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In legal case retrieval, existing work has shown that human-mediated conversational search can improve users’ search experience. In practice, a suitable workflow can provide guidelines for constructing a machine-mediated agent replacing of human agents. Therefore, we conduct a comparison analysis and summarize two challenges when directly applying the conversational agent workflow in web search to legal case retrieval: (1) It is complex for agents to express their understanding of users’ information need. (2) Selecting a candidate case from the SERPs is more difficult for agents, especially at the early stage of the search process. To tackle these challenges, we propose a suitable conversational agent workflow in legal case retrieval, which contains two additional key modules compared with that in web search: Query Generation and Buffer Mechanism. A controlled user experiment with three control groups, using the whole workflow or removing one of these two modules, is conducted. The results demonstrate that the proposed workflow can actually support conversational agents working more efficiently, and help users save search effort, leading to higher search success and satisfaction for legal case retrieval. We further construct a large-scale dataset and provide guidance on the machine-mediated conversational search system for legal case retrieval.  相似文献   

The current study addresses the problem of retrieving a specific moment from an untrimmed video by a sentence query. Existing methods have achieved high performance by designing various structures to match visual-text relations. Yet, these methods tend to return an interval starting from 0s, which we named “0s bias”. In this paper, we propose a Circular Co-Teaching (CCT) mechanism using a captioner to improve an existing retrieval model (localizer) from two aspects: biased annotations and easy samples. Correspondingly, CCT contains two processes: (1) Pseudo Query Generation (captioner to localizer), aiming at transferring the knowledge from generated queries to the localizer to balance annotations; (2) Competence-based Curriculum Learning (localizer to captioner), training the captioner in an easy-to-hard fashion guided by localization results, making pairs of the false-positive moment and pseudo query become easy samples for the localizer. Extensive experiments show that our CCT can alleviate “0s bias” with even 4% improvement for existing approaches on average in two public datasets (ActivityNet-Captions, and Charades-STA), in terms of R@1,IoU=0.7. Notably, our method also outperforms baselines in an out-of-distribution scenario. We also quantitatively validate CCT’s ability to cope with “0s bias” by a proposed metric, DM. Our study not only theoretically contributes to detecting “0s bias”, but also provides a highly effective tool for video moment retrieval by alleviating such bias.  相似文献   

Searchers can face problems finding the information they seek. One reason for this is that they may have difficulty devising queries to express their information needs. In this article, we describe an approach that uses unobtrusive monitoring of interaction to proactively support searchers. The approach chooses terms to better represent information needs by monitoring searcher interaction with different representations of top-ranked documents. Information needs are dynamic and can change as a searcher views information. The approach we propose gathers evidence on potential changes in these needs and uses this evidence to choose new retrieval strategies. We present an evaluation of how well our technique estimates information needs, how well it estimates changes in these needs and the appropriateness of the interface support it offers. The results are presented and the avenues for future research identified.  相似文献   

Awareness of another’s activity is an important aspect of facilitating collaboration between users, enabling an “understanding of the activities of others” (Dourish & Bellotti, 1992). In this paper we investigate the role of awareness and its effect on search performance and behaviour in collaborative multimedia retrieval. We focus on the scenario where two users are searching at the same time on the same task, and via an interface, can see the activity of the other user. The main research question asks: does awareness of another searcher aid a user when carrying out a multimedia search session?To encourage awareness, an experimental study was designed where two users were asked to compete to find as many relevant video shots as possible under different awareness conditions. These were individual search (no awareness), Mutual awareness (where both users could see the other’s search screen), and unbalanced awareness (where one user is able to see the other’s screen, but not vice-versa). Twelve pairs of users were recruited, and the four worst performing TRECVID 2006 search topics were used as search tasks, under four different awareness conditions. We present the results of this study, followed by a discussion of the implications for multimedia information retrieval systems.  相似文献   

As the volume and breadth of online information is rapidly increasing, ad hoc search systems become less and less efficient to answer information needs of modern users. To support the growing complexity of search tasks, researchers in the field of information developed and explored a range of approaches that extend the traditional ad hoc retrieval paradigm. Among these approaches, personalized search systems and exploratory search systems attracted many followers. Personalized search explored the power of artificial intelligence techniques to provide tailored search results according to different user interests, contexts, and tasks. In contrast, exploratory search capitalized on the power of human intelligence by providing users with more powerful interfaces to support the search process. As these approaches are not contradictory, we believe that they can re-enforce each other. We argue that the effectiveness of personalized search systems may be increased by allowing users to interact with the system and learn/investigate the problem in order to reach the final goal. We also suggest that an interactive visualization approach could offer a good ground to combine the strong sides of personalized and exploratory search approaches. This paper proposes a specific way to integrate interactive visualization and personalized search and introduces an adaptive visualization based search system Adaptive VIBE that implements it. We tested the effectiveness of Adaptive VIBE and investigated its strengths and weaknesses by conducting a full-scale user study. The results show that Adaptive VIBE can improve the precision and the productivity of the personalized search system while helping users to discover more diverse sets of information.  相似文献   

There are a number of multimedia tasks and environments that can be collaborative in nature and involve contributions from more than one individual. Examples of such tasks include organising photographs or videos from multiple people from a large event, students working together to complete a class project, or artists and/or animators working on a production. Despite this, current state of the art applications that have been created to assist in multimedia search and organisation focus on a single user searching alone and do not take into consideration the collaborative nature of a large number of multimedia tasks. The limited work in collaborative search for multimedia applications has concentrated mostly on synchronous, and quite often co-located, collaboration between persons. However, these collaborative scenarios are not always practical or feasible. In order to overcome these shortcomings we have created an innovative system for online video search, which provides mechanisms for groups of users to collaborate both asynchronously and remotely on video search tasks. In order to evaluate our system an user evaluation was conducted. This evaluation simulated multiple conditions and scenarios for collaboration, varying on awareness, division of labour, sense making and persistence. The outcome of this evaluation demonstrates the benefit and usability of our system for asynchronous and remote collaboration between users. In addition the results of this evaluation provide a comparison between implicit and explicit collaboration in the same search system.  相似文献   

The article presents an analysis of the effect of granularity and order in an XML encoded collection of full text journal articles. Two-hundred and eighteen sessions of searchers performing simulated work tasks in the collection have been analysed. The results show that searchers prefer to use smaller sections of the article as their source of information. In interaction sessions during which articles are assessed, however, they are to a large degree evaluated as more important than the articles’ sections and subsections.  相似文献   

Structured document retrieval makes use of document components as the basis of the retrieval process, rather than complete documents. The inherent relationships between these components make it vital to support users’ natural browsing behaviour in order to offer effective and efficient access to structured documents. This paper examines the concept of best entry points, which are document components from which the user can browse to obtain optimal access to relevant document components. It investigates at the types of best entry points in structured document retrieval, and their usage and effectiveness in real information search tasks.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of user characteristics (e.g. search experience and cognitive skills) on user effectiveness. A user study was conducted to investigate this effect, 56 participants completed searches for 56 topics using the TREC test collection. Results indicated that participants with search experience and high cognitive skills were more effective than those with less experience and slower perceptual abilities. However, all users rated themselves with the same level of satisfaction with the search results despite the fact they varied substantially in their effectiveness. Therefore, information retrieval evaluators should take these factors into consideration when investigating the impact of system effectiveness on user effectiveness.  相似文献   

In this paper, we lay out a relational approach for indexing and retrieving photographs from a collection. The increase of digital image acquisition devices, combined with the growth of the World Wide Web, requires the development of information retrieval (IR) models and systems that provide fast access to images searched by users in databases. The aim of our work is to develop an IR model suited to images, integrating rich semantics for representing this visual data and user queries, which can also be applied to large corpora.  相似文献   

The paper presents a study investigating the effects of incorporating novelty detection in automatic text summarisation. Condensing a textual document, automatic text summarisation can reduce the need to refer to the source document. It also offers a means to deliver device-friendly content when accessing information in non-traditional environments. An effective method of summarisation could be to produce a summary that includes only novel information. However, a consequence of focusing exclusively on novel parts may result in a loss of context, which may have an impact on the correct interpretation of the summary, with respect to the source document. In this study we compare two strategies to produce summaries that incorporate novelty in different ways: a constant length summary, which contains only novel sentences, and an incremental summary, containing additional sentences that provide context. The aim is to establish whether a summary that contains only novel sentences provides sufficient basis to determine relevance of a document, or if indeed we need to include additional sentences to provide context. Findings from the study seem to suggest that there is only a minimal difference in performance for the tasks we set our users and that the presence of contextual information is not so important. However, for the case of mobile information access, a summary that contains only novel information does offer benefits, given bandwidth constraints.  相似文献   

We present PubSearch, a hybrid heuristic scheme for re-ranking academic papers retrieved from standard digital libraries such as the ACM Portal. The scheme is based on the hierarchical combination of a custom implementation of the term frequency heuristic, a time-depreciated citation score and a graph-theoretic computed score that relates the paper’s index terms with each other. We designed and developed a meta-search engine that submits user queries to standard digital repositories of academic publications and re-ranks the repository results using the hierarchical heuristic scheme. We evaluate our proposed re-ranking scheme via user feedback against the results of ACM Portal on a total of 58 different user queries specified from 15 different users. The results show that our proposed scheme significantly outperforms ACM Portal in terms of retrieval precision as measured by most common metrics in Information Retrieval including Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG), Expected Reciprocal Rank (ERR) as well as a newly introduced lexicographic rule (LEX) of ranking search results. In particular, PubSearch outperforms ACM Portal by more than 77% in terms of ERR, by more than 11% in terms of NDCG, and by more than 907.5% in terms of LEX. We also re-rank the top-10 results of a subset of the original 58 user queries produced by Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, and ArnetMiner; the results show that PubSearch compares very well against these search engines as well. The proposed scheme can be easily plugged in any existing search engine for retrieval of academic publications.  相似文献   

When consumers search for health information, a major obstacle is their unfamiliarity with the medical terminology. Even though medical thesauri such as the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and related tools (e.g., the MeSH Browser) were created to help consumers find medical term definitions, the lack of direct and explicit integration of these help tools into a health retrieval system prevented them from effectively achieving their objectives. To explore this issue, we conducted an empirical study with two systems: One is a simple interface system supporting query-based searching; the other is an augmented system with two new components supporting MeSH term searching and MeSH tree browsing. A total of 45 subjects were recruited to participate in the study. The results indicated that the augmented system is more effective than the simple system in terms of improving user-perceived topic familiarity and question–answer performance, even though we did not find users spend more time on the augmented system. The two new MeSH help components played a critical role in participants’ health information retrieval and were found to allow them to develop new search strategies. The findings of the study enhanced our understanding of consumers’ search behaviors and shed light on the design of future health information retrieval systems.  相似文献   

This paper describes our novel retrieval model that is based on contexts of query terms in documents (i.e., document contexts). Our model is novel because it explicitly takes into account of the document contexts instead of implicitly using the document contexts to find query expansion terms. Our model is based on simulating a user making relevance decisions, and it is a hybrid of various existing effective models and techniques. It estimates the relevance decision preference of a document context as the log-odds and uses smoothing techniques as found in language models to solve the problem of zero probabilities. It combines these estimated preferences of document contexts using different types of aggregation operators that comply with different relevance decision principles (e.g., aggregate relevance principle). Our model is evaluated using retrospective experiments (i.e., with full relevance information), because such experiments can (a) reveal the potential of our model, (b) isolate the problems of the model from those of the parameter estimation, (c) provide information about the major factors affecting the retrieval effectiveness of the model, and (d) show that whether the model obeys the probability ranking principle. Our model is promising as its mean average precision is 60–80% in our experiments using different TREC ad hoc English collections and the NTCIR-5 ad hoc Chinese collection. Our experiments showed that (a) the operators that are consistent with aggregate relevance principle were effective in combining the estimated preferences, and (b) that estimating probabilities using the contexts in the relevant documents can produce better retrieval effectiveness than using the entire relevant documents.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the state of the art in the field of information retrieval that is relevant for understanding how to design information retrieval systems for children. We describe basic theories of human development to explain the specifics of young users, i.e., their cognitive skills, fine motor skills, knowledge, memory and emotional states in so far as they differ from those of adults. We derive the implications these differences have on the design of information retrieval systems for children. Furthermore, we summarize the main findings about children’s search behavior from multiple user studies. These findings are important to understand children’s information needs, their search strategies and usage of information retrieval systems. We also identify several weaknesses of previous user studies about children’s information-seeking behavior. Guided by the findings of these user studies, we describe challenges for the design of information retrieval systems for young users. We give an overview of algorithms and user interface concepts. We also describe existing information retrieval systems for children, in specific web search engines and digital libraries. We conclude with a discussion of open issues and directions for further research. The survey provided in this paper is important both for designers of information retrieval systems for young users as well as for researchers who start working in this field.  相似文献   

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