公安情报共享中的利益冲突问题已成为阻碍公安大数据战略实施的重要障碍。基于价值共创理论,剖析当前我国公安情报共享价值形成机理与利益冲突协调机制,能够为合理协调公安情报共享中的利益冲突提供理论依据和参考。[方法/过程] 从主体共创价值视角,研究公安情报共享中的价值共创关系及价值实现过程,以价值共创全过程为视角认为投入、风险和收益构成了公安情报共享中的利益冲突诱因,将利益冲突诱因类型分为原发性诱因、突发性诱因、继发性诱因,并进一步探讨公安情报价值共创的共创筹备阶段、共创价值累积阶段、共创价值惠及阶段的利益冲突形成机制。[结果/结论] 综合运用规划和互动方式从投入保障、风险管理、收益协调3个方面构建公安情报共享价值共创利益冲突协调机制。  相似文献   

The generation of stereotypes allows us to simplify the cognitive complexity we have to deal with in everyday life. Stereotypes are extensively used to describe people who belong to a different ethnic group, particularly in racial hoaxes and hateful content against immigrants. This paper addresses the study of stereotypes from a novel perspective that involves psychology and computational linguistics both. On the one hand, it describes an Italian social media corpus built within a social psychology study, where stereotypes and related forms of discredit were made explicit through annotation. On the other hand, it provides some lexical analysis, to bring out the linguistic features of the messages collected in the corpus, and experiments for validating this annotation scheme and its automatic application to other corpora in the future. The main expected outcome is to shed some light on the usefulness of this scheme for training tools that automatically detect and label stereotypes in Italian.  相似文献   

对维基百科编辑中的冲突与协调的研究有助于深化对社会化创新中内在协调机制的理解。在T9r9k等人所提的维基编辑动力学模型的基础上,本文提出一个考虑狂热者影响的协同编辑冲突动力学模型。通过基于Agent建模分析,所提出的模型复现了从"单一冲突"到"间歇性冲突"再到"持续冲突"的相变。进而,本模型还展示了比T9r9k等的模型更为丰富的动力学形态。本文工作为维基百科编辑中所观察到的三种冲突模式提供了一种新的解释,并对社会化创新项目中的观点冲突协调有一定启发意义。  相似文献   

    颠覆性创新与既有技术范式、制度逻辑、社会规范等产生冲突,其创新有关群体价值判断分歧严重,产生颠覆性创新利益相关者价值冲突,影响颠覆性创新合法性。目前相关文献对其缺乏解释。本研究基于滴滴出行平台2012—2019年颠覆性创新发展历程,采用单案例纵向研究方法,考察了不同时期颠覆性创新利益相关者价值冲突、合法性要求以及合法性获取策略,并构建了颠覆性创新合法性动态演化理论模型。研究发现:颠覆性创新合法性呈现为一个复杂的利益相关者价值冲突动态演化过程,不同时期各价值冲突凸显程度不同。在市场进入、市场颠覆、市场扩张期主要经历了利益相关者精神价值、物质利益、道德规范冲突的动态演化。相应的,颠覆性创新合法性要求主要经历了认知合法性、规制合法性、规范合法性要求动态演化,创新者采取选择、控制和依从环境策略,以获得合法性。此外,揭示利益相关者价值冲突是颠覆性创新合法性动态演化的驱动、市场选择与扩散机制。  相似文献   

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