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In some forms of practice-based teacher education, one important task for the teacher educator is to undertake in-the-moment coaching during rehearsals of practice. However, being such a coach is a new role for many teacher educators and requires a different skill set to other forms of teacher educator practice. In addition, there is little literature to which teacher educators can turn when seeking to address the problem of enactment in this context. This article seeks to address this gap in the literature. It reports a self-study undertaken by one mathematics teacher educator as he learned to coach pre-service teachers on the fly, while in turn they learned to orchestrate whole-class mathematical discussions. It seeks to illustrate how the process of journaling can support the journey of discovery that is the development of new practice. Through consulting the literature and story-telling, a picture is painted of how the educator addressed early concerns such as “what is a coach supposed to do?” and “what should a coach pause a rehearsal to talk about?” and began to master coaching – work that was never routine, but rather situated, adaptive, and responsive. The stories draw from a personal journal of field notes and reflections from such events as student rehearsals, lesson conferences, team meetings, reading student work, and professional reading. Journal entries from 12 rehearsal cycles over four years were consulted.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a study conducted in an urban elementary school in the United States with an English language learner (ELL) student and two teachers engaged in collaborative teaching in an inclusion science classroom. This study examines the efficacy of utilising cogenerative dialogues between an ELL student and his science teacher and English as second language teacher to improve instructional practices enacted during coteaching. Drawing from field notes, teacher and student interviews, and video captured during cotaught science lessons and during cogenerative dialogues between the student and his coteachers, we examined the ways in which cogenerative dialogue expands teachers’ agency to adapt curriculum and implement instructional strategies that can better meet the needs of their students. At the same time, we examined the ways in which participation in cogenerative dialogues with his teachers expanded this student’s agency as a science learner and a language learner.  相似文献   

The university supervisor: a disenfranchised outsider   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

At colleges and universities across the United States, teacher preparation programs are increasingly required to prepare teachers for culturally and linguistically diverse student populations. Teacher education programs have responded by incorporating fieldwork experiences and curricular requirements that include a social justice and multicultural education focus. One key individual is uniquely positioned to reinforce and connect coursework with classroom practice during the teacher candidate’s practicum experience: the university supervisor. Our research team focused on the supervisors and their understandings of culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP) in order to better support them as they worked with teacher candidates to reinforce CRP in the classroom. Through interviews, field notes, and classroom observations, we examined language (words, phrases) that the supervisors used to talk about race and culture in relation to CRP. Our findings indicate a tendency to redirect conversations about race and culture to topics that they were more versed on such as teaching to the whole child or addressing the needs of the individual student. We termed this linguistic move the racial redirect, which emerged in language that (1) simplified the meaning of CRP and (2) made CRP seem like an unexpected or chance event in teaching.  相似文献   


Children with and without hearing impairments participated in an e-mail project where each student had a year-long opportunity to exchange messages with a peer to learn about that person's experiences and interests, working in a low-stakes (risk-free) environment. Students were asked to function as teacher/resource by describing information they had learned in their social studies curriculum or other areas and as learners by further questioning their partners about their topic. In this model, knowledge would be deepened through rethinking and recording ideas, and by replying to questions that were sent to e-mail partners. E-mail is used as a collaborative tool and is applied in a purposeful and highly motivating context, one that does not fit the traditional classroom use of writing. Differences in teaching methods and values resulted in differences in e-mail accessibility for students.  相似文献   

Despite recognition that social inclusion is a primary goal within the field of human services, people with disabilities continue to live lives of clienthood, marginalisation, and exclusion and human services staff struggle to make social inclusion a priority. The purpose of this study was to explore the perspectives of human services staff about their experiences of an organisationally inspired initiative intended to change the focus of their everyday practices to better facilitate the social inclusion of persons with disabilities. A qualitative case study was used to gather observations, field and reflective notes, semi-structured interviews with staff (n = 15), and reflexive journaling. Thematic analysis of the data led to three themes: (a) challenges, old and new, (b) needing (careful) change, and (c) creating, learning and working together. These findings highlight the complexity of how to create change in the field of human services, but also demonstrate how innovative approaches have the potential to shift and reimagine how human services workers can better support people with disabilities in living meaningful lives.  相似文献   

Understanding the goals for learning is fundamental to students’ success as writers. We investigated how Year 6 students in New Zealand experienced, understood and responded to goals during a writing unit. The study took place over seven weeks. Data were gathered through interviews with two teachers and six student participants; field notes from lesson observations; informal chats with students; and the collection of teacher documents, resources and student artefacts. Student selected goals, success criteria and rubric statements served as points of reference for a number of writing experiences. Findings indicated that the discourses underpinning students’ goals and the way they were framed resulted in the checking, highlighting, adding and ticking off of elements of persuasive writing. It was concluded if writing is to be understood and practised as an art rather than a technical activity, goals for learning need to address the more substantive aspects of the genre and the writing process.  相似文献   

This article documents the critical friendship of an experienced teacher educator and a doctoral student through our joint exploration of student teaching supervision. By adopting a co/autoethnographic approach, we learned from biographical and contemporaneous critical incidents that informed short- and long-term practices. In particular, we learned about supervision from our experiences as student teachers, mentors, and university supervisors. We learned about supervision through experiences and insights as they occurred and from the relational dynamics provided by our critical friendship. We dissect critical moments that resulted in a series of key understandings. Autobiography informs practice: in sharing our biographies, we developed an understanding and vision for the type of supervision practice we wished to enact. Reflection and discussion inform practice: by journaling and discussing the supervision process, we reconsidered and acted upon practice. Finally, critical friends provide transformative insights into practice: we learned from each other through interaction and critique of past actions, current practices and future actions. Our collaboration was instrumental in providing a vision that defined our individual pedagogies of supervision. Consistent with other scholarship on the learning of student teacher supervision, this article promotes the provision of a support space for both novice and experienced supervisors to deconstruct and improve practice.  相似文献   

Problem solving in science lessons: How students explore the problem space   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report examines, from a constructivist framework, how students presented with discrepant event problems during science lessons begin the problem solving process by exploration of the problem space. Three discrepant events were presented to five classes of eleven to thirteen year-olds using three different teaching strategies identified from the literature. The teaching strategies used teacher demonstrations followed by students asking the teacher questions, teacher demonstrations followed by an explanation by the teacher, and small groups of students under the guidance of the teacher. Data were collected from field notes, video tapes of the lessons, and student interviews using a stimulated recall technique to elicit the students' thinking during the lessons. The extent to which students could explore the problem space was found to be determined by the teaching strategy used, as the first and last strategies encouraged students to find their own explanations. Different information sources were also available in each of the teaching strategies. That is, exploration of the problem space was inextricably linked to the social context, partially determined by the teaching strategy. Because of constraints imposed by each teaching strategy none of those used was considered entirely satisfactory. An alternative strategy is suggested from a combination of aspects of the strategies trialled.  相似文献   

This article is part of a set of papers generated from a keynote presentation by Dr. Jack Frymier at the 1997 CREATE annual meeting. Dr. Frymier dealt with several reasons, that, as he saw it, invalidate the use of student achievement data in teacher accountability systems. This article first notes problems with Dr. Frymier's conception of accountability. Next, it summarizes some of the recent evidence showing the strong connection between school and teacher effectiveness measures and student achievement. It then notes some of the benefits of school and teacher effectiveness measures external to their function as measures of performance. Next, policy issues arising from the use of student data and the associated research are considered. Finally, it concludes with some cautions about using effectiveness measures in teacher accountability systems.  相似文献   

The article reports a study in which 31 volunteered Finnish undergraduate students practiced argumentation by electronic mail (e-mail). Generally argumentation refers to grounding of stated claims. The study seeks to clarify the feasibility of e-mail study environment for practicing argumentation and compares a tutor-led seminar mode and self-directed student discussion mode, using e-mail as the study tool in both modes. The data consisted of the students' 441 e-mail messages. The content analysis of the data focused on the level and development of argumentation and counterargumentation in the messages. The results indicated that the messages' level of argumentation improved during the experiment and was higher in those messages that included counterargumentation targeted against others' standpoints. In addition, the students engaged in the student-led mode of e-mail study presented more and higher-level counterargumentation compared to the students engaged in the tutor-led mode. The results suggested that e-mail is a feasible study tool in practicing academic argumentation and that, given that this is an important aim in higher education, students' self-direction and debating should be encouraged.  相似文献   

The purpose this study was to explore how a veteran first-grade teacher collaboratively negotiated the implementation of a project with her students while, at the same time, addressed grade-level standards. Researchers investigated the teacher’s strategies for integrating the district’s standards into project topics, investigative activities, and final presentations. They also examined the teacher’s strategies for promoting students’ participation in project planning and independent problem-solving. Data sources included field notes, teacher interviews, videotaped observations, and transcribed teacher, and student interviews. As an extension to teacher-directed approaches to implementing the project approach, the results of this study revealed a collaborative approach to implementing projects that allowed the teacher and the students to work together for project planning and learning. The teacher felt successful with meeting grade level learning needs, and the students were given the opportunity to fuel their learning by expressing their natural interests and curiosities, and become problem solvers.  相似文献   

College student notes were analysed with respect to the amount of words copied directly, omitted and added to the teacher’s overheads or PowerPoint slides in order to understand the effect of teacher scaffolds on student generative learning during initial encoding. Scores on quizzes taken at the end of classes from which notes were collected were analysed with respect to the content of student notes and teacher scaffolds. Statistically significant results were found when comparing how much students copied, added and omitted, whether teachers used PowerPoint presentations or overheads, and with respect to the amount of information teachers presented visually. Significant effects also were found on performance quiz items with respect to the amount of information that teachers provided.  相似文献   

Research finds that student teachers often fail to make observable instructional goals, without which a secure bridge between instruction and assessment is precluded. This is one reason that recent reports state that teacher education needs to become better at helping student teachers to develop their thinking about and skills in assessing pupils’ learning. Currently in Europe, the Lesson Study method and the Content Representation tool, which both have a specific focus on assessment, have started to address this problem. This article describes and discusses an intervention in which Lesson Study was used in combination with Content Representation in student teachers’ field practice. Empirical materials from one group of student teachers were analyzed to illustrate how the student teachers worked with assessment during the planning of a lesson, how they implemented it in a research lesson, and how they used the gathered observations to make claims about assessment aims. The findings suggest that the student teachers placed greater emphasis on assessment through the intervention. However, it is also found that more attention should have been dedicated to the planning phase and that the group did not manage to keep a research focus throughout the Lesson Study process. This suggests that it properly would be beneficial with several planning sessions prior to the research lesson, as well as having an expert teacher leading the Lesson Study.  相似文献   


The current study chronicles what one professor learned from teaching a distance education course with and without the aid of PowerPoint multimedia presentation software. It compares student ratings of three lectures from the same classes by the same professor; the first, a traditional lecture without any audiovisual aids; the second, a lecture supplemented by PowerPoint notes outlining the lecture; and finally, a multimedia lecture utilizing PowerPoint notes with pictures, music and animations. Students reacted no differently to any of the presentations when delivered by an experienced teacher. The students did, however, prefer PowerPoint multimedia to PowerPoint outline presentations. Suggestions for the optimal uses of presentation software are provided.  相似文献   

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