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体育专业灵敏素质是身体素质的一个重要方面,提高灵敏素质的训练效果是获得各项运动技能和取得优异运动成绩的基础。灵敏素质的形成和发展,有着复杂的心理因素。结合体育运动心理学教学实验,对体育专业灵敏素质的心理因素进行分析和研究,意在与同行共同探讨提高体育专业学生灵敏素质的教学和训练效果的途径。  相似文献   

为了验证从运动实践和理论推导设计的羽毛球灵敏素质测试方案的科学性,本研究募集21名大学校队的羽毛球选手进行“六点灵敏测试”和5米折返跑测试验证该灵敏专项测试的同时效度,并对“六点灵敏测试”进行间隔一段时间后的二次测试,检验其重测信度;此外,将测试结果同普通运动者“六点灵敏测试”的测试结果进行比较验证其结构信度。研究结果发现该灵敏素质测试方案具备了较好测试信度和效度。因此,“六点灵敏测试”可以作为羽毛球专项灵敏素质测试和训练的有效方案。  相似文献   

采用文献法、访谈法、特尔菲法及数理统计法对学生灵敏素质的结构要素进行分析,通过筛选典型指标、确定指标权重值建立初一学生综合评价标准。结论:反映初一年级学生灵敏素结构的典型指标有:Y反应、3m折返跑、T型跑、半米字滑步、伊利诺斯跑、六边形跳和立卧撑,初一男生和女生在变换动作能力方面没有区别;分别建立了初一女生(Y1)和男生(Y2)的灵敏素质的综合评价模型:Y1=0.62×因子1+0.21×因子2+0.16×因子3,Y2=0.59×因子1+0.30×因子2+0.11×因子3;制定了初一女生和男生的单项灵敏素质指标的评价标准。  相似文献   

目的:系统评价现有针对儿童少年人群体质的场地测试手段的信度水平,形成场地测试手段信度水平的综合框架.方法:制定文献检索策略,检索1990年1月~2011年7月公开发表的英文全文文献,根据受试者、重复测试时间间隔、统计方法和研究结果,对纳入文献进行质量评估,根据研究数量和研究结果的一致性确定各场地测试手段信度的证据等级.结果:最终纳入31项高质量研究,其中涉及心肺能力最常见的手段是20 m折返跑、1英里跑/走和Andersen测试;涉及肌肉能力最常见的手段是握力,俯卧撑,纵跳,引体向上,屈臂悬挂,坐位体前屈,背力,屈膝两头起,仰卧起坐和立定跳远;涉及运动能力最常见的测试手段是4×10m往返跑和30m冲刺跑;涉及身体成分最常见的测试手段是人体测量学和通过皮褶厚度推算的体脂百分比.结论:尽管某些场地测试手段的信度水平需要进一步补充研究,基于目前的证据等级提出了针对儿童少年体质场地测试手段信度水平框架.  相似文献   

现代运动训练不只是强化肌肉等组织的动力,而且还要提高神经系统调控能力.在高速运动中,反应与灵敏能力的好坏对竞技运动的成绩起到关键作用.通过文献资料法和理论分析法从生理学角度阐述反应与灵敏的机制原理,及反应与灵敏的关系,分享几种运用简单、容易推广的训练方法.研究发现:反应与灵敏的机理相同,但突出核心内容不同;反应是灵敏的基础,灵敏是反应的表现,两者具有相互关系;训练方法主要以听觉与视觉进行分类,可根据不同项目特点,选择相应方法,提高对应能力.  相似文献   

为了了解平板支撑与十字象限跳、四角折返跑和快速前后退跑三个灵敏测试随机变量的相关性,本文通过文献资料法、测试法和数理统计法等对64名受试者的平板支撑与三种灵敏性进行进行相关性分析,结论如下:平板支撑与三种灵敏测试具有相关性,十字象限跳与平板支撑的相关性要高于快速前后退跑和四角折返跑(r=0.5534,0.547,0.0...  相似文献   

红外线灵敏测速仪是专为测试运动员灵敏素质及速度而研制的,且能适用于所有速度运动项目的测试。它可以对运动员的应答时、绝对速度进行测试,并可以随机出视信号。经对北京体育大学体育系足球专选班学生的测试和训练的使用效果良好。关键词:##4红外线灵敏测速仪;;应答时;;随机信号  相似文献   

魏小斌  陈辉  陈小平 《体育科学》2022,(9):45-54+97
以美国四大职业体育联盟选秀体能测试为研究对象,对集体球类项目体能测试的科学化和精准化进行探讨。研究表明,美国四大职业体育联盟选秀体能测试具有良好的整体性预测效果,在测试内容、方法、流程及评价标准方面可为相应项目的体能测评提供参考性依据。我国集体球类项目体能测试的设计、优化可从理念与方法视角借鉴职业化联赛测评体系,以专项特征为依据,在充分考虑场上位置差异和年龄差异的基础上围绕核心素质进行多维设计;实施过程中应通过测试内容的标准化安排规避影响测评结果稳定性和准确性的不利因素;同时,应建立长期化体能测评数据库进行追踪性研究,综合助力我国集体球类项目的快速发展。  相似文献   

视觉运动反应测试仪国内虽已有研制,但都造价昂贵(1500元/台),而且都只能以瞬间数字显示,不能自动记录,后期的数据处理费时费力。本系统采用微机控制,为实现运动生理、心理实验自动记录开辟了新途径。本文将介绍它的结构、工作原理与应用  相似文献   

我国的皮划艇激流项目力量训练的设备仍是杠铃一类的器械,杠铃虽然是一种行之有效的训练器械,但在训练学界被认为是不符合专项力量训练要求的训练器材。研究表明,只要有有效的测试监控手段,教练员同样能够正确地评价力量训练效果,提高力量训练效率。本文的研究目的是要通过自行研制简单实用的训练测试设备及其力量训练效果评价体系,对皮划艇激流国家队运动员进行力量训练的测试与评价。  相似文献   

对球类运动员竞技水平的灰色综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用灰色系统理论,探索对球类运动员竞技水平进行综合评价的新方法。该方法解决了小样本条件下有时使用数理统计无法正常评价的问题。  相似文献   

The Avery-Richardson Tennis Service Test was constructed to maximize the practical relationship between skills tests and playing situations. The test incorporates the game-like criteria of two balls per trial, service attempts to both right and left service courts, and comparable credit for flat, slice, and spin serves. In addition, norms were established for both college males and females at beginning and intermediate skill levels in tennis. Construct validity was established for the service test. There was a significant difference [F (1, 306) = 30.18, p < .00001] between beginning males and intermediate males, as well as a significant difference [F (1, 334) = 48.39, p < .00001] between beginning and intermediate females. To determine reliability, 93 males and 59 females were given the test on two separate occasions. Cronbach's alpha coefficients were calculated with resulting reliability estimates which ranged from .64 to .80 for the groups studied.  相似文献   

The coincidence-anticipation timing (CAT) task assesses one facet of cognitive and motor performance and is used to understand the human visuo-motor system involved in intercepting the moving object. To assess the test–retest reliability and the concurrent validity in the Bridge Games package (Bridge) developed to assess the CAT task, the scores of 224 healthy subjects (M = 52.2, SD = 19.5 years old) were measured using the Bridge and the ‘gold standard’ Bassin Anticipation Timer (Bassin). A mean block of absolute, constant, and variable errors was calculated. Reliability and validity were expressed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC2,k), standard error of measurement, minimal detectable change, and Pearson’s correlation. Reliability was good to excellent for all blocks (.73 ≤ ICC ≤ .88), and the validity was good to excellent when compared using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, suggesting that the two tests may have similar properties. Bridge is an alternative to existing clinical tests for the CAT task.  相似文献   

对信度、效度的概念进行了解析,分析了其相互之间的关系,对信度和效度在体育测量评价中的应用领域及存在的问题进行了研究,并对信度、效度检验的应用研究提出了可行的建议,以期更好的控制测评情境,尽量降低信度和效度的误用几率及测评误差。  相似文献   

To examine the reliability for peak responses of oxygen consumption (VO2peak) in relative (ml · kg-1 · min-1) and absolute (L/min-1) measures, as well as peak heart rate (HRpeak) during deep water running (DWR), 26 participants (12 women, 14 men) completed two DWR maximal graded exercise tests. To estimate the validity of the peak responses during DWR, a comparison to a treadmill running (TMR) graded exercise test (GXT) was completed. Test order was randomized. The DWR GXT utilized a system of weights and pulleys to increase intensity of exercise. Reliability of the DWR test for the total group was estimated using a repeated measures one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for VO2peak (ml · kg-1 · min-1, R = .96; L/min-1, R = .97) and HRpeak (R = .90). There were no significant differences (p > .05) between the two DWR tests for men or women for the means of VO2peak in relative units (men: 50.5 vs. 52.0 ml · kg-1 · min-1; women: 37.1 vs. 36.8 ml · kg-1 · min-1), or absolute units (men: 4.1 vs. 4.1 L/min-1; women: 2.2 vs. 2.2 L/min-1), or HR (men: 174 vs. 175 beats per minute (bpm); women: 181 vs. 183 bpm). There was a significant correlation between the average of the two DWR tests and TMR for the total group for VO2peak for relative (r = .88, p = .001) and absolute (r = .93, p = .001) measures as well as HRpeak (r = .64, p = .001). Peak responses during the DWR protocol were judged to be reliable. Also, the correlation for the variables between DWR and TMR indicates a positive relation between peak responses. The correlation suggests validity of predicting TMR peak responses from DWR peak responses; however, this conclusion may be questionable due to the low sample size and the large systemic differences between tests. Finally, HRpeak and VO2peak were lower during DWR than TMR for both men and women.  相似文献   

在以睡眠研究的评价体系和临床诊疗推荐指南作为睡眠评价方法的前提下,重点讨论运动科学研究中实际涉及运动员睡眠评价的研究案例,分析睡眠日记、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI)、Epworth嗜睡量表(ESS)、运动员睡眠筛查问卷(ASSQ)、运动员睡眠行为问卷(ASBQ)、睡眠卫生指数(SHI)、多导睡眠图(PSG)、体动图、商业睡眠技术等主客观睡眠评价工具或手段的适用性和局限性,为对运动员的睡眠障碍和睡眠相关行为进行准确可靠的评价提供参考意见。  相似文献   

Vertical jump performance tests can give considerably different results, even when different methods are used to analyze the same jump trial from the same subject. To evaluate and compare 4 different methods commonly used to measure vertical jump performance, 52 physically active men each performed 5 maximal vertical jumps. Kinetic and kinematic data were used to analyze each trial using the 4 methods: a criterion test based on body center of mass displacement (VJPT), 2 methods based on vertical takeoff velocity as calculated from the force platform, and 1 method based on time in the air (JUMPAIR). All 4 methods showed excellent reliability (R > .97). Using VJPT as the criterion, the other 3 methods showed excellent coefficients of validity (R > .95) but poor accuracy: The obtained vertical jump height scores were statistically different among all methods (p < .01). JUMPAIR is considered a relatively simple and inexpensive method to obtain valid and reliable measures of vertical jump performance without an arm swing, provided the appropriate adjustments are made to the jump results.  相似文献   

Sports performance testing is one of the most common and important measures used in sport science. Performance testing protocols must have high reliability to ensure any changes are not due to measurement error or inter-individual differences. High validity is also important to ensure test performance reflects true performance. Time-trial protocols commonly have a coefficient of variation (CV) of <5%, however, familiarization, well-trained subjects and/or conducting the trial outdoors in the athlete’s most familiar environment can lead to CVs of < 1%. Long duration time-trials or the inclusion of sprints within a time-trial appears to not negatively influence reliability. Few studies have assessed the validity of endurance performance tests, and as such more research should evaluate different ways of simulating outdoor performances in the laboratory. The use of warm-up, simulation of convection load, and implementation of race specific hydration practices are important considerations for researchers regarding test validity.  相似文献   

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