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Informed by the cognitive theory of multimedia learning, this study examined the effects of three multimedia design principles on undergraduate students' learning outcomes and perceived learning difficulty in the context of learning entomology from an educational video. These principles included segmenting the video into smaller units, signalling to direct students' attention to relevant information, and weeding to remove any non-essential content (SSW). It was hypothesized that the SSW treatment would decrease perceived learning difficulty and facilitate the transfer of knowledge and the structural knowledge acquisition. Results of the study demonstrate that participants in the SSW group outperformed the non-SSW group on the tests of knowledge transfer and structural knowledge acquisition and reported lower levels of learning difficulty. These findings support the use of SSW to help novice learners organize and integrate knowledge from complex, dynamic audio-visual media like video.  相似文献   

Augmented reality (AR) has been recognized as a potential technology to help students link what they are observing in the real world to their prior knowledge. One of the most challenging issues of AR-based learning is the provision of effective strategy to help students focus on what they need to observe in the field. In this study, a competitive gaming approach is proposed to support AR-based learning activities conducted in real-world contexts. An experiment has been conducted on an elementary school ecology course to explore the effectiveness of the proposed approach in comparison with the conventional AR-based mobile learning approach in field trips. The experimental results show that the AR-based gaming approach can improve not only students' learning attitudes, but also their learning performance on the field trip. Accordingly, discussions and some suggestions for future work are provided.  相似文献   

从学习权研究看教育发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习权研究目前主要集中在三个方面:受教育权与学习权的关系研究、学习权的内涵研究与学习权的法律保障问题研究。从这一研究现状可以发现,未来的教育发展趋势有:以实现学习型社会为目标、建构正规教育与非正规教育的双轨体系、更加重视成年人的教育、倡导自主学习与非正式学习的方式。  相似文献   

本文介绍了网络多媒体环境下的三种历史学习模式及各自的应用:网络多媒体历史个别学习模式、网络多媒体历史探究学习模式以及网络多媒体历史协作学习模式。  相似文献   

This study investigates changes in the conceptions of learning and teaching among undergraduate student teachers. A qualitative content analysis of essays using metaphors to describe learning and teaching written by 256 students at the beginning and end of an educational psychology course was used as the main research procedure. It was found that there was an increase in the share of students that see learning and teaching from a cognitive-constructivist perspective and a decrease in the share that see learning and teaching from a behaviourist perspective by the end of the course. In addition, the study revealed that the coherence in the nature of the metaphors describing learning and teaching increased by the end of the course. However, there was practically no increase in the number of essays describing learning from a socio-constructivist perspective, a fact that points to a need to pay more attention to the manifestations of learning in different communities of students, that is, to a relevant knowledge that teachers need in their everyday work.  相似文献   

本文对《英国教育技术期刊》1970年至2018年第3期刊发的1,777篇研究论文的标题和摘要进行内容分析,反思过去50年教育技术研究。本研究采用Leximancer这种文本挖掘工具分析每一个10年所出现的主要概念和主题,并把它们与《计算机与教育》和《英国教育技术期刊》同期被引率最高的文章的主要概念和主题进行比较。过去50年《英国教育技术期刊》常见主题包括远程教育教与学的发展、教学设计的出现、实践者与学习设计者之间的误解、职前和在职教师教育以及教育工作者和学生接受技术的问题(使用技术的信心、教育工作者和学生的技术技能和机构没有提供培训和融合所需的空间和时间等方面的支持)。本文还针对今后的研究提出建议,包括研究教育工作者专业发展的其他模式和进一步探索理论与政策的作用。  相似文献   

高等学校的教育制度缺失与教育行为失范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育改革的过程实际上就是教育制度变迁的过程,在制度变迁过程中由于多种制度杂然并存、相互冲突使教育行为无所适从,从而导致教育行为失范,而教育行为失范的背后实际上隐含的是教育资源的浪费.因此,遏制由于教育制度缺失而带来的教育行为失范从某种意义上讲就是提高了教育资源的利用效率.  相似文献   

教育技术作为教育改革的制高点和突破口,已成为人们注目的焦点,在广大的西部农村地区,要推行素质教育,提高教育教学质量,要大力推广教育技术。可是在实践当中,很多教师对教育技术存在着误解和反感,本文从农村教育技术现状入手,分析了广大农村中运用教育技术的现状和存在的问题,并提出了一些解决的办法,阐述了在农村教育中运用教育技术的必要性和迫切性。  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that learners’ sustained attention strongly affects e-learning performance, particularly during online synchronous instruction. This work thus develops a novel attention monitoring and alarm mechanism (AMAM) based on brainwave signals to improve learning performance via monitoring the attention state of individual learners and helping online instructors or teaching assistants to improve the sustained attention levels of learners with low-attention states as they perform online synchronous instruction activities. Totally, 83 and 65 Grade 7 students were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups that respectively underwent online synchronous instruction with and without AMAM support. Analytical results reveal that the experimental group of learners exhibited significantly better learning performance and sustained attention than those in the control group, verifying that the AMAM efficiently promotes the learning performance and sustained attention of learners. Moreover, the proposed AMAM was more helpful in improving the learning performance of female learners than those of male learners and improved the sustained attention of both male and female learners. Furthermore, the sustained attention, frequency of attention alarms, and learning performance of the learners in the experimental group were strongly correlated, and the sustained attention and frequency of attention alarms strongly predicted learning performance.  相似文献   

We estimated the invariance of educational achievement (EA) and learning attitudes (LA) measures across nations. A multi-group confirmatory factor analysis was used to estimate the invariance of educational achievement and learning attitudes across 55 nations (Programme for International Student Assessment [PISA] 2006 data, N?=?354,203). The constructs had the same meaning (factor loadings) but different scales (intercepts). Our conclusion is that comparisons of the relationships between educational achievement and learning attitudes across countries need to take into consideration two sources of variability: individual differences of students and group differences of educational systems. The lack of scalar invariance in EA and LA measures means that the relationships between EA and LA may have a different meaning at the level of nations and at the student level within countries. In other words, as PISA measures are not invariant in scalar sense, the comparisons across countries with nationally aggregated scores are not justified.  相似文献   

为了更好地维护电教设备,满足教学需求,使教育媒体资源利用最大化,本文提出了在传统被动式实验室设备管理模式基础上定期开展教师范围内的问卷调查。设计内容包括:教育媒体技术培训、设备故障、电教资源利用与需求和对管理人员工作的评价等方面。实践证明,开展问卷调查,使管理人员更加深入了解设备的运转情况、教师需求,主动性的工作方式弥补日常维护工作的缺漏,提高了教学服务的水平,并受到广大师生的好评。  相似文献   

《Distance Education》2012,33(2):221-236
This article focuses on the potential of free tools, particularly inquiry tools for influencing participation in twenty-first-century learning in science, as well as influencing the development of communities around tools. Two examples are presented: one on the development of an open source tool for structured inquiry learning that can bridge the formal/informal spaces for inquiry learning. This is contrasted with an example of the use of free tools and community development for observation of scientific phenomena supported by open educational resources (OER) with a citizen science perspective. The article provides an assessment of how the availability of the resources has a potential for shaping the communities using OER for science learning and a discussion of the means of supporting inquiry.  相似文献   

While most current educational simulation games provide learners with gameplay experience to motivate learning, there is often a lack of focus on ensuring that the desired content knowledge is actually learned. Students may focus on completing game activities without learning the targeted content knowledge, thus negating the desired learning outcomes. We argue that to help students achieve improved learning performance, providing targeted content knowledge should be a specific focus in designing educational games; in addition, scaffolding strategies to promote the use of in-game contents should also be provided. Thus, the present study explores the effects and usage of providing three types of scaffolding aids in two versions of educational simulations with in-game contents. The results suggest that providing targeted content with scaffolding aid in educational simulation games helps students to achieve better learning performance.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of three forms of knowledge transfer online, taking into account the long-term knowledge growth rate and the satisfaction of students surveyed in respect to distance learning. The cohort of participants for this survey were students of the first degree, studying in the Emergency Medical Services. The authors created three e-learning courses in basic and advanced resuscitation procedures. The level of course participants’ satisfaction was analysed, as well as the knowledge growth rate measured three times: 7, 30 and 90 days, respectively, after finishing the course. The level of satisfaction in all the groups surveyed was comparable. The growth rate for knowledge was the highest in group C in the second and third survey, respectively (30 and 90 days after the end of the course), and a significant difference in favour of course C was demonstrated one month after finishing classes.  相似文献   

The context for this paper relates to the policy and practice implications of efforts to achieve social justice for Scotland’s 12,000 children and young people in the care of local government authorities. The paper is located within a growing evidence base of the educational experience of young people in care and leaving care. The data on attainment and exclusion from school in particular are reviewed and confirm that looked‐after children in Scotland, as elsewhere in the UK, typically leave education with significantly fewer school leaving qualifications than is now the common expectation for young people in their age group and are significantly more likely to lose time in school due to exclusion. However, the review also shows the devastating impact of being in care on young children’s attainment in reading, writing and mathematics. The implications of the data reviewed are discussed in relation to the concepts of social justice, resilience and the educationally rich environment.  相似文献   

教育技术是关于学习过程与学习资源的设计、开发、利用、管理和评价的理论和实践;高职教育以培养高级技术应用型人才为目标,其教学必须以训练学生的实践技能、创新能力为鲜明特色。教育技术必须有效地融合于各学科的教学过程来营造一种适合高职特点的新型教学环境,搭建一个既能发挥教师指导作用又能充分体现学生主体地位的教学平台。  相似文献   

数字化校园作为实现教育全面信息化的重要途径,受到高校的重视。利用已建设的数字化校园数据中心,从师生需求出发,将无线应用协议WAP技术与教务管理相结合,构建了基于WAP技术的移动教务系统,补充了原有B/S和C/S模式教务管理体系结构,促进了数字化校园建设,提升了校园信息化应用水平。  相似文献   

随着高校教学改革的深入,教务管理信息化已经成为高校教务管理改革和提高教务管理水平的主要途径。文章结合高校实际简述正方教务管理系统中智能排课的应用,从而实现教务管理的智能化、科学化、高效化。  相似文献   

为了解基层学校研究性学习开展和网络应用方面的现状,进一步探究利用现代信息技术实施研究性学习的方法、途径,课题组于2002年3月至2004年6月以郑州市第二师范学校等5所学校为重点研究对象开展了调查研究。结果显示,应用网络推进研究性学习并没有成为中小学教育的主流,改变这种状况需要多方面努力。  相似文献   

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