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马琳 《体育与科学》2011,32(3):60-63
随着体育活动国际化和大众化发展,体育赞助成为赞助领域发展最快的部分。由于投入资金的增加,以及从商业利益角度的考虑,赞助企业要求对体育赞助效果进行评估。本文从追踪调查的评估方法入手,对体育赞助效果评估的相关问题进行了理论探讨,分析了在评估中应注意的问题与难点。  相似文献   

Since the time of state socialism, Hungarian sport has been totally financed by the state. Therefore, Hungarian soccer and sponsorship market is a relatively new and unexplored subject of research in the field of sports sponsorship, as most studies so far have focused on the major European soccer leagues. The main objective of this paper, focusing on the Hungarian soccer sponsorship market, was to evaluate the range of soccer sponsorship objectives and the range of evaluation tools that sponsors use to measure the effectiveness of their sponsorships. A combined approach of qualitative and quantitative research methods served as the methodological foundation of this study. In the quantitative phase, representatives of the sponsor companies (n=103) were asked to rate the importance of the sponsorship objectives and the importance of the evaluation techniques used to measure the effectiveness of their sponsorships. The results of this study have implications for the sports sponsorship industry, the Hungarian soccer club sponsors, and the sport properties too. According to the research results, many of the Hungarian sponsor companies have failed to assess the effectiveness of sponsorship in meeting their objectives. The research can be used to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of soccer sponsorship in Hungary.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(3):469-481
Brand managers often use sport sponsorship to position a brand in terms of human-like personality traits (e.g., exciting or sophisticated) and demographic characteristics (e.g., young or masculine). Yet, little is known why, how, and under which conditions such associations transfer from a sport property to a sponsor brand. The present study introduces spontaneous trait transference as a mechanism and explicates that its properties can account for such associative transfer effects in typical sport sponsorship contexts with unintentional exposure and limited control. Two experiments show that, consistent with spontaneous trait transference predictions, (a) sport sponsorship transfers only the sponsored sports’ focal traits (but no general evaluative halo) to the sponsors, (b) spontaneous trait transfer occurs for both sport personality and age traits largely independent from each other, and (c) transfer effects occur for unfamiliar brands, but also (to a lesser extent) for familiar brands. Practical implications of these findings for the selection of sponsorship properties, the design of sponsorship communication, and for targeting specific consumer segments with appropriate sponsorships are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the association between alcohol consumption, alcohol sponsorship in sports and preferences of sponsored sportspeople regarding sponsorships/consumption. We investigate the impact of alcohol sponsorship on sportspeople in the Australian population using a national survey of sportspeople (N?=?2367), representing a range of club and professional sports. The results show an association between alcohol sponsorship of sport and increased alcohol consumption among sports participants (i.e. ‘sportspeople’). Additionally, a preference for sponsored alcohol brands was found by sponsored sportspeople. Our research adds to the growing evidence for policy review of alcohol sponsorship of sports and extends prior studies investigating impacts of alcohol sponsorship upon sports participants by generalizing to a large, national sample of sportspeople.  相似文献   

我国体育赞助工作起步较晚,目前存在短期行为较多,市场开发过多、过乱等问题。赞助企业和体育行政机构、体育赛事组织机构要积极协调、沟通,通过建立赞助目标、诚信市场体系、多维评价体系等方式,将体育赛事的人文理念与赞助商的企业品牌融合在一起,积极有效地实施并实现赞助合作,保障赞助商的合法权益,使体育部门与赞助商的共同利益得到协调有序的发展。更快的使我国体育赞助市场走向一条良性的发展轨道。  相似文献   

大型体育赛事赞助合同排他性权利的法律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育赛事的商业化离不开赞助商的赞助,为吸引赞助商则需要保护赞助商的利益.在大型体育赛事赞助合同中约定适用排他性原则,可保障赞助商在赛事市场开发中享有排他性的独占权利.在对大型体育赛事、体育赛事赞助、体育赛事赞助合同进行分析之后,对大型体育赛事赞助合同中排他性进行解释,继而对大型体育赛事赞助合同中排他性权利的含义和特点进行研究.按照权利的构成要素,对体育赛事赞助排他性权利的构成要素(包括主体、客体和内容)进行分析.最后,在研究排他性权利的法源、排他性权利状态和排他性权利效力的基础上,提出排他性权利的保护策略,以保护赞助商权益,推进体育赞助和体育事业的发展.  相似文献   

体育赞助营销是体育产业的重要组成部分,不仅为体育的发展提供了物质基础,而且使赞助的品牌走向世界,深入千家万户的有效平台和桥梁。体育赞助营销是建立品牌资产的最有效途径之一,体育赞助营销对品牌资产的潜在影响主要表现为体育赞助动机、体育赞助传播度、体育赞助活力影响力、被赞助活动的偏好等方面。  相似文献   

向会英 《体育科研》2011,32(3):31-35
体育赞助的相关法律问题已经成为影响和制约我国体育赞助发展的重要因素之一。通过文献资料、对比分析的方法,从多个角度对体育赞助的相关法律问题进行梳理、分析和探讨,对我国体育赞助法律规范保护提出思考和建议。  相似文献   

体育赞助法律关系同时涉及合同与侵权问题。基于关涉法域的多元性等因素,《体育法》并未专门规定“体育赞助合同”类型,故只能通过解释论寻求规范依归。考量体育赞助协议的典型合同目的等因素,可以发现“赠与合同说”等传统解释路径存在逻辑错误或规制不足问题。对此,根据体育赞助的营利性、对价性和“品牌传播”目的,将之认定为商业标识许可使用合同的特殊类型,并以《民法典》第993条及《体育法》第52条第2款作为规范框架,既符合合同层面的规范现实,又能够实现侵权层面的逻辑自洽;同时,应考虑以体育商业标识保护为重点,通过明确使用权流转规则、标识瑕疵担保义务法定化等措施,从合同及侵权两个层面共同为体育赞助提供有效的制度供给。  相似文献   

主要采用调查法,以品牌形象转移理论为基础,从品牌形象逆转移的视角,实证研究了赞助企业品牌资产对体育赛事品牌资产的影响,以及赛事熟悉度与赞助匹配的调节作用。结果显示:首先,赞助企业品牌资产对赛事品牌资产存在显著正向影响,具体而言,赞助企业品牌的感知质量、品牌忠诚度、品牌意识、品牌联想正向影响赛事品牌资产;其次,赛事熟悉度与赞助匹配仅能调节感知质量、品牌忠诚度和品牌联想对赛事品牌资产的影响,不能调节品牌意识对赛事品牌资产的影响;最后,赞助企业品牌资产在影响赛事品牌资产的过程中会受到赛事熟悉度和赞助匹配的双重调节作用。研究结论证实了在体育赛事赞助活动中出现的品牌形象逆转移现象。  相似文献   

主要使用实验法分析竞争赞助行为对赛事赞助效果的影响,重点研究对于企业品牌形象的影响.通过对研究变量进行解构,对赛事赞助、品牌形象进行清晰界定,指出竞争赞助行为对于企业赛事赞助的影响作用.进而以品牌资产的高、低为研究切入点构建模型,提出假设和研究方法,并使用独立样本t检验方法分析数据.重点探讨两个问题:一是,赛事赞助对于企业品牌形象的影响;二是,分析不同品牌资产企业的竞争赞助行为的调节作用.研究发现,赛事赞助有助于对企业的品牌形象提升、低品牌资产企业间的竞争赞助行为有助于品牌个性的提升、企业间的竞争赞助行为降低感知价值的认知、低品牌资产企业的赛事赞助对于企业的影响较大.  相似文献   

审视可口可乐的奥运体育赞助策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用体育营销相关理论,全面分析了可口可乐奥运赞助的历程,认为其奥运赞助成功营销策略在于:1)赞助年轻人钟爱的体育运动———奥运会,赢得最具潜力的消费群体;2)赞助力求珠联璧合,凸现人文内涵;3)共举奥运圣火,融入奥运精神;4)营销目标层次逐次深入,赞助贴近目标顾客;5)借助奥运平台,亲近消费者;6)营销志存高远,持之以恒。提出可口可乐的体育赞助最大成功在于品牌理念与奥运精神的高度契合,即可口可乐的奥运赞助策略与品牌策略的和谐统一。  相似文献   

以中国企业赞助奥运为研究样本,采用结构方程模型和层次回归分析等研究方法,就消费者感知的企业赞助动机与品牌忠诚的关系进行实证分析.研究结果表明,赞助利他动机对消费者态度具有显著正向影响,对品牌忠诚没有直接的影响作用;赞助利己动机对消费者态度不具有显著的负向影响,对品牌忠诚具有显著的负向影响;消费者对赞助品牌所持有的总体态度越好,对赞助品牌的忠诚度就越高;消费者态度在赞助动机影响赞助品牌忠诚的过程中起着部分中介作用.赞助企业只有深入了解和掌握赞助营销中的这些特征与规律,才能更好地利用赞助营销进行品牌忠诚建设.  相似文献   

体育赞助已成为企业进行市场推广的有效工具之一,它有助于提升企业的形象和品牌知名度,直接给企业带来巨大的经济效益。本文首先分析了体育赞助会对我国企业的全面竞争带来利益,然后针对我国企业目前在体育赞助中存在的一些薄弱问题,提出了如何使我国企业有效进行体育赞助的一些应对措施。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(1):167-179
Tobacco, alcohol and gambling-related sport sponsorships have faced widespread scrutiny due to a critical consciousness that questions the alignment of unhealthy products and damaging addictive behaviours with a healthy activity such as sport. The purpose of this study was to explore how a public health agenda may influence rugby union organisations in their negotiation of sponsorship relationships with food and beverage companies. Interviews with a purposeful sample of New Zealand regional rugby organisation managers reveal the potential influence of emergent threats about government-regulated restrictive sponsorship measures on the delivery of community and youth sport. Findings indicate that many regional rugby organisations depend on sponsorships to fund required and desired activities. In addition, some organisations in more rural regions of New Zealand not only contend with the difficulty of securing sponsorships, but fear that criticism of, and impending restrictions on, fast-food and beverage companies are likely to have detrimental consequences for the provision of rugby.  相似文献   

本文通过分析"青奥会"的创立与特点,对世界知名品牌的体育赞助策略进行整合与梳理,试图为中国企业借助"南京青奥会"进行体育赞助营销的路径进行分析与解读。最后,作者认为紧紧抓住"青少年"这个主要载体、创建"南京城市品牌"、支持南京群众体育发展,以及多渠道多媒介的宣传"青奥",才是中国企业应该主要考虑的赞助营销路径。  相似文献   

In recent years, multinational food and drink corporations and their marketing practices have been blamed for the global childhood obesity ‘crisis’. Unsurprisingly, these corporations have been quick to refute these claims and now position themselves as ‘part of the solution’ to childhood obesity. In this paper, I examine how and why corporations fund, devise and/or implement ‘healthy lifestyles education’ programmes in schools. By using a critical ethnographic research approach alongside Foucault’s notion of governmentality, I interrogate what those with the ‘will to govern’ (such as corporations) wanted to happen (e.g. fight obesity, change marketing practices and increase consumption), but also what actually happened when these corporatised education programmes met their intended targets in three New Zealand primary schools. I critically examine these programmes by focusing on the ways in which three technologies of consumption – product placement, transforming children into marketers and sponsorship – attempt to govern children to be lifelong consumers of the corporate brand image and their allegedly ‘healthy’ corporate products. Although students were not necessarily naïve and easily coerced into becoming mindless consumers of corporate products, students and their teachers readily accepted that sponsorship, product placement and marketing in schools were normal, natural, necessary and mostly harmless. Healthy lifestyles education programmes represent a new ‘brand’ of health, health education and corporation. The child-citizen is governed to become the child-consumer. Corporations’ anxieties about being blamed for childhood obesity are fused with technologies of ‘healthy consumption’: the consumption of corporate products, corporate philanthropy, the corporate brand and corporate ‘education’.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2017,20(2):211-225
This paper explores the perceptions and strategies of corporate sponsors established in France and involved in sport-related corporate social responsibility (S-CSR). Based on the theoretical framework of strategic sensemaking, interviews were conducted with sponsorship managers from 23 corporations involved in S-CSR partnerships with various sports properties. Each phase of the strategic sensemaking process was analyzed, resulting in the identification of three levels of ambiguity in the interpretative process: namely, perceived links between sports properties and CSR, links between S-CSR and sponsors’ own CSR, and links between S-CSR actions and the main sponsorship objectives. We described and gave evidence for seven strategies, highlighting the diversity of S-CSR rationales among sponsors. Other factors were found to influence the sensemaking process, namely sponsorship managers’ knowledge of their company's own CSR, collaboration between sponsorship and CSR departments, and the role of sports properties as sensegivers in S-CSR actions. Finally, we summarize our results in a process model of S-CSR strategic sensemaking in order to provide both sponsors and sports properties with a better understanding of the multiple possibilities for CSR leverage.  相似文献   

本论文通过文献资料及问卷调查等方法,对高校高水平武术项目寻求体育赞助的影响因素进行了深入调查及有针对性的归纳总结。对于高校武术高水平项目如何寻求体育赞助,提出了"积极促进武术的产业化发展"、"和赞助企业建立合作型的伙伴关系"、"通过体育经纪人寻求体育赞助"、"寻找与赞助企业利益的同质性"及"制订保障赞助商权益的政策与制度"等具体的方法和策略。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2016,19(2):146-156
As the demonstration of corporate goodwill through mega event sponsorship becomes increasingly challenging, sponsors often link their sponsorship to corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. However, finding adequate ways to communicate CSR-linked sponsorship is challenging. This research examines the relative effectiveness of three message sources from which CSR-linked sponsorship information can be communicated to consumers: the sponsor, the sponsored property, and the news media. Drawing on the Persuasion Knowledge Model, this study proposes differences between these message sources regarding their level of persuasion knowledge activation, which affects consumers’ CSR perceptions of and attitude toward the sponsoring brand. The results of an experimental study show that CSR-linked sponsorship information from both the sponsor and the sponsored property result in higher persuasion knowledge activation than when this information comes from the news media. The results also reveal that the two serial mediators, persuasion knowledge activation and CSR perception, transfer these effects of message source to consumers’ attitudes toward the sponsor.  相似文献   

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