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During the last decade, several one laptop per student-initiatives (1:1) have emerged as a solution to the recurrent disappointments with the pace of transformation of teaching methods in schools. However, an increasing number of research studies indicates, that despite major expenditure, increased access and improved technical equipment, few teachers have integrated ICT in the curriculum in a way that leads to significant changes in classroom practice. This article explores teachers’ reluctance towards the pedagogical use of personal laptops in secondary schools. A case study approach is used in a follow-up study of a 3-year 1:1-implementation initiative, investigating a period of in-service training for teachers in a secondary school. The teachers’ arguments for not using the laptops for teaching are of particular interest. Five different, but overlapping, patterns in the explanations for their reluctance have been discovered: lack of technical competence, not worth the effort, insufficient material, diminishing control and lack of time. The teachers’ arguments exposed technical, pedagogical, and content concerns. This qualitative study of teachers’ reluctance, as studied in situ, adds nuance and additional perspectives to previously presented explanations.  相似文献   

知识与技能 图书馆是学生们吸取知识的海洋。它在师生的学习、工作和生活中起着十分重要的作用。学会图书馆事务上有关英语用语,对于大中学生来说十分必要,也十分有用。  相似文献   

In the past, the teachers are traditionally regarded as information givers; Knowledge flows only one way from teachers to students, while the students are usually considered as information receivers and they are very passive and boring. New syllabus requires cooperation between teachers and students, So teachers may need to re-think their approaches when they teach students, Teachers not only need to build up a positive relationship with the students, but also need to establish a clear understanding of how they expect and want things to be.  相似文献   

阅读是获取信息的重要途径之一,也是外语考试的主要考查项目。阅读能力的好坏直接决定了外语学习者的外语水平,因此,如何提高阅读能力是外语学习和教学的重点和难点之一。本文从阅读理解的本质着手,根据意思理解的三个层次,即抽象意义、话语意义、和语势,提出了一些应对方法。本文提出提高阅读能力需要扩大词汇量,掌握基础的语法知识,宏观地通读全文把握上下文,了解文化通俗常识,把领会作者写作意图作为阅读目标。  相似文献   

In Denmark, 1:1 classroom has been implemented in all public schools (grades 1–9). Each student regularly accesses, processes, produces and exchanges written material using a computer (PC, laptop, tablet, etc.). These devices are considered as tools to enhance educational objectives, and in the article I present findings from research about how these devices might be used to enhance the students’ acquisition of literacy skills. An internationally comparative analysis by the OECD of the digital skills that students have acquired shows no appreciable improvements in student achievement in reading in the countries that ‘had invested heavily in educational technology’. The Danish cases presented in this paper, however, identify ways of using digital technology in order to improve student digital literacy skills. They provide evidence suggesting a positive influence on student reading, creating and sharing of learning material in 1:1 classrooms. The results gained are considered critical in the sense that they can be generalized with a view to future development of 1:1 educational initiatives.  相似文献   

圣诞节的即将到来,令人无比兴奋。这次,Goldie要带我们到一个美丽的国家--捷克共和国去过圣诞节。那里有童话中的城市,窄窄的中世纪街道,鹅卵石砌成的广场,还有稀奇古怪的塔楼……  相似文献   

下图为A城市的住房产权变化图,系列1为state-owned,系列2为private。请根据图表描述住房产权的变化,并分析原因,同时说明这些变化对社会和个人的影响。  相似文献   

Visual illusions are objects that are made up of elements that are arranged in such a way as to result in erroneous perception of the objects’ physical properties. Visual illusions are used to study visual perception in humans and nonhuman animals, since they provide insight into the psychological and cognitive processes underlying the perceptual system. In a set of three experiments, we examined whether dogs were able to learn a relational discrimination and to perceive the Müller-Lyer illusion. In Experiment 1, dogs were trained to discriminate line lengths using a two-alternative forced choice procedure on a touchscreen. Upon learning the discrimination, dogs’ generalization to novel exemplars and the threshold of their abilities were tested. In the second experiment, dogs were presented with the Müller-Lyer illusion as test trials, alongside additional test trials that controlled for overall stimulus size. Dogs appeared to perceive the illusion; however, control trials revealed that they were using global size to solve the task. Experiment 3 presented modified stimuli that have been known to enhance perception of the illusion in other species. However, the dogs’ performance remained the same. These findings reveal evidence of relational learning in dogs. However, their failure to perceive the illusion emphasizes the importance of using a full array of control trials when examining these paradigms, and it suggests that visual acuity may play a crucial role in this perceptual phenomenon.  相似文献   

In translation, hybridity often poses a big challenge to the translator, especially when the hybrid text is a novel. The au?thor of this paper hopes to contribute to the study of the translation of hyb...  相似文献   

The Conners’ Continuous Performance Test (CCPT) is one of the most commonly used laboratory tests in the assessment of inattention and hyperactivity in children. Research suggests that the CCPT II has limited use in the identification of children’s inattention and hyperactivity in the school. Nonetheless, its usefulness to assess school-based inattention and hyperactivity has been examined by using only a small number of its performance measures. The purpose of the present study was to use the whole range of the performance measures included in the CCPT II to assess its potential to detect problems of attention and hyperactivity in the school setting. The CCPT II was administered to a selective sample (n?=?120) of 7-year-old primary school children with elevated rates of behaviour problems and reading difficulty. The Inattention and Hyperactivity subscales of the Conner’s Teacher Rating Scale – 28 (CTRS-28) were used to assess children’s problems of attention and hyperactivity in the school. Correlational analysis showed that the relationship between the CCPT II measures and children’s inattention and hyperactivity was relatively low (r range ?.02 to .38). Hierarchical regression analysis demonstrated that only three out of the 13 measures included in the CCPT II made a small contribution to the prediction of children’s inattention and hyperactivity scores. Of these measures, only one had not been previously used to examine the suitability of the CCPT II to assess inattention and hyperactivity in the school. The findings suggest that the use of the whole range of the CPPT II measures improves only slightly the tests capacity to identify inattention and hyperactivity in the school.  相似文献   

In this article I use the concept of ‘re‐agenting’ to explore and explain the role of non‐state agencies, principally private companies and business entrepreneurs, as key instruments in the government’s transformation of the school system in England. Their role takes both for‐profit and not‐for‐profit forms. The outsourcing to private companies of the implementation of government education policies and the delivery of educational services to schools and local authorities has created a profitable market. Equally significant is the growing involvement of the private sector in schools through the sponsorship of specialist schools and Academies on a non‐profit basis.  相似文献   

Deficit ways of speaking about educationally displaced young people are a dominant feature in the language educators draw on to make sense of particular young people. This language can have debilitating effects on the lives of those young people it is applied to. Despite well over 20 years of critique, deficit truths have remained dominant. However, in one Australian organisation, this dominance is being resisted. The resistance makes its appearance through an active silence I have termed ‘the pause’. The notion of ‘the pause’ came from teacher interviews in an ethnographic study of four alternative schools in one Australian organisation working with young people experiencing the extremes of disadvantage. I use the Foucaultian notion of silence to explore the suggestion that ‘the pause’ is one tactic deployed by this organisation, working to both resist and disrupt the dominance of deficit knowledges. I argue that these educators’ deployment of ‘the pause’ demonstrates their formation of a space where new language about these young people is engaged.  相似文献   

1. Introduction Jerome David Salinger is one of the most famous and influential American writers after World War II. Though his literary output is fairly small, his authentic writing about disillusioned, alienated American youth won him a significant position in modern American lit- erature. His novel The Catcher in the Rye is a story of a sixteen-year old boy who runs away from his mid- dle-class private school and spends four days roaming around New York, searching for truth and goodne…  相似文献   

In distant education there is no or very little possibility for face-to-face communication. So in this kind of education the messages of the texts and other educational materials must be so clear and non-contradictory and their prose must be so fluent and grammatically correct that, without any extra explanation and interpretation on the part of any lecturer, they can be easily understood by students. So, after the authors produce the texts, there must be an editor to see if the texts are qualified as proper texts for distant education. The present paper deals with the efficiency of editors and editing in PNU and some other universities in other parts of the world that are run by distant education svstem. It exnlains the nresent situation and nroblems and offers solutions to dissolve the difficulties.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION GM1 ganglioside (GM1) is the main kind ofgangliosides in mammalia, and most abundant inbrain tissue (Duchemin et al., 2002). It was reportedthat GM1 could protect cerebral ischemia in vivo andin vitro, one protective mechanism of which is thatGM1 could reduce neural injury induced by toxicityof excitatory amino acid via N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) (Kharlamov et al., 1993; Simon et al., 1993; Garofalo and Cue…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Soil-borne pathogens, including Pythium spp. and Fusarium spp., cause significant yield losses in horticulture and agriculture crops (Mao et al., 1997). Current practices for controlling plant diseases are based largely on disease resistant crops, cultivation management in fields and application of synthetic pesticides (Elizabeth and Emmert, 1999). Biological control using antagonistic microbes to reduce the use of chemical pesticides in a system of integrated plantdisease …  相似文献   

钱微 《华章》2007,(3):124-124
The awareness of individualism can be traced back to the period of American Revolution when the Declaration of Independence was produced.It expressed basic beliefs concerning freedom,equality,democracy,privacy and the relationship between people and government,which were exactly what the philosophy of individualism mostly dealt with at that time.This paper is to exploit the essence of individualism by analyzing the Declaration .The analysis enables us to reconsider its significance to the issue of America human rights and foreign policies.  相似文献   

In recent years, teacher educators in the Netherlands and the USA have developed professional standards for their occupational groups. These standards have been used to identify the professional expertise of teacher educators, to analyse their professional development needs, and to provide assessment mechanisms for accreditation. This article begins by outlining the impact of changes in pre‐service work on teacher educators' work in England and arguing that a re‐articulation of the work of this occupational group is needed. It then analyses the Dutch and American initiatives, and, drawing on discussions at the Association for Teacher Educators in Europe conference in 2005, debates the potential and relevance of drawing on these models for developing a similar framework with teacher educators in England. The article concludes that, whilst developing rigidly defined standards would be inappropriate, considering the intra‐professional development of a broad professional framework would facilitate the identification and understanding of teacher educators' complex work, and provide a springboard for providing enhanced induction and professional development opportunities.

Ces dernières années, les formateurs d'enseignants aux Pays‐Bas et aux Etats‐Unis ont mis au point des critères de compétence pour leur corps professionnel. Ces critères ont été utilisés pour identifier l'expertise professionnelle des formateurs d'enseignants, analyser leurs besoins en matière de développement professionnel, et permettre d'établir des mécanismes d'évaluation de leurs compétences afin de les accréditer. Cet article débute par une analyse des initiatives hollandaise et américaine. S'inspirant des discussions qui ont eu lieu à la conférence de l'ATEE de 2005, il se poursuit par un débat sur le potentiel et la pertinence d' élaborer à partir de ces deux modèles une structure semblable pour les formateurs d'enseignants d' Angleterre. L'article conclut que, tout en reconnaissant qu'il serait inapproprié d'établir des critères rigidement définis, l'existence d'une structure générale de critères professionnels permettrait de mieux identifier et de mieux comprendre le travail complexe des formateurs d'enseignants, et fournirait une base pour un meilleur système d'intégration et de developpement professionnel.

In letzter Zeit haben Lehrerausbilder in Holland und der Vereinigte Staaten berufliche Normen für ihre Berufsgruppe entwickelt. Diese Normen sind um die Fachkenntniss der Lehrerausbilder zu feststellen, die Bedarfe ihre berufliche Weiterbildung zu analysieren und um die Beurteilungsmethode der Zulassung zu versehen benutzt worden. Dieser Artikel fängt mit einer Untersuchung den holländischen und amerikanischen Iniativen an. Sie zieht an Gespräche der Association for Teacher Educators in Europe Konferenz 2005 heran, und berät das Potenzial und die Bedeutung die Benutzung der zwei Ausfuhrung um ein ähnliches System mit Lehrerausbildern in England zu entwickeln. Die Artikel kommt zum Schluss dass, obwohl klar abgegrenzt Normen zu entwickeln wäre ungeeignet, der Betracht der Entwicklung eines breiten beruflichen System würde die Erkennung und das Verstandnis der kompliziert Arbeit des Lehrerausbilder ermöglichen und ein Sprungbett für die Besorgung eine erweiterte Einleitung und berufliche Weiterbildung Möglichkeiten anbieten.

En los últimos años, los formadores de profesores de Holanda y EE.UU han creado normas profesionales para sus grupos ocupacionales. Esas normas se utilizan para identificar la cualificación profesional de los formadores de profesores, así como para analizar sus necesidades de desarrollo profesional, y proporcionar mecanismos de evaluación para la acreditación. Este artículo comienza analizando las iniciativas holandesa y estadounidense. Tomando como punto de partida los debates que tuvieron lugar en la Conferencia de la Asociación para la Formación del Profesorado en Europa (ATEE, por su sigla en inglés), celebrada en 2005, el artículo discute las posibilidades y la importancia de usar esos modelos con vistas a crear un marco similar para los formadores de profesores en Inglaterra. El artículo concluye que, mientras la creación de normas definidas rígidamente sería inadecuada, la creación de un amplio marco profesional facilitaría la identificación y la comprensión del complejo trabajo que realizan los formadores de profesores, además de servir de trampolín para proporcionar integración y oportunidades de desarrollo profesional.  相似文献   

《诗经》是在周代礼治社会背景下编纂的,其中贯穿了周礼的思想观念。仅就《诗经》中五篇悼亡诗试做考证剖析,以见一斑。《小雅·蓼莪》《桧风·素冠》从不同的角度诠释了为人子者当尽孝的道理;《秦风·黄鸟》通过痛悼"三良",斥责野蛮的殉葬制,表达了礼治社会下对人的生命价值的关怀与尊重;《唐风·葛生》《邶风·绿衣》一为妻悼夫,一为夫悼妻,皆体现出夫妻恩爱、生死相依的情感,与周代重视婚姻和谐、家庭稳定,以促进社会和谐、政权稳定的礼教思想是一致的。《诗经》较少正面描写礼仪、阐述礼教教义,它是以生动的形象、真挚的情感来打动人的心灵,给人以启示,使人在潜移默化中接受其礼教思想的影响。  相似文献   

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