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This research aimed to examine the impact of using mobile-supported learning management systems (LMS) in teaching web design on the academic success of students and their opinion on the course; and it was conducted on 70 volunteer students (35 experimental, 35 control) enrolled at Giresun University, Technical Sciences Vocational School, Computer Technologies Department, Program of Computer Programming in Spring 2015–2016. After the eight weeks long implementation of Mobile Moodle, which is a mobile-supported LMS, as a supplement to traditional learning methods; t-test was used in order to determine whether the methodology mentioned had a significant impact on the academic success of web design teaching. As a result of the t-test implemented; it was seen that there was a significant level of difference in favor of the experimental group; between the academic success of students in the experimental group where mobile-supported LMS is used and the academic success of the students in the control group where traditional learning methodologies are used. Also, it has been determined that using Mobile LMS has increased the students’ interest.  相似文献   


In this study, the consequences of allowing course compensation in a higher education academic dismissal policy are evaluated by examining performance on a second-year follow-up (i.e. sequel) course that builds on material from a first-year precursor course. Up to now, differences in the consequences of compensation on student performance across groups of students who portray different unobserved study processes were not considered. In this study we used a latent class regression model to distinguish latent groups of students. Data from two undergraduate curricula were used and latent classes were formed based on similar patterns in averages, variability in grades, the number of compensated courses, and the number of retakes in the first year. Results show that students can be distinguished by three latent classes. Although the first-year precursor course is compensated in each of these latent classes, low performance on the precursor course results in low performance on the second-year sequel course for psychology students who belong to a class in which the average across first-year courses is low and the average number of compensated courses and retakes are high. For these students, compensation on a precursor course seems more likely to relate to insufficient performance on a sequel course.  相似文献   

Learning objects and learning content management systems are considered to be ‘the next wave in engineering education’. The results of experiments with these new trends in ICT in engineering education are described in this paper. The prospects were examined and the concepts of reusability of content for teachers and for personalized education using learning objects delivered on demand to students were put to the test. The hurdles that need to be overcome and the benefits of using learning objects and learning content management systems are discussed. This paper is concluded with a discussion of the findings for future developments in engineering education.  相似文献   


Learning management systems (LMS) have been utilised for enhancing the quality of learning and teaching in higher education, yet the cultural needs of Indigenous students are rarely considered. The study reimagines culturally inclusive learning in an LMS by critically reviewing theories of culturally inclusive learning and Indigenous pedagogical values. It explores perceptual gaps between Indigenous cultural needs and the current use of an LMS through analysis of data collected from Indigenous students and academic staff via an online questionnaire (n = 100) and face-to-face interviews (n = 20) at one Australian university. As a result, it articulates and unpacks mythical perceptions of using an LMS. Consequently, there is clear evidence that Indigenous students expect to experience more human-to-human interactions and develop a sense of community through the use of available communication tools, whereas academic staff tend to rely on a binary opposition between pedagogy and culture in which culture is regarded as a subordinate concept to pedagogy.  相似文献   

班级管理是一个系统工程,涉及到学生日常学习、生活的各个环节,学生成长的方方面面,良好的班级管理是教育成功的最大关键。  相似文献   

Discussions of support and intervention in undergraduate university education are dominated by discussion of attrition. This study quests more broadly in arguing that support and intervention for undergraduate students may also benefit from models of engagement and success as well as conventional risk and failure. Supporting this proposition is a study that involved multifactorial approaches based in a combination of aspects of social network theory and social ecology theory. Analysis was enacted through social network analysis of archival data sets derived from a single cohort of 4065 undergraduate students at a regional Australian university. The findings suggest that models of academic success are suited to examination of the broader issues of student agency and undergraduate university education. The success networks developed are uniquely student-centred and place-based and may serve as more nuanced models for university intervention and support structures and mechanisms.  相似文献   

Geographic information systems(GIS)are a widely used tool in urban planning and management.More and more cities and deecision-makers require its attributes of promptness,precision and visualization.But the application of GIS in urban environmental management is still a new field and relevant researches are getting on tardily.As a subsystem of GIS,an urban environmental management geographic information system(UEMGIS0should be a complex multi-discipline and multi-objective tool to perform quantitative multi-dimension analysis and to transfer the results into an expression legible to an ordinary user.It should be a dynamic system of prompt functions based on upgradable databases,and be composed of many subsystems respectively specialized in items about water,air,waste and noise as well as relative standards and regulations.However, existing UEMGISs mostly rely on the basic GIS too much to design the actual requirements of applications and managements in themselves,and the unavailability of sufficient fundamental data has retarded their improvement.In the design of a UEMGIS,the standardization of data classification should be taken into consideration to make the data exchangeable and shareable among its subsystems and within every subsystemj,and the applicable error limits for input data should be defined in accordance with the user s required precision of data out.Data acquisition can be easy and quick if remote sensing,global positioning system(GPS)and other technologies are combined with GIS,Rapidly progressing information fechnologies have been giving a bright prospect for the melioration of UEMGIS that will have great potential and wide application in environmental conservation.  相似文献   

从当前职技高师内部管理体制改革的紧迫性和必要性出发,以天津职业技术师范学院为研究主体,从机构设置、人员编制、津贴分配、人员考核及后勤改革等几个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

This study compares student perceptions, learning behaviours and success in online and face-to-face versions of a Principles of Microeconomics course. It follows a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) approach by using a cycle of empirical analysis, reflection and action to improve the learning experience for students. The online course design involves 58 interactive narrated online modules, interactive online quizzes and biweekly online meetings with the instructor via video and voice-over-IP technology. Findings indicate that schedule flexibility motivates students to choose the online course format. Students in both learning environments felt they had high-quality communication with the instructor, while online students indicated limited peer-to-peer communication. Online students report studying more at home than face-to-face students, but not enough to compensate for the time face-to-face students spend in class. Reflecting on the findings, the authors suggest actions to improve the online course experience.  相似文献   

For the last four years of the UK national investigation into the effectiveness of integrated learning systems (ILSs) we have been monitoring the educational contexts within which ILSs are used. Management issues related to ILS use are a significant factor in that educational context. In this paper some of the key management issues related to the effective use of ILSs are outlined. These will include: styles and levels of management of the learning by the ILS; management of the ILS as a learning tool (models of ILS usage); partnership or subservience (‘who’ manages ‘who’ and does it matter?). For some schools, however, the introduction of an ILS has had more profound impacts than this, in that we have recorded changes in teachers' pedagogy. Where such profound changes have been reported then those factors and processes now clearly modelled in school effectiveness and improvement debates have been shown to be operating  相似文献   

Online learning has become a conventional term and practice in Australian higher education, yet cultural inclusivity for Indigenous (Indigenous for the purposes of this paper refers to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples) students is insufficiently reflected in learning management system (LMS) policies and design. This study aims to explore culturally inclusive learning entrenched in Australian university policies on and practices of LMS by applying Indigenous holistic pedagogical values in LMS design. Based on a literature review, we articulate four dimensions: communication, collaboration, community and interculturality for culturally inclusive learning in an online learning environment. By using the dimensions, we critically review policies (n?=?10) and LMS sites (n?=?50). In this review, we argue that there are contrasts of individually heterogeneous and collectively homogeneous approaches, self-focused and community-driven pedagogy, and task-oriented and relational learning. Significantly, the review results indicate that Indigenous holistic pedagogies have a metaphysical strength to be the ontological foundation for cultural inclusivity.  相似文献   

高校教工住宅房屋资源管理信息系统开发与应用   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
该文以清华大学教工住宅管理、各类公寓信息系统开发为例,详细介绍了房屋管理信息系统的结构和系统功能.通过系统的应用,较好地解决了教工住宅和各类公寓规范管理中出现的问题,为教工住宅和各类公寓更有效地服务于学校教学科研、提高管理水平提供了必要条件.  相似文献   

This paper uses a calibrated “pedagogical production function” model to estimate the potential long-term losses to children’s learning from the temporary shock of Covid-19 related school closures. It then models possible gains from two mitigation strategies. Without mitigation, children could lose more than a full year’s worth of learning from a three-month school closure because they will be behind the curriculum when they re-enter school and will fall further behind as time goes on. Remediation when children return to school reduces the long-term learning loss by half, but still leaves children more than half a year behind where they would have been with no shock. Remediation combined with long-term reorientation of curriculum to align with children’s learning levels fully mitigates the long-term learning loss due to the shock and surpasses the learning in the counterfactual of no shock by more than a full year’s worth of learning. Systems need to begin planning now for remediation programmes, and as they do so they should build programmes and train teachers in ways that can continue to produce benefits beyond the period immediately following reopening.  相似文献   

文章从项目教学法的内涵与特征入手,指出我国旅游专业高等职业技术教育中应大力推行项目教学法,以学生为核心,以能力为导向进行教学方法改革。提出了在高职旅游专业教学中应用项目教学法的实施环节与具体策略,通过改变教学要求、改革课程模式、改进考核方式,以及立体式教材的编制和师资队伍的优化,在传授学生理论知识和操作技能的同时,有效地培养其综合职业能力,使学生在主动构建知识体系的同时提高综合职业素质。  相似文献   


In this paper, the determinants of the intention to use online learning management system (LMS) among students in one of universities in the Kyrgyz Republic were studied, using quantitative and qualitative analysis. A total of 541 responses from students, enrolled in online courses during the fall and spring semesters 2016–2017, were used to examine students attitude toward online education. In addition, interviews with six instructors were conducted. Results showed that success of students in e-courses depend on year of education and the academic major of students. Factors, defined in the scope of this work, namely, technical characteristics of LMS, ease of use, feedback options of LMS and advantages of LMS use, were also found to be significant for students in their success in online courses. In interviews with instructors, three main points were highlighted, namely, problem with students’ perception of online courses, lack of online education experience among instructors and administrative issues.  相似文献   

This study explored the use of several learning management systems (LMS), their benefits, and their limitations in relation to the desired characteristics of an ideal Personalized Integrated Educational System (PIES) for the information age. A qualitative research design was used. The participants of the study were teachers, administrators, and technology coordinators in a small suburban school district. The data were collected through interviews and were subjected to content analysis. The findings of the study indicated that each of the LMSs investigated in this study still has some significant limitations, for none of them provides all the information-age functions of PIES, and what an ideal PIES should possess as information-age functions can be categorized under students’ learning, assessment and system-related preferences.  相似文献   

The importance of social media as platforms of social interaction, communication and marketing is growing. Increasing numbers of businesses in various industries have already integrated or plan to integrate social media applications into their marketing programs. Higher education institutions show increased interest in the potential of social media as a marketing tool. Particularly important is the potential of these tools to reach and attract future students. An important issue for research is to understand how potential students use social media and what their role is in the decision making process of choosing a program of study, a University, or College. This paper identifies market segments among future students based on the use of the social media and examines the impact of the social media on the choice of a higher education program and institution.

The study is based on data collected by means of a national survey among future university students in the Netherlands. Future students are pupils from the last two years of secondary education. Market segmentation was carried out based on the use of social media, by means of a cluster analysis and a factor analysis; the latter proved to be the best choice since it produced more differentiated market segments.

The findings indicate the existence of three distinct segments in the population of future students in the Netherlands on the basis of social media use. Another major finding of the study is that future students are mostly interested in social interaction and information seeking when using social media, while the content contributed by this group is limited to photo and video sharing. Compared to traditional communication channels social media still play a secondary role in the students' choice.

While penetration of social media is extremely high among future students, the impact of these in the choice of study and institution is relatively low compared to more traditional forms of university marketing. This paper provides university marketers with a useful insight into the developments in the market and discusses various options and opportunities for engaging social media as effective marketing tools.  相似文献   

As the advance of learning technologies and analytics tools continues, learning management systems (LMSs) have been required to fulfil the growing expectations for smart learning. However, the reality regarding the level of technology integration in higher education differs considerably from such expectations or the speed of advances in educational technologies. This research aimed to evaluate the current activation levels and usage patterns of a LMS. A large data-set was analysed, which included the online activity information from 7940 courses. Through data pre-processing, general indicators reflecting login frequencies of the virtual campus and activity-based indicators presenting the activation patterns of diverse functions provided by Moodle were derived. Activity theory was applied to interpret the results of analysis, since it has been recognised as a powerful framework to understand phenomena encompassing interactive systems. Further, time-series investigation over three consecutive semesters allowed observation of historical changes. The results revealed considerably low use of the virtual campus with only slight changes, as well as significantly different activity patterns across course attributes and colleges. Contradictions among components in the activity system are discussed, along with the implications for improving teaching and learning with LMS in higher education.  相似文献   


First-generation students are often described as disadvantaged in university adjustment, self-efficacy and grades. Yet this deficit model of understanding first-generation students ignores their cultural capital, which could increase resilience and resourcefulness. Here, 844 students (31% first-generation) in South Africa and Canada completed measures of resilience, resourcefulness, university adjustment, academic self-efficacy and self-reported grades. Overall, the results reveal that the characterisation of first-generation students is culturally specific and, in some ways, differs between Canada and South Africa. That is, the deficit model may better describe Canadian than South African first-generation students. Yet, in many ways first-generation students are like their peers and their academic outcomes are predicted by their culturally specific levels of resourcefulness and resilience. This study support the notion that the positives students bring to university should be considered and that students would benefit from being taught the requisite skills involved in increasing resourcefulness and resilience.  相似文献   

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